___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on? ___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention. ___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's? ___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion? ___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form?A. Headline B. Facts and evidence C. Summing up D. Orientation E. Present Tense F. Past Tense


Answer 1


___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on

Facts and evidence

___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention.


___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's?

Summing up

___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion?


___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form

Present Tense

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from It's Our World, Too!: Young People Who Are Making a Difference.

"We shouldn't stand for it. We should quit the team. We have twenty-one players on the team, and ten of us are Hispanic. Most of the best players are Hispanic. Without us, there wouldn't even be a team. If we quit, we could wake up this whole community."

In this excerpt, the author _______ to persuade readers to believe in something.

A. Include Facts

B. Express Opinions

C. Address Hopes

D. Describes details​





what did father threaten to do?

English class 9 the little girl

please tell the correct answer please​



the ques is incorrect plz try again and try to solve by yourself

What would be the best topic sentence for the following paragraph?" It was hard saying goodbye to my friends
and teachers. I know we said we would keep in touch, but with me going to college overseas I know that is going to be
difficult. Don't get me wrong I am crazy excited to go to college and proud of myself for graduating. It was just a lot to deal
with all at once."
A. I can't wait to graduate.
B. I really like my high school teachers.
C. I am going to miss my friends.
D. The last day of high school was full of emotions.



D.the last day of high school was full of emotions

D is a very good answer for this.

03.04 HC) In a response of 2–3 sentences, explain how you determined the credibility of the source you identified in the previous question.


Hi. You have not informed the source your question refers to. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

There are some details you can analyze to find out if a research source is trustworthy or not. Among these details, the list of citations is one of the most efficient. This is because a reliable research source must present a citation list, which shows the places where that source was researched, which proves that all the information contained in it is true and proven by other works. In addition, you should note that the author of the research source is an expert on the subject that the research source addresses. This shows that the author has knowledge and is well versed in the subject he is presenting. Lastly, it is important to make sure that this research source is hosted on reputable sites. These trusted websites, which belong to respected and relevant institutions.

Answer: where the source


which sentence is best structured to combine ideas of equal importance when they include at least one unequal element?

A. my daughter is allergic to peanuts.

B. some argue that all peanut products should be removed from schools, but others feel that peanuts are a nutritious food that should be available to students and that those who are allergic can find ways to avoid contact with the nuts.

C. My daughter is allergic to peanuts, but she can eat other types of nuts.

D. Although nuts are healthy for most people, they can cause allergic reactions in others.





Which line from the excerpt is an example of Lewis
Carroll's use of opposites?



At last he said, "You're travelling the wrong way," and be quite and went away.


Don't be offensive, but this is my answer.

hope it helps....

it's ok if you won't press or say 'Thank you" :)

sentences are true or false. i. Living together means knowing each others​



the answer is false. i think so .



Living together means knowing each other

s is not included

write a sonnet using the traditional shakespeare sonnet form. plz put it in da comments so i won’t get plagiarized



your answer is in the attachment...

hope this answer helps you!!

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred:
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke,
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!
Poet Name - Alfred Lord. Tennyson

Answer with reference to the context

2.Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death

a.What do you think the speaker is trying to convey in the first line?

b.what is the tone used by the speaker?

c.what is the valley of death​



Throughout the course of The Charge of The Light Brigade (a poem the based the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War), Lord Alfred Tennyson uses many poetic techniques such as imagery, intertextuality, rhyming, and meter to highlight loyalty leads to sacrifice.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this

Read the excerpt from "The Lottery." Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Which line from the excerpt provides clues about the setting?


Answer: Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes.


In this book about sacrificing people in a town to ensure a good harvest, the setting is hinted at by the above sentence.

The men spoke of planting, rain and taxes which would be associated with a rural community that relies a lot on agriculture. We can therefore conclude that this is most likely a town in the countryside where most people are focused on farming.


the correct answer is c


4. In Act One, juror three has an outburst about his own child and their relationship. After his outburst, the stage
directions in the play indicate that he is embarrassed. Why might juror three be embarrassed about what he has
just said?



The Bully

Do you know someone who shouts, bullies, and belittles others to try to get control? Juror 3 is the type of guy that always gets his way. He has no problem bullying the other jurors when they think differently from him. With a teenage boy's life in their hands, the jury has an important job of determining whether or not the defendant is guilty of murdering his father. Let's learn more about Juror 3 in 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose.

