1. select the correct answer from the given options.
A) which of the following is a system software?
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft DOS
- Microsoft Excel ​


Answer 1


Microsoft Dos


MIcrosoft dos is an operating system/system software developed ky microsoft.

Related Questions

Write a class of complex numbers consisting of:
• Real part of type double;
• Virtual part of type double.
- Method:
• default constructor, 2-parameter constructor;
• Full setter, getter for each variable;
• the print() function prints SoPhuc as a string in the format a + bi, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part
-Write main() function:
• Create 2 SoPhuc objects
• Use class methods to enter information for 2 objects
• Use print() method to print information of 2 objects that have been created



hi sorry for not knowing the answer

but please follow have a great day,night, or afternoon

You are going to purchase (2) items from an online store.
If you spend $100 or more, you will get a 10% discount on your total purchase.
If you spend between $50 and $100, you will get a 5% discount on your total purchase.
If you spend less than $50, you will get no discount.
Cost of First Item (in $)
Cost of Second Item (in $)
Result To Print Out:
"Your total purchase is $X." or "Your total purchase is $X, which includes your X% discount."




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

class MainClass {

public static void Main (string[] args) {

int Val1,Val2,total;

string input;

double overall;

Console.Write("Cost of First Item (in $)");

      input = Console.ReadLine();

Val1 = Convert.ToInt32(input);

Console.Write("Cost of Second Item (in $)");

      input = Console.ReadLine();

Val2 = Convert.ToInt32(input);


if (total >= 100)



Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+overall);


else if (total >= 50 & total < 100)



Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+overall);




Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+total);





If you lose yellow from your printer, what would happen to the picture?



The picture would be green.

For the following scenario, indicate whether the action is a good practice or bad practice to safeguard your personally identifiable information.
Marina's personal computer requires a password to get access.



This is most definitely a good practice to safeguard personal information. This way, people wouldn't be able to access her computer easily, since it requires a code that only she would know. of course, there is the possibility that someone can just guess or hack into her computer, but that's why computers usually have you create a unique code that consists of uppercases, lowercases, numbers, special characters, etc which would be difficult to guess. it's a good protection for anyone who wants to safely keep their personal information from everyone else.

10 features of the ribbon in microsoft word​





convert decimal number into binary numbers (265)10




Alr lets start with steps by dividing by 2 again and againn..

265 / 2 = 132 ( rem = 1 )

132 / 2 = 66 ( rem = 0 )

66/2 = 33 ( rem = 0 )

33/2 = 16 ( rem = 1 )

16/2 = 8 ( rem = 0 )

8/2 = 4 ( rem = 0 )

4/2 = 2 ( rem = 0 )

2/2 = 1 ( rem = 0 )

1/2 = 0 ( rem = 1 )

now write all the remainders from bottom to up


is ur ans :)))

Write steps to Delete data from ‘Datagridview’



private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0)





The trackpad/touchpad on my laptop is acting unusual. When I click on something or move to an area, it jumps or moves to another area. What would be a good troubleshooting step to try and resolve this issue?

a. Use a mouse instead

b. Remove all possible contact points, and test again while ensuring only a single contact point

c. Refer caller to user guides

d. increase the brightness of the display



My best answer would be, "b. Remove all possible contact points, and test again while ensuring only a single contact point"

This is because usually when the cursor jumps around without reason, it's caused by the user accidentally hitting the mouse touchpad on his or her laptop while typing. ... Similarly, know that just because you have an external mouse attached to your laptop, the built-in mousepad is not automatically disabled.


