14). Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to the production of ________. A) large quantities of the antigen initially recognized B) vast numbers of B cells with random antigen-recognition receptors C) long-lived erythrocytes that can later secrete antibodies for the antigen D) short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen


Answer 1


The correct answer is D) short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen


Each B lymphocyte has an antigen receptor (BCR: B cell receptor), a surface immunoglobulin (IgM or IgD), that binds to specific domains of the antigen called antigenic determinants or epitopes. Only B lymphocytes with a high antibody affinity for the antigen, and which are capable of processing and presenting it, will be positively selected. In this contact between the two cells, an exchange of chemical signals takes place that leads to the activation, clonal proliferation and differentiation of B cells into two sister subclones: one of antibody-secreting plasma cells, and the other of memory primed B cells. Therefore, only these last positively selected B lymphocytes will survive, proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells, synthesizing and secreting antibodies of a single isotypic class, with a unique specificity and high affinity, improving the ability to adhere to the antigen and, thus , neutralize and destroy pathogens.

Related Questions

asexual reproduction can be a disadvantage to a population if



it can be a disadvantage to population because it produces many offsprings which can lead to high increase in population.

The disadvantage of asexual reproduction is that it limits the evolutionary process

Why are there many separate ecosystems in a rain forest? A. There are three different seasons in a rain forest . B. Rain forests have very few primary consumers.C. Different conditions support different organisms.D. There are three levels of consumers in rain forests. ​



C. Different conditions support different organisms

An individual with two different versions of a gene is genetically ____________ . In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the ____________ form of the gene will be visible. The other form of the gene is ____________ : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically ____________ , or has two identical copies of the gene.



heterozygous; dominant; recessive; h.o.mo-zygous


Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants.

In Genetics, co-dominance can be defined as a phenomenon in which two (2) alleles of the same gene are present in a living organism and both are equally expressed to a degree or simultaneously.

This ultimately implies that, co-dominance is a phenomenon that typically involves the relationship between alleles i.e the two (2) versions of a gene present in living organisms. Also, a single version of a gene expressed by a living organism is referred to as an allele.

Trait can be defined as a distinguishing quality or characteristic of a living thing.

Simply stated, a trait refers to the specific features or characteristics possessed by a living organism. It is essentially transferred from the parent of a living organism to her offspring and as such distinguishes him or her.

Some examples of traits in genetics are colorblindness, handedness, curly hair, height, complexion, weight, hair color, dimples, tongue-roll, etc.

In Genetics, when an individual has two (2) different versions of a gene, he or she is said to be genetically heterozygous.

In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the dominant form of the gene from the parent organism will be visible in the offspring of a living organism. The other form of the gene is recessive : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically , or has two identical copies of the gene.

Which of the following is the
compound of the chemical
formula NO?
A. Nitrate
B. Nitrogen gas
C. Ammonia


**Its nitrate**
Nitrogen (N) + Oxygen (O) = nitrate

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the definition for Down Syndrome?



A common birth defect that is usually due to an extra chromosome 21( trisomy 21) .

If a mutation occurs in the coding sequence of a gene, what types of
issues might happen?
Select one:
A) All of these answers.
B) The gene could be expressed in the wrong cell.
C) The gene could be unaffected.
D) The gene could be permanently broken.





It will be all because of the fact that mutation does sometimes harm the genes and cells so any types of issues might happen

Which organism is an animal-like protist?



✅ C. amoeba

just took the test

The organism that is an animal-like protist is the amoeba.

What are amoebas?

Amoebas are a group of single-celled organisms belonging to the phylum Amoebozoa. They are classified as protists, which are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that do not fit into the categories of plants, animals, or fungi.

Amoebas are characterized by their ability to move and change shape through the use of pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. These extensions allow amoebas to engulf and surround their food, typically consisting of bacteria, algae, or other small organisms.

Amoebas are single-celled protists that move using pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. They are classified as animal-like because of their ability to move and capture food in a similar manner to animals. Amoebas belong to the phylum Amoebozoa and are commonly found in freshwater and soil environments.

The correct answer is amoeba.

For more details regarding amoebas, visit:



Which is an important difference between light-dependent (L-D) and light-independent (L-IND) reactions in photosynthesis?



The L-D reactions require light energy and water, and the L-IND reactions require ATP, NADPH and CO2.


Which two factors cause one part of Earth to have summer while another part
has winter?



