1. which carbon source will lead to greater atp production via cellular respiration: a 6-carbon saturated fatty acid vs. a 6-carbon carbohydrate? why?


Answer 1

A 6-carbon saturated fatty acid produces more ATP than a 6-carbon carbohydrate.

Due to the greater number of electrons that a 6-carbon fatty acid can access, it will produce more ATP.

Because the carbons in a fatty acid's backbone are more reduced (contain more electrons) than those in a 6 carbon carbohydrate, the fatty acid is 6 carbon saturated. More NADH/FADH2 produces more ATP during cellular respiration, which is a result of more electrons.

This higher production of ATP results from the higher yield of acetyl-CoA molecules created from fatty acids (3 acetyl-CoA molecules per 6 carbon atoms) as compared to glucose, rather than ATP produced as a result of the -oxidative process (2 acetyl-CoA molecules per 6 carbon atoms).

To learn more about ATP refer here



Related Questions

your boss at a pharmaceutical company has asked you to design a drug that can recognize the dna sequence of a specific gene and increase transcription. which molecule is most likely to be able to do this?



A molecule that can recognize the DNA sequence of a specific gene and increase transcription is likely to be a transcription activator.


Transcription activators are proteins or small molecules that bind to specific DNA sequences and enhance the activity of transcription factors, proteins that bind to DNA and regulate the expression of genes. By binding to the DNA sequence of a specific gene, a transcription activator can increase the activity of transcription factors and stimulate the transcription of that gene. Transcription activators are commonly used in the development of drugs that target specific genes and are involved in a wide range of biological processes, including development, growth, and disease.

if codons were read two bases at a time instead of three bases at a time, how many different possible amino acids could be specified?


The variety of codons that might be constructed would be reduced if codons were only 2 bases long. More distinct nucleotides would be needed to generate enough distinct sequences to code for the 20 amino acids.

In E. coli, there are only 3 tRNAs available for the four distinct codons of glycine, for example. While it is true that numerous codons can each code for a single amino acid, this flexibility is only made feasible because of the 'wobble' between the third codon base and the first anticodon base.

combinations of these codons or triplets. Three of the 64 codons are stop codons, as we already indicated. These three stop codons just stop translation; they do not encode any amino acids.

To learn more about codons please click on below link





Answer: C


correct answer: more panthers were born than died.

hope that helped!

state what would happen to the ion pumping activity and atp hydrolyzing activity of the na /k pump if the plasma membrane of animal cells was made entirely permeable to na . what would happen to the na distribution?


The distribution of Na will cause the cells to ne hypertonic and thus Failure of the Na⁺-K⁺ pump can cause cells to swell.

The osmotic pressure of a cell is the sum of the concentrations of various ionic species and many proteins and other organic compounds inside the cell. If this is higher than the osmotic pressure outside the cell, water will flow into the cell by osmosis. Thus, inhibition of this pump causes cell depolarization.

This is due not only to changes in the Na+ and K+ concentration gradients, but also to the loss of the potential component of the resting membrane potential. Partial inhibition of the electrogenic Na+/K+ pump results in cell swelling and an increase in the number of functional Na+/K+ ATPase molecules within the membrane. This compensates for the effects caused by pump suppression.

Read more about calcium;



plagioclase feldspar has the chemical formula, caal2si2o8. is plagioclase feldspar a mafic or felsic silicate mineral?


Plagioclase  feldspar is a silicate of aluminum. A type of aluminum-containing silicates known as feldspar is often referred to as "non ferromagnesian silicates" or "light silicates" because they don't include iron or magnesium.

Plagioclase ((Ca,Na)AlSi₃O₈) and orthoclase (KAlSi₃O₈) are two types of feldspars. Keep in mind that the additional metals provide the plagioclase a distinct advantage over the orthoclase; the latter has potassium while the former has calcium or sodium. The feldspars are comparable in terms of their physical characteristics, and their lusters can range from glassy to pearly. They are relatively hard, with a Mohs hardness of around 6, and feature two planes of cleavage that intersect at or close to 90°.

