1. I would like ......
more rice. (some / any / few)


Answer 1




Related Questions

Which sentence from Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" suggests that Dr. Heidegger's character represents wisdom and reason?
"My poor Sylvia's rose!" ejaculated Dr. Heidegger, holding it in the light of the sunset clouds; "it appears to be fading again."
"I love it as well thus, as in its dewy freshness," observed he, pressing the withered rose to his withered lips.
"Yes, friends, ye are old again," said Dr. Heidegger, "and lo! the Water of Youth is all lavished on the ground."
"If the fountain gushed at my very doorstep, I would not stoop to bathe my lips in it; no, though its delirium were for years instead of mom


The sentence from Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" that suggests that Dr. Heidegger's character represents wisdom and reason is "Yes, friends, ye are old again," said Dr. Heidegger, "and lo! the Water of Youth is all lavished on the ground." Therefore, option C. is correct.

In the story, "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," Dr. Heidegger is portrayed as a wise and intelligent man, despite his eccentricities. Dr. Heidegger, for example, appears to be the only one who genuinely understands the test's results.

He recognizes the folly of his guests' behavior and comprehends that his failed experiment is a warning to them. Additionally, he appears to have a strong sense of moral duty, as evidenced by his frustration with his deceased fiance's behavior.

For more such questions on Nathaniel Hawthorne, click on:



WRITE a well-organized argumentative summary about Natsume Soseki's "I am a Cat". and make connections to yourself and how it can relate to the reader

(100 POINTs will give BRAINIEST FOR the amount of EFFORT you put into it) to those who have read it before


Natsume Soseki's "I am a Cat" is an argumentative story that exhibits a critical examination of the Japanese society during the Meiji period. This novel is about a feline that tells its story in a satirical, ironic, and amusing manner.

The main themes of this story include a critique of society, human weaknesses, and the inability to communicate effectively. The protagonist, the cat, is a character who is often caught in a perplexing situation with his human companions that depict the human behavior of egoism, vanity, and greed.

This novel has a sense of humor that attracts readers to learn more about the characters and the problems that they face in their society. The novel is relatable to readers because the behaviors that the cat observes in the humans are universal, which means that every society has its problems, and people experience similar struggles.

Personally, this novel is thought-provoking because it challenges readers to examine their own behaviors and how they interact with others. It is a reminder that humans have their weaknesses and that effective communication is essential for maintaining relationships and building a harmonious society.

In conclusion, "I am a Cat" by Natsume Soseki is a well-written novel that uses humor to critique the Japanese society during the Meiji period. It is relatable to readers because it exposes the universal problems of human behavior and the importance of effective communication. As a reader, I was able to reflect on my own behaviors and how they affect my relationships with others, making it a worthwhile read for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of themselves and the society they live in.

Know more about themes here:



What is symbolism in the Iliad and the odyssey by Homer ??



The Achaean Ships.


Pls Mark Brainliest


In The Iliad, there are three symbols that are important to remember: the Greek ships, armor, and the eagle of Zeus. These three symbols provide deeper meaning behind the Greek army, the prowess of mythological heroes, and the favor of a deity.

Write a speech that you will deliver to the parents to convince and motivate them to keep creative arts at your school. Discuss and explain all the benefits and reasons why one should teach art


Good day! As an educator, I'm glad to speak with all the parents and guardians. In this speech, I want to persuade you all that it is vital to keep creative arts at our school. It is true that arts education has been the focus of much debate over the years, and we are often asked to justify the importance of teaching creative arts to students. However, I'm going to explain to you all the benefits and reasons why we need to teach art in schools.

Firstly, creative arts offer a plethora of intellectual benefits. Art education enables students to enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Art education is a critical element of cognitive development since it necessitates the use of both sides of the brain. A well-rounded education should include both art and academic subjects because they complement and support one another.
Secondly, art education provides students with emotional benefits. Art is a great method for students to express themselves, which helps to build self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of accomplishment. It allows students to think and feel in different ways, and it encourages them to use their imagination and express themselves more fully.

