Alex cut a cord into 7 pieces in 36 seconds. How long will it take him to cut the cord into 12 pieces?


Answer 1


61 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

36 divided by 7 = 5.1 seconds so if you add 5 to 36 five more times you'll get the answer which is 61.

Related Questions

Which constants can be multiplied by the equations so one variable will be eliminated when the systems are added together?

5x + 13y = 232

12x + 7y = 218

The first equation can be multiplied by –13 and the second equation by 7 to eliminate y.
The first equation can be multiplied by 7 and the second equation by 13 to eliminate y.
The first equation can be multiplied by –12 and the second equation by 5 to eliminate x.
The first equation can be multiplied by 5 and the second equation by 12 to eliminate x.


The first to solve x, because it eliminates y. Third one to solve y, because it eliminates x.

write the equation of the graph below



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a parabola with a vertex at h = 4 and k = 5; the graph goes through the coordinate x = 6 and y = 6. We will use those 4 values to fill in the equation:

[tex]y=a(x-h)^2+k[/tex] and this will allow us to solve for the value of a:

[tex]6=a(6-4)^2+5[/tex] and

[tex]6=a(2)^2+5[/tex] and

6 = 4a + 5 and

1 = 4a so

[tex]a=\frac{1}{4}[/tex] and the equation is


Trash-A-Way charges $25 per month with an additional $0.25 per pound of trash that they pick up from your house. Garbage-No-More charges a flat fee of $45 per month. Write a system of equations to represent each plan. How many pounds of trash would make the two plans equal?



look at the explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Write an equation:

Trash a way : $25 + 0.25x

Garbage No More : $45 per month

so to make them equal we need to have enough trash in Trash A Way that it equals $45

25  + 0.25x =45

0.25x = 20

x = 80

So, you need to have 80 pounds of trash to make them equal

hope this helps!

please vote and heart!

tìm nghiệm của đa thức 2x² + 5x



this is this because of PTI

Step-by-step explanation:

pto explain it to me on Monday and Friday Saturday morning





Hope it helps u

Can someone please help me




Step-by-step explanation:

come on ! you can literally see that in the chart.

how many parts of the gray 3/8 are covered by the gray 1/4 ?

2 parts = 2/8 are clearly covered by 1/4.

2/8 is what part of 3/8 ?

it is the same question as "2 is what part of 3" ?

is 2 a quarter (1/4) of 3 ? no, 1/4×3 = 3/4 and not 2.

is 2 one third (1/3) of 3 ? no, 1/3 of 3 = 1/3×3 = 1 and not 2.

is 2 two thirds (2/3) of 3 ? ah, 2/3 × 3 = 2. that is correct !

is 2 three quarters (3/4) of 3 ? no, 3/4×3 = 9/4 and not 2.

once you have the same denominator, you can easily compare the numerators and ignore the denominators for such problems.

Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest.​




Step-by-step explanation:

I'm almost certain this is correct. Only one step is rounded.

Answer:  942 - 225*sqrt(3)

This is roughly equivalent to 552.29

The unit for the area is in square cm, or cm^2.

The two area values above are based on pi = 3.14, so they are approximations.



The radius of the circle is r = 30 because OA = 30.

The full circle has area A = pi*r^2 = 3.14*30^2 = 2826 cm^2 approximately

However, we only want 120/360 = 1/3 of this full area to get the area of the pizza slice. So the area of the pizza slice is approximately (1/3)*2826 = 942 cm^2

This is not the final answer, but helps get us there.

What we just calculated was the approximate area of the entire figure: the yellow area plus the white triangle.

If we can find the area of the white triangle, and subtract it off, then we'll find just the area of the yellow region only.


The SAS (side angle side) area formula for a triangle is

Area = 0.5*p*q*sin(R)

where p,q are the sides and angle R is between those sides.

Here we have p = q = 30, which are sides OA and OB, and we have R = 120 degrees as the central angle.

So the area of triangle AOB is...

Area = 0.5*p*q*sin(R)

Area = 0.5*30*30*sin(120)

Area = 450*sqrt(3)/2

Area = 225*sqrt(3)

This value is exact.


The area of the yellow region is therefore

(area of full figure) - (area of triangle)

(942) - (225*sqrt(3))

942 - 225*sqrt(3)

This is approximate because we used pi = 3.14 as an approximation earlier.

