1. What do you think will happen if humans pay no heed towards conservation of soil?
2. What contribution you will make to fulfill the vision of UAE leaders to achieve the goal of sustainability?
Please answer, Urgently needed!


Answer 1



Our future is at stake if we don't take care of the land. In 2050, there might be more than 9 billion people on Earth. We will need more food. Our soils will have to produce more to feed everyone

Related Questions

Kristi works in a day-care center. She notices that Pablo, a 4-year-old boy, often indulges in private speech when doing any activity on his own. She has heard him talking to himself when solving puzzles. Kristi believes in Piaget's theory of cognitive development in children. After seeing Pablo's behavior, Kristi is likely to assume that Pablo's usage of private speech is


Answer: A sign of cognitive immaturity


Cognitive immaturity would be defined as a display of an intelligent act by someone done in an inappropriate manner. This could be seen as when someone is working out on a brain tasking idea but does it far from the normal or known pattern. Pablo speaking to himself while solving puzzle is a sign of cognitive immaturity, the intention for the activity is good but the act by which is done is not matured.

The correct statement for this question is sign of cognitive immaturity

The  cognitive immaturity characteristic that is usually found  among children and  youth can be regarded  as adaptive in as well as  of itself.

The adaptive nature of cognitive immaturity can be found  in developmental research especially in  areas such  as egocentricity, language acquisition and metacognition.

Cognitive immaturity can be regarded as inappropriate manner of displaying of intelligent act that is being carried out by someone.Instance of this is when Pablo was speaking directly to himself at the same time he was solving the puzzle, here we can see that his intention as regards the activity is alright but the act is not appropriate.

Therefore, the correct answer here is that Pablo is exhibiting a  sign of cognitive immaturity

Learn more at; https://brainly.com/question/13308352

Rick has been distressed over a long period of time, he has had problems coping with life and relating to people. In addition, he avoids meeting people as he thinks his breathing can be dangerous for others. He also believes that washing his face seven times an hour would keep him healthy. Rick meets all the criteria for abnormality which include _____.





hsjsjbx xv bxhjxjdjdodkdnndjdnndjdindbxbbxjxjdudbjdjdudndbdjhdhdud hi dhdhdjdudbdjhdididbbdj d jdjjdndkdjd


name the dynasty rural over China​



the qin dynasty ,the xin dynastythe yuan dynastythe sui dynasty

per capita income alone cannot indicate the true status of development. present your views on this statement. ​



The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.

According to the information-processing theorists, _____ refers to the hardware, whereas _____ refers to the software of the human memory system. Group of answer choices the positive bias of memory; the serial position effect the serial position effect; learned memory strategies the brain structures involved in memory; learned memory strategies



The correct answer is ''According to the information-processing theorists, the brain structures involved in memory refers to the hardware, whereas learned memory strategies refers to the software of the human memory system.''


The hardware is the structure that gives physical support to the computer while the software is the operational support. The similarities between the brain and the computer are reduced to that both are used for the storage and processing of information and to execute tasks. Memory can be defined as the coding, storage and evocation of the traces of experience that allow the human to accumulate information and knowledge. The necessary brain structures in the coding of information are the prefrontal and para-hippocampal region in storage the hippocampus and diencephalon, and in the evocation the frontal lobe.

Andrea created a picture of an aquarium, which she plans to give to her teacher to hang in the classroom. Andrea was very excited by the idea that her teacher would hang up her picture on the wall, especially since the reason Andrea had made it was to show her teacher she could draw all sorts of fish from memory. In which of Erikson's stages do children realize that they can obtain the recognition of teachers and parents by producing things



the second stage


La unificación española y la expulsión de los árabes hizo de España una nación experimentada. Además los españoles contaban con armas muy avanzadas como por ejemplo el arcabuz, la culebrina, unidades de caballería, etc.



La Reconquista fue un período de aproximadamente 800 años en la Edad Media durante el cual algunos reinos cristianos de la Península Ibérica lograron expulsar a los musulmanes musulmanes de la península, después de haber conquistado la Península Ibérica a partir del 711 en adelante.  