Furthermore, Art education has been linked to academic success. Research has shown that students who are exposed to art education have higher test scores in subjects such as math, reading, and writing. It's no surprise that art students do well in college and succeed in the job market.
In conclusion, I hope I have convinced you all of the importance of keeping creative arts at our school. Art education has numerous benefits that go far beyond just learning how to draw or paint. So, please let us continue to teach and promote creative arts in our school, so our students can reap all the rewards. Thank you for your time!

For more question  Art education



4. Explain, if you believe companies that are causing a digital disruption are supporting issues of scarcity, and


Companies that are causing a digital disruption can indeed contribute to addressing issues of scarcity in certain ways. Here's an explanation of why:

1. Increased Efficiency: Digital disruption often involves the implementation of advanced technologies, automation, and data-driven processes. These innovations can significantly enhance operational efficiency and resource utilization. By streamlining operations, companies can optimize their use of scarce resources, reducing waste and maximizing output. This increased efficiency helps address scarcity by making better use of limited resources.

2. Resource Sharing and Collaboration: Digital disruption has facilitated new models of resource sharing and collaboration. Platforms and technologies enable the sharing economy, where underutilized resources can be accessed and utilized more effectively. For example, ridesharing platforms optimize the use of vehicles, reducing the need for individual car ownership. Similarly, co-working spaces allow multiple companies and individuals to share office facilities, reducing the demand for dedicated spaces. By enabling efficient resource sharing, digital disruption helps alleviate scarcity by maximizing resource utilization.

3. Innovative Solutions: Digital disruption often drives the development of innovative solutions to address scarcity challenges. For example, in the agriculture sector, digital technologies enable precision farming techniques that optimize resource usage, such as water and fertilizers, resulting in increased crop yields. In healthcare, telemedicine platforms provide remote access to medical services, improving healthcare access in underserved areas. These innovative solutions leverage digital disruption to tackle scarcity issues effectively.

4. Access to Information and Knowledge: Digital disruption has significantly improved access to information and knowledge. The widespread availability of the internet and digital platforms enables individuals and communities to access educational resources, expertise, and market information. This increased access to information empowers individuals to make informed decisions, explore opportunities, and develop new skills. By democratizing access to knowledge, digital disruption helps address scarcity by enabling people to leverage resources and opportunities effectively.

5. Disintermediation and Cost Reduction: Digital disruption often removes intermediaries, reducing costs and improving affordability. By eliminating traditional middlemen, digital platforms can connect buyers and sellers directly, reducing transaction costs and making products and services more accessible. This cost reduction can help overcome scarcity challenges by making essential goods and services more affordable and available to a wider population.

While digital disruption itself may not directly solve all scarcity issues, it has the potential to contribute significantly to addressing these challenges. Through increased efficiency, resource sharing, innovation, access to information, and cost reduction, companies driving digital disruption can help mitigate the impact of scarcity and create more sustainable and inclusive solutions.


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Companies that are causing digital disruption can both support and exacerbate issues of scarcity. On one hand, they have the potential to address scarcity by introducing innovative technologies and business models that optimize resource allocation and improve efficiency.

Companies causing digital disruption refer to organizations that introduce new technologies, products, or services that significantly alter existing industries or markets.

Innovation and efficiency: Companies driving digital disruption often develop innovative solutions that optimize resource allocation and streamline processes. This can lead to increased efficiency, reducing waste and addressing scarcity challenges.

Access to information and resources: Digital disruption can democratize access to information and resources, enabling individuals and communities to overcome traditional barriers.

This can alleviate scarcity by empowering marginalized groups and improving resource distribution.

Increased consumption: Digital disruption can introduce new demands and consumption patterns that strain limited resources. For example, the rise of e-commerce has contributed to higher energy consumption for packaging, transportation, and data centers.

b. Resource concentration: Companies driving digital disruption can accumulate vast amounts of resources, resulting in resource concentration and exacerbating scarcity for smaller players in the market.