You could then use your calculator to say

942 - 225*sqrt(3) = 552.288568

This rounds to 552.29

The computer technician charges $20 per visit plus $35 per hour. If the computer technician works for 2 hours, what will be the cost?




Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem we need to set up an expression


35 is the cost per hour, and 20 dollars is the visit fee.

x is the amount of hours the CT can work

So if we plug in the amount for the number of hours from the problem we get


Which becomes 70+20 which is 90.

Hope thsi helps!

The computer technician works for 2 hours will take total charges equal to $90 .

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.

For example, 3x – 5 = 16 is an equation. Solving this equation, we get the value of the variable x as x = 7

According to the question

The computer technician charges $20 per visit plus $35 per hour.


Let hours he work = x


Total charge of computer technician in equation = 20 +  35x  


As the computer technician works for 2 hours the cost will be

By using equation

Total charge of computer technician in dollars  = 20 + 35x  

where x = 2


= 20 +  35*2  

= $90  

Hence, the computer technician works for 2 hours will take total charges equal to $90 .  

To know more about equation here:


p-83=129 ?????????????????????????



p = 212

Step-by-step explanation:


Add 83 to each side


p =212


Step-by-step explanation:

add 83 to both sides and then simplify





Please help explanation if possible



160= 2W + 2L ; W = L –16

2W+2L=160 ] ÷2

W+L= 80



L-60+L= 80 —> 2L= 96


W=L–16 —> w= 48-16 =32

W=32 ; L=48

I hope I helped you^_^

Please help me with this


2x^2 -7x + 14 =0 is the standard form

If you help me, you will get this cookie



B. 7y - 15

Step-by-step explanation:


10y + -3(y + 5) = 0

Reorder the terms:

10y + -3(5 + y) = 0

10y + (5 * -3 + y * -3) = 0

10y + (-15 + -3y) = 0

Reorder the terms:

-15 + 10y + -3y = 0

Combine like terms: 10y + -3y = 7y

-15 + 7y = 0


-15 + 7y = 0

Solving for variable 'y'.

Move all terms containing y to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '15' to each side of the equation.

-15 + 15 + 7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: -15 + 15 = 0

0 + 7y = 0 + 15

7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: 0 + 15 = 15

7y = 15

Divide each side by '7'.

y = 2.142857143


y = 2.142857143


b. 7y-15

Step-by-step explanation:

First, write out the expression

1. [tex]10y-3(y+5)[/tex]

To simplify the expression distribute the -3 to the terms within the paratheses.

2. [tex]10y-3y-15[/tex]

Then, combine like terms to simplify further. Since 10y and -3y are like terms they can be subtracted

3. [tex]7y-15[/tex]

This means that B is the correct answer.





Step-by-step explanation:

The function C has a range of (-infinity, a] and domain [b, infinity)

Find the value of x.

A. 75
B. 80
C. 57
D. 40




Step-by-step explanation:

since a=40

40x2 is 80

The value of x is 80 which is the correct answer would be an option (B)

What are the Angles of Intersecting Secants Theorem?

Angles of intersecting secants theorem states that, If two lines intersect outside a circle, then the measure of an angle formed by the two lines is one-half the positive difference of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

Given that angle ∠a = 40°

∠x = 2∠a

Substitute the value of ∠a = 40°

∠x = 40×2

∠x = 80°

Hence, the value of x is 80 degree

Learn more about the Angles of intersecting secants here:


can someone pls help me


On the last option, since you can substitute y=3x+1 into the other equations to solve for x.

What is the area of the obtuse triangle below?
O A. 49.5 sq. units
OB. 99 sq. units
C. 10 sq. units
D. 20.5 sq. units




Step-by-step explanation:

A= hb×b÷2




The area of the triangle will be 49.5 square units. Then the correct option is A.

What is the area of the triangle?

Assume 'h' is the height of the triangle and 'b' be the base of the triangle. Then the area of the triangle is given as,

A = (1/2) × h·b

The height of the triangle is 9 units and the base of the triangle is 11 units. Then the area of the triangle is calculated as,

A = 1/2 x 11 x 9

A = 11 x 4.5

A = 49.5 square units

The area of the triangle will be 49.5 square units. Then the correct option is A.