The earths axis


For the earth being on its axis causing it to be on the side so while one side is getting heat the other gets cold this also cause the days to change

please tell me the answer ​



1)the process being studied in the picture is transpiration I guess

3)the pot is covered with plastic sheet to trap the water (vapour) which is being evaporated

An essential amino acid can be synthesized in the body if caloric intake is adequate. cannot be synthesized in the body in sufficient quantity to meet body needs. can be formed in the body from nonessential amino acids. can be synthesized in the body if there is a nitrogen source.



cannot be synthesized in the body in sufficient quantity to meet body needs.  


Amino acids are defined as the structural units which make up the proteins in our bodies. They help to break down foods, repair tissues, and serves many more functions.

Our body is not capable of making the essential amino acids that are required by the body. They should be come from the food we eat.  And hence the essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in our body in the sufficient quantity to meet our body needs.

A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a new codon coding another amino acid is called: a. Deletion mutation. b. Missense mutation. c. Nonsense mutation. d. Frameshift mutation.


Answer:frame shift


The smell of freshly cut grass occurs because the plant is signaling it is in distress, simultaneously warning other plants, trying to attract a creature to save it, and signaling to the cells around it to divide to close the wound. This type of signal would most likely be:

A. Local signaling
B. Synapse
C. Enzyme
D. Hormone



A. local signaling


the answer is A) local signaling

Which type of white blood cell is activated by antigens that are bound to antibodies?





Basophils are a class of white blood cells known as granulocyte, which also include neutrophils, eosinophils, and mast cells. These cells (basophils) are generated in the bone marrow as other white blood cells. When stimulated, basophils degranulate to release histamine, proteoglycans, and proteolytic enzymes and thus mediate immune responses. This process of degranulation occurs when a specific antigen binds to the IgE receptor on the basophil. Moreover, basophils may also be activated by inflammatory mediators (e.g., complement factors such as C5a and C3a, chemokines, etc).

In a microarray analysis used to compare sporulating and nonsporulating yeast, a spot that appears yellow at a given time point is associated with a gene that is _______. View Available Hint(s) In a microarray analysis used to compare sporulating and nonsporulating yeast, a spot that appears yellow at a given time point is associated with a gene that is _______. is expressed roughly equally in both sporulating and nonsporulating yeast likely to play a role in the process of sporulation expressed in neither the sporulating nor the nonsporulating yeast present in sporulating, but not in nonsporulating yeast



is expressed roughly equally in both sporulating and nonsporulating yeast


A DNA microarray (also called DNA chip) is a microchip-based testing platform which can be used to analyze and compare gene expression profiles between samples. A DNA microarray contains microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface, where each spot corresponds to thousands of copies of a specific DNA sequence (i.e., probes). Subsequently, cDNA 'target' molecules obtained by reverse transcription from RNA are then hybridized to a microarray. This process of hybridization can be quantified by using fluorophore-labeled targets that determine the level of the expressed gene (transcript) in the target sample. In a DNA microarray, the intensity and types of color in each spot indicate the presence and level of each specific transcribed gene in the samples. In consequence, the presence of yellow spots in the DNA microarray indicates approximately equal expression levels of the corresponding gene in both yeast samples.

A sperm fertilized an egg. Which two structures will the fertilized egg contact?
ovary and fallopian tubes
fallopian tubes and uterus
uterus and cervix
cervix and ovary



B Edge 2021


I just took the test

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the fertilized egg, also known as a zygote, will travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will implant and grow into a fetus. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What is a fertilized egg?

A fertilized egg is also known as a zygote. It is a single cell that results from the union of a sperm and an egg during fertilization. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube of a female reproductive system when a sperm successfully penetrates and merges with the egg.

The egg is released from the ovary and travels through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes where the egg can be fertilized by a sperm, forming a zygote.

The zygote will then continue to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. As it approaches the uterus, the zygote will undergo several cell divisions, forming a ball of cells known as a blastocyst.

The blastocyst will then implant into the lining of the uterus, where it will continue to grow and develop into a fetus. The cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, plays a role in pregnancy by keeping the fetus inside the uterus during gestation and then opening to allow for delivery during childbirth.

Therefore, option B) the fallopian tubes and uterus is correct.

To know more about the fallopian tube:



What happens if the products of digestion of proteins in a boiled egg are more than what the body needs ?



sry I don't know but need more points


I surely answer yr next question

which of these is a cash crop

A. cucumbers

b. grass

c. latex

d. strawberries ​



The answer is Cccc Latex

the answer is bbbbb grass

What might happen to the genes that break down carbohydrates when cats eat lipids and fats, but no carbohydrates?



Goes into resting position.


The genes become dormant or in resting position that break down carbohydrates when cats eat lipids and fats, but no carbohydrates because of no use of that genes. The genes can't give instructions to the hormones that produces enzymes which take part in the digestion of carbohydrates so due to no need for the genes of carbohydrates, the genes goes into resting position until carbohydrate is eaten by the cat.

