Solve for x: 5x + (3x + 6) > 14
X> 2


Answer 1


x > 1

Step-by-step explanation:

5x + (3x + 6) > 14

following pemdas we need to solve parenthesis first but since there is nothing in them to solve, we can take the parenthesis out

5x + 3x + 6 > 14

now we have to add our like terms together so 5x and 3x

8x + 6 > 14

we have to get x alone on one side so need to subtract 6 from both sides

8x + 6 > 14

     - 6    -6

8x > 8

x is not alone yet so we need to divide 8 from both sides

8x/8 = x

8/8 = 1

so x > 1

Answer 2

The solution of inequality is x > -1/4.

What is Inequality?

Inequalities are mathematical formulas in which neither side is equal. Unlike equations, we compare two values in inequality. In between, the equal sign is substituted by a less than (or less than or equal to), greater than (or greater than or equal to), or not equal to sign.

We have the inequality

5x+ (3x+ 6) > 4.

Now, solving the inequality

5x + 3x + 6 > 4

8x + 6 > 4

Now, subtract 6 from both side

8x + 6-6 > 4- 6

8x > -2.

and, Divide both side by 8

8x/8 > -2/8

x> -1/4.

Learn more about Inequality here:



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pre calc ! help me please




Step-by-step explanation:

solve the numbers by the equation

I could use some help, thanks!



line b, line c

Step-by-step explanation:

Segments BF, CD, and AE are medians for triangle ABC. Point K is the intersection of all three medians. The measure of segment FK is 3.40 cm and segment EK = 1.63 cm. Find the sum of the lengths of segments AK and BK.


The point of concurrency of the three median is the centroid of the triangle ABC.

The sum of the lengths of AK and BK is 10.06


The given parameters are;

The medians of the triangle ABC = Segments BF, CD, and AE

The  length of segment FK = 3.40

Length of segment EK = 1.63


The sum of the lengths of segment AK and BK


The ratios of the lengths of AK to KE = 2:1

Therefore, we have;

[tex]\dfrac{AK}{KE} = \dfrac{2}{1} = \mathbf{\dfrac{AK}{1.63}}[/tex]

1.63 × 2 = 1 × AK

AK = 3.26

Similarly, we have;

[tex]\dfrac{BK}{KF} = \dfrac{2}{1} = \mathbf{\dfrac{BK}{3.40}}[/tex]

3.40 × 2 = BK

6.80 = BK

Which gives;

AK + BK = 3.26 + 6.80 = 10.06

The sum of the lengths of AK and BK = 10.06

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Si caminara 1 2/3 alrededor de la jardinera triangular,Cuantos metros recorrería?



0.0423333333 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

When you convert, you will receive the same result.

How do I make 0.3% into a decimal? Please explain step by step to get marked brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

Since % refers to the number every 100, 0.3% would be practically the ratio of 0.3:100. Hence,

0.3% = 0.3/100

Looking at this, we can move the decimal point two places behind:



0.3% = 0.003

Hope this helps and be sure to have a wonderful time ahead at Brainly! :D

Guys please help me match these

Brainliest will go to the right answer



Step-by-step explanation:

10 - m = m - 10                  is  one solution

7x + 5 = 7(x + 5)                is  no solution

3(t + 2) = (2 + 3t) + 4         is identity

hope this helps!

mark me brainliest :D

How do I factor this?


search it up on safari lol

1. Evaluate |-x - 2y| for x = -2 and y = 3




Step-by-step explanation:

x = - 2

y = 3

l - x - 2y l

= l - ( - 2 ) - 2 ( 3 ) l

= l 2 - 6 l

= l - 4 l

= 4

kind of hard math do they have you doing

A man makes a concrete mixture using cement sand and water in the ratio 1:3:6 respectively

A) if he uses 4 bags of cement how many bags of sand are needed

B) how many buckets of water are needed if he uses 10 bags of sand

C) how many bags of sand are needed if he uses 25 buckets of water


Part A

The ratio of cement:sand:water is 1:3:6

This means we have 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 6 parts water. These are the basic building blocks to form concrete and the smaller pieces must be in this ratio.

Focus on the first two values 1:3 since we're only worried about cement and sand for part A. We ignore the water element.

