2. Use the word bank to match the term to the definition and to fill in the
blanks below.
lungs diaphragm nasal passages
trachea bronchi alveoli
1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and
oxygen enter it.
2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.
3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.
4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.
5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.
6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.
Respiration begins in the , where air comes into the body.
Air travels through the to the . The
pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,
air in the travels to the small sacs called . Inside
those small sacs is where the important gas exchange occurs


Answer 1


Lungs = 4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.

Diaphram = 2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.

Nasal Passages = 3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.

Trachea = 5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.

Bronchi = 6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.

Alveoli = 1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enter it.

Respiration begins in the nasal passages, where air comes into the body.

Air travels through the to the trachea. The diaphram

pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,

air in the bronchi travels to the small sacs called alveoli.

Related Questions

If you were exploring the topic of science education, what category of classical invention would it fall in



the most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

I hate to do this but to be honest I suck at Ela, normally I try to do things on my own but today it's due and I don't know what to write.

1 compound sentence, 1 complex sentence and 1 compound-complex sentence

5-7 sentences

Has to be about a unexpected situation that happened to you at perfect time.

Can be made up.​



"I previously led a big corporation's event planning team and was in charge of the product launch party. It's critical to prepare for the unexpected. As a result, I wrote down potential scenarios, such as a lack of tech assistance, and devised ways to cope with them. My customer, on the other hand, requested a vegan option for the buffet the day before the event. I had a dialogue with them, weighed other choices, and set expectations. Finally, I brought in pre-prepared vegan meals from the grocery store for a fair price." This occurred at just the perfect time, as I was about to embark on a major undertaking. Furthermore, due to the preceding incident, this event had an unanticipated turn of events that was avoided.


Compound sentence:

a sentence in which two or more subjects or predicates are found.

Complex sentence:

Complex sentences are, like compound sentences, related and connected to one other. The only thing that differs is. Compound sentences include two clauses that are considered to be independent.

"if i forget thee, oh Earth" tells the story of people who have had to ?​



"If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth" is the story of Marvin, a child who lives in a lunar colony. One day, his father (who is also the head scientist) drives him across the surface to see a glimpse of Earth, glowing with lethal radiation. Marvin recalls that Earth was made uninhabitable in a nuclear war.

How is loess beneficial?

It grows healthy crops.
It prevents wind erosion.
It protects land from waves.
It decreases the slope of riverbanks



A, It grows healthy crops.





It grows healthy crops

6. He was ... in a car crash. (wounded/injured)
7. Are you .........
in astronomy? (interesting/interested)
8. Yes, it's an
subject. (interesting/interested)
9. Columbus .... America. (invented/discovered)
10. Bell ............ the telephone. (invented/discovered)
11. What is the ... fashion from Paris? (latest/last)
12. The lake weter is ....... in the morning before people begin
swimming. (clear/clean)
13. Stay for
instruction. (farther/further)
14. Take ............ day as it comes. (every/each)
15. Derek is......... for his age. (big/old)
Exercise 7
We are rather ..... about the way we cook. (careless/
She had been lively and ........... (careless/carefree)





1 Ex You live in an area that is currently engulfed 21st July, 2021 with filth. Wite a letter to your tembunan ! complaining about at least two health hazards that the present condition is posing to tants on do to Livest the situation soy you think the inhabitants can do to address the situation



Explanation:One survey found that 38 percent of renters have called it quits with someone while sharing a place with their partner, yet continued to live together anyway (61 percent stayed put for a month or more, and 13 percent stayed for up to a year).

the singer was popular because he knew______the crowd​



The singer was popular because he knew how to entertain the crowd.

Help me please……………………





Choose the word/phrase that best fits this blank below:

You ________ touch anything electrical with wet hands.

Select one:

don't have to




b. must not touch mustn’t is must not

What Fallacies do we say in every day life? And give two examples of them.



Fallacies are mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments. They derive from reasoning that is logically incorrect, thus undermining an argument's validity. Explore the different types of fallacies you can find through examples.

Examples of Fallacious Reasoning

There are many different types of fallacies, and their variations are almost endless. Given their extensive nature, we've curated a list of common fallacies so you'll be able to develop sound conclusions yourself, and quickly identify fallacies in others' writings and speeches. Explore several common fallacies and examples.

you have faced / witness an act of bullying in your school write a letter to the principal of your school reporting the incident​




And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow
on the floor:
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the
Shall be lifted-nevermore!


His eyes it means he’s very intense and the lamp light that throws his shadow and his soul that lies out that shadow is floating

1. what does being born free mean to a student, filipino citizen, and a daughter.