Environmental impact: Some digital disruption initiatives, such as the proliferation of electronic devices and data centers, can have negative environmental consequences.

This includes increased energy consumption, electronic waste, and carbon emissions, contributing to scarcity of resources like clean air and water.

Economic disparities: Digital disruption can exacerbate existing economic inequalities. While it may create new opportunities, those who are unable to adapt or lack access to digital technologies can experience further scarcity in terms of employment and economic participation.

In conclusion, companies causing digital disruption can have a dual impact on issues of scarcity. While they have the potential to address scarcity through innovation and efficiency, they can also contribute to scarcity by creating new demands and exacerbating resource concentration.

It is crucial for companies and policymakers to carefully consider the potential consequences of digital disruption and implement strategies to mitigate negative impacts on scarcity issues.

For more such questions on technologies, click on:



In what ways did the great exhibition both cater to and ignore the needs of factory workers?


The Great Exhibition in 1851, which was held at the Crystal Palace in London, was the first international exhibition of manufactured goods. It featured 100,000 exhibits from all over the world and attracted six million visitors.

It was a major achievement, but it had both positive and negative effects on the working classes. This can be seen in the ways in which it both catered to and ignored the needs of factory workers.

The Great Exhibition catered to the needs of factory workers in various ways. First and foremost, it showcased the technological innovations that were driving the Industrial Revolution, including steam engines, machine tools, and spinning jennies.

These innovations would eventually lead to higher productivity and increased wages for workers. Second, it provided a platform for artisans and craftsmen to showcase their skills, which would eventually lead to increased demand for their products. This helped to raise the status of skilled workers and increase their bargaining power.

Third, the Exhibition included a section on education and training, which highlighted the importance of education for workers.

However, the Great Exhibition also ignored the needs of factory workers in various ways. For one, it was a celebration of capitalism and consumerism, which were driving the exploitation of workers. The exhibition celebrated the power of the factory system and the wealth of the industrialists who owned them, but it did not recognize the hardships faced by workers.

Second, it ignored the issue of worker safety, which was a major concern for workers in the factories. Third, it did not address the issue of worker representation, which meant that workers did not have a say in how their workplaces were run. In conclusion, while the Great Exhibition had some positive effects on the working classes, it also ignored some of their most pressing needs.

For more question on Industrial Revolution



2 Discuss with a partner the reasons Hannah made the choice that she did. D
you think it was the right choice? Outline the alternative for her and what
might mean to her life.


Hannah had a lot to consider when making her choice. She loved her quiet life on the banks of Conestoga Creek, but she also felt a calling to follow God's will.

How to explain the information

She knew that if she married Josef, she would be able to stay in her community and live a simple life. But if she married Adam, she would have to leave her home and family and travel west to a new and unknown place.

I think Hannah made the right choice. She was brave enough to follow her dreams, even though it meant giving up a lot.

The alternative for Hannah would have been to marry Josef and stay in her community. She would have had a comfortable life, but she would have never known what she was missing. She would have always wondered what it would have been like to travel west and experience all that life had to offer.

Learn more about Hannah on



In what ways did the great exhibition both cater to and ignore the needs of factory workers?


Answer-The Great Exhibition catered to the needs of factory workers by showcasing the latest technology and machinery, which would ultimately lead to more efficient production methods and higher wages. However, the exhibition ignored the needs of factory workers by failing to address the harsh working conditions and long hours that they faced on a daily basis. Additionally, the exhibition was primarily focused on the upper classes and their interests, rather than the needs of the working class.

Marge Simpson sleepily answered the phone and
quietly asked: "Why must you interrupt my beauty



first of all the heck???


second of all heres the continues version:

Marge Simpson : How could you do this to someone you love?

Homer Simpson : How could I not? I saw you pouring your heart and soul into this business and getting nowhere, I saw you desperately trying to cram one more salty treat into America's already-bloated snack hole, so I did what I could. I did what any loving husband would do: I reached out to some violent mobsters.