VR of wheel and axle is 5.what does it mean. plz help me this question I will Mark u as brainliest​



VR is 5 means that the load moved is five times the effort applied and the distance moved by the effort is five times the distance moved by the load at the same time interval.

I hope it helps you


The mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is the radius of the wheel divided by the radius of the axle

Which of the following is a scientific observation about the panther pictured
Florida Panther
O A. The panther is enjoying the warmth of the sun.
B. The fur on the panther's head is darker than the fur on its body.
C. The panther's coloring is for camouflage.
O D. The panther is an important American symbol.



D, The panther is an important American symbol

pls mark me




All of the following are evidence for the big bang except: A. Cosmic background radiation B. Almost all galaxies are red-shifted C. The sound from the bang echoes though the universe D. The universe is expanding


Answer: C. The sound from the bang echoes though the universe


Cosmic background radiation proves the big bang because it shows that as a result of the big bang, the early universe was really hot but cooled as it expanded. Cosmic background radiation is the result of that earlier heat.

Galaxies being red-shifted means that the space between galaxies is increasing which means that the universe is expanding which provides evidence for a big bang because particles move away the single point they are concentrated in.

There was no actual bang from the big bang and sound cannot echo through space so c is incorrect.

what are the 4 pairs of DNA bases that form in the double helix?​



Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). The two strands are held together by bonds between the bases, adenine forming a base pair with thymine, and cytosine forming a base pair with guanine.


Double Helix

Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). The two strands are held together by bonds between the bases, adenine forming a base pair with thymine, and cytosine forming a base pair with guanine..

Cellular respiration is a mirror image of photosynthesis, meaning that the chemical reaction is the reverse. Below is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis.
Which of the following would be the correct chemical reaction for cellular respiration?
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

A. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
B. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
C. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
D. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → C6H12O6 + 6 O2


Its (C) cz....

Connecting Cellular Respiration and PhotosynthesisThe products of one process are the reactants of the other. Notice that the equation for cellular respiration is the direct opposite of photosynthesis: Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O.

hope it helps you, I tried my best to give an ans to you .

And if your kind enough would you mind marking me as branliest plz plz

The chemical reaction for cellular respiration will be C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O, the correct option is C.

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a succession of chemical reactions that break down glucose to produce ATP, which can then be used as energy to power a variety of reactions throughout the body.

Cellular respiration consists of three major steps: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

It is mirror image of photosynthesis, its chemical reaction is:

[tex]C_{6} H_{12}O_{6} + 6 O_{2}--------- > 6CO_{2}+6O_{2}[/tex]

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding cellular respiration, visit:



Hemophilia is a serious bleeding disorder caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. What are the chances of a normal male and a female who is a carrier for hemophilia having a child with hemophilia?
1/4 or 25%
1/2 or 50%
3/4 or 75%



‼️A) 1/4 25% Chance‼️


If she gets the X chromosome with the hemophilia gene, she will have hemophilia. A man who has hemophilia and a woman who is a carrier have: a 25% (one in four) chance of having a son with hemophilia.




the sex linked trait is to the x chromosome but only one. that means the female would pass 50% the allele 50% of the time

Which factor can decrease the rate of a chemical reaction?


The reaction rate decreases with a decrease in temperature. Catalysts can lower the activation energy and increase the reaction rate without being consumed in the reaction. Differences in the inherent structures of reactants can lead to differences in reaction rates.

Which of the following is NOT an importance of
cell division?
A. Repair
B. Reproduction
C. Temperature Regulation
D. Growth





Have a nice day

The correct answer would be C. Temperature Regulation.

Jika Kita ingin memasuki gua yang dalam ,Kita digalakkan untuk membawa obor api selain lampu suluh sebagai penunjuk kehadiran oksigen.Apakah kelebihan menggunakan obor di dalam gua?​


ok so this to inform you that i have to get b points thank you

Which of the following most accurately describes most scientists' current understanding of the evolution of humans?
A: Humans have not evolved.
B: Humans, chimpanzees, and other primates share a common ancestor.
C: Gorillas evolved from humans and chimpanzees.
D. Humans evolved from gorillas and other primates.



B: Humans, chimpanzees, and other primates share a common ancestor.


According to the theory of evolution, organisms of a particular species change in their characteristics over several generations because of the process of natural selection. The idea of evolution derives from the fact that all species are related and gradually change over time.

Species which are somewhat related all share a common ancestor. Hence, humans, chimpanzees, and other primates all share a common ancestor.


Which of the following does NOT incorporate phosphorus?
A. Phospholipids
B. Nucleotides
D. Carbohydrates




Other Questions
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