17. How would “Paul Revere's Ride" be different if it were written as a lyric


Answer 1

it is same poem that you are in nigth

I am fine thanks for the matinee show today so she have got the tickets for the

Related Questions

"Shall I put the …………..books on the floor?" - "No, I want to keep the ", A. tidy room B. room tidily C.roomistidy D. room



"No, I want to keep the room tidy."


° ° °

Answer: D. room tidy

"Shall I put the books on the floor?"

"No, I want to keep the room tidy.",

What is the term for the presenter of a broadcast news program?






The term for the presenter of a broadcast news program is the anchor. The correct option is A.

Who is an anchor?

The terms "anchor," "anchorman," and "anchorwoman" come from the anchor leg of relay races, where the fastest or most seasoned competitor on a team typically fills the position.

Presenters and anchors are on the front lines of radio and television. They read the news, conduct interviews, introduce and host programs, and report on topics and physical phenomena.

An anchor is a person who simply sits down in front of the camera and gives the public the news, whereas a reporter gathers information on current events.

Therefore, the correct option is A, the anchor.

To learn more about the anchor, refer to the below link:



What best describes a quotation


A quotation can best be described as:

The direct words of a speaker

What is a Quotation?

A quotation can best be referred to as the direct and repeated words of a speaker.

A quotation is often enclosed in quotation marks to show that it is not the original words of the person repeating it. So the statement above is right.

Learn more about a quotation here:



Which of the following sentences has all words capitalized correctly?

He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and i both enjoyed the brownies you made.
He and I both enjoyed the brownies You made.
he and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.



He and I both enjoyed the brownies you made.


Cloze test without clues (A Modern Library)
A modern library, with some exception is regarded as (a) ____ service institution. Its aim is to enable the (b) ____ to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the (c) ____. This type of library acquires materials, processes it, and makes it available for use rather than (d) ____. It allows open (e) ____ to its collection and provides service to its users. It is expected to (f) ____ potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is (g) ____, who goes to a library regularly and use the library as a source of (h) ____ in order to convert potential users (i) ____ habitual users, it is essential to (j) ____ desired kind of contact between the user and the document.


The missing words are:

A) auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural

B) users

C) institution

D) sell them

E) Public

F) Convert

G) One

H) Information

I) into

J) Create the

A modern library, with some exceptions, is regarded as an auxiliary scientific, educational, and cultural institution. Its aim is to enable the users to make the most effective use of the resources and services of the institution.

This type of library acquires materials, processes them, and makes them available for use rather than sell them. It allows the open public to its collection and provides services to its users.

It is expected to convert potential users into habitual users. A habitual user is one who goes to a library regularly and uses the library as a source of information. In order to convert potential users into habitual users, it is essential to create the desired kind of contact between the user and the document.

Learn more about libraries here:


Which scientific law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Law of universal gravitation.


Newton's third law of Motion

The Third Law of Motion indicates that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object instantaneously exerts a force back on the first object.

Law of universal gravitation

The universal law of gravitation states that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force F which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

This law was given by Sir Isaac Newton.

[tex]\large\bf{\red{ \implies}} \rm \: F \: = \: G \: \times \: \frac{m \: \times \:M}{ {d}^{2} } \\ [/tex]

What is the tone of the following statement? "Still no word from Mark since he headed over to England, but I know he is very busy. I am sure we will hear from him soon
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Hopeful
D. Angry
Reset Selection





because I have hope that he will be soon ☺️

70. We each other one day while John a bookin the library and i down beside him a. Met / was reading / sat c. Meet / is reading / have sat b. Had met / was reading / had sat d. Will meet / reads / sat


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: a. Met / was reading / sat

We met each other one day while John was reading a book in the library and I sat down beside him.


Out of the options provided, only the chosen one correctly uses the verb tense for the missing words in the sentence: all the actions happened in the past.

Option c is incorrect because it uses the present tense (meet) and the past perfect (have sat) as if the act of sitting had happened before they met.  

Option b. is incorrect because both actions, meeting, and seating, are in the past perfect tense, so there is an action that should happen after that that is missing.

Option d. is incorrect because the act of meeting happens in the future.

What theme of Frankenstein is reflected in the following excerpt?
by Mary Shelley
if this journey had taken place during my days of study and happiness, it would have afforded me inexpressible pleasure. But a blight had come
over my existence, and I only visited these people for the sake of the Information they might give me on the subject in which my interest was so
terribly profound. Company was irksome to me when alone, I could fill my mind with the sights of heaven and earth; the voice of Henry soothed
me, and I could thus cheat myself into a transitory peace. But busy uninteresting joyous faces brought back despair to my heart. I sawan
insurmountable barrier placed between me and my fellow-men: this barrier was sealed with the blood of Willam and justine, and to reflect on
the events connected with those names filled my soul with anguish.
OA revenge
OB. family
Ocbirth and creation
OD alienation and Isolation



It's D.