2. When we say a person is free, does it give him or her the right to do anything? Explain

3. How can you experience total freedom

4. Have you experienced inner freedom? How did u feel about it?

5. Absolute freedom mocks justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. reflect on this quote by albert camus



Absolute freedom absolute justice

journey home from school ​



is paradise


i feel like i am going to the right place where i deserve to be.

i always wish home-schoooing is an option

how has our Constitution managed to maintain propertional representation on all areas of the sate?explane


Laws mainly also political workers and law enforcement etc

It says 5.60€ on the label. You've ... me 6.50€.
a. taken
b. deducted
c. reduced
d. charged



it should go with the sentence pronunciation

Write a memoir of 250 to 300 words on the following topic :
Any historical incident that impacted your life



A memoir is an account of your experiences related to events from your personal life or history that you witnessed.

A memoir is sometimes also called an autobiography, as the two terms share the same meaning to some extent.

But here’s the deal:

There is a slight difference between writing a memoir and writing an autobiography, and it is important to truly understand it in order to benefit most from reading an example of memoir.


Memoir Tips

choose an intriguing title (something like The Other Side of Me or A Day to Remember); it can help you a lot to interest the audience;

express your personal opinions and impressions (use for instance: to my mind, in my opinion, it seems, it turned out that, etc.);

add a lot of sensory details (for example, instead of simply stating that a girl had an angry look on her face, you can specify that her face reddened and her teeth were clenched – these are valuable observations, which can make your description more vivid);

write about memories that are important for you – it’s impossible to write a good memoir without feeling a deep connection between yourself and the situation which you describe;

be yourself when writing a memoir – you can hide your point of view in many academic writings, but this type of work requires you to be honest and show your personal traits;

choose a proper tone and try to maintain it throughout your memoir essay – it’s an excellent exercise to develop your writing style;

do research, even if you remember the situation, try to collect as much information as you could, including your friends’ commentaries, photos, blog posts – everything that can reveal more details;

take care about your memoir idea – whether your writing is funny, well-structured, or creative and unusual, it means nothing if you don’t put a message in it.

The most famous memoir books are based on the principles listed above. Keeping to them, you can create a masterpiece or, at least, get an A at your college.

But that isn’t all we can offer you:

Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this



(C)  Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.


Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this

What would you be most and least likely to do?

(A) Be patient. Give her more time to learn the job so that her productivity will increase.

(B) Ask her how the job is going. Let her know you're available if she has any questions.

(C) Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.

(D) Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.

You would be most and least likely to: Provide her with suggestions and pointers on how to complete tasks correctly and efficiently.

What Is the Main Topic in this sentence, or is there none?

The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale. Club members will meet in the gym at 11:30 A.M. to start the sale. Each item is only $1!



The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale.


The main sentence is what describes what will happen in the rest of the text and this sentence basically explains that there will be an annual bake sale hosted by the Spanish club

Fill in the blanks using appropriate reflexive and emphatic pronouns. 1. She washes her clothes ………………….. a) herself b) her c) herselves 2. We enjoyed ………………….. at the party. a) ourself b) ourselves 3. The little boy sat by ………………… a) himself b) him c) himselves
He absented ………………… from the class.

a) himself

b) himselves

c) him

5. The minister …………………… said this.

a) himself

b) him

c) himselves

6. She was so much in love with …………………… that she thought of none else.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves

7. He …………………… told me this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) him

8. You …………………… know better than anybody else.

a) yourself

b) yourselves

c) your
He ..................................... is responsible for this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) himselves

10. She is old enough to dress................................... now.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves​




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

Please correct the following sentence.

hi my name is jessica. it’s a really cool name dont u think



Hi my name is Jessica it's a really cool name don't you think.



In a sort of Runic time is a example of figurative lanuage




I think it's Personification and Rhyme.


That's because in a sort of Runic time, Personification and Rhyme are more connected than Alliteration and Onomatopoeia.

due in 30mins. please help ​




I cant quite tell what this is about but is this for ESL or something? if so

it's a girl making a secret birthday arty for her friend??

What assumption does the female tourist make
about the children?
The children want gum.
The children are Hispanic.
The children are lonely.


The children are Hispanic
I’m unsure is there any other information for the question you can provide?

It is harder to get in shape than staying in shape


yes what type of questions


Hello my friend ............,:

Which best describes the writing style used in "Oread"?
*free verse
*rhyming couplets



lyrical best describes the writing style used in Oread.


D. Lyrical


Lyrical is the best answer for the question "Which best describes the writing style used in "Oread"?".

