1. Describe the condition of sculpture in Nepal during Lichchhavi period.


Answer 1


The condition of sculpture in Nepal during Lichchhavi period was very good. They were rich in art and architecture. They were also called the golden period of Nepal. They maintained a good relationship between Tibet, China and India.


hope it helps plz mark me as a brainliest

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The federal system is power shared by a government and states or provinces that are given considerable self-rule, usually through their own legislatures.
Examples: The United States, Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany.
Hope this helps and please give me a brainliest:)))

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Answer: Recovery


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d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible


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Each of the following illustrates the principle that the passage illustrates EXCEPT:

(A) People who have been drinking alcohol are not good judges of whether they are too drunk to drive.
(B) Elementary school students who dislike arithmetic are not good judges of whether multiplication tables should be included in the school's curriculum.
(C) Industrial workers who have just been exposed to noxious fumes are not good judges of whether they should keep working.
(D) People who have just donated blood and have become faint are not good judges of whether they are ready to walk out of the facility.
(E) People who are being treated for schizophrenia are not good judges of whether they should continue their medical treatments



Im pretty sure the answer is E


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Alokasyon insights Po



Answer: ALOKASYON – ay isang mekanismo ng pamamahagi ng mga pinagkukunang-yaman upang lutasin ang suliranin ng lipunan ukol sa kakapusan.

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Which statement is TRUE about the world's population?Question 38 options: Population growth has reached peak levels. People are moving out of cities and into rural areas. People are moving out of rural areas and into cities. Equal amounts of people live in rural areas and cities.



People are moving out of rural areas and into cities


As for world population trends, the world population is still rising and many people are still migrating in search of food, income, and education, etc. Hence the people are moving out of rural areas to cities and this is leading to crowding and pollution. A large number of traffic jams and a large number of people are being affected by the shortage of resources.

role of nepalese sculptures in the development of tourism explain​


the role of sculptures in the development of tourism is that tourists get mainly attracted towards our Nepali sculptures. The sculptures have made our country recognize our country all over the world, thus people know more about our country and visit here. This is the role of sculptures in the development of tourism.

whats 9 plus 4


Answer: The answer is 13


how did society origin?​




                         According to this theory, the society originated in the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger. ... Thus through physical coercion or compulsion men were brought together and made to live in society. The Patriarchal and Matriarchal theories make society the expansion of family system

In order to stop a war between Spain and Portugal, the Pope created this imaginary boundary to split the world between the two countries.
A. Northwest Passage

B. Colombian Exchange

C. Line o f Demarcation

D. Circumnavigate

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Cortes was a famous world general.
Guns were unknown in the Americas.
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The Aztecs were a peace loving people.

Christopher Columbus wanted to reach Asia by?

A. Finding the Northwest Passage.

B. Sailing around the cape of Good Hope.

C. Sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.

D. Sailing around the tip of South America
please help me i just used all my points for this



1) -Not Sure-

2) -Not Sure-

3) Sailing around the cape of Good Hope.


I am not not going to ask for Brainliest, I know this was not that helpful, I will get back to you if I find the answers of these :(

Mention four rules and regulations in the community.​



No one is allowed to invade the community. ...

The residents must exert care in their use of language. ...

Strong emotion is not permitted; people must control their feelings through rationalization. ...

Those who cannot perform or develop as they should are "released." ...

Families are limited


6. The skin on the leg is___________
to the muscle in the leg



The skin on the leg is deep

to the muscle in the leg.

what means of transport


The process of taking and carrying any goods from one place to another another place using different media is called transport.

I hope it helps and plz follow me for more good answer.

mention the power and function of central government and state government of nepal in table



I hope this answer may help you.

what do what do you mean by active participation of people why is it important in the development of country present your views​



what do what do you mean by active participation of people why is it important in the development of country present your views


Active participation is the participation of citizens in the activities of a nation or country

Explanation:It is important because the citizens are the bedrock of society and so without them,their will be corruption and terrorism but with them,their will be development.

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Regular training on emerging issues in technology and work ethics, researching different motivation modules that suites each of them, and


Producing skilled human resources is a continuous process. Depending on each stage there are unique requirements.

One of the most important ways to produce skilled employees is regular training on emerging issues in technology and work ethics. Holding regular training on technology and how they can use it to make their work effective.

Another way is researching different motivation modules that suites each of them. Motivated employees are eager to deliver their best and learn new skills on the job.  

Finally, compensate their skills accordingly and they will be motivated to enhance them for better yields.

What type of forces do not change the motion of an object?

Acceleration forces
Balanced forces
Inertia forces


Inertia: tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity. An object at rest has zero velocity - and (in the absence of an unbalanced force) will remain with a zero velocity. Such an object will not change its state of motion (i.e., velocity) unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.


Please if you could answer the question I just uploaded to my profile for social studies/government. 7 points and giving brainliest.

