12. My friend is very ______. She never says "please" or "thank you" to anyone. 25 điểm A polite B impolite C rude either impolite or rude


Answer 1
Either impolite or rude
Answer 2


I think the answer is B impolite

Related Questions

Which option uses parentheses correctly?


Option b, jm completely sure

. The patient _______ (die) while the doctors were performing the operation. *



the patient died while the doctors were performing the operation.


the ans is DIED


The patient died while the doctors were performing the operation.


I need An answer ASAP!?



I believe the answer is B.


Although running is mentioned, the containing theme contains the message about healthy eating. I suppose that's the answer.


poem must include :

- a unique title
- my love for swimming in the ocean and how it makes me feel calm
- show how the ocean makes me who i am
- poetic devices such as figurative language
-how my thoughts disappear when i’m at the ocean

these things technically make up identity so yeah help, i’m bad at making poems !!!



Mighty and grand ocean of wonderous emotion. Thou hath a key to a world in which the riot of business may subside and the depth of the navy blue consume, how righteous and elegant it supports itself on the sand slowly extending outwardly in stretch. There alone but all grand it stands but allows life to vicariously flow through and wish to never be dry again.

Tweak it if you want you get the idea.

What is one concern or fear that Mary Shelley explores in Frankenstein?


Social Alienation.

It's the act of being repeatedly shunned by society is what pushes Frankenstein to be a monster.

IV. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1pt)1. Fishing is an outdoor ……… …….my father likes best. (act)
2. My grandfather can read …………………………….without glasses. (good)
3. You should do some ……….for the tests. (revise)
4. She is speaking … …………………because she has a sore throat. (soft)
V. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. (2 pts)
1. “Don’t make too much noise.”, my mom said.
My mom asked me …………………
2. His father no longer smokes cigarette.
His father used …………
3. “Can you come early on Sunday?”, the officer said to me.
The officer told …………………………
4. She can read very fast.
She is……………………………………………………………………






Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
A. Peter and I understanded that we had to work with each every day in order finish the paper.
B. On the day the project was due, Peter accidentally cutted out a lot of my work in the paper
C. I forgave Peter for all the trouble he caused me on the day our English assignment was due.
D. The English assignment was very extensive, and I dealed with the stress from it very poorly.



the answer is C


C: I forgave Peter for all the trouble he caused me on the day our English assignment was due.


Peter and I understanded that we had to work with each every day in order finish the paper.


the word understanded is not a word it's supposed to be understood and when it says that we have to work with each every day in order to finish the paper that is not what it's supposed to be it supposed to be we had to work with each other every day in order to finish the paper.

please answer the above question

spam will be reported 10 times ​



Discipline and liberty go hand in hand.


Hope it is helpful....

EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or 0. Capitalize as appropriate.
1. ….0... Beef is a kind of …0… meat.
2. …The … beef we had for dinner last night was excellent.
3. Jim is wearing…a…. straw hat today.
4. Jim likes to wear ________hats.
5___ hat is article of clothing.
6___ hats are articles of clothing.
7. ________brown hat on that hook over there belongs to Mark.
8. Everyone has ________problems in________ life.
9. My grandfather had ________long life.
10. That book is about ________life of Helen Keller.
11. Tommy wants to be ________engineer when he grows up.
12. The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by ________engineer.
13. John Roehling is ________name of ________engineer who designed the Brooklyn Bridge. He died in
1869 from ________infection before ________bridge was completed.
14. ___ people wear ________jewelry to make themselves more attractive.
15. ________jewelry Diana is wearing today is beautiful.



4. Jim likes to wear 0 hats.

5. A hat is article of clothing

6. 0 hats are articles of clothing

7. The brown hat on that hook over there belongs to Mark.

8. Everyone has 0 problems in 0 life.

9. My grandfather had a long life.

10.  That book is about the life of Helen Keller.

11. Tommy wants to be an engineer when he grows

12. The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by an engineer.

13. John Roehling is the name of an engineer who designed the Brooklyn  Bridge. He died in 1869 from an infection before the bridge was completed.

14. 0 people wear 0 jewelry to make themselves more attractive

15. the jewelry Diana is wearing today is beautiful.