Select the pseudo-code that corresponds to the following assembly code. Assume that the variables a, b, c, and d are initialized elsewhere in the program. You may want to review the usage of EAX, AH, and AL (IA32 registers). Also recall that the inequality a > b is equivalent to b < a. i.e. If A is greater than B, that's equivalent to saying that B is less than A.
; General purpose variables
c BYTE ?
d BYTE ?
upperLevel DWORD 18
lowerLevel DWORD 3
; Strings
yes BYTE "Yes",0
no BYTE "No",0
maybe BYTE "Maybe",0
main PROC
mov eax, 1
cmp AH, c
jg option1
jmp option3
mov edx, OFFSET yes
call WriteString
jmp endOfProgram
mov edx, OFFSET no
call WriteString
jmp endOfProgram
mov edx, OFFSET maybe
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main
a) if (c > 0)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
b) if (c < 0)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
c) if (c < 1)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
d) if (c > 1)
print (yes);
print (maybe);





The pseudo-code that corresponds to the given assembly code is:

b) if (c < 0)

print (yes);


print (maybe);

What is the pseudo-code

In assembly code, the command cmp AH, c checks if the high byte of the EAX register (AH) has the same value as the variable c. Then, if the value in AH is more than the value in c, the instruction jg option1 will move to option1.

Therefore, In the pseudo-code, one can check if c is smaller than 0. If it happens, we say "yes". If not, we say "maybe"

Read more about   pseudo-code here:



Write a program that uses the function strcmp() to compare two strings input by the user. The program should state whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string7. Write a program that uses the function strcmp() to compare two strings input by the user. The program should state whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string


user_str1 = str ( input ("Please enter a phrase: "))

user_str2 = str ( input("Please enter a second phrase: "))

def strcmp (word):

user_in1 = int (len(user_str1))

user_in2 = int (len(user_str2))

if user_in1 > user_in2:

return "Your first phrase is longer"

elif user_in1 < user_in2:

return "Your second phrase is longer"


return "Your phrases are of equal length"

I need it in code please (python)


python coded) pythooonn


def main():

 n = int(input("Enter a number to find its sum! "))

 sum = int((n*(n+1)) / 2)




Here is some code I quickly came up with, you can rehash it for your liking.

I basically took this formula and translated it into python code on line 3. Make sure you use paratheses correctly when translating forumlas or any equation, Order of Operations is everything.

Lmk if this helped!

Many Java programs that you create will receive and process user input. In order to ensure that user input is accurate, you will need to use input validation and exception handling.

a. True
b. False


Answer: True

Explanation: True

Help Pls
I need about 5 advantages of E-learning​




E-learning saves time and money. With online learning, your learners can access content anywhere and anytime. ...

E-learning leads to better retention. ...

E-learning is consistent. ...

E-learning is scalable. ...

E-learning offers personalization.


E- learning saves time and money

E-learning makes work easier and faster

E- learning is convenient

E- learning is consistent

E- learning is scalable


when you learn using the internet, you save a lot of time by just typing and not searching through books

1. Write an application that throws and catches an ArithmeticException when you attempt to take the square root of a negative value. Prompt the user for an input value and try the Math.sqrt() method on it. The application either displays the square root or catches the thrown Exception and displays an appropriate message. Save the file as SqrtException.java.
2. Create a ProductException class whose constructor receives a String that
consists of a product number and price. Save the file as ProductException.java.
Create a Product class with two fields, productNum and price. The Product
constructor requires values for both fields. Upon construction, throw a
ProductException if the product number does not consist of three digits, if the
price is less than $0.01, or if the price is over $1,000. Save the class as Product.java.
Write an application that establishes at least four Product objects with valid and invalid values. Display an appropriate message when a Product object is created
successfully and when one is not. Save the file as ThrowProductException.java.



Hence the answer is given as follows,

Ellen is working on a form in Access and clicks on the Design tab in the Form Design Tools section. Ellen then clicks on the Controls button and clicks the Label icon. What is Ellen most likely doing to the form?
A.adding a title
B.adding an existing field
C.changing the anchoring setting
D.changing the font of a label



D. changing the font of a label

which computer are used by mobile employees as Meter readers.​



handheld computers

Some handheld computers have miniature or specialized keyboards. Many handheld computers are industry-specific and serve the needs of mobile employees, such as meter readers and parcel delivery people, whose jobs require them to move from place to place.