Marge Simpson : Look at them! They've jumped on the one franchise I might have considered thinking about possibly becoming interested in.

Fat Tony : Sorry we're late. Can we have the money now?

Marge Simpson : The answer is no.

Fat Tony : I'm afraid I must insist. You see, my wife, she has been most vocal on the subject of the pretzel monies. "Where is the money?" "When are you going to get the money?" "Why aren't you getting the money now?" And so on.

[moving forward menacingly]

Fat Tony : So please, the money.

Homer Simpson : You heard her. She said no.

Fat Tony : Legs, Louie, advance on them.

Marge Simpson : [Marge's pretzel business is going nowhere]

[Marge despondently looks at a poster of a cat barely hanging to a tree branch]

Marge Simpson : Hang in there, baby. You said it, kitty.

[reads the small print]

Marge Simpson : "Copyright 1968." Hmmm. Determined or not, that cat must be long dead. That's kind of a downer.

Marge Simpson : Are you sure the children will get enough nutrition from these pretzels?

Principal Skinner : [speaking in a stilted, monotone voice]  Yes, I am sure.

[pays Marge, revealing a bandage on his hand]

Principal Skinner : Sure as sure can be.

Marge Simpson : Oh my God, what happened to your fingers?

Fat Tony : [mumbling from behind the door]  Boating accident.

Principal Skinner : I believe it was a 'boaking' accident.

[a laser sight is pointed at his head, followed by the sound of a hammer cocking into place]

Principal Skinner : I have to go now.

Marge Simpson : Your franchise, how much?

Frank Ormand : $500.

Marge Simpson : I'll take it!

Frank Ormand : Congratulations, and welcome to the dynamic world of mobile pretzel retailing.

Marge Simpson : When can I start? What's my territory?

Frank Ormand : Eh, territory... well... well, let me tell you: wherever a young mother is ignorant of what to feed her baby, you'll be there. Wherever nacho penetration is less than total, you'll be there. Wherever a Bavarian is not quite full, you will be there.

Marge Simpson : Don't forget fat people. They can't stop eating.

Homer Simpson : [spotting the cart]  Hey, pretzels!

Describe how you would handle the following situation write it like you are in a interview but be polite in them give me a paragraph

How do you remain effective when you are forced with difficult tasks or with things you do not like to do



Here is a paragraph on how I would handle difficult tasks or things I do not like to do in an interview setting:

I believe that it is important to remain positive and focused when faced with difficult tasks or things I do not like to do. I try to break down the task into smaller, more manageable steps. I also set realistic goals for myself and celebrate my successes along the way. If I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a break and come back to the task when I am feeling refreshed. I also find it helpful to talk to someone about what I am going through. This can help me to feel less alone and to get some new perspectives on the situation. I believe that by staying positive and focused, I can overcome any challenge.

Here are some additional tips for handling difficult tasks or things you do not like to do:

Break the task down into smaller steps. This will make it seem less daunting and more achievable.Set realistic goals for yourself. Don't try to do too much too soon.Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This will help you to stay motivated.Take breaks when you need them. Don't try to push yourself too hard.Talk to someone about what you are going through. This can help you to feel less alone and to get some new perspectives on the situation.

Who are fighting in the three musketeers?


The Three Musketeers is a novel by French author Alexandre Dumas. The fighting in the three musketeers: Athos, Prothro's, and Aramis

It was first published in 1844. The book takes place in the 17th century and follows the adventures of a young man named D'Artagnan who travels to Paris to join the Musketeers of the Guard. The Musketeers are a group of elite soldiers who serve the King of France.

They are known for their bravery and loyalty to one another. The main characters in the book are D'Artagnan and the three musketeers: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The book is set during a time of political unrest in France. The King is being manipulated by his advisor, Cardinal Richelieu, who is trying to gain more power for himself.