The feldspar series also includes anorthite (CaAlSiO₈) and albite (NaAlSi₃O₈). These feldspar series members are on the extreme end.

The earth's feldspars are the most prevalent minerals.

To know more about feldspar, please refer:



the archenteron of a mesolecithal embryo with holoblastic cleavage eventually develops into which structure?


The archenteron of a mesolecithal embryo with holoblastic cleavage eventually develops into digestive tract.

What do you mean by archenteron?

The archenteron (gastrocoel) is a hollow within an animal embryo there at gastrula stage of development. The anus, or , and the blastopore, which serves as the animal's entrance and entry to the outside world, are both formed by this opening. The stomach cavity is finally formed, in whole or in part, by the archenteron.

Where may one find archenteron?

The growing embryo's primitive gut, known as the archenteron or digestive tunnel, develops during gastrulation. It is the core cavity inside an embryo at the gastrula stage of development.

To know more about archenteron visit:



Use complete sentences to explain how important the shape of an enzyme is.
Use the words: active site and denatured​



The shape of an enzyme is important because it determines the enzyme's function. The active site is the specific area on the enzyme where chemical reactions occur. The active site is specific to the type of substrate that the enzyme is designed to work with, and its shape must match the shape of the substrate in order to facilitate a chemical reaction. If the shape of the enzyme changes, the active site may no longer match the shape of the substrate, and the enzyme will no longer be able to function properly. This process is known as denaturation, and it occurs when the enzyme's shape is altered due to changes in temperature, pH, or other environmental conditions. When an enzyme is denatured, it becomes inactive and is no longer able to catalyze chemical reactions. Therefore, the shape of an enzyme is critical to its function, and any changes to its shape can significantly impact its ability to carry out chemical reactions.


Suppose that there was an enzyme that cuts bonds between deoxyribose and phosphate groups. what would this enzyme do to a dna molecule?


The enzyme that cuts bonds between deoxyribose and phosphate groups would make cuts in the "backbone" of each strand of a DNA molecule.

Bacteria include restriction enzymes (and other prokaryotes). They identify and attach to particular DNA sequences known as restriction sites. Only one or a few restriction sites are recognised by each restriction enzyme. A restriction enzyme will create a double-stranded cut in the DNA molecule once it locates its target sequence. The cut typically occurs in a neat, regular pattern at or near the restriction point. Let's take EcoRI, a typical restriction enzyme used in labs, as an illustration of how a restriction enzyme recognises and cuts at a DNA sequence. EcoRI makes cuts at this location:

Hence, DNA cutting enzyme breaks strand of DNA.

To know more about DNA ligase.



which statemetn is true and provides evidence that a certain component of the ribosome catalyzes protein synthesis


The statement "Ribosomes remain inactive following protease digestion" demonstrates that a specific ribosomal component catalyzes protein synthesis.

What is ribosome?

In a ribosome, an intercellular structure made of both RNA and protein, the process of making proteins occurs in a cell. The messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence is decoded by ribosome, which translates genetic code into a particular string of amino acids that form extended chains and fold to form proteins.

Ribosomes are the biological machinery responsible for producing proteins. Every cell contains a large number of ribosomes, each of which comprises two subunits. These two subunits securely shut the messenger RNA molecule before reading each three-letter codon along the length of the molecule. The messenger RNA and the transfer RNA have similar nucleotide sequences and both attach to the ribosome.

Each three-letter messenger RNA codon is matched with a particular transfer RNA's corresponding anticodon to add a particular amino acid to the end of the growing protein chain. When the protein is finished, the ribosome breaks.

To learn more about ribosome visit:



the postmenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle is also called the: a preovulatory phase. b luteal phase. c follicular phase. d menses.


The postmenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle is also called the follicular phase.