How many cost units are spent in the entire process of performing 40 consecutive append operations on an empty array which starts out at capacity 5, assuming that the array will grow by a constant 2 spaces each time a new item is added to an already full dynamic array




260 cost units, Big O(n) complexity for a push

Create a parent class called Shape with width and height parameters of type double and a function that returns the area of the shape, which simply returns 0. Then define two subclasses, Rectangle, and Triangle, that override the area function to return the actual area (width*height for Rectangle and 1/2*width*height for Triangle).

The code must be in java



umm im not sure tbh


Which is the first computer brought in nepal for the census of 2028 B.S​



The first computer brought in Nepal was IBM 1401 which was brought by the Nepal government in lease (1 lakh 25 thousands per month) for the population census of 1972 AD (2028 BS). It took 1 year 7 months and 15 days to complete census of 1crore 12.5 lakhs population.

discribe two ways you can zoom in and out from an image


How to zoom in: u get any two of ur fingers and instead of going inward like ur tryna pop a zit, you go out

How to zoom out: pretend like ur popping pimples on ur phone/device screen

Transitive spread refers to the effect of the original things transmitted to the associate things through the material, energy or information.

a. True
b. False


A is the correct answer

Using simplified language and numbers, using large font type with more spacing between questions, and having students record answers directly on their tests are all examples of _____. Group of answer choices universal design analytic scoring cheating deterrents guidelines to assemble tests



universal design


Using simplified language and numbers, using large font type with more spacing between questions, and having students record answers directly on their tests are all examples of universal design.

Universal Design can be regarded as design that allows the a system, set up , program or lab and others to be

accessible by many users, this design allows broad range of abilities, reading levels as well as learning styles and ages and others to have access to particular set up or program.

it gives encouragment to the development of ICTS which can be

usable as well as accessible to the widest range of people.

A desktop computer is a type of mobile device.

a. true
b. false


Answer B

A desktop computer is a type of mobile device: B. False.

What is a desktop computer?

A desktop computer simply refers to an electronic device that is designed and developed to receive data in its raw form as an input and processes these data into an output that's usable by an end user.

Generally, desktop computers are fitted with a power supply unit (PSU) and designed to be used with an external display screen (monitor) unlike mobile device.

In conclusion, a desktop computer is not a type of mobile device.

Learn more about desktop computer here: brainly.com/question/959479


Which of the following definitions best describes the principle of separation of duties?



A security stance that allows all communications except those prohibited by specific deny exceptions

A plan to restore the mission-critical functions of the organization once they have been interrupted by an adverse event

A security guideline, procedure, or recommendation manua

lAn administrative rule whereby no single individual possesses sufficient rights to perform certain actions

Which of the following will cause you to use more data than usual on your smartphone plan each month?

a. make a large number of outbound calls

b. sending large email files while connected to wifi

c. streaming movies from Netflix while not connected to Wi-Fi

d. make a large number of inbound calls


Outbound calls. You would most likely make more calls TO people rather than receive.

what is computer? write about computer.​



Is an electronic device used for storing and processing data.

explain the elements of structured cabling systems​



From this article, we can know that a structured cabling system consists of six important components. They are horizontal cabling, backbone cabling, work area, telecommunications closet, equipment room and entrance facility.

dismiss information I have here and hope you like it and hope you will get this answer helpful and give me the thankyou reactions

Write a Python program stored in a file q1.py to play Rock-Paper-Scissors. In this game, two players count aloud to three, swinging their hand in a fist each time. When both players say three, the players throw one of three gestures: Rock beats scissors Scissors beats paper Paper beats rock Your task is to have a user play Rock-Paper-Scissors against a computer opponent that randomly picks a throw. You will ask the user how many points are required to win the game. The Rock-Paper-Scissors game is composed of rounds, where the winner of a round scores a single point. The user and computer play the game until the desired number of points to win the game is reached. Note: Within a round, if there is a tie (i.e., the user picks the same throw as the computer), prompt the user to throw again and generate a new throw for the computer. The computer and user continue throwing until there is a winner for the round.



