Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt FIVE questions.
Show the Fisher's ideal index number satisfies both time reversal test and factor
reversal test from the following information
Price Expenditure
3 XN


Answer 1
im gonna 36 I’m not sure or 27 maybe

Related Questions

In 1815, Sophie Germain won a mathematical prize given by the Institut de France for her work on the theory of elasticity. The prize was a medal made of 1 kilogram of gold. How much is the medal worth today in U.S. dollars and in euros



gold price : $58.72/gram

$58,720 per kilo(1000) grams

Step-by-step explanation:

The distance from the green point on the parabola to the parabolas focus is 11. What is the distance from green point to the directrix?



answer 11

Step-by-step explanation:

I think it the right answer

Prove that A.M, G.M. and H.M between any two unequal positive numbers satisfy the following relations.
i. (G.M)²= (A.M)×(H.M)



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

we want to prove that A.M, G.M. and H.M between any two unequal positive numbers satisfy the following relations.

(G.M)²= (A.M)×(H.M) A.M>G.M>H.M

well, to do so let the two unequal positive numbers be [tex]\text{$x_1$ and $x_2$}[/tex] where:

[tex] x_{1} > x_{2}[/tex]

the AM,GM and HM of [tex]x_1[/tex] and[tex] x_2[/tex] is given by the following table:

[tex]\begin{array}{ |c |c|c | } \hline AM& GM& HM\\ \hline \dfrac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{2} & \sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}} & \dfrac{2}{ \frac{1}{x_{1} } + \frac{1}{x_{2}} } \\ \hline\end{array}[/tex]

Proof of I:

[tex] \displaystyle \rm AM \times HM = \frac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{2} \times \frac{2}{ \frac{1}{x_{1} } + \frac{1}{x_{2}} } [/tex]

simplify addition:

[tex] \displaystyle \frac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{2} \times \frac{2}{ \dfrac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{x_{1} x_{2}} } [/tex]

reduce fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle x_{1} + x_{2} \times \frac{1}{ \dfrac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{x_{1} x_{2}} } [/tex]

simplify complex fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle x_{1} + x_{2} \times \frac{x_{1} x_{2}}{x_{1} + x_{2}} [/tex]

reduce fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle x_{1} x_{2}[/tex]


[tex] \displaystyle (\sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}} {)}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \displaystyle AM \times HM = (GM{)}^{2} [/tex]

hence, PROVEN

Proof of II:

[tex] \displaystyle x_{1} > x_{2}[/tex]

square root both sides:

[tex] \displaystyle \sqrt{x_{1} }> \sqrt{ x_{2}}[/tex]

isolate right hand side expression to left hand side and change its sign:

[tex]\displaystyle\sqrt{x_{1} } - \sqrt{ x_{2}} > 0[/tex]

square both sides:

[tex]\displaystyle(\sqrt{x_{1} } - \sqrt{ x_{2}} {)}^{2} > 0[/tex]

expand using (a-b)²=a²-2ab+b²:

[tex]\displaystyle x_{1} -2\sqrt{x_{1} }\sqrt{ x_{2}} + x_{2} > 0[/tex]

move -2√x_1√x_2 to right hand side and change its sign:

[tex]\displaystyle x_{1} + x_{2} > 2 \sqrt{x_{1} } \sqrt{ x_{2}}[/tex]

divide both sides by 2:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{x_{1} + x_{2}}{2} > \sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}}[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \boxed{ AM>GM}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \bigg( \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_{1} }} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{ x_{2}}} { \bigg)}^{2} > 0[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{x_{1}} - \frac{2}{\sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}} } + \frac{1}{x_{2} }> 0[/tex]

move the middle expression to right hand side and change its sign:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{x_{1}} + \frac{1}{x_{2} }> \frac{2}{\sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}} }[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{\frac{1}{x_{1}} + \frac{1}{x_{2} }}{2}> \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_{1} x_{2}} }[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \rm \frac{1}{ HM} > \frac{1}{GM} [/tex]

cross multiplication:

[tex]\displaystyle \rm \boxed{ GM >HM}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \rm A.M>G.M>H.M[/tex]


Diane must choose a number between 49 and 95 that is a multiple of 2, 3, and 9. Write all the numbers that she could choose. If
there is more than one number, separate them with commas?


The set of numbers that Diane can choose is:

{54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90}

Finding common multiples of 2, 3, and 6:

A number is a multiple of 2 if the number is even.

A number is a multiple of 3 if the sum of its digits is multiples of 3.