Read this excerpt from a passage.
"Her purchase got me thinking about the early days of online shopping, when people were anxious about ordering
merchandise from the Internet. What if the items never arrived? Was putting all my personal information online safe? Should I
really disclose my credit card information to some unknown entity? Is this online company legitimate? And last but not least,
who would buy something without seeing it first? But my grandmother's transaction made it clear: online shopping has
become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.
"As millions of consumers flock to online shopping, I wondered how and why people make the decision to shop online or
in person. To get a better understanding of how e-commerce has affected our buying decisions, I decided to gain some insight
from friends and family. The reviews were varied but insightful."
Which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage?
o delivery to a home and delivery to a store
O shopping online and shopping in person
O online shopping and brushing your teeth
O prices of items online and prices of items in stores





The main idea is to present the feelings the person had before amazon became what it is today. I had my own misgivings about ordering on line until I realized that I really had no choice. I live in a small community of about 800 people. There is a Walmart in the next town over (which has a population of 5000), but I'm not fond of what they did to small businesses.

So the choice was shop at a place I don't like or order through the mail. I didn't really make up my mind until about 2 years ago. Then it was fine.

The author of what you quoted had many of the same feelings. It's a gamble putting money where the system can be broken into and that is what this is all about --  fear of trying something you don't trust.

The answer is B, I think

What role does religion play in Asimovs life? How does he undergo a spiritual transformation in the story



In "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" by Leo Tolstoy, religion plays a significant role in Aksionov's life, and Aksionov undergoes a spiritual transformation in prison after being falsely arrested for the murder of another merchant. He realizes that only God can know the truth and turns to prayer for solace.

Help me please………………..





you have to learn that people say certain things because they are jealous or of anger


the answer is b.


media-literacy is being able to understand subliminal messages in the media

plz fast help me don't scam



Paper = plate

piggy = bank

Coffee = bean

Traffic = lights

Orange = juice

Tea =set

green = pepper

Petrol = station

Olive = oli

Other Questions
Which best compares the authors' purposes in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods"? 30 points PLEASE HELP!!!!Find the volume of the pyramid.76.34 ft3458.06 ft3916.11 ft3305.37 ft3 Simplify the expression.7(5 +t) - 4(t + 4)7(5 + t) - 4(t + 4) = [ conversation between a doctor and a patient The inequalities x < -5 and -X > -5 are the same.TrueFalse Which of the following best captures Kants Formula of Humanity as End?a) I ought never to act in such a way that I could not also will that my maxim should become a universal law.b) Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in any other person, only as an end, never as a means.c) Never make an exception for yourself.d) Act only on that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.e) Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in any other person, always at the same time as an end, never merely as means. 2. Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding extrinsic motivation?A. A personal trainer is not considered an example of extrinsic motivation since you are paying for her services.B. Attending a fitness class with your friends is a form of extrinsic motivation,C. Extrinsic motivation can help someone lacking confidence in their ability to complete a workout.D. Extrinsic motivation can help a person overcome a personal lack of motivation. Select the expression that has a value of 13. 9 + 3 x (2 3) + 6 (9 + 3) x 2 3 + 6 9 (3 x 2) 3 + 6 (9 + 3 x 2) 3 + 6 ***50 POINTS***Give a definition for the following 5 words:-Moral Values: -Economic Values: -Political Values: -Social Values: -Human Rights: The probability the economy will boom is 20 percent, while it is 70 percent for a normal economy, and 10 percent for a recession. Stock A will return 18 percent in a boom, 11 percent in a normal economy, and lose 10 percent in a recession. Stock B will return 9 percent in boom, 7 percent in a normal economy, and 4 percent in a recession. Stock C will return 6 percent in a boom, 9 percent in a normal economy, and 13 percent in a recession. What is the expected return on a portfolio which is invested 20 percent in Stock A, 50 percent in Stock B, and 30 percent in Stock C "Student life is not the proper time to do things. It is the time to prepare for things to be done in future."How does it sound?? Please help me to find this answer What is the best revision of the error in sentence1?DC[1] On her way home from practice, Rebekkafound a gold man's watch. [2] She wasn't surewhat to do. [3] There was no name engravedon the back. [4] Looking at the gold links onthe band, the watch seemed to Rebekka to beexpensive. [5] She felt badly that someonehad lost such a nice watch."gold watch of a man""man's gold watch""man's watch of gold" How many newborn would you expect to have cystic fibrosis in a population of 10,000 people? Conversion Problem (show all work):1. A patient required 3.0 pints of blood during surgery. How many liters does this correspondto? Show all work. Use conversion factors available in the text or the exam packet. (4) What must happen to uranium before it can be used as a fuel source? In Biblical times, chariots and carts were widespread in the Middle East, but by the 6th century, the old Roman roads had deteriorated so much that wheeled vehicles were replaced by camels. This illustrates that the processes of change is sometimes due to ___. Group of answer choices primary innovation revitalization secondary innovation cultural loss why did exodusters migrate west? which constitutional amendment directly resulted fr the civil warA 1st B 10thC 13D 17E 21 12 (-2)HELP ASAP