The female reproductive system's uterus and ovaries undergo a series of physiological adjustments during the menstrual cycle that enable conception. The ovarian cycle regulates the cyclical release of progesterone and estrogen as well as the development and release of eggs. The uterine cycle controls how the lining of the uterus (womb), which will hold an embryo, is prepared and maintained. These cycles, which are contemporaneous and coordinated, typically last 28 days on average but can extend up to 35 days, and they endure for around 30 to 45 years.

The cycles are driven by naturally existing hormones; the periodic rise and fall of follicle stimulating hormone triggers the development and expansion of oocytes (immature egg cells).

To know more about menstrual visit:

trace the movement of a hormone from the organ that produces it to its target binding site (organ or tissue). how does this hormone get from the organ/gland that produces it to its binding site


Once hormones find a target cell, they bind with specific protein receptors inside or on the surface of the cell and specifically change the cell's activities.

The endocrine organs, which produce chemicals—the hormone—into the extracellular fluid, are responsible for sending these messages. Throughout the body, hormones are largely delivered via the circulation, where they connect to receptors on target cells to produce a specific reaction. Because it has the hormone's receptors, a target cell reacts to the hormone. In other words, a cell is a target cell for a hormone if it has functional receptors for that hormone, and a cell cannot be directly impacted by a hormone if it does not have a functioning receptor. Blood, which is pumped throughout the circulatory system, carries hormones throughout the body. Hormones have the power to control activity in tissues and organs that are not located near the glands that produce them.

To learn more about hormones click the link below:



Which of the following can affect the rate of photosynthesis? Select all that apply.

- Amount of water
- Amount of oxygen
- Amount of glucose
- Light intensity
- Amount of carbon dioxide
- Temperature


The amount of water, oxygen, light intensity, carbon dioxide content, and temperature can all have an impact on how quickly photosynthesis occurs.

How do you calculate the rate of photosynthesis?

By enclosing a leaf in a closed, transparent chamber and monitoring the decline in carbon dioxide content over time, the rate of leaf photosynthetic activity may be calculated. Outside of the chamber, the light flux density is measured, and it needs to be adjusted for the transmittance of the chamber.

What are the photosynthetic rate units?

A measure of the maximum pace at which leaves can fix carbon during photosynthesis is called photosynthetic capacity. It is commonly expressed as the quantity of fixed CO2 per mol m-2 sec-1.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:-



Drag and drop the correct answer choice to each answer blank.
For each DNA base sequence listed below, drag over the complimentary base sequence that correlates to Chargaff's Rules.


The complimentary base sequence that correlates to Chargaff's Rules.

What is complementary base?

base pairing is a fundamental concept in molecular biology. It is the process by which two strands of nucleic acid molecules interact with one another, forming a stable double helix. Each base in one strand of the double helix binds to a single complementary base in the other strand, forming a base pair. The four types of base pairs found in DNA are adenine (A) with thymine (T) and guanine (G) with cytosine (C). Complementary base pairing is a key concept in molecular biology. It refers to the process of matching up two strands of DNA or RNA, which have complementary sequences of nucleotide bases. This process is essential for replication and transcription of genetic material, as it allows for the creation of two identical strands of DNA from a single original strand.

To know more about complementary base, click here:

This form of contraception works by preventing ovulation, making cervical mucus thicker, and changing the lining of the uterus. which form of contraception does this describe?





Which is the BEST analysis of this passage?
A After studying Christian's experience and Dr. Campbell's opinion, the author of the passage supports the use of orthopedic inserts.After studying Christian's experience and Dr. Campbell's opinion, the author of the passage supports the use of orthopedic inserts.
B Even after studying Christian's experience, the author firmly believes more case studies are needed to determine if orthotics work.Even after studying Christian's experience, the author firmly believes more case studies are needed to determine if orthotics work.
C Even after studying Christian's experience and Dr. Campbell's opinion, the author of the passage cannot answer his own question.Even after studying Christian's experience and Dr. Campbell's opinion, the author of the passage cannot answer his own question.
D After studying Christian's experience and Dr. Campbell's opinion, the author of the passage rejects the claims by Pro Walk.