La conquista musulmana del Imperio visigodo en el siglo VIII puso gran parte de la península bajo dominio musulmán, a excepción del extremo norte, las zonas de Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria y el País Vasco. Tras siglos de guerras, en el siglo XIII sólo quedaba el reino musulmán de Granada, que fue conquistado por Castilla y Aragón en 1492, dejando la Península Ibérica enteramente en manos cristianas.

Do you think geographical features of Nepal Is a boon to us . justify your answer with example​



Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia with China in the north and India in the south, east and west. The country occupies 147,516 sq. km of land and lies between coordinates approximately 28°N and 84°E. Nepal falls in the temperate zone north of the Tropic of Cancer. The entire distance from east to west is about 800 km while from north to south is only 150 to 250 km. Nepal has vast water systems which drain south into India. The country can be divided into three main geographical regions: Himalayan region, mid hill region and the Tarai region. The highest point in the country is Mt. Everest (8,848 m) while the lowest point is in the Tarai plains of Kechana Kalan in Jhapa (60 m).

The Tarai region has a width ranging from 26km to 32 km and varies in altitude from 60m to 305 m. It occupies about 17 percent of total land area of the country. Further north, the Siwalik zone (700 – 1,500 m) and the Mahabharat range (1,500m - 2,700m) give way to the Duns (valleys), such as Trijuga, Sindhuli, Chitwan, Dang and Surkhet. The Midlands (600 – 3,500 m), north of the Mahabharat range is where the two beautiful valleys of Kathmandu and Pokhara lie.

What is project? How can we be benefited by a project? ​



A project is defined as a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome

Low-income and minority communities are often subject to racial discrimination at the hands of local government policies and actions. However, in recent years, communities are fighting back and winning battles to protect and improve their neighborhoods. Identify the ways in which communities can be politically active for their own benefit. Beneficial Way Communities Can Be Politically Active engage with public planning process Press Space to open refuse to cooperate with local government Press Space to open organize protests Press Space to open create community associations Press Space to open Not a Beneficial Way for Communities to Be Politically Active



create community associations organize protests engage with public planning process


The options selected above are the most efficient ways for a community to become politically active and achieve benefits for members of that community. The options shown above allow community members to present their wishes and claims, allow community members to participate in progressive projects and the planning of the environment in which they live, and allow members of society to unite for common goals and become help each other, giving strength for further improvements to be achieved for the community.

What What roles can you play to minimize corruption? Write in points. Why is corruption regarded as social crime? Elucidate with examples.​


We define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.

reasons behind the pain What are the be changes seen in the development ur opinion​



to serve as teacher to the people get them self involved in the pain

orbit may happen some time as a result of mistakingly

Functions of save our soul (sos) ?


the functions of sos are:1.to help people in their need.2.To save the life of people.

Definition of environmental issues



These are harmful effects of earth and it's natural systems due to the action of humans.

I hope this helps

the Nepalese society is called the multilingual society



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because of the number of languages that are spoken here. Altogether, including the national language. Nepal has 50 different ethnic groups and most of them have their own indigenous language like Gurung and etc.


what do you mean by human resources ? Differentiate between short term manpower and long term manpower.



The persons or group of people with ability and competence is a significant resource is known as human resource.


Manpower planning for the short term:

It is about combining existing personnel with their present jobs in an efficient manner.

Long-term planning of manpower:

Management has enough time to make needed modifications through essential measures in the context of long-term planning.

What impact will your goals have on your schedule?
They will guide decisions about how you plan to use your time.
They will limit your available time.
They will determine what activities are available to you.
They will determine the courses you must take in high school.


The most reasonable answer is the first option.

Our country is rich in water resources but it still lags behind in development. In your view, what are the reasons behind this? Mention them.​




the reasons behind this are :

1. lack of skilled man power

2. lack of capital

2. lack of modern technology

4. corruption

5. lack of education

How did early civilizations in the Americas differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere?



they develop slower due to the fact that civilizations in the Americas were farther spread apart than civilizations in the eastern hemisphere.

I hope this helps.

