2) There _ good books out there.
a) was
b) be
c) are
d) is


Answer 1


There are good books out there


books plural,requires a plural (be)word

Answer 2

Related Questions

_________ milk do you need for this cake?
How many
How much
How about
How long


( how much )

because milk is uncountable noun :)

It is How much its a noun

17) The subject of the speaker's passage is
O a) reptiles
Ob) snakes
Oc) lizards


Does anyone have the passage or picture of the question?!

Since the passage was not given, I will say that the subject of the speaker's passage is reptiles.

What are reptiles?

Reptiles are known to be some types of animals that are known to be air-breathing vertebrates which are said to be covered in special skin.

Their skin is made up of scales, bony plates, etc. The examples are crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and others.

Learn more about subject from


Don't smoke,............. A) shall you? B) will you? C) did you? D) should you?​



- Hello Divyaprakash!

[tex] \large{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \tt{✺ \: ANSWER : \: WILL \: YOU\: ?} }}}[/tex]

- Remember : When you are provided a imperative sentence [ a sentence that makes a command ] and asked to add an appropriate tag , you'll have to fill the blank by ' will you '!

Note : Imperative sentence and a sentence that begins with ' Let's ' have always an affirmative tag.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer and don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need further assistance! :)

how can one be scammed online?​


be clicking on skeptical websites, doing suspicious surveys, or giving away their passwords.

One can be scammed online by clicking on weird/sketchy websites, clicking on links you don’t know, and downloading things from weird websites

What is the main idea of the story country miles


one of journeying (with a 'Country Mile' being an indefinite distance).

What is a topic sentence?

the sentence that always appears at the beginning of the paragraph
a sentence that includes the main idea of the paragraph
a sentence that repeats the main idea of the paragraph
a sentence that supports the main idea of the paragraph



my opinion is letter A: a sentence that includes the main idea of the paragraph

write a letter to letter to your assembly member asking him to provide your area with two important​



will find the a

answer and get back


will surely get back to you

Harry wants his audience to have a deep understanding of the culture at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is thinking about informing his audience about the four houses, quid ditch, the history of Hogwarts, and the different areas of study at Hogwarts. Which type of informative speech is Harry planning to give



The answer is:


The type of informative speech Harry is going to give to his audiences is descriptive speech.. Since telling about the four houses, Quidditch amd the history of Hogwarts and the different areas of stud at Hogwarts is related to describing the school itself..

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!  

Help me ……………………………..



Lesson overview = Snapshot of content..

Unit overview = a list of objectives...

Journal - Personal response..

Study - Material focusing..

Hope it helps :D

can someone compare the point of view of “A Simple Act” with the point of view of “An Invisible Thread.”



A simple act its like an act that is visual.

3) Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb according to given tense:

a) It is quite chilly outside. You .......your head covered.(keep. Simple Future)
b) I .....from Arnav for a long time. (not hear. Present Perfect)
C) He ......a song. (sing. Present Continuous.
d) I.... my lunch. (had, Past Perfect)
e) It ......heavily in July and August. (rain, Past Continuous )
f) Mother .....jams and pickles at home. (prepare. Simple Present)



a.)you kept

b.)i am not here

c.)he sings

d.)I had

e.) was raining

f.) mother is preparing.


hope this helps


why... you...(decide) to write about mia hamm for your report​


Because Mia Hamm has been a role model for girls since she established herself as one of the greatest female athletes of all time.

Help me please…………………….


B. By connecting related words :)
B. Connecting related words is the answer

Which scenario most accurately represents James Green's rea


Answer: See explanation


You didn't provide the excerpt or the passage where the question came from.

I made some search online and couldn't get the passage. There are some different answers provided for the question and I don't know which of the options you've. Here are the correct answers, kindly choose the on pertaining to your question.

• If Elizabeth and Mike both earn $12 an hour for their work, society will suffer.

• Paying a woman the same as a man will make it harder for the man to support his family.

• If Tiffany and John both earn the same salary, families will suffer.

What element is a character of an informative report



Characteristics of informational text include facts and text features such as table of contents, pictures, captions, bold print, and glossary. These characteristics help the reader find information, add to information presented in text, call the reader's attention to important words, and explain what words mean.

Time of action is indicated by verb____.

A) Tense
B) Mood
C) Voice


Answer: i think its tense




Drama is different from other genres of literature because:


Drama is distinct from other literature because it is performed in front of an audience by actors to tell a story, along with the use of a set, lighting, music, and costumes.

one of my sisters..............(is/are)going on a trip to france.​



One of my sisters is going on a trip to france.




plural = singular

singular= plural

Look at your highlighting and the notes you made in your notebook. How does Stanton use logos, ethos, and pathos in the excerpt?

