1. What benefits are you getting from your society? Make a list.​


Answer 1


video games and my hobbies


the made where you can go to college by playing video games and for hobbies too

Related Questions

Six-year-old Jeffery knew that his grandmother was sick and was told by his parents that she died peacefully in hospice with grandpa at her side. Jeffery is likely to: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. mourn longer. be anxious about death and dying. not be anxious about death and dying. become depressed.



Not be anxious about death and dying


Why did hunter gatherers migrate​



They move because of food.


Hunter-gathers around the world often migrate when food resources become scarce.

hunter-gatherers move and migrate around the world when food because so little or scarce

Some students went to a special school to become scribes. The job of a scribe was________.

A) to teach children how to read

B) to teach children how to write with hieroglyphics

C) to translate documents

D) to write documents using hieroglyphics


C) to translate documents is the answer

What are the advantages of raising a child in a gender neutral or gender open way?



Perhaps in many different ways.


I’m no expert and I don’t exactly know the context to this, however, in my opinion, raising a child with these standards can help them explore their orientation better without being pushed to thinking they are only meant for one particular place in gender. I’m not sure if this has to do with an LGBT+ thing, being non-binary myself, I believe possibly this could give slightly more advantages than disadvantages.

Hope this helped lol

European Countries- Better land use than Asian Countries and African
Countries. Why? Why the Lands of these countries have less productivity?



the lands of these countrys in africa and asia are the way there set up europe has a more friendlier eco system aa it has forests plains rivers some lakes perfect for animal life and plant life alike its less harsh asia is more mountainous then europe and africa has the issu of climate and less water then most europe or asian countries

How did the people on the home front help with the war effort?



several different ways


rationing helped spin out food supplies

dig for victory encouraged people to grow vegetables

metal was collected to make munitions

land army

home guard

ARP wardens

how to write an article steps involve​



Step 1: Select your main topic and define your objectives.  

Step 2: Target your audience.  

Step 3: Gather your information and resources.  

Step 4: Create your topic outline and rough draft.

Step 5: Edit your draft.  

Step 6: Proofread your content.

place the following events in chronological order



I can't see the picture for you question

what's your opinion about academic dishonesty?

how to avoid academic dishonesty?

please hwelpppp:(( it's for my research​



Kindly check explanation


Academic dishonesty could be explained as actions which violates the the general usage of academic materials or failure to comply with set academic rules, guidelines and regulations. Some scenarios of involves the use of unauthorized textbooks or materials in other to aid success during a test or exam where it has been stated that doing such is not allowed. Similarly, we can talk about plagiarism which occurs when the work, Solution or write of a certain individual is wholly or partially taken directly or incorporated into one's solution without authorization.

This issues can be checked by increasing student sensitization and the provision of more learning resources which woukd motivate and assist struggling students to get motivated interested in learning. Also, enforcerment of plagiarism related punishment for offenders.

As folhas de Iberisetum wegeneri encontradas em Gondomar formaram se na sequência de um processo de





Olá. Antes de responder a essa pergunta, eu preciso te explicar que você só pode postar perguntas em inglês nesse site. Se você quiser postar essas pergunta em português, você precisa posta-las no campo "World Languagens" independente da materia a qual essa pergunta pertence, porque esse não é o site brasileiro e sim o site americano.

Em relação a sua pergunta, folhas de Iberisetum wegeneri formanran-se na sequencia de um processo de fossilização, que as transformaram em um fóssil que foi preservado por muitos anos. Essas folhas também passaram por um processo de Autapomorfia, antes da fossilização. Autapomorfia  ocorre quando uma caracteristica fica isolada em uam unica especie.

Write an essay how you will help our mother earth to restore in your own way as a senior high schol student



I will help mother Earth by cleaning up any trash I see. I am doing this in order to make the planet a better place for myself, and those around me. I would like to start shopping sustainable brands this year, such as Levi's. Seeing the ads on TV has made me wonder how much clothing I have truly wasted. I realized that it was a lot.


