11 Explain how you would obtain solid lead carbonate from a mixture of lead carbonate and sodium chloride


Answer 1


Add water, Na2CO3 dissolves, filter, PbCO3 stays in the paper and dissolved Na2CO3 goes through as the solution. Dry the PbCO3 and you have the dry solid.


Add water to dissolve then filter to obtain PbCo3 as you're residue and Na2Co3 as the filtrate. Dry the insoluble PbCo3 between filter papers and you obtain solid PbCo3

Related Questions

In practice, the second law of thermodynamics means that:

a. Systems move from ordered behavior to more random behavior.
b. Systems move from random behavior to more ordered behavior.
c. Systems move between ordered and random behavior patterns based on temperature.
d. Systems are constantly striving to reach equilibrium.



Systems move from ordered behavior to more random behavior.


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. The second law of thermodynamics can be restated in terms of entropy as follows; “any spontaneous process in any isolated system always results in an increase in the entropy of that system.''(science direct)

According to this law, systems tend towards a more disorderly behaviour (increase in entropy) hence the answer given above.

Which is a primary alcohol?
0 3-pentanol
Lig A Moving to another question will save this response.



1 ethanol is right answer



The sample concentration was measured at 50mg/ml. The loading concentration needs to be 10mg/ml. The final volume needs to be 25ul. What is the volume of sample needed and the amount of buffer needed to reach 25ul



a)  [tex]V_1=5ul[/tex]

b)  [tex]v=20ul[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

initial Concentration [tex]C_1=50mg/ml[/tex]

Final Concentration [tex]C_2=10mg/ml[/tex]

Final volume needs [tex]V_2 =25ul[/tex]

Generally the equation for Volume is mathematically given by






The volume of buffer needed is



does anyone know how to solve this and what the answer would be?


Dynamic equilibrium is showed at the point at which solid liquid and gas intersect.

At the point at which solid liquid and gas intersect represents a system that shows dynamic equilibrium. There is equal amount of reactants and products at the point of dynamic equilibrium because the transition of substances occur between the reactants and products at equal rates, means that there is no net change. Reactants and products are formed at the rate that no change occur in their concentration.


A sample of Kr gas is observed to effuse through a pourous barrier in 8.15 minutes. Under the same conditions, the same number of moles of an unknown gas requires 4.53 minutes to effuse through the same barrier. The molar mass of the unknown gas is ____________ g/mol.



25.88 g/mol


Graham's law is a famous law which states that the diffusion rate or the effusion rate of any gas varies inversely to the square root of the molecular weight the gas.

So from Graham's law, we have,


Using the sample of Kr gas having M = 83.8

[tex]$\frac{8.15}{(83.8)^{0.5}}= \frac{4.53}{M^{0.5}}$[/tex]

[tex]$M^{0.5}= 5.088$[/tex]

M = 25.88 g/mol

If 50.0 g of sulfuric acid and 40.0 grams of barium chloride are mixed, how many grams of sulfuric acid and how many grams of barium chloride remain after the double replacement reaction is complete?


After the double replacement reaction is complete 0 grams of BaCl₂ and 31.16 grams of H₂SO₄ will remain.

First, we will write the balanced equation for the reaction

H₂SO₄ + BaCl₂  → BaSO₄ + 2HCl

This means 1 mole of BaCl₂ is needed to react completely with 1 mole of H₂SO₄ to give 1 mole of BaSO₄ and 2 moles of HCl

From the question, 50.0g of sulfuric acid is mixed with 40.0 grams of barium chloride. To determine the quantity of each substance remaining after the complete reaction, we will first determine the number of moles present in each of the reactant.

For H₂SO₄

mass = 50.0g

Molar mass = 98.079 g/mol

From the formula

Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass

∴ Number of moles of H₂SO₄ = 50.0g / 98.079 g/mol

Number of moles of H₂SO₄ = 0.5098 mol

For BaCl₂

mass = 40.0 g

Molar mass = 208.23 g/mol

∴ Number of moles of BaCl₂ = 40.0g / 208.23 g/mol

Number of moles of BaCl₂ = 0.1921 mol

Since the number of moles of H₂SO₄ is more than that of BaCl₂, then H₂SO₄ is the excess reagent and BaCl₂ is the limiting reagent (that is, it will be used up completely during the reaction)

From the equation, 1 mole of H₂SO₄ is needed to completely react with 1 mole of BaCl₂

∴ 0.1921 mol of H₂SO₄ will be needed to completely react with 0.1921 mol of BaCl₂.