The program is as follows:

import random


points = int(input("Points to win the game: "))

player_point = 0; computer_point = 0

while player_point != points and computer_point != points:

   computer = random.choice(['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'])

   player = input('Choose: ')

   if player == computer:

       print('A tie - Both players chose '+player)

   elif (player.lower() == "Rock".lower() and computer.lower() == "Scissors".lower()) or (player.lower() == "Paper".lower() and computer.lower() == "Rock".lower()) or (player == "Scissors" and computer.lower() == "Paper".lower()):

       print('Player won! '+player +' beats '+computer)



       print('Computer won! '+computer+' beats '+player)





This imports the random module

import random

This prints the three possible selections


This gets input for the number of points to win

points = int(input("Points to win the game: "))

This initializes the player and the computer point to 0

player_point = 0; computer_point = 0

The following loop is repeated until the player or the computer gets to the winning point

while player_point != points and computer_point != points:

The computer makes selection

   computer = random.choice(['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'])

The player enters his selection

   player = input('Choose: ')

If both selections are the same, then there is a tie

   if player == computer:

       print('A tie - Both players chose '+player)

If otherwise, further comparison is made

   elif (player.lower() == "Rock".lower() and computer.lower() == "Scissors".lower()) or (player.lower() == "Paper".lower() and computer.lower() == "Rock".lower()) or (player == "Scissors" and computer.lower() == "Paper".lower()):

If the player wins, then the player's point is incremented by 1

       print('Player won! '+player +' beats '+computer)


If the computer wins, then the computer's point is incremented by 1


       print('Computer won! '+computer+' beats '+player)


At the end of the game, the player's and the computer's points are printed



various gabs in the digital divide​



factors such as low literacy and income level Geographical restriction lack of motivation motivation of the technology lack of motivation to use technology and digital illiteracy and contribute to the digital device

1. Create a pseudocode program that asks students to enter a word. Call a function to compute the different ways in which the letters that make up the word can be arranged.
2. Convert the pseudocode in question one to JavaScript and test your program.




Prompt user to enter string

Pass it to combination function which can calculate the entire combination and can return it in an array

In combination method -

Check if the string is length 2 size ie of 0 or 1 length then return string itself

Else iterate through string user entered

Get the present character within the variable and check if the variable is already used then skip

Create a string from 0 to i the index + (concatenate) i+1 to length and recursive call combination function and pass this string and store end in subpermutation array

For each recursive call push character + sub permutation in total arrangement array.

2)Code -

function combinations(userStr) {

   /* when string length is less than 2 then simply return string */

   if (userStr.length < 2) return userStr;

   /* this array will store number of arrangement that word can be stored */

   var totalArrangements = [];

   /* iterate through string user enter  */

   for (var i = 0; i < userStr.length; i++) {

       /* get the current  character  */

       var character = userStr[i];

       /*check if character is already used than skip  */

       if (userStr.indexOf(character) != i)


       /* create a string and concanete it form  0  to i index and i+1 to length of array   */

      var str = userStr.slice(0, i) + userStr.slice(i + 1, userStr.length);

       /* push it to totalArrangments  */

       for (var subPermutation of combinations(str))

           totalArrangements.push(character + subPermutation)


   /* return the total arrangements */

   return totalArrangements;


/* ask user to prompt string  */

var userStr = prompt("Enter a string: ");

/* count to count the total number of combinations */

let count = 0;

/* call function the return tolal number of arrangement in array */

totalArrangements = combinations(userStr);

/* print the combination in console  */

for (permutation of totalArrangements) {



/* total combination will be  totalArrangements.length */

count = totalArrangements.length;

/*print it to console  */

console.log("Total combination " + count)


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