A number is a multiple of 6 if it is a multiple of 2 and 3.

Then we only need to look at the first two criteria.

First, let's see all the even numbers in the range (49, 95)

These are:

{50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94}

All of these are multiples of 2.

Now we need to see which ones are multiples of 3.

To do it, we sum its digits and see if that sum is also a multiple of 3.

50: 5 + 0 = 5 this is not multiple of 3.

52: 5 + 2 = 7 this is not multiple of 3.

54: 5 + 4 = 9 this is multiple of 3, so 54 is a possible number.

And so on, we will find that the ones that are multiples of 3 are:

54: 5 + 4 = 9.

60: 6 + 0 = 6

66: 6 + 6 = 12

72: 7 + 2 = 9

78: 7 + 8 = 15

84: 8 + 4 = 12

90:9 + 0 = 9

Then the numbers that Diane could choose are:

{54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90}

If you want to learn more about multiples, you can read:


A sample of 375 college students were asked whether they prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream. 210 of those surveyed said that they prefer vanilla ice cream. Calculate the sample proportion of students who prefer vanilla ice cream.



The sample proportion of students who prefer vanilla ice cream is 0.56.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample proportion of students who prefer vanilla ice cream:

Sample of 375 students.

Of those, 210 said they prefer vanilla ice cream.

The proportion is:

[tex]p = \frac{210}{375} = 0.56[/tex]

The sample proportion of students who prefer vanilla ice cream is 0.56.

Let V be the volume of the solid obtained by rotating about the y-axis the region bounded y = sqrt(25x) and y = x^2/25. Find V by slicing & find V by cylindrical shells.



Let [tex]f(x) = \sqrt{25x}[/tex] and [tex]g(x) = \frac{x^2}{25}[/tex]. The differential volume dV of the cylindrical shells is given by

[tex]dV = 2\pi x[f(x) - g(x)]dx[/tex]

Integrating this expression, we get

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi\int{x[f(x) - g(x)]}dx[/tex]

To determine the limits of integration, we equate the two functions to find their solutions and thus the limits:

[tex]\sqrt{25x} = \dfrac{x^2}{25}[/tex]

We can clearly see that x = 0 is one of the solutions. For the other solution/limit, let's solve for x by first taking the square of the equation above:

[tex]25x = \dfrac{x^4}{(25)^2} \Rightarrow \dfrac{x^3}{(25)^3} = 1[/tex]


[tex]x^3 =(25)^3 \Rightarrow x = \pm25[/tex]

Since we are rotating the functions around the y-axis, we are going to use the x = 25 solution as one of the limits. So the expression for the volume of revolution around the y-axis is

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi\int_0^{25}{x\left(\sqrt{25x} - \frac{x^2}{25}\right)}dx[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle\:\:\:\:=10\pi\int_0^{25}{x^{3/2}}dx - \frac{2\pi}{25}\int_0^{25}{x^3}dx[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:=\left(4\pi x^{5/2} - \dfrac{\pi}{50}x^4\right)_0^{25}[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:=4\pi(3125) - \pi(7812.5) = 14726.2[/tex]

Simplify the given expression.






Step-by-step explanation:

7                       4

-----------   + ------------

4x^2 -49    2x+7

Factor  ( notice that it is the difference of squares)

7                       4

-----------   + ------------

(2x)^2 - 7^2    2x+7

7                       4

-----------       + ------------

(2x-7)(2x+7)    2x+7

Get a common denominator

7                       4(2x-7)

-----------       + ------------

(2x-7)(2x+7)    (2x-7)(2x+7)


7 +4(2x-7)



7 +8x-28







(8x - 21) / (2x + 7)(2x - 7)

Step-by-step explanation:

7 / (4x^2 - 49)+ 4 / (2x + 7)

= 7 / (2x + 7)(2x - 7) + 4 / (2x + 7)

LCM = (2x + 7)(2x - 7)   so we have

(7 + 4(2x - 7) / (2x + 7)(2x - 7)

=   (8x - 21) / (2x + 7)(2x - 7).

If y = ax^2 + bx + c passes through the points (-3,10), (0,1) and (2,15), what is the value of a + b + c?


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{a + b + c = 6}[/tex]

We can begin by using the point (0, 1).