After considering Dr. Campbell's viewpoint and Christian's experience, the authors of the passage endorses the usage of orthopedic implants.

What is the meaning of analysis?

A thorough investigation of something difficult in order to comprehend it or identify its key characteristics: comprehensive research. examining the issue carefully; stating the results of such an inquiry; and breaking the whole itself into the component pieces.

What does analysis mean example?

The process of closely scrutinizing something in order to learn more about it or form an opinion about it as a result: Our financial specialists fairly assessed the success of the investment plan. Clare's perspective on the circumstance piqued my curiosity.

To know more about analysis visit:



Cells differentiate according to the chemical environment they are immediately exposed to: ________


Gene expression alterations lead to cell differentiation. This happens when various environmental signalling molecules activate or repress certain transcription factors that are required to express particular genes in the DNA.

Environmental variables can also affect cell differentiation and gene expression. For instance, temperature, salinity, and the amount of available nutrients may all affect how an organism's genes are expressed. The Himalayan rabbit's genes that control fur colour are activated and inactivated in response to temperature. A cell's size, shape, membrane potential, metabolic activity, and receptivity to signals all significantly alter during differentiation. These variations in gene expression, which are the subject of the study of epigenetics, are substantially to blame for these changes. Cell signalling networks regulate cell differentiation. Cell signalling networks are the channels via which chemicals are sent to cells.

To learn more about cell differentiation click the link below:



how to proteins with nuclear localization signals, that are bound to nuclear import receptors enter the nucleus question 3 options: by hydrolyzing a molecule of atp to adp and phosphate by interacting with the phenylalanine-glycine (fg) repeats on the fibril proteins of the nuclear pore complex by cleaving the nuclear localization signal from the cargo protein by binding a molecule of ran-gdp


Proteins with nuclear localization signals, that are bound to nuclear import receptors enter the nucleus through nuclear pore complex.

How does proteins with nuclear localization signals enter the nucleus?

Proteins having nuclear localization signals are transported inward through the nuclear pore complexes, whereas RNA molecules and newly made ribosomal subunits contain nuclear export signals that direct the active transport outward through pore complexes.

Nuclear proteins are transported actively through nuclear pores by a selective and mediated process. The process is mediated by nuclear localization signal and can be divided into two steps, that are : targeting to the pores and translocation through the pores.

To know more about nuclear pore complex, refer



sometimes, plants will reward their pollinators with something that benefits them. what is an example of a plant attractant that is also a pollination reward?(1 point)


Animals that perform pollination while visiting the bloom are rewarded with floral nectar, which is placed inside the flower close to the reproductive organs.

The majority of people are aware that flowers frequently generate nectar, which is vital for promoting pollination and supplying food for hummingbirds and insects. Few people are aware of the extra-floral nectaries, nectar-producing glands that are structurally separate from the flower and found in more than 2,000 plant species in more than 64 families, though they exist in these plants.

Animals that perform pollination while visiting the bloom are rewarded with floral nectar, which is placed inside the flower close to the reproductive organs. Extra-floral nectar has a role in so-called indirect defense by luring predatory herbivores—usually ants—or by discouraging them from feeding on the plant.

Therefore, the two forms of nectar-producing partnerships between plants and animals have long served as textbook illustrations of symmetric mutualism, in which plants supply food or benefits to animals in exchange.

Learn more about "  floral nectar " to visit here;



Answer: Nectar


BTB was used to indicate the amount of carbon dioxide present in the test
tubes. A plant was placed in each test tube. The test tube on the left was
placed in the dark and the one on the right was in the light. Which of the
following best explains the results?
The solution in the right test tube became more blue because the algae was doing
more photosynthesis and using carbon dioxide.
The solution in the right test tube became more blue because the algae was only
doing cellular respiration and producing carbon dioxide.
The solution in the right test tube became more yellow because the algae was only
doing cellular respiration and using carbon dioxide.
The solution in the right test tube became more blue because the algae was doing
more photosynthesis and producing carbon dioxide.