What is the reason for being the whole world like a house?​


I'm sorry could you try explaining that a little more clearly?

report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal, Pokhara(please include the following areas : introduction ,objectives of the study , methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations )​


Report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal.''

Introduction: Roads are very important for the transportation of goods as well as for the movement of people. Road construction requires huge amount of capital which can only afford by the government. The health of people is also related to the road construction.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to find out the impact of road construction on public health of the people of Nepal.

Methodologies: For finding the impact, we have two situations i.e. no road and have roads.

Findings: By collecting data we find out that roads has a great impact on the health of people because the patients can reach on time and quickly and his or her life can safe.

Conclusions: The conclusion is that roads are very important and has a direct impact on the health of people.

Recommendations: We have to construct roads which provides benefits in the form of fast transportation.


A professional painter and his apprentice, in business as a partnership, were hired to paint a store. Midway through the job they ran out of paint, so the painter lent his truck to the apprentice to pick up more. On his way to pick up the paint, the apprentice stopped at a post office along the way to mail a personal letter. On pulling out of the post office parking lot, he negligently ran into a parked car, causing extensive damage.
If the car owner brings a negligence action against the painter, will she prevail?
A. No, because the apprentice is an independent contractor.
B. No, because a bailor is not vicariously liable for the torts of his bailee.
C. Yes, because the apprentice's stop at the post office was not a frolic.
D. Yes, because the apprentice was using the painter's truck.



I think the answer is A.


The blame should be placed on the person driving the truck, not the one who owns the truck. Use the process of elimination and you can cross off D. It's not C either because that's simply unreasonable. Not B because no one said anything about bails. It has to be A. Furthermore, it mentioned, "in business as a partnership."

what is meant by national project​



National Projects means any of the projects funded by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) set forth in Exhibit A


i hope it'll help you


Answer: The projects which will enhance the common identity of people along with their quality of life in terms of social, economical, cultural & environmental aspects & are completed within a particular interval of time in particular places can be referred as national pride projects.

why is economics the queen of social science



Economics is a social science because it deals with one aspect of human behavior, viz., how men deal with problems of scarcity. Samuelson says that Economics is “the queen of the social sciences”.


because it is used scientific method to build theories that can help explain the behaviour of individual group and organisations.

who is the president of india ?



Ram Nath Kovind



Ramnath Kovind


Ramnath Kovind is the current President of India.

What's the difference between racial segregation and economic segregation?



racial segregation is people being separated by their race

the meaning of segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

economic segregation is separation of people in different economic classes

hope this helps❤

Hegefeg d so shehey eye eye he was s shady wjdkelf f she st d

It is the last quarter of the championship game. Your best athlete is knocked down, and you think she may have hit her head. She continues playing, but you notice that she is not acting right. You call a time-out to talk to her. She says she is fine, and wants to keep playing. What should happen next?


Answer: happened to me when I played football I would honestly keep playing but if its another player call the coach over with the trainer to see if their actually okay.  

A man was negligently driving down the road, not paying attention to where he was going. Because of this, he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street. The accident was witnessed by the pedestrian's friend who was standing on the sidewalk. As a result of seeing the pedestrian injured, her friend suffered extreme emotional distress that physically affected her nervous system. The friend brings suit against the driver for negligent infliction of emotional distress in a jurisdiction that has adopted the majority approach in bystander cases. Will the friend prevail




Explanation:Because of the driver,she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system,so therefore,the friend has the legal right to suit the driver

Yes, Because of the driver, she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system, therefore, the friend has the legal right to sue the driver.

What are the most important traffic rules?

The maximum important rule of thumb for using is to keep away from accidents or accidents to different avenue users. you could try this with the aid of waiting for other drivers' movements, leaving a safety net, and using within the law.

What are traffic rules?

The Most Important Traffic Rules to Follow:

Don't Drink and Drive.You always have a valid Car Insurance Policy.Wear your seat belt while you are driving.Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.Speed.Skip the Red Light.

Learn more about Traffic Rules here: brainly.com/question/1071840


how can price stability affect the economy positively? (4)​



Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.


Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.

justify the statement that the constitution of Nepal ( 2072 ) was documents of political consensus.​




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