At the graph's y-intercept, where x = 0, y = 1, so:

1 = a(0)² + b(0) + c

c = 1

We can now utilize the first point given (-3, 10):

10 = a(-3)² + b(-3) + 1


9 = 9a - 3b

Divide all terms by 3:

3 = 3a - b

Rearrange to solve for a variable:

b = 3a - 3

Now, use the other point:

15 = a(2)² + 2(3a - 3) + 1

14 = 4a + 6a - 6


20 = 10a

2 = a

Plug this in to solve for b:

b = 3a - 3

b = 3(2) - 3 = 3

Add all solved variables together:

2 + 3 + 1 = 6





Step-by-step explanation:

To find the inverse of a function, switch the variables and solve for y.

The inverse of f(n)=-(n+1)^3:



[tex]\sqrt[3]{n} =-(y+1)[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt[3]{n} =-y-1[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt[3]{n} +1=-y[/tex][tex]-(\sqrt[3]{n} +1)=y[/tex]

[tex]-\sqrt[3]{n} -1=y[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the missing segment in the image below



Step-by-step explanation:

write your answer as an integer or as a decimal rounded to the nearest tenth​


Answer:Mark Brainliest please

Answer is 4.86 which is rounded to 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Cos 40 degree = VW/7

0.694 =VW/7

0.694 * 7 =VW

4.858 =VW

VW=4.86 is the answer

 Solve each system by graphing.


9514 1404 393


  (x, y) = (4, -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

A graphing calculator makes graphing very easy. The attachment shows the solution to be (x, y) = (4, -4).


The equations are in slope-intercept form, so it is convenient to start from the y-intercept and use the slope (rise/run) to find additional points on the line.

The first line can be drawn by staring at (0, -2) and moving down 1 grid unit for each 2 to the right.

The second line can be drawn by starting at (0, 2) and moving down 3 grid units for each 2 to the right.

The point of intersection of the lines, (4, -4), is the solution to the system of equations.

0.14 converted as a fraction simplest form.​


Answer: 7 / 50

Step-by-step explanation:



Convert to 100-denominator fraction

= 14 ÷ 100

= 14/100

Divide both numerator and denominator by 2

=(14 ÷ 2) / (100 ÷ 2)

=7 / 50

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A rocket is launched at t = 0 seconds. Its height, in meters above sea-level, is given by the equation
h = -4.9t2 + 112t + 395.
At what time does the rocket hit the ground? The rocket hits the ground after how many seconds



Step-by-step explanation:

In order to find out how long it takes for the rocket to hit the ground, we only need set that position equation equal to 0 (that's how high something is off the ground when it is sitting ON the ground) and factor to solve for t:


Factor that however you are factoring in class to get

t = -3.1 seconds and t = 25.9 seconds.

Since time can NEVER be negative, it takes the rocket approximately 26 seconds to hit the ground.

the formula for finding the circumference of a circle with radius,r, is circumference= 2πr. What is the formula for the circumference of a circle with a radius r/2?




Step-by-step explanation:

radius = r/2

so circumference = 2π(r/2)

= 2πr/2

= πr


The answer is B which is C=2πr

Step-by-step explanation:

i just did it

Help due today
No links




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]24 + x = 13 \\ x = 13 - 24 \\ x = - 11 \\ thank \: you[/tex]

If f(4x-15)=8x-27,find f(x)?



If we put x=17/4




Hope i helped you.

A man earns RS.95 in a day how much does we earn in 18 days​



RS 17.10

Step-by-step explanation:

If they earn 0.95 a day, you can multiply that income by the number of days, which is 18.

RS 17.10

if 12 +2 =2 orderly what is 6 +3 orderly​




Step-by-step explanation:

Please Mark me brainliest


aren't one of the numbers in the equations supposed to be negative?

Simplify the radical expression.

A. -5b

B. -0.5b

C. 0.5b

D. 5b​


B^3sqroot0.125 that’s the answer I believe
answer is B- 0.5b hope it helps

(07.04 MC)
Jim is designing a seesaw for a children's park. The seesaw should make an angle of 30' with the ground, and the maximum height
to which it should rise is 2 meters, as shown below:
2 meters
What is the maximum length of the seesaw? (6 points)
Select one:
a. 3.00 meters
b. 3.5 meter
C. 4,00 meters
d 4.5 meters


Answer: 4.00


To find the maximum value for x, the hypotenuse, with a given of an angle 30° and a height of 2 m, we can see that 30° is directly opposite the side of 2 m, in which case we may use the sin of 30° to find the hypotenuse.

Remember that the sin = opposite/hypotenuse, so sin30° = 2/x

1) sin30 = 2/x
2) 1/2 = 2/x
3) x = 4

Hope this helps :)

The maximum length of the seesaw is option c  4.00 meters.