We have 4 bags of cement and x bags of sand that are in ratio 1:3

4:x = 1:3

4/x = 1/3

4*3 = x*1

12 = x

x = 12

Answer: 12 bags of sand


Part B

This time we'll ignore the cement aspect. We only focus on the sand and water.

3:6 is the ratio of sand to water in that order.

x = number of buckets of water.

10 bags of sand to x buckets of water = 3:6

10:x = 3:6

10/x = 3/6

10*6 = x*3

60 = 3x

3x = 60

x = 60/3

x = 20

Answer: 20 buckets of water


Part C

Like with part B, we'll ignore the cement.

x = number of bags of sand

x bags of sand to 25 buckets of water = 3:6

x:25 = 3/6

x/25 = 3/6

6x = 25*3

6x = 75

x = 75/6

x = 12.5

Answer: 12.5 bags of sand


A) 12 bags of sand are needed

Step-by-step explanation:

A) Your question is not complete because you didn’t mention the concrete volume. Let's assume you want to know the number of bags of cement required for 100 cft concrete considering 1:3:6 mix ratio. Lets begin!

Total volume of concrete= 100 cft

Mix Ratio= 1:3:6

Dry Volume of concrete= 1.5* Wet volume= 1.5*100cft= 150cft

Hence, Volume of cement required = 150*1/(1+3+6)= 15 cft

And, we know that one bag of cement contain 50kg or 1.25 cft Cement

Bags of Cement required = 15/1.25 = 12 Bags

3. [1,5 punts] Si en un partit el Camp Nou s'ha omplert parts de la seva capacitat, quants espectadors han anat? I si s'ha posat a ploure abans del final del partit i han marxat tres quartes parts dels espectadors que hi havia, quants en queden? Quina part de la capacitat ha quedat? (Capacitat del Camp Nou: 99375 espectadors.)​




Step-by-step explanation:

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museum is 62.5 miles from Lauren's school. The class plans to stop after 30 minutes, or 0.5
hours, to visit a local wildlife refuge. The bus driver plans to drive at an average speed of 50
miles per hour. How many hours will the second part of the trip take?



Step-by-step explanation:

i just did it

Choose the correct answer to 263 ÷ 4.


263 / 4

How many times can 4 fit into 263


I hope this helps! :)

Please help me my teacher is making me do this she didn’t even teach us this



ratios which are in only one negative sign they are in negative rational number and others are in positive

пожалуйста, помогите с векторами!



hi there is that something you can block

How do you figure out division expression with answer of 19.1



its 5823

Step-by-step explanation:

help urself

Simplify 18-9*(-4)divided by 3+10*2



It's 50

Step-by-step explanation:

18-9*(-4) divided by 3+10*2 = 50

Rico is finding 7.5 × 100
Find and correct his mistake​



Rico moved his decimal to the left instead of to the right. So the answer should be 750

Step-by-step explanation:

When you multiply, your moving the decimal to the right so the number gets bigger.

Hope this helps~! :3



Step-by-step explanation:

As you move the decimal over to the right 2 places.

The total measure of the three angles of a triangle is 180° is known as ……………………………… property of a triangle.​



Angle sum property

Step-by-step explanation:

This is because one exterior angle is equal to the sum of the other two interior angles.

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a.g(0) b.g(-5). c.g(4/5) d.g(-3b). e. g(b+1)
a. g(0)=___(simplify).




Step-by-step explanation:




17500 is your welcome

One half of a number decreased by 10 is one fourth of a number increased by 15. What is the number?


Tell me is you need the workings



Step-by-step explanation:

The area of Triangle abc is 3cm 4cm 3cm​



Step-by-step explanation:

ASSUMING the given dimensions are the lengths of the legs

we have an equilateral triangle with base 4 and height

h = √(3² - (4/2)²) = √5

A = ½bh = ½(4)(√5) = 2√5 cm²

What are the roots of this quadratic equation?-10x^2+12x-9=0



Step-by-step explanation:

-10x² + 12x - 9 = 0

Multiply the whole equation by (-1)

10x² - 12x + 9 = 0

a = 10  ; b = -12 ; c = 9

D = b² - 4ac = (-12)² - 4*10*9

   = 144 - 360

    = -216

√D = √-216 = [tex]\sqrt{2*2 * 3 * 3 * 2 *3 * i^{2}}[/tex]

       [tex]= 2*3*i*\sqrt{3*2}\\\\= 6i \sqrt{6}[/tex]