2- Define qué es el gobierno y ejemplifica la forma que toma en la realidad en la Argentina durante la situación actual de aislamiento obligatorio. 2


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Define qué es el gobierno y ejemplifica la forma que toma en la realidad en la Argentina durante la situación actual de aislamiento obligatorio.

Podemos entender como "gobierno" a la institución pública a la que se le da la austeridad de dirigir a un país y tomar las decisiones que más le convengan a una población.

En países democráticos, el gobierno surge de una convención Constitucional en donde se define el tupo de gobierno que es necesario para ese país. Ahí mismo se definen las instituciones públicas y división del gobierno en un sistema de justicia y un congreso, o grupo legislativo.

El ejemplo que toma esta figura de gobierno en la realidad, en la Argentina durante la situación actual de aislamiento obligatorio, es la siguiente.

El gobierno argentino es el que establece las regulaciones apropiadas para resguardar la integridad y la salud de los argentinos durante esta época de pandemia. En teoría, el gobierno está capacitado para tomar decisiones porque reúne todos los datos requeridos para tomar una decisión de confinamiento, gracias a gente capaz que trabaja en el sector de la salud pública.

El reto de este gobierno después de tantos meses de confinamiento, es cómo reactivar la economía después de que la mayoría de empresas y actividades estuvieron cerradas por mucho tiempo, inclusive, muchas de estas empresas quebraron.

Mary is gathering data for her dissertation research, and has decided to use the internet to reach a large number of potential participants with a minimum of cost. She creates a list of questions and puts it on a website, and then sends the link out to many people in the hopes that they will go to her site. This inexpensive and rather efficient research design is called a(n)______. a. experiment b. quasi-experiment c. survey d. correlational design e. longitudinal study



C. Survey


This type of research that Mary is engaging in is called a survey. In a survey, questions are usually presented in the form of a questionnaire in order to get data or information from the survey participants. It could be done by phone, mails etc. The person conducting the research receives these data through the responses that the participants give to the questions asked.

What is Lincoln’s purpose for dedicating a portion of the field?



It was a heartfelt and precise message he very much wanted to deliver at a moment of national crisis. The dedication of a cemetery at the site of the Civil War's most pivotal battle was a solemn event. And when Lincoln was invited to speak, he recognized that the moment required him to make a major statement.

It was heartfelt and then he was murdered so rip that man

¿Qué función cumple la política en los conflictos sociales



Translation: What role does politics play in social conflicts?

Answer: I don't know


Make me brainliest anyway

A sixth-grade teacher had decided to use literature circles with her class to work through a new fiction text they're reading. She will provide the groups with guided questions and discussion ideas to complete during and after their reading sections. Which question stem would encourage students to relate their own lives to the reading



How can you relate to the story?


A question stem includes what you are asking, so if you ask the students "how can you relate to the story?", the answers you get are specifically to encourage students to relate their own lives to the reading, as the exercises says. A question stem guides the student to answer what the teacher, in this case, asks for.

The people and skills that I did not get to keep in the shelter are representative of the concept of


concept of what????????????????

is the main cause of water pollution.
illegal dumping in natural habitats.
use of water as a coolant for power plants.
marine dumping and oil spills.



Dumping sewage in the ocean has always been considered the cheapest and the easiest way of disposing of wastes.

The billions of tons of litter end up in the ocean each year reportedly bring 250 million tons of trash into the sea every year.


Choose the accurate statement(s) regarding the types of fibrous joints. Check all that apply.
A. The attachment of a tooth to its socket is classified as a joint called a syndesmosis.
B. In a syndesmosis, the fibers are longer and the attached bones are more movable.
C. In gomphoses joints, two bones are linked by cartilage.
D. In sutures and gomphoses, the fibers are very short and allow for little or no movement.
E. Sutures are immovable or only slightly movable fibrous joints that closely bind the bones of the skull to each other.


I think it’s b but I’m not sure

The accurate statements are the attachment of a tooth to its socket is called a syndesmosis, in gomphosis joints, two bones are linked by cartilage, in sutures and gomphosis, the fibers are very short and sutures are immovable. The correct option is a, c, d, and e.