Therefore, after the reaction is complete, 0 mole (i.e 0 grams) of BaCl₂ will remain and (0.5098 mole - 0.1921 mole) of H₂SO₄ will remain.

Number of moles H₂SO₄ that will remain = 0.5098 mole - 0.1921 mole = 0.3177 moles

Now, we will convert this to grams

From the formula

Mass = Number of moles × Molar mass

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain = 0.3177 moles × 98.079 g/mol

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain = 31.1597 g

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain31.16 g

Hence, after the double replacement reaction is complete 0 grams of BaCl₂ and 31.16 grams of H₂SO₄ will remain.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/6857557

How many neutrons does Carbon- 14 and Carbon -15 have? *


Answer: 8 for both


I need to know what is the median of the data



The median is also the number that is halfway into the set. To find the median, the data should be arranged in order from least to greatest. If there is an even number of items in the data set, then the median is found by taking the mean (average) of the two middlemost numbers.

I hope it helps

which of the following is is a chemical property of pure water



Pure water has an acidity of about 7 on the pH scale. -is a chemical property of pure water. Pure water has an acidity of about 7 on the pH scale

Answer: không màu , không mùi không vị


Tech A says that hydrocarbons are a result of complete combustion. Tech B says that a catalytic converter creates a chemical reaction, changing carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide. Who is correct



Neither Tech A nor B is correct


Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when a chemical molecule(s) interacts quickly with oxygen and produces heat.

When hydrocarbon undergoes a complete combustion reaction, they produce water and CO2.

Tech B is also incorrect because the main purpose of a catalytic converter is to accelerate and speed up the chemical reaction rates, Hence, they are not involved in chemical reaction formation. Catalytic converters are utilized as a control device in exhaust emission to lessen the effect of toxic gas fumes.


When using the process of evaporation to separate a mixture, what is left behind in the evaporating dish?

A. None of these.
B. The liquid evaporates and the solid is left in the dish.
C. The mixture does not separate, and the entire mixture evaporates.
D. The mixture does not separate, and the entire mixture remains in the dish.



liquid will be evaporated while solid remains

The shape of a molecule is determined by:
A. All of these
B. The number of electron clouds around the atom.
C. The number of bonds.
D. Mutual repulsion between electrons.


By the electron pairs around the central atom. So it’s A

At 445oC, Kc for the following reaction is 0.020. 2 HI(g) <--> H2 (g) + I2 (g) A mixture of H2, I2, and HI in a vessel at 445oC has the following concentrations: [HI] = 1.5 M, [H2] = 2.50 M and [I2] = 0.05 M. Which one of the following statements concerning the reaction quotient, Qc, is TRUE for the above system?
a. Qc = Kc; the system is at equilibrium.
b. Qc is less than Kc; more H2 and I2 will be produced.
c. Qc is less than Kc; more HI will be produced.
d. Qc is greater than Kc; more HI will be produced.



The given balanced chemical equation is:

[tex]2 HI(g) <--> H_2 (g) + I_2 (g)[/tex]

The value of Kc at 445oC is 0.020.




The value of Qc(reaction quotient ) is calculated as shown below:

Qc has the same expression as the equilibrium constant.

[tex]Qc=\frac{[H_2][I_2]}{[HI]^2} \\Qc=(2.50Mx0.05M)/(1.5M)^2\\Qc=0.055[/tex]


Hence, the backward reaction is favored and the formation of Hi is favored.

Among the given options, the correct answer is option d. Qc is greater than Kc; more HI will be produced.

what characterizes a homogeneous mixture?



a mixture that doesn't really show the ingredients or things put into the material or food.

Hãy cho biết giá trị và ý nghĩa của số lượng tử n, l, m, ms khi mô tả trạng thái của electron trong nguyên tử?


Yes beautiful language

A sample of gas is held at constant volume. If the number of moles of this sample of gas is doubled and the pressure of this sample of gas is halved, what happens to the absolute temperature of the gas?
Select one
a. The absolute temperature is doubled.
b. The absolute temperature is halved.
c. The absolute temperature is quadrupled.
d. The absolute temperature is quartered.
e. The absolute temperature stays the same.



number of moles of gas increases the volume also increases.