Roots = [tex]\frac{-b + \sqrt{D}}{2a} ; \frac{-b-\sqrt{D}}{2a}[/tex]

          [tex]= \dfrac{-[-12]+6i\sqrt{6}}{2*10} \ ; \ \dfrac{-[-12] - 6i\sqrt{6}}{2*10}\\\\= \dfrac{12+6i\sqrt{6}}{20} ; \ \dfrac{12-6i\sqrt{6}}{20}\\\\\\= \dfrac{2*(6+3i\sqrt{6}}{20} ; \ \dfrac{2*(6-3i\sqrt{6}}{20}\\\\=\dfrac{6+3i\sqrt{6}}{10} ; \dfrac{6-3i\sqrt{6}}{10}[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation: Plato :)

Twice a number is 36 less than 4 times the number. Find the number.



2x = 36 - 4x

4x 4x

6x = 36

x = 6

The equation be 2x = 36 - 4x then, the value of x = 6.

How to find the value of x?

Given: 2x = 36 - 4x

To estimate the value of x, bring the variable to the left side and bring all the remaining values to the right side. Simplify the values to estimate the result.

2x = 36 - 4x

Solve the value of x, then

Add 4x to both sides of the equation

2x + 4x = 36 - 4x + 4x


6x = 36

Divide both sides by 6, then we get

x = 36/6

x = 6

Therefore, the value of x = 6.

To learn more about the value of x refer to:



what is the thing which can climb mountain with 3 legs and come back with 4 legs?​



sorry I don't know this and but can u thank me

Step-by-step explanation:

Man. As an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs; and in old age, he uses a walking stick.”

no link or bot answer the question




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

6 * 8 = 48

48 / 2 = 24

because it's half a square

What is the distance between the bank and Hiroto’s house on the map?

Enter the distance to the nearest quarter mile. (Each unit represents 1 mile.)


11? or try 12 because you add 8 then 3

Need helppppppppppppppp


Answer: Try square root for the first one.

Step-by-step explanation: I know a lot about graphs tell me if I am right or wrong. Ok?

Solve the system of equations



x= 6, y= 5

Step-by-step explanation:

-2x +3y= 3 -----(1)

-4x +5y= 1 -----(2)

(1) ×2:

-4x +6y= 6 -----(3)

(3) -(2):

-4x +6y -(-4x +5y)= 6 -1


-4x +6y +4x -5y= 5

y= 5

Substitute y= 5 into (1):

-2x +3(5)= 3

-2x +15= 3

2x= 15 -3

2x= 12

x= 12 ÷2

x= 6

What is the surface area of a rectangular brick with a length of 12 in, a width of 8 in, and a height of 6 in?



We can apply the formula for surface area of a rectangular prism here. i.e.

Step-by-step explanation:

A=2(l×w + h×l + h×w), where l is length, h is height and w is width.

As mentioned above, length = 12 cm, width = 8 cm and height = 6 cm.


2(12×7+6×12+6×8)=2(84+72+48)=2(204)=408. So the surface area of the brick is 408 square centimetres.