A fibrous joint is one in which the bones are held together by tough, fibrous tissue. These are often joints that necessitate strength and stability throughout their range of motion. Sutures, gomphosis, and syndesmoses are the three types of fibrous joints.

A gomphosis is a joint that connects the teeth to skeletal tooth sockets in the maxillary bone and mandible. It is also known as dentoalveolar syndesmosis.

Hence the correct statements are a, c, d, and e.

Learn more about joints, here:



how did society originate ?​





The society originated when groups of early humans decided to stay together in one place as they found it troublesome and threatening to roam alone. A society formed with the same language, culture and religion. Society took shape when people decided to live together and work that would form small groups. Living in a group led to the development of society.

How collusion affects consumers and society at large?​


Explanation: Collusion can lead to: High prices for consumers. This leads to a decline in consumer surplus and allocative inefficiency (Price pushed up above marginal cost) New firms can be discouraged from entering the market by types of collusion which act as a barrier to entry.


Collusion can lead to High prices for consumers. This leads to a decline in consumer surplus and allocative inefficiency.


New firms can be discouraged from entering the market by types of collusion which act as a barrier to entry.

Easy profits from collusion can make firms lazy and avoid innovation and efforts to increase productivity.

Industry gets the disadvantages of monopoly (higher price) but none of the advantages (e.g. economies of scale)


How will you define relationship?please give examples thank u



a connection, association, or involvement. connection between persons by blood or marriage or it can be an emotional or other connection between people

Professor Shapiro is your life-span development instructor. One day in class, he discusses his belief that many older people withdraw from others because of their past stratification and that, if they were to engage in activities with others, it would make life more gratifying and promote the positivity effect. Professor Shapiro is supporting _____ theory. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. age-growth identity disengagement activity


Answer: Activity Theory

Explanation: Activity Theory is best to describe what Professor Shapiro is supporting.

Activity Theory highlighted the benefits of individuals participation in activities, relationships, and pursuits.

More so, this theory asserts that elderly individuals must rightly engage in meaningful activities with others, which will however elicit high level of satisfaction and enjoyment.

2- Os primeiros sociólogos não usaram o termo gênero para se referir ao masculino e ao feminino. Por quê?


“In sociology, we make a distinction between sex and gender. Sex are the biological traits that societies use to assign people into the category of either male or female, whether it be through a focus on chromosomes, etc. or some other physical ascription. When people talk about the differences between men and women they are often drawing on sex – on rigid ideas of biology – rather than gender, which is an understanding of how society shapes our understanding of those biological categories.

Gender is more fluid – it may or may not depend upon biological traits. More specifically, it is a concept that describes how societies determine and manage sex categories; the cultural meanings attached to men and women’s roles; and how individuals understand their identities including, but not limited to, being a man, woman, transgender, intersex, gender queer and other gender positions. Gender involves social norms, attitudes and activities that society deems more appropriate for one sex over another. Gender is also determined by what an individual feels and does.

The sociology of gender examines how society influences our understandings and perception  of differences between masculinity (what society deems appropriate behaviour for a “man”) and femininity (what society deems appropriate behaviour for a “woman”). We examine how this, in turn, influences identity and social practices. We pay special focus on the power relationships that follow from the established gender order in a given society, as well as how this changes over time.” — Sociology of Gender

“Sociologists and most other social scientists view sex and gender as conceptually distinct. Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity. Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Gender identity is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine.” —Chapter 12.1 Gender, Sex and Sexuality

hãy phân tích diễn diễn biến tâm trạng của bé hồng khi ở trong lòng me



I don't speak that nonsense

PLS ANSWER THIS QUESTION QUICK PLS PLS PLS no one answered i lost 6 marks :(

1. The banning of Sati system and the introduction of English are considered today as the major contribution of British. However, these two are also considered as two of the causes that led to the revolt of 1857. Give your opinion on this. Do you support Indians in this case?





Yes, I support Indians because this banning of sati system is link with their religion which is intolerable for the Indians so they revolt against British government. In my opinion, this banning of Sati system is a good decision taken by the British government but this decision is greatly impacted the religious belief of Hindus. So we can conclude that Indians were right in their action because no one tolerate disturbance or amendments in their religion.