What is Bose Einstein state of matter and their examples



A BEC ( Bose - Einstein condensate ) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero is called BEC.

Examples - Superconductors and superfluids are the two examples of BEC.


Which of the following are examples of single replacement reactions? Select all that apply.




Answer: it’s checkbox 2&3

Hydrogengasand oxygengas react to form water vapor. Suppose you have of and of in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest .


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Hydrogen [tex](H_2)[/tex] gas and oxygen [tex](O_2)[/tex] gas react to form water vapor [tex](H_2O)[/tex]. Suppose you have 11.0 mol of [tex]H_2[/tex] and 13.0 mol of [tex]O_2[/tex] in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of [tex]H_2O[/tex] that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest 0.1 mol .

Solution :

The balanced reaction for reaction is :

[tex]$2H_2(g) \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ O_2(g)\ \ \ \rightarrow \ \ \ \ 2H_2O(g)$[/tex]

11.0                      13.0

11/2                       13/1     (dividing by the co-efficient)

6.5 mol               13 mol    (minimum is limiting reagent as it is completely consumed during the reaction)

Therefore, [tex]H_2[/tex] is limiting reagent. It's stoichiometry decides the product formation amount from equation above it is clear that number of moles for [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced = number of moles of [tex]H_2[/tex]

                                     = 11.0 mol

In an ELISA, the compound 4-chloro-1-naphthol is used because:_______
a. it turns color in the presence of an enzyme that is bound to the secondary antibody
b. it helps the primary antibody bind to the protein
c. it helps the secondary antibody to bind to the protein
d. all of the choices



a. It turns color in the presence of an enzyme that us bound to the secondary antibody.


The compound chloronapthenel is used in the reaction because it changes the color in the presence of an enzyme. It is strong organic compound which is used in biochemical processes.

Consider the reaction below. How much heat is absorbed if 5.00 moles of nitrogen react
with excess oxygen?
2 N2 (8) + O2(g) → 2 N20 (8) AHrxn- +163.2 kJ



The given chemical reaction is:

[tex]2 N_2 (g) + O_2(g) -> 2 N_20 (g) delta Hrxn= +163.2 kJ[/tex]

When two moles of nitrogen reacts with oxygen, it requires 163.2kJ of energy.

When 5.00 mol of nitrogen requires how much energy?

[tex]5.00 mol x \frac{163.2 kJ }{2 mol} \\=408 kJ[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 408 kJ of heat energy is required.

Consider an equilibrium (K1) that is established after 10 mL of compound A and 10 mL of compound B are mixed. Now, imagine the equilibrium (K2) where 1 mL of compound A is added to 100 mL of compound B. How are K1 and K2 related algebraically (read this question VERY carefully, at least one more time)?


K1 and K2 are related algebraically because once the values are inserted into the equilibrium equation, both equations will yield a denominator of 100.

How many protons does Tin have?
A. 50
B. 68
C. 118​


50 you always use the the top number for protons

Hello There!

Tin has 50 protons.

Hope that helps you!

~Just a felicitous girlie



g Identify the process in which the entropy increases. Group of answer choices a decrease in the number of moles of a gas during a chemical reaction the phase transition from a gas to a liquid the phase transition from a solid to a gas freezing water



phase transition from a solid to a gas


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. The more disorderly a system is, the greater the entropy of the system.

Decrease in the number of moles of a gas decreases the entropy of the system. Similarly, the entropy of solids is less than that of liquids. The entropy of liquids is less than that of gases.

Therefore, a change of phase from solid to gas represents an increase in entropy of the system.

Heating water makes most solids in it

soluble, and it makes gases


Increasing the pressure on a gas above water makes the gas

soluble. Compounds with comparatively stronger ionic bonds are




1. more

2. less

3. more

4. less


17. According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in what kind of
motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero?
A. slowing motion in a straight line
B. accelerating motion in a straight line
C. constant motion in a straight line
D. constant motion in an unpredictable direction





According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The option which gives the same meaning is :

constant motion in a straight line

According to Newton's first law, an object in motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero will stay in:

C. constant motion in a straight line

A constant motion in mechanics is a number that remains constant throughout the motion, effectively placing a restriction on the motion.