More about the area of the triangle link is given below.


For several weeks, the function f(x) = 3(4)* represented the number of birds
infected with an illness x weeks after the first birds became sick. How did the
number of sick birds change each week?
A. The number quadrupled each week.
B. The number increased by 4 each week.
C. The number increased by a factor of 3 each week.
D. The number increased by 3 each week.


I believe the answer is C

the height of the glass is 7cm and
the radius is 3cm If the glass is
half fill with water what will be
the answer


Pi =3.14
V= 3.14*3^2*(7/2)
V = 98.96 cm^3
If you mean how much water is in the glass

757divide 100=to in hours and minutes



Step-by-step explanation:

757 minutes = 12 hours 37 minutes

whats the gcf of 50,40
whats the gcf of 14,56,63


For 50 and 40 the GCF is 10
For 14,56,63 the GCF is 7
Hope this helps!
Would really appreciate it if given brainleist, thanks!

9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The GCF can be no larger than the difference between the numbers. That would be the first value you want to check to see if it is a factor of the numbers.

GCF(40, 50)

The difference is 10, which is a factor of both 40 and 50.

  GCF(40, 50) = 10


GCF(14, 56, 63)

You can figure the GCF pairwise, as GCF(14, 56) = 14; then GCF(14, 63) = 7. Or, you can look at the smallest difference between any pair of numbers. Here, that is 63 -56 = 7, which is a factor of all three numbers.

  GCF(14, 56, 63) = 7


Additional comment

Euclid's algorithm has you compute the remainder from division of the largest by the smallest. When that remainder is non-zero, it replaces the largest, and you repeat. When the remainder is zero, the smallest is the GCF.

For example, let's look at the GCF of 14 and 63.

  63/14 = 4 r 7

  14/7 = 2 r 0 . . . . . 7 is the divisor, so is the greatest common factor

x2 – 1x – 90 = 0 has solutions {a, b}. What is a + b?



a + b =1

Step-by-step explanation:

Write the given quadratic as x^2 – 1x – 90 = 0.  This factors into

(x - 10)(x + 9) = 0, and so the roots/solutions are {-9, 10}.

If we call -9 "a" and 10 "b," then the sum a + b is -9 + 10, or a + b =1.

I need help i tried to do this but can't get it.


Answer: x=5, y=-1

Hope this helps

The U.S. Mint produces quarters that weigh about 5.67 grams each. After the
quarters are produced, a machine weighs them. If the quarter weighs 0.02 gram more
or less than the desired weight, the quarter is rejected. Write and solve an equation to
find the heaviest and lightest quarters the machine will approve.


The U.S. Mint makes commercial circulation coins including commemorative collector's coins including investor bullion coins.In the case of circular coins, the quantities were measured in terms of figures for "production" numismatic categories in order "sales" and bullion "mintage" statistics.

[tex]\to \bold{|x-5.67|=0.02}\\\\[/tex]

heaviest[tex]\bold{=5.69\ g\\\\}[/tex]

lightest[tex]\bold{=5.65\ g\\\\}[/tex]

Evaluating each expression:  

[tex]\to \bold{q = -8}\\\\ \to \bold{r = -6}\\\\ \to \bold{t=3}[/tex]

Learn more:

plz help me solving this question ​



Step-by-step explanation:

3) Surface area of cube = 6a² where a is side of the cube.

a)  a = 6 cm

Surface area of cube = 6 * 6*6 = 216 cm²

b) a = 4.5 cm

Surface area of cube = 6 * 4.5 * 4.5 = 121.5 cm²

4)  Area of cuboid = A = 2(lb + bh + hl)

a) l = 10 cm ; h = 6 cm  ; A = 376 cm²

  A = 376

2(lb + bh + hl) = 376

2(10b + 6b + 60) = 376

2*( 16b + 60) = 376

 2*16b + 2*60 = 376

     32b + 120 = 376

        32b  = 376 - 120

          32b = 256

             b = 256 / 32

b = 8 cm

5) Surface area  of cube = 150 cm²

6a² = 150

Divide both sides by 6

a² = 150/6

a² = 25 = 5*5

a = 5 cm

6)  l = 15 cm ; b = 12 cm ; h = 10cm

Lidless. so area of top portion is not included

Surface area of lidless cuboid = 2(hb + hl) + lb

                                                  = 2*(10*12 + 10*15) + (15*12)

                                                  = 2*(120 + 150) + 180

                                                  = 2* 270 + 180

                                                  = 540 + 180

                                                   = 720 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Q5:Find the length of each side of the cube whose Total surface area are given below:



T.S.A= 6a^2 [ we have to find a]




a=squareroot of 400


So, 20cm is the length of a cube.