Cellular respiration is the process that resulted in the colour shift. In the presence of an acid, the bromothymol blue indicator turns yellow instead of blue. Thus, option A is correct.

What BTB used to indicate the amount of carbon dioxide?

When acid is present, a dye known as bromothymol blue (BMB) turns yellow instead of blue. The pH of the solution decreases when carbon dioxide is introduced because it produces carbonic acid. When the pH is greater than 7.6, green, between 6.7 and 7.6, and yellow, less than 6, BMB is blue.

Therefore, The solution in the right test tube became more blue because the algae was doing more photosynthesis and using carbon dioxide.

Learn more about carbon dioxide here:



Geraniums flower in the spring, when they receive less than 12 hours of light. They also flower in the summer, when they receive more than 12 hours of light. What type of plant are geraniums? A. Day-neutral plant B. Dormant plant C. Short-day plant D. Long-day plant​



A. Day-neutral plant

Hope Helps!:)

Suppose that there was an enzyme that cuts bonds between deoxyribose and phosphate groups. what would this enzyme do to a dna molecule?


Each DNA strand's "backbone" would be cut by the enzyme that breaks links between deoxyribose and phosphate groups.

Restrictions enzymes are found in bacteria (and other prokaryotes). They locate specific DNA sequences known as restriction sites and cling to them. Each restriction enzyme only recognizes one or a small number of restriction sites. Once it finds its target sequence, a restriction enzyme will make a double-stranded cut in the DNA molecule. The cut often happens at or close to the limitation point in a tidy, consistent pattern. As an example of how a restriction enzyme recognizes and cuts at a DNA sequence, consider EcoRI, a typical restriction enzyme used in labs. EcoRI makes alterations here.

Learn more about DNA



When chuncks of a big mass start to separate


Fixed-size chunk de-duplication is carried out at routers rather than on hosts. The considered packet is first intercepted in a router in real time or at the network endpoints.

What is Chunk size?

The largest physical disc unit devoted to database server data storage is called a chunk. Administrators can allocate disc space in a comparatively big unit thanks to chunks. The largest possible chunk size is 4 TB. The maximum number of chunks is 32,766.

She divided the fruit into big pieces. She speaks on the phone for a sizable portion of her day. He invested a lot of time on the undertaking.

A total of 65,536 blocks are divided into chunks that are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long, and 256 blocks high.

MongoDB uses chunk sizes that are 128 MB by default. You have the option of changing the chunk size. Think about the effects of altering the default chunk size: At the expense of more frequent migrations, small pieces result in a more even distribution of data.

To learn more about the Chunk size



Based on the data, under which conditions did the rate of photosynthesis decline? Select all that apply.

1.) During the day
2.) During the night
3.) During sunny days
4.) During cloudy days



During the night and during cloudy days.


Because there is no sunlight during the night and not a lot on cloudy days. This means that photosynthesis cannot occur because it requires sunlight.

which hormone is absolutely necessary for ovulation to occur? group of answer choices progesterone estrogen fsh lh


Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) regulates the menstrual cycle and increases egg development in the ovaries of women.

What is ovulation?

The process through which a mature egg is released from the ovary is known as ovulation. The egg is released and travels down the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours.

What is FSH?

Follicle-stimulating hormone is produced by the brain's pituitary gland (FSH). The proper operation of both men and women's reproductive systems depends on this hormone.

In women, FSH controls both the menstrual cycle and egg production in the ovaries. Throughout a woman's menstrual cycle, her FSH levels fluctuate, peaking just before she gives birth to an egg (ovulates).