Answer: Plato
Stanton makes appeals to the statesmen’s sense of
ambition when she suggests that​
they would like see their “names on the page of history”
In an extended metaphor, Stanton compares slavery to
war to logically demonstrate why​
peace activists should support abolition.
Stanton uses old-fashioned phrases (even for 1850), such as “ye who have labored long” and “yea, they are a part of,” which would remind her largely Christian audience of biblical language. This strategy would help build her ethos.



this is the PLATO answer, the other person is wrong.


PLATO does Stanton use logos, ethos, and pathos in the excerpt.

What is the point of Plato's symposium?

It shows a gathering of illustrious individuals at a banquet engaging in a convivial debate with spontaneous speeches. The men are represented by the playwright Aristophanes, the general and political figure Alcibiades, and the philosopher Socrates. Eros, the god of love and desire, is to be praised in the speeches.

His Forms theories, often known as Platonism, are wat he is most famous for. In favor of metaphysics, Plato's philosophy rejected the materialism prevalent in ancient philosophy. He thought there was an ethereal universe full of ideal things and Forms.

From sensual attraction to individual bodies to attraction to souls, and finally to unification with the divine, Platonic love considers growing through levels of proximity to wisdom and genuine beauty.

Thus, PLATO.

For more information about Plato's symposium , click here:



Describe an English lesson that you really
You should say:
where and when it took place
who the teacher was
what you did in the lesson
and explain why you enjoyed it so much



the one about Edgar Allen Poe


it was pretty interesting

five reasons why daisy is not at fault


1 because she’s daisy
2 because she’s perfect
3 because she’s pretty
4 because she’s cool
5 because she’s a goddess

Is food included in tax free weekend in Missouri?





clothing – any article having a taxable value of $100 or less

School supplies – not to exceed $50 per purchase

Computer & technology software – taxable value of $350 or less

Personal laptops/computers – not to exceed $1,500

Computer peripheral devices – not to exceed $1,500

Graphing Calculators – not to exceed $150

In daughter of invention
How is the narrator’ identity impacted by who her mother is?
How much influence do you think a parent’s identity has on who their child will become?


The impact of the mother on her daughter (that is, on the narrator); It is reflected in the way of acting of the narrator as soon as her father damaged the speech she had written, the narrator gets up crying and goes to her room but later her mother looks for her and consoles her, helps her to rewrite her speech Again, the mother is determined and independent, although she loves her father, she is not intimidated by him, but is brave and helps her daughter to face obstacles with courage, hence the narrator always manifests a spirit of independence and courage.

Parents always want to convey to their children their identity or their way of being; as well as their religious or political convictions; The values ​​or the way of being an adult usually reflects the upbringing that their parents gave them, in the case of political ideologies or moral values ​​only with time young people can decide if they want to continue with the same values ​​as their parents they teach them.

You can find more information at this link:


Essay about suddenly the light went out


Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I was trying to do the audio thing that times for you and I thought I was doing it but instead I was on the keyboard instead oh my gosh I’m so tired how was your day

Question 9 of 20
Which of the following is an example of juxtaposition?
A. Creating a piece of art that most people won't understand
B. Placing a red object next to a green object in a painting
C. Creating art that references earlier artists
D. Creating a piece of art that represents a historical event





The definition of a juxtaposition is as follows: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.

The answer choice B is the only one that fits this description

Which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 4 (reproduced below)?
He knew that he was the first poet laureate to participate in these prestigious ceremonies: therefore, he
contemplated which poem would be appropriate for the occasion
(as it is now)
ceremonies, therefore,
ceremonies, therefore,
O ceremonies, therefore


Question ( points ) Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time . It's frustrating the other members of the team . What can he do that might help the situation ? a ) Complain about the coworker to other team members b ) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c ) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off d ) Complete his coworker's work for him

Plzz help me with it



b.the cheese taste delicious.

c.is it going to snow?I doubt it

The poem Drunk With The Wine Of The


What is your question here? Perhaps you can comment your question or you can post your question again so we can help you. :)

Has anyone ever done an escape room for "The Masque of Red Death" short story?





I'm getting stuck on these 2 sentences in a dialogue.

1) where are you from?
- What are you asking me?
- I'm asking you where you are from. (or) from where you are.

2) Who did you go to the movies with?
- What do you want to know?
- I want to know who you went to the movies with. (or) With who you went to the movies.

Sorry for such a long question.

Many, many thanks!



will you subscribe my channel pls

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