Help pls will give brainliest




answer C

Step-by-step explanation:

area of the rectangle=2b*b=2b²

area of the half cercle= [tex]\\\dfrac{\pi*(\frac{c}{2})^2}{2} =\dfrac{\pi*c^2}{8} \\[/tex]

Area in blue= 2b²-πc²/8

What percentage is 150 grams of 400 grams?
1 %




Step-by-step explanation:

150/450 = .375 = 37.5%

The percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be 37.5%.

What is the percentage?

The quantity of anything is stated as though it were a fraction of a hundred. A quarter of 100 can be used to express the ratio. Per 100 is what the term percent signifies. The symbol '%' is used to symbolize it.

The percentage is given as,

Percentage (P) = [Initial value - Final value] / Initial value x 100

It is given that the difference between the initial and final value is 15 grams and the initial value is 400 grams.

Then the percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be

P = (150 / 400) x 100

P = 0.375 x 100

P = 37.5%

Thus, the percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be 37.5%.

More about the percentage link is given below.


Which function is increasing?



A, it's the only one with a number greater then 1

The cross-section of a searchlight mirror is shaped like a parabola. The light bulb is located 3 centimeters from the base along the axis of symmetry. If the mirror is 20 centimeters across at the opening, find its depth in centimeters. (Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary.)


The depth of the mirror of the cross-section of a searchlight would be 8.33 cm if the light bub has a vertex at 3 cm and the mirror is 20 centimeters across at the origin.

A cross-section is perpendicular to the axis of the symmetry goes through the vertex of the parabola. The cross-sectional shape of the mirrored section of most searchlights or spotlights is parabolic.

It helps in maximizing the output of light in one direction.The equation of the cross-section of the parabola is - [tex]y^{2} = 4ax[/tex], where a is the focus and x is the depth of the mirror from its origin.


a = 3

y = [tex]\frac{20}{2}[/tex] cm = 10 cm


from the equation [tex]y^{2} = 4ax[/tex]

[tex]y^{2} = 4*3*x\\ y^{2} = 12x[/tex]

putting x, 10 cm in the equation

[tex]x=\frac{10^{2} }{12} \\\\x= \frac{100}{12} \\\\x= 8.33 cm[/tex]

thus, the depth of the mirror would be - 8.33 cm

Learn more about other problems of the parabola:

Given a dilation around the origin, what is the scale factor K?

D o, K = (2,4) → (3,6)



It is 3/2, I got it right on my exam.

Step-by-step explanation:

Dilation is a transformation that allows you to resize an object. The dilation factor of the given point is 3/2.

What is dilation?

Dilation is a transformation that allows you to resize an object. Dilation is a technique for making items bigger or smaller. This transformation yields a picture that is identical to the original shape. However, there is a size discrepancy in the form.

Given the dilation of the k around the origin as K = (2,4) → (3,6), therefore, the point k is dilated 1 unit to the right and 2 units upwards.

Let the dilation factor be represented by a, then,

2 × a = 3

a = 3/2

Similarly for the y-axis,

4 × a = 6

a = 6/4 = 3/2

Hence, the dilation factor of the given point is 3/2.

Learn more about Dilation:


i  genuinely dont know help



-13 1/2 < -6/8

Step-by-step explanation:

*Any negative in either the numerator or denominator will make the entire fraction negative.

1/2  = .5

-13 1/2 = -13.5

-6/8 = -3/4

-3/4 = -0.75

-6/8 = -0.75

-13 1/2 = -13.5

Which means:

-13 1/2 < -6/8

Hope this helped.


[tex] < [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{6}{8} [/tex]

Is close to 0 (to positive) you can use a time line to determine which is a correct answer

what is the commutative property for 4xy



[tex]we \: know \: that \: commutative \: prop \\ = x + y = y + x \\ then \\ 4xy + 0 = 0 + 4xy \\ thank \: you[/tex]

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