The level of FSH in men normally stays constant after puberty, and it aids in controlling sperm production in males.

To learn more FSH visit:



suppose a transformation of the parent function f(x) = 10^x is given as g(x) = 10^x -8. Determine the effect the transformation has on the minimun of the function on the interval [0,10]. A. There is no effect on the minimun value of the function on the interval B. The minimun value changes from f(0) = 1 to g(0) = -8 C. The minimun value changes from f(0) = 0 to g(0) = -7 D. The minimun valuce changes from f(0) = 1 to g(0) = -7​


The effect of the function translation on the minimum of the function on the interval [0,10] is given as follows:

D. The minimum value changes from f(0) = 1 to g(0) = -7.

What is a translation?

A translation is a movement that is either up, down, left or right on the graph of a function.

The definitions of each type of translation are given as follows:

Translation left a units: f(x + a).Translation right a units: f(x - a).Translation up a units: f(x) + a.Translation down a units: f(x) - a.

The parent function in this problem is given as follows:

f(x) = 10^x.

The minimum value of the parent function on the interval [0,10] is given as follows:

f(0) = 10^0 = 1.

The translated function is given as follows:

g(x) = 10^x - 8.

The function was shifted down 8 units, as g(x) = f(x) - 8, hence the minimum value is given as follows:

g(0) = 10^0 - 8 = 1 - 8 = -7.

This means that option D is correct.

More can be learned about translations at brainly.com/question/29211183


Sophie was asked t
O The distance from the still water level to the
The distances from the s
wa wave with a wave height of 2 meters and a wavelength of 1 met
changed to 1 meter
trough needs to be changed to 1 meter
crest need to be changed to 1 meter
O The distance from t
water level to
The distance between the two crests needs to be changed to 2 meters
the image she drew What needs to be corrected on the image


The distance from the still water level to the trough and the crest need to be changed to 1 meter

Suppose that there was an enzyme that cuts bonds between deoxyribose and nitrogenous bases. what would this enzyme do to a dna molecule?


A nucleotide is made up of a sugar deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogenous bases are adenine,thymine,guanine or cytosine.

C and T bases, which have just one ring, are called pyrimidines, while A and G bases, which have two rings, are called purines.DNA polymerase  is a type of enzyme that is responsible for forming new copies of DNA, in the form of nucleic acid molecules. Nucleic acids are polymers, which are large molecules made up of smaller, repeating units that are chemically connected to one another.DNA is formed by a double strand of paired nucleotides, while ribonucleic acid is typically a single strand. In DNA, the nucleotides are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, while RNA contains uracil instead of thymine.DNA replication involves the separation of the two original DNA strands. Both of these strands are then replicated using DNA polymerase. This results in two DNA double helices, each with a new strand and an original strand.

To learn more about nucleotide please click on below link.



how does having a capsule increase the virulence of a bacteria cell? group of answer choices a capsule gives bacteria antibiotic resistance. bacteria with a capsule cannot be phagocytized by immune cells. the capsule speeds up asexual reproduction of the bacteria. the capsule increases bacteria motility.


Bacteria with a glycocalyx capsule cannot be phagocytized by immune cells. This increase the virulence of a bacteria cell.

The outermost layer of the cell wall of most bacteria is covered by a structure called the bacterial capsule, which is normally a hydrated polysaccharide complex made of monosaccharides linked together by glyosidic bonds. The capsule prevents the bacterial cell from being ingested and destroyed by phagocytosis. The components of the bacterial surface become slick due to capsules. Making bacteria immune to enhancing their invasiveness, allowing them to attach to surfaces and hide from the immune system by mimicking host tissues. The capsule guards against desiccation and toxic byproducts for the cell.

Hence, bacterial capsule is for unwanted environment condition.

To know more about Immune cell.