Mark me as Brainliest if this answer helped

The correct sentences will be:

Beef is a kind of meat.The beef we had for dinner last night was excellent.Jim is wearing a straw hat today.Jim likes to wear hats.A hat is an article of clothing.Hats are articles of clothing.The brown hat on that hook over there belongs to Mark.Everyone has problems in life.My grandfather had a long life.That book is about the life of Helen Keller.Tommy wants to be an engineer when he grows.The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by an engineer.John Roehling is the name of an engineer who designed the Brooklyn  Bridge. He died in 1869 from an infection before the bridge was completed.People wear jewelry to make themselves more attractive.The jewelry Diana is wearing today is beautiful.

Learn more about sentences on:


Which of the following words best replaces the underlined in the sentence? I rendered the cute little squirrel in my sketch book.
none of the above



what is underlined???


I think the answer is C

where will the next Olympics be held?​



The next Olympic Games are set to occur in Beijing in just months, from Friday, February 4, to Sunday, February 20, 2022.

Source — Wikipedia


The International Olympic Committee announced in December 2020 that the theme for Paris 2024 would be gender equality and youth participation, with the next games set to see an exact 50/50 gender split.


plz help mee
plz look photo
help asap
i will give brainliest


My friend will be working a engineer.My mother will be looking more prettier.My father will be working as senior.My sister will be singing.My brother will be studying .I shall be learning coding.

1. He finds action film .............
A. excite. B. excited C. exciting D. to excite

2. We were very ........................ when we heard what you said.

A. shocking. B. shock C. shocked. D. to shock

3. I listen to music …….................. relaxed.

A. to feel B. in order not to feel. C. feeling. D. felt

4. I get up early in the morning _____late for school.

a. for being b. in order not to be. c. being. d. to be

5. My father didn’t have time ......................... the newspaper.

A. in order not to read. B. read. C. reading. D. to read

6. She is saving money ......................... a cassette player.

A. buying. B. to buy. C. to buying D. buy

7. He telephoned ................................ me to his birthday party.

A. inviting. B. to invite. C. in order not to invite. D. invite

8. Don't forget we're meeting on ............ Friday for ............ lunch
a. a/ a b. a/ θ c. θ / the. d. θ / θ
9. __________ is traditional music from a particular country, region, or community.

a. Blues b. Classical music c. Folk music d. Jazz
10. The film Titanic is about the sinking of a luxury liner.

a. boat b. ship c. submarine. d. ferry​


C. C. A. B. D. B. B. C. C. B.

Which textual evidence best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death? "The Forest People could have killed me without fight." "the tears ran out of my eyes" "but they did not come" "My heart was cold as a frog"



its a !!!!!!!!!!


"The Forest People could have killed me without fight" is the textual evidence that best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

What is textual evidence?

Textual evidence backs up a claim with data taken from a primary source or additional texts. Consider textual evidence as that of the fire that propels arguments. Debates adopt a stance followed by presenting facts to back it up. You can advocate any viewpoint in a debate, but you can't win one without evidence to support it.

There is a crucial distinction between "proof" and "claim" here. A fact or combination of facts is evidence. A claim is indeed a statement that may be contested and calls for additional support. "The Forest People could have killed me without fight" is the textual evidence that best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about textual evidence, here:



Task 1: Correct the mistakes if any
1. Neither Jack is intelligent nor hardworking.
2. Though he is poor, but he dreams big.
3. As he is fat so he runs slowly.
4. Unless you do not give the code, you will be killed.
5. No sooner I had reached the office than the boss left.
6. Not only she speaks English but also Chinese.
7. This is my house, I live here.
8. Because he was not hungry therefore we ate without him.
9. He decides to stay home. Because it is raining now.
10. The teacher asked that why I was late.


I have the best ans and that is
I don’t know what the answer is to that sorry

Read the excerpt from Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, in which he describes the events of World War II before the United States entered the war.

Armed defense of democratic existence is now being gallantly waged in four continents. If that defense fails, all the population and all the resources of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia will be dominated by the conquerors. Let us remember that the total of those populations and their resources in those four continents greatly exceeds the sum total of the population and the resources of the whole of the Western Hemisphere – many times over.

What evidence does Roosevelt use to support his argument that the United States should help its allies in the fight against Nazi Germany?

A. Statistics about the size and capability of Nazi Germany's military in the Eastern Hemisphere

B. Facts that show Nazi Germany could gain access to the means to threaten the United States

C. Proof that the free peoples of other continents are capable of standing against Nazi Germany

D. Details about Nazi Germany's plans to conquer both North America and South America​



the answer is B


i just did this one like a few weeks ago

Read this excerpt from The Dark Game. Another thing that changed very little in the years between the wars was the means of obtaining military intelligence. Although the use of photography and the telegraph brought some technological advances, the craft of spying on the enemy's army still relied on fieldwork. In the rest of the text, how does the author develop this central idea that spying during the Civil War still involved mostly fieldwork




The answer is

by including more detailed information about who did fieldwork for the Union and how it was done Explanation:

The Civil War, also known as the American Civil War, was a major conflict fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865.