As soon as the jurors move to the deliberation room, Juror 3 begins throwing his influence on the weakest member of the jury, Juror 2. Juror 3 is annoyed that it has taken as long as it has, as to him, the boy is obviously guilty. He is anxious to get the vote out of the way and is shocked when he discovers that there is one juror who sees things differently than he does. He has no sympathy that the defendant is only 19 years old and is annoyed when other jurors want to review the evidence.

Look at the image and read the caption.

A man is speaking to a woman wearing a crinoline.

Caption: This is an image of a woman wearing a crinoline in the 1850s created by cartoonist George Cruikshank.

How does this image help the reader to better understand Chapter 3 of Wheels of Change?

by showing what women were expected to wear while cycling
by showing how some women advocated against cycling
by showing how large and unwieldy women’s clothing could be
by showing what a woman’s dress with bloomers looked like




Where is the image?


C or by showing how large and unwieldy women’s clothing could be


just did the exam edge 2022

I tried to finish the meal, but the burned meat was as tough as leather, and I began to wonder whether I was eating someone’s old sneakers. Which type of figurative language does the sentence contain? idiom metaphor personification simile





A figures of speech is also referred to as figurative language and it can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by writers, authors or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or literary work (write-ups).

In English literature, the main purpose of the figures of speech (figurative language) is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of a literary work. Some examples of the figures of speech (figurative language) used in literature are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, etc.

Metaphor is an implied comparison without the use of the word as or like. It involves creating a direct similarity between two words or things.

Idioms are phrases that may be impossible to interpret or difficult to understand based on a loose translation of the words contained therein. Therefore, idioms are everyday language that shouldn't be interpreted literally but in a figurative sense.

Personification involves intentionally attributing life, human characteristics (qualities) or feelings and emotions to inanimate objects i.e non-living things.

Simile has to do with comparison of two things using as or like.

Hence, the type of figurative language used in the above sentence is simile because the burned meat was compared with leather (old sneakers) using as.


D) simile


How does education open door to employment? Give example.



Was founded with the belief that all students deserve the opportunity to pursue their limitless potential.


They have the right to understand the value of an education and how to access and attain all options available to them after high school.

If you do good in school pass your GCSEs you will have a better chance of being employed. As this shows that you are better than the rest and can learn know do more than others.


Read the excerpt below from act 3.3 of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and answer the question that follows.

Third Plebeian:
Your name, sir, truly.

Truly, my name is Cinna.

First Plebeian:
Tear him to pieces! He’s a conspirator!

I am Cinna the Poet, I am Cinna the Poet!

Fourth Plebeian:
Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses!

I am not Cinna the conspirator! . . .

Third Plebeian:
Tear him; tear him!

[The plebeians beat Cinna the Poet]

Which word describes the character traits of the plebeian mob best?




best option is cruel

because say that; tear him! tear him !

and it's not friendly




In sentence 11, the compound adjective modifying the word
committee is incorrectly hyphenated. Which revision corrects the
Select one:
a. cultural/affairs committee
O b. cultural affairs-committee
O c. cultural-affairs-committee
O d. cultural-affairs committee



the answer is c


The answer is C cultural-affairs-committee

do anyone have
total english icse class 9 solutions​


? What is your question

What Text Structure Is used in this passage?
problem solution
cause and effect



I can't see the passage but problem and solution is like they're solving something, and cause and effect is like something happened and what is the consequence.


Study the editorial cartoon Join, or Die by Benjamin Franklin. A drawing of a snake cut into 8 pieces. Each piece is labeled with the abbreviations for an American colony. Below it is the caption "Join, or die." How does Benjamin Franklin use an analogy to express his viewpoint in this cartoon? He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because it uses a biblical allusion that most of his readers will be familiar with. He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because they are treacherous and will never be able to help each other. He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because he believes the colonies will be ineffective unless they work together. He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because snakes can be poisonous and should be prevented from spreading



C). He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because he believes the colonies will be ineffective unless they work together.


Editorial cartoons are created themselves with the purpose of displaying the opinions or commentary regarding a popular issue or news so that the readers can also think it that ways.