Krebs, digestive and respiratory system 40 points!!!!



glycolysis leading to the krebs cycle is in aerobic conditions (oxygen presence), whereas the formation of lactic acid is from anaerobic conditions (lack of oxygen)

a major function of th1 cells is to activate macrophages. which molecules expressed by th1 cells are essential for this function?


A major function of th1 cells is to activate macrophages. IFN-γ is the  molecules expressed by th1 cells are essential for this function.

IFN-, a cytokine secreted by Th1 cells that is unique to them, stimulates macrophages and DCs, improving their capacity to destroy intracellular microorganisms and deliver antigens to T lymphocytes. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), lymphotoxin, and IL-2 are among substances that Th1 cells can release that help with antimicrobial defence.

Through cell interaction and localised IFN- release, TH1 cells stimulate infected macrophages. This causes a sequence of metabolic reactions that transform the macrophage into an effective effector cell for fighting microorganisms.

Learn more about T lymphocytes from:



Other Questions
After hockey practice, Carissa and Keenan were playing a game where they were pushing some objects to get them to crash. They were using a cone and two different pucksa black one with more mass for Crash 1 and a blue one with less mass for Crash 2. They want to know what happened to the cone. Use the information from the diagram to answer. In which crash did the cone experience a stronger force? How do you know? what is porter's five forces model? group of answer choices evaluates an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify significant influences that work for or against business strategies. analyzes the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for profitability in an industry. views a firm as a series of business processes, each of which adds value to the product or service. generic business strategies that are neither organization nor industry specific and can be applied to any business, product, or service. A parallelogram in a coordinate plane is translated, rotated, and then reflected. Which of the following statements about the parallelogram and its final image are true the function f(x) goes through the point (-2,6). which of the following translation of f(x) will go through the point (3,5)? option 1; f(x-5)+1 option 2; f(x+5)-1 option 3; f(x-5)-1 option 4; f(x+5)+1 Which of the following days are counted as personal use days for a dwelling unit? (Check all that apply.)a. A friend of the taxpayer stays in the home and pays a below market rental rate.b. The home is available for rent, but is NOT actually rented out.c. A friend of the taxpayer stays in the home and pays a fair market rental rate.d. A relative of an owner stays in the home and pays a fair market rental rate.e. The taxpayer or other owner resides in the unit.f. A relative of an owner stays in the home for free. press: 40/50Which Supreme Court case requires the police to inform a suspect in custody of their Fifth Amendment rights prior toquestioning? slope of a line perpendicular to y=-4x-7 the c shellsort() function takes an array of gap values as a parameter. the array must contain a gap value of to guarantee proper sorting. What is the cubic polynomial with zeros (3,0), (-6,0), and (1,0)?(Question 15) TRUE/FALSE. continuous improvement in the context of a hospital organization entails maintaining profitability, even if some quality measures have to be traded off. Here is part of a recipe for different-size cakes, showing the ratio of eggs to flour.Make a table that represents the same situation.eggs : 0 2 4 6flour (cups) : 0 1.5 3 4.5 Solve for x in the triangle. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. FINALS PLEAZ HEL One year after you start a savings account you have $480 in the account. You were adding $120 each year write a linear function in the form y=mx+b that models your savings account a each year t after you start the account question at position 16 when populations get very small, harmful alleles may be expressed in individuals more often because: What is the value of 5/9 5/6? Responses based on findings from a swedish study, what effect on intelligence does adoptiuon into wealthier, better educated families have on infants from poor backgrounds burgess corp. manufactures a line of heavy construction equipment. the company has announced a contractual relationship with fs electronics whereby fs will supply burgess with advanced gps navigation and guidance systems. these systems will be an option on all bulldozers, dump trucks, and road graders burgess produces. what type of alliance is this? (2 mark) i dont whos reporting this question but stop, this question isnt even my question im trying to help someone else out by posting it for them. can someone answer this and the two other questions i posted today too? Which of the following organizations helped to guarantee home loans? which of the following is not a factor that contributes to high healthcare costs in the united states?