What is Civil War ?

The war was fought between the northern states, known as the Union, and the southern states, known as the Confederacy, over issues of slavery, states' rights, and territorial expansion.

The immediate cause of the Civil War was the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States in 1860. Lincoln was a Republican, and his party was opposed to the expansion of slavery into new territories.

The southern states, which relied heavily on slave labor, saw Lincoln's election as a threat to their way of life and began to secede from the Union.

The war officially began in April 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a Union military installation at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. The conflict quickly spread throughout the country, with battles fought in both the eastern and western theaters of the war.

Learn more about Civil War here



Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from "Exploring the Secrets of Marsh Happiness" by NOAA.
Characterizing an "unhappy," deteriorating tidal marsh is more complex because marshes can fall apart in many different ways. One finding
contradicted a previous assumption: namely, that gains in marsh elevation and sediment indicate greater resilience. The authors say
marshes with these characteristics performed inconsistently and often signaled the muddy mess that degrading marshes can become, not
marsh health
What is the meaning of the word resilience as used in the excerpt?
OA ability to recover
OB. ability to be consistent
OC ability to defend itself
OD. ability to adjust to change


The meaning of the word "resilience" as used in the excerpt is ability to defend itself.

According to the excerpt, it is said that it was quite complex to pinpoint a particular reason why a marsh will deteriorate because it can fall apart in many different ways.

Based on the usage of the word "resilience" where it says that a previous assumption claims that gains in marsh elevation and sediment shows greater resilience as it implies that the marsh has an ability to defend itself.

Read more here:


Answer: ability to defend itself


Question 3 The response sheets from the examinees. has already been collected are already collected is already collected have already been collected Submit



The response sheets from the examinees are already collected

Send Reply
Hi Ingrid!
We're having lots of adventures on our
holiday. While we (1) ... (stay) at a campsite
near a river, we (2) ... (have) a terrible
experience. There (3) ... (be) a flood while
we (4) ... (sleep). When we (5) ... (wake up),
we (6) ... (be) wet.
Hope you're having a good summer!



stayedhadwassleptwoke upwere


Hi Ingrid!

We're having lots of adventures on our

holiday. While we (1) ... (stayed) at a campsite

near a river, we (2) ... (had) a terrible

experience. There (3) ... (was) a flood while

we (4) ... (slept). When we (5) ... (woke up),

we (6) ... (were) wet.

Hope you're having a good summer!


hope that helped.

Can you please answer me these question.

I think someone like to read poem and answer the question.​



sorry . which one question.

Javed is the best batsman of them all.( Convert into negative sentence)​



Javed is not the best batsman of them all


Javed isn't the best batsman of them all.


you have to add "not"

you can write it as:

Javed is not the best batsman of them all.


Javed isn't the best batsman of them all.

The first part of every article is the body.




*According to me.....

False. The typical first part of an article is an introduction.

what is the tag question of those stories were not interesting​



those stories were not interesting,were they?

have a great day

Bicycle helmets are so important in protecting children
from injury that parents who do not enforce their use
should be guilty of endangering their children.
Which of these would provide the strongest counterclaim?
A. Parents can hardly be held responsible for the way their children
behave when they're not around,
B. There are more than 30 states that require children to wear bicycle
C. Studies have shown that safe riding practices are actually more
effective in preventing injury than bicycle helmets.
D. Parents should also be charged with endangerment if they allow
their child to become dangerously overweight.





Bicycle helmets are so important in protecting children

from injury that parents who do not enforce their use

should be guilty of endangering their children.

Which of these would provide the strongest counterclaim?

A. Parents can hardly be held responsible for the way their children

behave when they're not around

B helps the claim not the counter claim, C does not refer to parents's responsibility  at all, D adds more responsibilities

The strongest counterclaim would be "Studies have shown that safe riding practices are actually more effective in preventing injury than bicycle helmets." Therefore, the correct option is C.

What is counterclaim?

An argument that responds to another claim by offering a different point of view or opposing point of view is called a counterclaim. It is an assertion or assertion that disputes or refutes an initial claim or thesis. Counterclaims are often used to anticipate and respond to potential objections or counterarguments in persuasive writing and discussion.