The musketeers are loyal to the King and try to foil Richelieu's plans. There are also several romantic subplots in the book. D'Artagnan falls in love with a woman named Constance Bonacieux, who is the Queen's seamstress. The Queen herself is involved in a scandalous affair with the Duke of Buckingham, which puts her in danger.

The three musketeers help D'Artagnan protect the Queen and foil Richelieu's plans. The book is known for its swashbuckling action and romantic subplots. It has been adapted into numerous films, TV shows, and stage productions.

Know more about Three Musketeers here :



Part A
Gather textual evidence that will help you answer this question: What qualities does someone need to pursue greatness or success? In the table below, include the claim about which quality or qualities are needed, textual evidence from at least three authoritative sources, and the information for each source. The first row contains an example.


The qualities that someone needs to pursue greatness or success are: Doggedness and perseverance. A piece of text evidence would be the quote "He can't do this forever. But four hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea, towing the skiff, and the old man was still braced solidly with the line across his back." from The Old Man and the Sea.

What qualities are needed for success?

There are many qualities that people need if they must be successful in life and foremost among these are the qualities of perseverance and doggedness.

The quality of perseverance means that the individual can endure no matter the challenges they face in their quest for success. In the story above, the perseverance of the fish led to success.

Learn more about success here:



Analyze how the authors of both selections use the setting of the story to reveal the personalities of the main characters. consider the information learned about each character as an individual and how each character relates to other characters in the story (Tea Party & What a Pair!)


Answer: Both authors use the setting of their stories to reveal the personalities of their main characters. In "Tea Party" by Betty Keller, the setting of a tea party allows the reader to understand the personalities of the two main characters, the hostess and her guest. The hostess is portrayed as being kind and generous as she serves her guest a variety of tea, cookies, and other treats. Furthermore, the hostess is organized and hospitable, as she has neatly prepared the tea service and has made sure her guest is comfortable. On the other hand, the guest is portrayed as being inquisitive, polite, and appreciative. The guest is inquisitive, as she asks her hostess questions about the tea and other items. The guest is also polite and appreciative, as she expresses her gratitude for being invited to the tea party. In "What a Pair!" by Maureen Foss, the setting of a park bench reveals the personalities of the two main characters, the young woman and her grandmother. The young woman is portrayed as being caring and nurturing, as she stands up to help her grandmother onto the bench. The woman is also independent and strong, as she stands up to a group of loud and rude men. On the other hand, the grandmother is portrayed as being wise and compassionate, as she offers her grandson advice and scolds the men for their bad behavior. The grandmother is also kind and humorous, as she tells her grandson a funny story about a duck.

Explanation: Overall, both authors use the setting of their stories to reveal the personalities of the main characters. Through their settings, the authors create vivid and relatable characters, allowing the reader to better engage with the story.

4. Will you buy me a playstation for Christmas?

What is the proper noun PlayStation or Christmas?


The correct answer would be Playstation

One day after school, two students begin tracking the number of steps they took each minute while walking home. they each write a function, s(m), that they think can be used to track the amount of steps after m minutes. use the drop-down menus to explain why each function does or does not represent the amount of steps after m minutes.


The function S (m) = 105m represents
the amount of steps after m minutes.
What is a function?
A mathematical phrase, rule, or law that
establishes the link between an
independent variable and a
dependent variable (the dependent
variable) is known as a function.
We are given two functions.
Tim's function: S (m) = 105
This function cannot be used to find
the amount of steps taken after m
Each minute, they take an additional
105 steps. Equal differences represent
a linear relationship.

Kristin's function: S (m) = 105m
This function can be used to find the
amount of steps taken after m minutes.
For every minute that passes, 105 more
steps are take.
Hence, the function S (m) = 105m
represents the amount of steps after m


help help help help help



what grade are you in because that's I ready

a strength of _____ is that it reflects participants' everyday behavior.

A. structured observation
B. the clinical interview
C. the structured interview
D. naturalistic observation


The correct answer is D. naturalistic observation.