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Scientists recently introduced the teeny meanie, whichthey discovered in Argentina. That is a country in South America. Experts say Eodromaeus (ee-oh- DROH-mee-uhss) is one of the oldest dinosaurs ever discovered. It lived during the Triassic Period about 230 million years ago. The dinosaur's name means "dawn runner." The pint-sized predator was four feet long from nose to tail and weighed less than fifteen pounds. Though Eodromaeus was small, it may hold big clues about the world's first dinosaurs."We're looking at a snapshot of early dinosaur life," says Paul Sereno. He is a paleontologist who helped find the reptile.A Meaty History Eodromaeus has a history that scientists can really sink their teeth into. The dinosaur was one of the very first theropods. A theropod was a meat-eating dino that walked on two legs. The great-granddaddy of T. rex shared some key features with later carnivores, or meat eaters. The reptile had sharp, narrow teeth. "They have small, steak knife-like [edges] so that when they are jabbed into flesh, they open a wound," Sereno explained to WR News. Eodromaeusmost likely chowed down on small dinosaurs and the young of other reptiles. Also, like later meat eaters, the dinosaur had hands that were perfect for grabbing its dinner. "The bones behind the claws are very long, so it can get the claw around something," Sereno explains.In addition, the end of the dino's tail was stiff to let Eodromaeus keep its balance while running.The Big Reveal Eodromaeus is helping scientists learn about other early dinosaurs. The reptile shared its turf with a similar-looking dinosaur called Eoraptor (ee-oh-RAP-tor). For years, experts suspected, or thought, that Eoraptor ate meat. But after comparing Eoraptor's and Eodromaeus's features, they determined that Eoraptor was an herbivore, or plant eater. Despite the dinos' different diets, they had a lot in common, including their size, experts say. "I think if they [ran] by, you might not even know the difference except that one might want to rip your arm off and the other one might ... hide in a bush," Sereno says. The fact that the dinosaurs shared so many features could mean that they are also very similar to the world's first dinosaur, Sereno says. Experts believe that dino roamed Earth ten million years earlier than Eoraptor and Eodromaeus did. That may seem like a long time, experts say, but it is relatively short compared with the 183 million years that dinosaurs existed.Digging Deeper Sereno and his team found both Eodromaeus and Eoraptor in northern Argentina. They believe the country may hold even more fossils-including the remains of the very first dinosaur. "We're going to go back," Sereno says. He's pretty sure some fossils will turn up. "They always come out to say hi when we come!"Profile of a Predator Small animals, beware! Eodromaeus's skeleton shows certain features that are common in all meat-eating dinosaurs, including T. rex. WHAT IS THIS ABOUT I need help with this Spanish 1 questions Write a question that has the quotient of -3/8 Is 666 = 37 positive or negative? 7.0g divided by 5.6g/cm cubed :O who watches disney intertwined?? IM CRYING IM SO HAPPPY OMG MARCO IS BACk AHHHHHHH What is (- 2g-6)-(g-10) Snog plz help me or anyone plz lend an hand to a failing grade plz be so kin as to help start by reading this The American colonies had accomplished an amazing success. Angry about their treatment by the British government, the colonists had protested and then revolted. After winning the Revolutionary War against England, they had formed a new country: the United States of America.During the war, the Continental Congress had formed a government under the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the first constitution of the United States. Because of their experiences with the British government, the colonists had limited the power of the United States central government under the Articles. After the war, however, many people realized that the government had too little power. It could not collect taxes or regulate trade. There was no executive to enforce laws and no court system to make sure laws were fair. The countrys leaders realized the United States needed a new plan of government.Respected people, or delegates, from all the colonies except for Rhode Island met in Philadelphia in 1787 to create a new constitution. For four months the delegates discussed problems and solutionsin secret so that no one would influence the decisions. Finally, in September 1787, they completed the writing of the United States Constitution. The next step was to get the document ratified, or approved, by nine of the thirteen states. That task was not easy.When Americans learned the specifics of the Constitution, two groups formed. People who supported the strong government created by the Constitution were called Federalists. People who worried that the government would be too powerful were called Anti-Federalists. As the states prepared to ratify the Constitution, these two groups worked hard to get people to join their side. Leaders of the Federalists wrote a series of essays published throughout the country. They urged the states to ratify the Constitution without any amendments. Meanwhile, the Anti-Federalists wanted to make sure that peoples rights were protected against the government. It soon became clear that some statesespecially big states such as Massachusetts, New York, and Virginiawere not ready to adopt the Constitution.What were the rights that the Anti-Federalists wanted to protect? The list included the right to speak freely, to worship freely, to have fair searches, and to have a trial by jury. These were all rights that the British government had ignored before the Revolution. Federalists claimed that those rights were protected even though they were not specifically listed. After more than two years of discussions, James Madison proposed amendments, or additions, to the Constitution that would protect a citizens rights.The House of Representatives passed seventeen amendments on August 24, and the Senate consolidated them into twelve amendments. The Senate passed them on September 9. In order for the amendments to become law, however, the states also had to approve them. Congress sent the amendments to the states on September 25. The states approved ten of the twelve amendmentsknown as the Bill of Rightson December 15, 1791. The United States had a new government plan that allowed it to become not only the most powerful nation in the world but also the greatest protector of human rights. What are two central ideas of the passage? Federalists didn't want a Bill of Rights.The creation of the Constitution was complicated.Many people worked together to create the Constitution.Personal rights were unimportant to Americans.James Madison proposed seventeen amendments. find the solution of the equation 4x-3/6x+1 =2-1/3+1