The counterexample provided contradicts the claim that bicycle helmets are important for preventing injuries. The notion that parents who don't mandate helmet-wearing are putting their children at risk has been countered if research indicates that safer riding practices are more successful.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Counterclaim, here:



changechange I am late into negative tag



I am late, aren't I ?


The negative question tag for "am" is "aren't"!

Therefore, the sentence will be;

I am late, aren't I ?

What are the characteristics of urban legends?


Answer:An urban legend, myth, or tale is a modern genre of folklore. It often consists of fictional stories associated with the macabre, superstitions, cryptids, creepypasta, and other fear generating narrative elements. Urban legends are often rooted in local history and popular culture.


hope it's help you

Your teacher gives you a low grade on project which you thought would at least get a grade of 90. what is your reaction


Disappointed I would go back and overthink everything I got wrong


I will go back to check the work again for any mistakes

can anyone give me some sentences for present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous ????



Simple present: Ireena plays football.

Present continuous: Nina is singing a song.

Present perfect: Peter has completed his work.

Perfect present continouus: It has been raining since morning. (If the sentence are wrong then I am very sorry for it)✌

I bought this radio ...... rs. 1000.
a. from b.by c. about d. away from​





away from


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rules used in naming variables in object oriented programming Central idea in all light we can see by Anthony dower Which of the following would cause a person starting a small business to choose a sole proprietorship over a partnership?a. The person has minimal experience managing a small business. b. The person is willing to share responsibilities for running the business. c. The person wants to retain complete control over the entire business. d. The person lacks sufficient funding for business operations. observe a figura, em que as retas r e s so paralelas e responda. *Qual a medida do ngulo indicado pela letra x?130806050e prova plsss me ajudem Find the measure of the missing angles.WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Describe how living things are involved in the constant cycling of carbon. geometry, trigonometry Cu 2 State the syntactic function of the underlined parts:Example: He has learnt English for 3 years OdAdvocates of organic foods - a term (a) whose meaning varies greatly - frequently proclaim that such products are (b) safer and more nutritious than others. Solve for the value of x Please help!! Which two equations are the equations of vertical asymptotes of the function y = 53 tan(34x)?A) x = 0 and x = 23B) x = 43 and x = 43C) x = 0 and x =43D) x = 23 and x = 23 NEED HELP WITH BOTH PARTS URGENTLY... FIND THE COORDINATES OF THE POINT WHERE y-4x=1 crosses the y-axisTHE DIAGRAM SHOWS THE GRAPH OF Y = 2x + c , where c is constant. The digits 1, 7, and 8 and 2 copies of the digit 5 are all arranged to form a 5-digit integer. How many different integers can be formed? Fun Exercise: The investigator is tracking a jewelry thief's past trips in order to find and recover jewelry that was left behind in six cities. Each city was visited only once. Can you put together the travel timeline, using the information below?1. The trip began and ended in the two cities closest to the equator.2. The two cities in Europe were not visited back to back.3. The thief visited New York City sometime before Bogata.4. After visiting London, the thief visited one other city before visiting Nairobi.5. Singapore was visited sometime before Paris. Is Central America covered with mountains It is possible to get two solutions when solving a radical equation.True or false 1.0 g of a compound A is prepared in 100 mL of water, and then extracted with 50 mL of ether. After the extraction, 0.25 g of the compound was recovered from the ether layer. What is the partitioning coefficient([A]ether/[A]water) for this compound in the system used?a. 4.0b. 3.0c. 1.5d. 0.75e. 0.25f. 0.67 write equation!!twice the difference of a number and seven equals five The sum of three consecutive numbers is 117.what is the largest of the three numbers?write an equation to represent this scenario and solve for the variable What is the slope of the line that contains these points? xxx 454545 494949 535353 575757 yyy 101010 555 000 -55minus, 5 slope: Read each description below regarding the dual innervation of the ANS. Match the appropriate category based on whether it is an example of antagonistic or cooperative innervation.a. The sympathetic division stimulates mucus production by salivary glands while the parasympathetic division stimulates enzyme secretion. b. The sympathetic division stimulates an increase in heart rate while the parasympathetic division stimulates a decrease in heart rate. c. During sex, the parasympathetic division stimulates arousal while the sympathetic division stimulates orgasm. d. The parasympathetic division constricts the pupils while the sympathetic division dilates the pupils. 1. Antagonistic 2. Cooperative