What is Newton's first law of motion?The foundation of classical mechanics is made up of the three laws of motion that Newton suggested. These three physical laws. In accordance with the three laws of motion, a body's connection to the forces operating on it and the motion that resulted from those forces are both described. As Galileo's law of inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion is also referred to. If a body is not forced by an outside force to change its condition, it will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line. As a factor that has the potential to alter an object's condition, the law defines force and mentions it.In this way, Newton uses the inertia of rest, motion, and direction to describe his first law of motion.A body has an attribute called inertia that makes it resist changes to its state. A body's inertia of translational motion is measured by its mass.

To learn more about Newton's first law of motion, refer to:



Find the volume occupied by 128g of SO2.​


The volume occupied by the given amount of sulfur dioxide will be 84 L.

please show working my dear citizen

which of the following measurements is equivalent to 5.461x10^-7m?



B. 0.0000005461m

I used the method of moving the decimal.

A sample of gas occupies 10.0 L at 240°C under a pressure of
80.0 kPa. At what temperature would the gas occupy 20.0 L if
we increased the pressure to 107 kPa?


Answer: 1090°C

Explanation: According to combined gas laws

(P1 × V1) ÷ T1 = (P2 × V2) ÷ T2

where P1 = initial pressure of gas = 80.0 kPa

V1 = initial volume of gas = 10.0 L

T1 = initial temperature of gas = 240 °C = (240 + 273) K = 513 K

P2 = final pressure of gas = 107 kPa

V2 = final volume of gas = 20.0 L

T2 = final temperature of gas

Substituting the values,

(80.0 kPa × 10.0 L) ÷ (513 K) = (107 kPa × 20.0 L) ÷ T2

T2 = 513 K × (107 kPa ÷80.0 kPa) × (20.0 L ÷ 10.0 L)

T2 = 513 K × (1.3375) × (2)

T2 = 1372.275 K

T2 = (1372.275 - 273) °C

T2 = 1099 °C

1090 degree Celsius

hope it helps

What volume of 1.50 mol/L stock solution is needed to make 125 mL of 0.60 mol/L solution?


Chemistry 11 Solutions

978Ͳ0Ͳ07Ͳ105107Ͳ1Chapter 8 Solutions and Their Properties • MHR | 85

Amount in moles, n, of the NaCl(s):


2.5 g




58.44 g


4.2778 10 m l





Molar concentration, c, of the NaCl(aq):

–2 4.2778 × 10 mol


0.42778 mol/L

0.43 mol






The molar concentration of the saline solution is 0.43 mol/L.

Check Your Solution

The units are correct and the answer correctly shows two significant digits. The

dilution of the original concentrated solution is correct and the change to mol/L

seems reasonable.

Section 8.4 Preparing Solutions in the Laboratory

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Edition page 386

51. Practice Problem (page 386)

Suppose that you are given a stock solution of 1.50 mol/L ammonium sulfate,


What volume of the stock solution do you need to use to prepare each of the

following solutions?

a. 50.0 mL of 1.00 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

b. 2 × 102 mL of 0.800 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

c. 250 mL of 0.300 mol/L NH4



What Is Required?

You need to calculate the initial volume, V1, of (NH4)2SO4(aq) stock solution

needed to prepare each given dilute solution.

The dilution gives the relationship between the molarity and the volume of the solution. The volume of stock solution with a molarity of 1.50 mol/L is 50 mL.

What is dilution?

Dilution is said to be the addition of more volume to the concentrated solution to make it less in molar concentration. This tells about the inverse and indirect relationship between the volume and the molar concentration of the solution.


Initial volume = V₁

Initial molar concentration (M₁) = 1.50 mol/L

Final volume (V₂) = 125 mL = 0.125 L

Final molar concentration (M₂)= 0.60 mol/L

The dilution is calculated as:

M₁V₁ = M₂V₂

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

Substituting the values in the above formula as

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

V₁ = (0.60 mol/L × 0.125 L) ÷ 1.50 mol/ L

V₁ = 0.05 L

= 50 mL

Therefore, 50 mL of stock solution is needed to make a 0.60 mol/L solution.

Learn more about dilution, here:



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