In the given editorial cartoon, Benjamin Franklin employs an analogy to 'establish a comparison between the colonies and the divided pieces of a snake' in order to convey the message that they can be useful and effective only if they are united and work collectively. He implies that the pieces of snake are not worth until they are joined together as they will die if they stay separated. Similarly, the colonies must work together to survive or else they too might not be able to survive. Thus, option C is the correct answer.


C. He compares the colonies to pieces of a snake because he believes the colonies will be ineffective unless they work together.


edge2021 :)

If you will become a principal or a manager of a certain establishment what leadership style do like to implement? Why?




I would like to eradicate illiteracy

My science teacher explained how the weather cycle works using an illustration.

Which is the best revision of this sentence?

A) My science teacher explained how the weather cycle, using an illustration, works.
B) Using an illustration, my science teacher explained how the weather cycle works.
C) Using an illustration, how the weather cycle works, explained my science teacher.
D) My science teacher explained using an illustration how the weather cycle works.





because B and C is wrong. And D is not really suitable I think

Answer is B because A, C, and D are incorrect. B makes the most sense and has correct grammar.

write a job application letter for the vacant post of the clerk in R.K enterprises,Bhopal (M.P.)​



16 - Fort Road,


To :

R.K enterprises,

Bhopal (M.P.)​

Xth May 20XX

Respected Sir,

Subject : Application for The Post of the Clerk

With reference to the advertisement in Monday's Hindustan Times, I beg to apply for the vacant post of clerk in your office.

I am 22 years old, a graduate of the Delhi University. I took my degree in 2004 in English, Mathematics, History, and Economics. I also secured a high percentile in the B.A. I have one year course in typewriting, shorthand, book-keeping, and commercial correspondence.

 I have been working as a correspondence clerk in the office of a co-operative society - Lucknow,   have increased my knowledge of official correspondence and typewriting.  

Kindly consider my application favourably, I may assure you that I shall try my best to discharge duties to your entire satisfaction.

Yours Faithfully,


In the Newsela article "Opinion: It’s Important for Kids to See Diverse TV, Movie Characters," what is the author's viewpoint about why stereotyping persists?

A: The author understands that without diversity in programming, children will develop low self-esteem.

B: The author thinks that children don't need exposure to a diverse selection of media images.

C: The author believes that economic pressures force the makers of children's programs to adhere to stereotypes.

D: The author is angered by how young children have no appropriate programming to watch.


The answer is D: The author is angered by how young children have no appropriate programming to watch.




His tone was conveying frustation

The Shakespearean sonnet is also known as the as
O Itelian sonnet
O English sonnet
O Petrarchan sonnet
• American sonnet



American Sonnet

in my opinion

13. Why do you think this was the case for poets who are now two of the most widely read in all of
American literature?



yesss because they are you ok with

Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
Group of answer choices

Well, that’s exactly what I thought.

Wait I need to ask you another question.

No I don’t want to clean up your mess.



The first one


The first word in each of the sentences should have a comma after it. Like this...

Well, that’s exactly what I thought.

Wait, I need to ask you another question.

No, I don’t want to clean up your mess.

Therefore, the first one is right.

The sentence that is correctly punctuated is , "Well, that’s exactly what I thought".

What are punctuation marks?

Punctuation marks are defined as the symbols that are used to creat a meaning to the sentences that is being created by a writer.

From the sentences given, the punctuation marks such as comma and full stop is used to create meaning to the first sentence (Well, that’s exactly what I thought.)

Learn more about punctuation marks here:



Which evaluation of her essay is most accurate?


There’s no photo

Very confused about this question

Which word provides a synonym clue?



The word 'Hatred' provides a synonym clue.

Which sentence is an example of two independent clauses being linked by a semicolon and a coordinating conjunction?
Select one:
O a sentence 2
O b. sentence 11
O c sentence 21
O d. sentence 27


Answer: A) sentence 2


An example of two independent clauses being linked by a semicolon and a coordinating conjunction is  a sentence 2.

What do you understand by clause?

A clause is a constituent that includes a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. A common proviso comprises of a subject and a syntactic predicate, the last ordinarily an action word state made out of an action word with any items and different modifiers.

A basic sentence contains a solitary free provision and should exclude any reliant or subordinate provisos.

On the other hand, a perplexing sentence incorporates something like one reliant or subordinate proviso that you should match with a free statement.

For more information about clause, refer the following link:



can u guys give me some words or some discussion about the environmental problems like deforestation, global warming ,etc ?