It states in the excerpt that they only visited people for information but the rest talks about how lonely they've become and isolated that without Henry they've built barriers around themselves and kept themselves away.

write the questions for the underlined words. i met my cousin yesterday -> Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago -> _____________________



I met my cousin yesterday. Whom did you meet yesterday?

The Muong inhabited Vietnam Nam thousands of years ago.


Correct grammar in the above sentences.

i met my cousin yesterday_ Whom did you meet yesterday?. the Muong inhabited viet nam thousands of years ago_

The Olympic Games have been going on since last Monday. What's the negative sentence of it?



the olympic games not have been going on since last monday


plz mark me as brainlist


The Olympic games haven't started.


What is it that comes down, but does not go up?

answer with intelligence.



rain come down but does not go up because rain fall down due to gravity and anything to go up requires force to overcome gravity and go upward

Where do all them go too


I’m pretty sure pull your self together goes with calm down

What can you determine about Steve’s relationship with his parents by analyzing his parents’ actions?

Steve’s father is angry with him.
Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.
Both parents are convinced that Steve will not be judged guilty.
Both of Steve’s parents have given up on him.



Option B

Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.


Steve’s mother is nervous about his situation.


Which amendment did some Americans criticize as not going far enough to make suffrage universal?

Fifteenth—African American men
Twenty-fourth—no poll taxes
Twenty-sixth—18 years old



The answer is A because that led women to stand up for themselves as American citizens and drove them to protest to give them suffrage.


Answer: A.) Fifteenth Ammendment (African men)

english help answer pls




What is quality mean?



Quality means the condition/type of a certain object or thing


if something is of high quality, it is probably made of good materials and is almost new.

Quality is the condition or state of die objects or substance..

Use a, an , the or nothing
1. We have ........ good relation between USA and Nepal.​



We have a good relation between USA and Nepal.​

Look at the picture for the question





A claim of value is justifying if something is good or bad, almost like a hot take.  For example i could say basketball is the best sport


C good or bad


from brainly itself



55 answers

35.2K people helped


In summary, when trying to claim a value, use or look for terms that identify right/wrong, good/bad, best/worst, valuable/not valuable.


Claims of value is a claim that some things are better than or less desirable than others. It is also trying to persuade you to approve or disapprove of something.


1. It is better to walk than to run.

2. Juan is more handsome than Pedro because of his dimples.

3. It is unethical to bring home office supplies.

4. Buying goods from local stores is more economical than buying from department stores.

5. Stealing is wrong.

6. Smoking is dangerous to your health.

7. Privacy is more important than security.

8. I think it is better if you will sing than dance.

9. Imposing curfew hours for teens is a good move.

10. Celphones should be off while driving

Language and Editing - Domain Test
Can I get the answers for 1-20


For your question the answer is Affect

What is the structure of the following statement? "Something needs to be done about the local playground.
Graffiti defaces most of it, and there are broken bottles and trash everywhere.
A. Descriptive
B. Compare and contrast
C. Problem Solution
D. Cause and effect



a)descriptive is the answer as I think




i love pets in a complex sentence



Answer: Although my parents don't like pets , but I love pets .



Why did the writer long for dashain hollydays?​



cuz he loved items was vey happy

Which subjects at school do you find interesting and motivating? What makes them so?​


I like spelling (Word Building is what my school calls it) because I get to learn how to spell words I never now how to

3. Which of the following statements is true?
a ) Video should be used sparingly.
b) Video should be avoided whenever possible.

c) Video should be used together with text.
d) Video should be used as often as possible.



The answer is A, Video should be used sparingly.


I did the quiz! hope it helps<33


Video should be used sparingly.


Video can be a very useful tool, but should be used sparingly and should not be combined with other media.

Which paragraph in the text might the correct answer to part A summarize



Plz give me the text to summarize your A...

1. true / false / doesn't say​






Many people disagree about the appropriate age to allow children and young adults to use social media. Write an essay that argues your viewpoint about the issue. Develop your claim with reasons and evidence, and form a rebuttal to argue against a counterclaim. The topic (what you will write about) is . The purpose of this essay is to .



I believe the best age for anyone to start using social media is around 15-16. A child under the age of 13 will most likely be easily influenced by things they see since they are still developing their views and opportunities on the world and themselves. Younger teens (13 or 14) will most likely also be influenced but also pressured by social media. Social media can cause stress or pressure for those who are still young and developing. Around 15 or a little older is a great age to start because it is a good way to start giving freedom to young adults. 15, 16 or 17 year olds for the most part have discovered their personality and have a higher level of common sense and critical thinking


The right or appropriate age to allow children and young adults to use social media is 13 years.

What is the right age to use social media?

Studies has shown that the right age for social media use is 13 as it is the the minimum.

I believe that the above is correct because at that age, the child will want to learn more about school work and others. Note that introducing your child to social media below that age is not right as they can easily be influenced by it.

Learn more about social media from



Describe your class teacher​



Nice, and caring


what movie is this??


Star Wars

It is Star Wars.


this movie is Star Wars yes I am write yeah

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