What is a right-angled triangle?

A right-angled triangle is one in which one of the angles is equal to 90 degrees. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle, which is why a triangle made up of right angle is termed a right angled triangle.

What are hypotenuse, height of a right-angled triangle?

A right-angled triangle has three sides- hypotenuse, base and height. Hypotenuse is the longest and also the opposite side of the right angle of the triangle, base and height of a right triangle are always the sides adjacent to the right angle.

How to measure the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle?

The formula for measuring the hypotenuse is,

Height / Hypotenuse = Sinθ , where θ is the angle opposite to the height of the triangle.

In the given question, the seesaw should make an angle of 30° with the ground and the maximum height it should rise is 2 meters so the height here is 2 meters. So the seesaw will make a right angled triangle.

Height = 2 meters, θ = 30°,

Now using the formula,

2 / Hypotenuse = Sin30°

Rearranging we get,

Hypotenuse = 2 / Sin30°

The value of Sin30° is 1/2 and putting the value we get,

Hypotenuse = 2 / (1/2)

                     = 2 × 2

                     = 4 meters.

Therefore, the maximum length of the seesaw (that is the hypotenuse ) is 4 meters.

To learn more about right-angled triangles and finding sides of it click here-brainly.com/question/10331046


If you only have a
cup measuring cup and a recipe calls for
cups of flour, how many 1/6 cups would you need to use?


Hi! I'm happy to help!

To solve this problem, we need to divide the recipe amount in 1/6 amounts. So, we will do a fraction division problem like this:


This problem is hard to do with mixed numbers, so we need to turn 15[tex]\frac{1}{6}[/tex] into an improper fraction. To do that we need to multiply 15 by 6, because that is our denominator, then add the extra [tex]\frac{1}{6}[/tex].




So, our improper fraction would be[tex]\frac{91}{6}[/tex], now, let's solve.


It is difficult to do division problems on their own, so we can change this into an easier problem. We can do the inverse operation and turn this into multiplication. We do this by changing it to multiplication (obviously), then flip the second fraction.


Now, we just multiply the top by the top, and bottom by the bottom.


We could end it here, but we want a whole number, so, we simplify the number by dividing both the top and bottom by 6.


Anything over 1, is just a whole number


Therefore, the recipe should require 91 uses of the 1/6 cup.

I hope this was helpful, keep learning! :D

Anyone knows the answer?




Step-by-step explanation:

sin(theta)=7/8, theta=arcsin(7/8)=61

Multiply and simplify the following complex numbers (-4-5i)•(1-i)



Step-by-step explanation:

(-4 - 5i)⋅(1 - i) = (-4)(1) + (-4)(-i) + (-5i)(1) + (-5i)(-i)

= -4 + 4i - 5i + 5i²

= -4 - i -5

= -9 - i

write your answer in simplest radical form​



please tell me the complete question

Match each sequence below to statement that BEST fits it.

Z. The sequence converges to zero;
I. The sequence diverges to infinity;
F. The sequence has a finite non-zero limit;
D. The sequence diverges.

_______ 1. ns in (1/n)
_______2. ln(ln(ln(n)))
_______3. (ln(n))/n
_______4. n!/n^1000


Answer: hello your question is poorly written attached below is the complete question


1 ) =  I (

2) = F

3) = Z

4) = D

Step-by-step explanation:

attached below is the required solution.

1 ) =  I ( The sequence diverges to infinity )

2) = F ( The sequence has a finite non-zero limit )

3) = Z ( The sequence converges to zero )

4) = D ( The sequence diverges )

The length of a rectangle is five times its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 108 in, find its area.



Step-by-step explanation:multiple 5 times 108 and that gives you your answer..

The above answer is correct

Roulette is a casino game that involves spinning a ball on a wheel that is marked numbered squares that are red, black, or green. Half of the numbers 1 - 36 are colored red and half are black and the numbers 0 and 00 are green. Each number occurs only once on the wheel. What is the probability of landing on a green space​




Step-by-step explanation:

There are a total of 36+2 = 38 spaces

2 are green

P(green) = green / total

             = 2/38




Find the equation of the line that is parallel to f(x) and goes through point (-1,7).




Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of the line will be (3/7). The equation of line will be y=(3/7)*x+52/7

1. A set is said to be a singleton set,ig

a) n (A)=1
b) n (A)=0​


The answer to the question is a
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