Naturalistic observation is a research method where researchers observe and record participants' behavior in their natural environment without any interference or manipulation. One of the strengths of naturalistic observation is that it reflects participants' everyday behavior because they are observed in real-life settings. This method allows researchers to capture authentic behaviors and interactions as they naturally occur, providing valuable insights into how individuals behave in their typical environment.

write a story to illustrate the saying : we apologized to each other and reconciled Please help me ASAP!!!!!
I will give 20 points ​


Once upon a time, there was a friendship that was considered unbreakable. Tim and Nick were best friends since childhood. They had done everything together, including playing games, sharing their secrets, and helping each other. However, as they grew older, they became more distant from each other. They found it hard to communicate and started fighting over petty things.

One day, Nick made plans to go to a concert without telling Tim. Tim was upset when he found out about it, and he confronted Nick about it. Nick was defensive and refused to apologize. This led to a big fight between the two, and they stopped talking to each other for months.As time passed, both Tim and Nick missed their friendship and regretted their actions. One day, they ran into each other at the grocery store, and they started to talk.

They both apologized for their behavior, and they reconciled. They realized how much they meant to each other and how foolish it was to let their friendship suffer because of a silly argument.From that day forward, Tim and Nick made a promise to communicate better and to not let their disagreements ruin their friendship. They also made a plan to do things together regularly.

They would go on walks, watch movies, and have dinners together.Tim and Nick's story is a good example of the importance of forgiveness and communication in relationships. It also shows how an apology and reconciliation can strengthen the bond between people who have had a disagreement.

For more questions on reconciliation



Critically discuss the effectiveness learning styles of the millennial generation. ​


the effectiveness of learning styles of the millennial generation is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. While educators should be aware of the different ways in which millennials learn, they should also recognize the limitations of the learning styles concept and focus on providing a variety of teaching methods that cater to individual needs.

The effectiveness of learning styles of the millennial generation is a complex and debatable topic. It is true that millennials learn in different ways than previous generations, and educators should adapt to these differences. However, the concept of learning styles itself has been criticized for being overly simplistic and lacking empirical evidence.

Learning styles refer to the idea that individuals have distinct ways of learning, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. While this concept has been popular among educators for decades, recent research suggests that learning styles may not be supported by scientific evidence. Some critics argue that it is misleading to label people as having a particular learning style and that learners often use multiple styles depending on the task at hand.

Furthermore, the millennial generation is a diverse group with a wide range of learning preferences and experiences. While some millennials may benefit from visual aids or hands-on activities, others may prefer lectures or group discussions. Educators should focus on providing a variety of teaching methods that cater to different learning preferences and encourage learners to develop their own strategies for learning.

For more such questions on millennial generation, click on:



Other Questions
The diagnostic term Thrush is usually a fungus infection of the a. mouth or gumsb. ear or eustachian ear tubec. throat or vaginad. skin or lungs Holland, B., Curran, E., & Chen, V. L. (2020, Aug 25). After $20 trillion in pandemic relief spending, theres still no sign of inflation. What happened? Fortune.(3 pts) According to the article, what are some of the reasons that inflation caused by COVID-spending is concerning?(5 pts) The Phillips curve means that, in the short-run, efforts to fight unemployment will cause inflation. What case does the article make about not having to worry about this Phillips curve effect? Why is it important for us to understand what a black hole is? Discuss and explain, in your own words, why it is important to understand what a black hole is and the simple definition of what black hole is. URGENT: please help me write 500-1000 words: What have you been taught in this microeconomic class and howcan you apply those perspectives and experiences to your major discipline of study? Introduction: Identify your major discipline, degree that you are pursuing (A.A.S in business manahement), and why you are taking this ECO 201 course.Body: Identify 2 or 3 specific activities in this class that have created or could help to foster a new approach to your discipline of study from an Economic/Business perspective.Conclusion:Address how and why your academic studies here at College can positively impact NativeAmerican societies within and outside of theNavajo Nation*Please help me Alpha Computer Company applies for an LC from Small Business Bank to import 25,000 component parts from its suppliers in Taiwan for the next 12 months. The component parts for each computer costs USD100. LC required lead time is 30 days and goods take 15 days to arrive. Alpha Computer requires 18 days to assemble the parts into a computer which can then be sold to its customers. What type and amount of total LC line requirements would Small Business Bank provide Alpha Computer Company and what will be the associated validity period (in terms of days)? Which answer is correctThe ITCZ is the convergence of: A. Polar Easterlies B. Westerlies C. Tropical Easterlies D. Tropical Westerlies Reset Selection Assess the strategy of integration vs outsourcing for Pepsi in securing raw material for its chip plants in China. Two pumps are being considered for purchase. Assume that interes is 8%. Which pump should you select.Pump A Pump BInitial cost $8,000 $5,000End-of-useful life salvage: 2000 1000valueUseful life, in years 12 6O Pump A because it has a lower EUACO Pump A because it has a higher EUACO An answer cannot be computed because the useful life of the pumps is not the sameO Pump B because it has a higher EUACO Pump B because it has a lower EUAC a line passes through the point (-3, -5) and has the slope of 4. write and equation in slope-intercept form for this line. The simultaneous communication process between a mainframe and several users is known asA)serving.B)processing.C)networking.D)timesharing. On January 2, 2021, Salamone Furniture purchased display shelving for $9,000 cash, expecting the shelving to remain in service for five years. Salamone depreciated the shelving on a double-declining-balance basis, with $1,800 estimated residual value. On August 31, 2022, the company sold the shelving for $2,200 cash. Read the requirement. Start by recording depreciation expense on the shelving for 2022.Required:Record both the depreciation expense on the shelving for 2022 and its sale in August. Your team is composed of the Owner of a motor-racing circuit called the Bugatti Circuit in Le Mans in France, the Director, the Finance Director and the Marketing Director.Roland Gumpert wishes to rent your racing circuit for one day to showcase his new creation, 2021 Roland Gumpert Nathalie. You, The Bugatti Circuit, have been approached by the car manufacturer and have discussed with them on the phone and by emails over the last few months. The person you spoke with was not clear enough in explaining their project, and you hope that this meeting will clarify their needs. They are traveling to France to negotiate with you in few weeks. Your usual daily rate is 100,000 EUR for the exclusivity. They have mentioned that they would like the exclusive use on October 9, next year, which is not a good date for you as Porsche has already rented the racing circuit for 4 days. Your aim is to try to convince them to instead accept a date in September. Also, the rule is to rent the racing circuit for a minimum of three days. However, the car manufacturers mentioned a limited budget and you will have to decide if you may grant an exception. Fields Enterprises has 70,000 ordinary shares outstanding. It declares a 1.5 per share cash dividend on November 1 to shareholders of record on December 1. The dividend is paid on December 31. 1. What are the accounts that will be used on the declaration date? 2. What are the accounts that will be used on the record date? 3. What are the accounts that will be used on the payment date? 4. Prepare the entries on the appropriate dates to record the declaration and payment of the cash dividend. 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In shopping at several banks for an installment loan, he learns that interest on most automobile loans is quoted at add-on rates. That is, during the life of the loan, interest is paid on the full amount borrowed even though a portion of the principal has been paid back. Richard borrows $12,300 for a period of four years at an add-on interest rate of 10 percent. a. What is the total interest on Richard's loan? Note: Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. b. What is the total cost of the car? Note: Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. c. What is the monthly poyment? Note: Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest whole number. d. What is the annual percentage rate (APR)? Note: Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places. the restaurant often credited as the first in the united states was __________. Consider the following. +1 f(x) = {x+ if x = -1 if x = -1 x-1 y 74 2 X -2 -1 2 Use the graph to find the limit below (if it exists). (If an answer does not exist, enter DNE.) lim, f(x) which partition management utility can be used to define and change various different guid Write Python statements that declare the following variables: num1, num2, num3, and average. Store 125 into num1, 28 into num2, and -25 into num3.