Answer and Explanation:

The environmental problems caused by human exploitation of the environment have caused many problems that will harm life on earth as a whole, including human beings that will be strongly affected. Deforestation, pollution, the frequent use of fossil fuels, the release of polluting gases, among other situations, have caused an environmental change, in addition to weakening the earth's protective ozone layer, leaving the planet unprotected from the sun's rays. This, in addition to causing dermatological problems, has stimulated the existence of global warming and extreme climate changes that have strongly harmed the environment. This increases the extinction of animals and plants and impairs food production, making life on earth increasingly difficult.

Other Questions
Find a power series representation for the function. (Assume a>0. Give your power series representation centered at x=0 .) f(x)=x2a7x7 Based on the equations below, which metal is the least active? Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Ni (s) --> Ni(NO3)2 (aq)+ Pb(s) Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Ag(s) --> No reaction Cu( how were liberals different from a converservatives The solution set of the inequality 1 + 2y Which point on the number line represents a drop in temperature of 3 degrees from 0 degrees? El 4to y 5to gobierno de Balaguer MSI has been approached by a fourth-grade teacher from Portland about the possibility of creating a specially designed game that would be customized for her classroom and environment. The teacher would like an educational game to correspond to her classroom coverage of the history of the Pacific Northwest, and the state of Oregon in particular. MSI has not sold its products directly to teachers or school systems in the past, but its Marketing Department identified that possibility during a recent meeting.The teacher has offered to buy 1,000 copies of the CD at a price of $5 each. MSI could easily modify one of its existing educational programs about U.S. history to accommodate the request. The modifications would cost approximately $500. A summary of the information related to production of MSIs current history program follows: Direct materials$1.50 Direct labor 0.60 Variable manufacturing overhead 2.25 Fixed manufacturing overhead 2.00 Total cost per unit$6.35 Sales price per unit$12.00 Required:1. Compute the incremental profit (or loss) from accepting the special order.2. Should MSI accept the special order?Yes No3. Suppose that the special order had been to purchase 1,000 copies of the program for $4.50 each. Compute the incremental profit (or loss) from accepting the special order under this scenario.4. Suppose that MSI is operating at full capacity. To accept the special order, it would have to reduce production of the history program. Compute the special order price at which MSI would be indifferent between accepting or rejecting the special order. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Lightbulbs. A company produces lightbulbs. We know that the lifetimes (in hours) of lightbulbs follow a bell-shaped (symmetric and unimodal) distribution with a mean of 7,161 hours and a standard deviation of 564 hours. Use the Empirical Rule (68-95-99.7 rule) to answer the following question: The shortest lived 2.5% of the lightbulbs burn out before how many hours What is the slope of the line shown below? please help me !!!!!!! Graph 9x + 15y = 15. Samuel is at his desk working on a report when he becomes aware of an argument down the hall. He forgets the report and tries to determine who is in the argument. When he first perceived the argument, he was Which of the following represents the general form of an inequality?Ax + By 2 CAx + By >Ax + By < 0All of the choices Identify 5 aspects of essay writing from the following paragraph. ( 5 marks) The face to face conversation is superior to text messaging. To begin with, speech is accompanied by facial expressions, gestures, and conventions of body posture and distance. These are critical in expressing personal opinions, attitudes and in moderating social relationships. In addition, face to face communication comprises a rapport, warmth and agreement which are regularly communicated by subtle reaction signals injected at salient points by the listener. Moreover,the speaker adds sympathy and friendliness to the on-going conversation using reaction signals and comment clauses such as you know or you see. Reaction signals and comment clauses are not a natural part of typing and are therefore missing from the language of text messaging. Explain what a circuit breaker is and how it helps protect your house? Which of the following statements is incorrect? Employment insurance compensation encourages longer job searches, which may lead to a better match between jobs and employees. Employment insurance compensation increases the opportunity cost of being unemployed. The typical employment insurance compensation is roughly one third of one's latest salary for up to 26 weeks. Demand and supply curves for labor are constantly shifting. Whch region on the map is known as the birthplace of human beings? Identify the domain of the function shown in the graph. 9.17 LAB: Acronyms An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of words in a set phrase. Write a program whose input is a phrase and whose output is an acronym of the input. If a word begins with a lower case letter, don't include that letter in the acronym. Assume there will be at least one upper case letter in the input. pls help me with this