When Charlie the cat was a kitten, he just happened to be near the kitchen when his owner used an electric can opener to open a can of tuna for him to eat. Curious about this strange sound, Charlie went to the kitchen and found the tuna in his dish. Now, no matter how deep his coma-like sleep is when someone uses the electric can opener for any reason, Charlie scrambles to his feet and sprints to the kitchen. This story about Charlie is an example of...a)social learning.b)information processing.c)operant conditioning.d)simple conditioning.



Option c: Operant conditioning


Operant Conditioning

This is commonly known as a type of learning. In this type of learning, as behavior becomes stronger or is strengthened, it is accompanied by a reinforcer or diminished followed by a punishment or simply state it as a type of learning where behavior is powered if followed by a reinforcer or reduced/diminished if followed by a punisher.

Operant chamber

This is simply known as a box with an attached record device to monitor the times or rate at which the animal presses the box bar to obtain the reinforcer.


in operant conditioning, a reinforcement is known as any event that powers the behavior it follows.

John is motivated by the need to excel. He enjoys the feeling of accomplishment he gets from mastering a task. Therefore, he doesn't understand his sister's apathy towards school. The only way she is motivated to do anything is by the teacher's offering the students endless toys and trinkets for good work. Which motivational perspective does his sister subscribe to


Answer: The behavioral perspective


The behavioral perspective could be defined as carrying out actions based on what you gain in return. They do whatever they're doing based what they've been promised or what they'll stand to gain at the end, if there is no motivation they may not do it. John sister subscribes to the behavioral perspective because she's only doing it for what was promised.

Dr. Unger thinks that personality develops after birth as a result of unconscious influences. Dr. Unger follows the _____ tradition. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. psychoanalytic behavioral humanistic evolutionary





The structure of personality

Sigmund Freud gave the theory that an individual behavior is due to the outcome of the interactions among the three components. This components includes:

1. ID

2. Superego, and

3. Ego

Psychoanalytic Theory

This is a renowned theory that was founded by a man named Sigmund Freud. He viewed the behavior of humans on the basis of unconscious motivation and drive rather than on actions and thoughts. He stated that all behaviors serve some covert purpose.. Freud also identified 3 levels of consciousness Which are:

1. Conscious

2. Pre-conscious

3. Unconscious


This simply comprised of different thoughts and ideas we do not know and have no way of accessing it.

Psychoanalyst believes that Behaviors are governed by memories and experiences that are repressed during childhood.

"Infrastructure of development are not developed as per the expectations in nepal". Write any 4 cause of it . ​



Answer: Due to lack of education, technological skills, and skilled engineers, the infrastructure of Nepal is not according to the expectations. ..

which constitution of Nepal declared the country of Federal Nation ​



The 5th amendment of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063. The amendment was the first document to mention Nepal officially as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.


In the aftermath of the 2007 People's Revolt II, the 240 years of monarchy was abolished in the 5th amendment of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063. The amendment was the first document to mention Nepal officially as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

Mr. Sanders is concerned about one of his students. The student, Mateo, has serious and persistent problems in his relationships with his peers. He displays aggression and is often out of control. Mateo also displays signs of depression that can last up to several weeks, and he experiences school-related fears that disrupt his learning. Mateo most likely could be diagnosed with


Answer:I’m pretty sure it would be anxiety


These symptoms he is having are symptoms of anxiety.

what is peace? list the 6 impotance of peace for development.​



As a young person, I have for the past 6 years been involved in organizing symposiums and forums where young people of my country are given the ...

The new Japanese constitution after World War II contained a clause that
promised that Japan would remain allies with the US.
prevented Japan from having or using an army.
required all citizens to vote in Japanese elections.
stopped Japan from making special trade agreements.



B.prevented Japan from having or using an army.


Got it right on a pre-test on edge.

The new Japanese constitution after the world war 2 stopped Japan from having or using an army.

The second World War

Due to the role that the Japanese nation played during the second war the Americans took over the nation and they tried to establish in a democracy in the country.

One of the ways that this was done was through the establishment of a constitution.

Read more on the Japanese:


Discussed prepare a report on various national identities of different regions.​


National identity is a person's identity or sense of belonging to one or more states or to one or more nations. It is the sense of "a nation as a cohesive whole, as represented by distinctive traditions, culture, and language.National identity may refer to the subjective feeling one shares with a group of people about a nation, regardless of one's legal citizenship status.National identity is viewed in psychological terms as "an awareness of difference", a "feeling and recognition of 'we' and 'they'". National identity also includes the general population and diaspora of multi-ethnic states and societies that have a shared sense of common identity identical to that of a nation while being made up of several component ethnic groups. Hyphenated ethnicities are an example of the confluence of multiple ethnic and national identities within a single person or entity.

As a collective phenomenon, national identity can arise as a direct result of the presence of elements from the "common points" in people's daily lives: national symbols, language, the nation's history, national consciousness, and cultural artifacts.

The expression of one's national identity seen in a positive light is patriotism which is characterized by national pride and positive emotion of love for one's country. The extreme expression of national identity is chauvinism, which refers to the firm belief in the country's superiority and extreme loyalty toward one's country.

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