The U.S. keeps track of where immigrants settle in this country. Where do most Asian immigrants settle?



Close to half (48 percent) of immigrants from Asia have settled in three states: California (30 percent), New York (9 percent), and Texas (8 percent). The top four counties with immigrants from Asia are: Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and Orange in California, and Queens in New York.


I am an asian myself make me brainliest


The Northeast

plzz help me with this;)​



It was bad/open up


Verne was clearly made hostile and isolated by the treatment. I would ask Verne to talk about it with a trusted person.

What is the goal of the Child Online Protection Act of 1998?


The goal was to restrict harmful internet material to minors specifically under the age of 13, especially on websites made for children. It also ensured no websites directed towards children collect personal information about the users <3
It won’t let me post it on here

write any two things you learn from community ​



It allows students to learn more about their personal motivations, practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing, develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems, and to think about problems and social issues in new ways


follow me

mark me as BRAINLIEST

carry on learning

Other Questions
Please help me ASAP!!!!! What is the domain of the function on the graph?LOO all real numbers43O all real numbers greater than or equal to -2O all real numbers greater than or equal to -5O all real numbers greater than or equal to 021-54-3-2-117234 5-2-3-6 WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTWrite the correct yo form of each verbComplete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parenthesesAnswer yes to the following questions. Follow the model. What kind of fossil is a wooly mammoth found frozen in arctic ice?a.Cast fossil b.Mold fossil c.Preserved fossil d.Trace fossil (pls help im suffering) 3.06a Finding Standard Form by Completing the SquareClassify each as Circle, Quadratic (parabola) or other(x - 5)2 + (v - 2) = 16= 10022 - x = 25(x - 2) - (y + 5)= 10y = 2x + 5 Answer the screenshot, please.(no links! PDFs are fine.) Qu nombre reciben las slabas de dos pa-labras diferentes que se juntan para formaruna sola slaba en un verso? Which sentence integrates a quotation effectively? When knowledge is democratized, it means that:O A. people decide what information is important to release to thepublic.B. people have equal access to information and can contribute tothat information as well.C. everyone can vote to decide what knowledge is shared.D. everyone has a right to own and use electronic devices andcomputers. why is the mean of the set of data is always greater than it's median? essay about natural resources in nepali In this excerpt the servant is a comic figure because he unknowingly invites his master Jackie is writing about how Esperanza changes in Esperanza Rising. He reads this passage.Esperanza was amazed. She had never washed anything in her life and Isabel, who was only eight years old, made it look so easy. Puzzled, Isabel looked at Esperanza. "Don't you know how to wash clothes?" "Well, Hortensia took everything out to the laundry quarters. And the servants, they always . . . " She looked at Isabel and shook her head no. Isabel's eyes got bigger and she looked worried. "Esperanza, when I go to school next week, you will be here alone with the babies and will have to do the laundry."How can Jackie best explain a change in Esperanza as the story develops? Respond with the correct answer for Brainliest!A. At first, Esperanza doesnt know how to wash clothes, then she pays Isabel to do the laundry for her.B. In the beginning, Esperanza has to wash dirty diapers; later, she hires a maid named Hortensia.C. Esperanza is first embarrassed that she cant do laundry, but later she decides she likes sweeping best.D. In the past, Esperanza had a maid to do her laundry; later in the story, she asks Isabel to teach her to wash clothes. Which of the following is the graph of y = sin(0.5x)? D. Edge 2021 :) If f (x)6x 6 , find f (-1) Solve for B A= 3( B + C ) Options: - B= ( A - C )/ 4- B= ( 3A - C )/ 4 - B= ( A - 3C )/ 3 g(x) = x2 2 (a) Identify the parent function f. 3.2Evaluate to what extent the following institutions have or are currently supportingcommunities affected by human trafficking . Use an example for each tosupport your answer. government community and religious organizations Pls answer this Im just gonna keep typing because I need to get to 20 pls help ATPN order requires 500ml Of Dextrose 30%.You find that the pharmacy only stocks Dextrose 70%.How much water will you need to add?