2.2. Language use Read the following passage and correct the grammatical errors indicated in bold. Write down only the answer. (10) jer Their (a) are various factors regarded as women abuse causes in Namibia Factors such as alcoholism, unemployment, lack of education and traditional belietes (b) that women are inferior to man (C) are viewed as the 'máybrid) causes of women abuse in Namibia. Alcoholism is a situation were by le) one uses alcohol to the extent that it effects(h) his/her mental health. Alcoholism is associated with effects like lose(9) of memory and aggression. Most men in Namibia suffer this (h) effects and abuse their wifes (h) while under the influence of alcohol. According to some sources, unemployment have (i) allegedly also become a contributing factor to violence in Namibia.​


Answer 1


A. There


Related Questions

The directions are to fix the sentence.
The war was over soldiers spread baseball across the U. S.


Answer: the proper grammer to this question wold be: The war was over and soldiers spread baseball across the U.S.


the meaning behind the changes made comes down to proper sentance structure and the fluidity of the way we say things.

hope this helps u :)

40 pointssss



This is my answer.


Number of stanzas is 5.

Does is rhyme? Nope

Regular or irregular metric? Irregular I think

Type of poem? I'm not sure

Hope this helped :)


The number of stanza is 5.

does it rhyme?, there are rhyming words in that peom.

a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet conscience explanation



Answer:William Shakespeare

Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2. Wolsey responds to Cromwell’s question of how he is after his downfall. He has abandoned ambition and achieved redemption, finding true happiness and peace at last.

Who does the Time Traveller meet when he lands in the future in The Time Machine?

A. People dressed in purple
B. Wild life—cougars and lions
C. A group of masked figures
D. Green aliens


The time traveler meets people in purple dress when he lands in the future using time machine.

He is astonished to see the difference and when he travels with a time machine is meets people wearing purple dresses which is different for him.

This is not something casual in the time where he used to live in and time traveled from.

The correct answer to the given question is A.

A. People dressed in purple.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24313493

Answer: People dressed in purple

Explanation: took quiz

the more beautiful or handsome you are the more problem you have.argue for or against this statement​


I would agree/disagree because people might trust you more because you are more popular. Then again you might be less approachable to people who think less of themselves. Also people might think that you're perfect even if you're not. Also, they might only treat you for your looks and not brains.

What group of people might the Medical Man represent in The Time Machine?

A. Doctors
B. Lawyers
C. Politicians
D. Teenagers




i guess. i dunno about this but i guess it's doctor


i say it doctor so letter a

Write an article to your college newspaper between 150-200 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by college students



Originally, Social Media was a way to interact with friends and family but later on, Business Organizations have taken interest in this popular communication method to reach out to customers. Social Media plays a significant role in helping to grow businesses. Social Media platforms are becoming a natural place to reach targeted potential customers as 50% of World’s population use social media now a day. Many business organizations recognize the benefit of social media as a communication platform to communicate with their customers.

Here are some of the advantages of using social media to build a brand or to run an existing business

By using social media, a business organization can create a real human connection to the customers

Social Media plays an important role in Lead Generation by offering an easy way for the customers to express interest in their business.

Social Media is becoming the most important part of a sales funnel of any business as a number of people using social media is growing day by day.

Social Media is an excellent platform to promote one’s well-researched content in front of new people to grow the audience base.

Social Media gives business owners the opportunity to connect with their fans and followers every time they log in to their account.

Conclusion to social media essay

Social Media is a crucial tool for almost all kinds of businesses. Business organizations use this platform to find and engage with customers, generate sales through promotion and advertising and offering customers after sale service and support. Though Social Media is becoming an important part for business organizations, unplanned activities in Social Media can kill a business too.

Final Words: – Social Media is becoming an important part of our life, thus an essay on Social Media was needed. Taking this in mind, We, Team Guide to Exam have decided to write an essay on Social Media. In this essay on Social Media, we are trying to include different category wise short essays for students of different standards. In addition to that, we have written a long essay on Social Media (700+ Words) for higher-level students.

Ratatouille is made…….red pepers, aubergines and courgettes.



Option A is correct


Ratatouille is made with red pepers, aubergines and courgettes.

Hope it is helpful....

The ones going to the football game are we juniors


wheeeeeeeee juniors ruleeeeee


weeere Junior ruleeeeee

you are getting married this year . however due to the lockdown you are not able to call everyone at the wedding ceremony.write an email to one of your friends who you are not able to invite , convincing him/her not to be mad at you in 180 words​



Hello my dear friend, I miss you so much, how are you and your family, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Choose The Correct Ans. 1) Her thinking leans ____ democracy.
A) with
B) towards
C) for
D) None of these , 2) He got too tired _____ over work.
A) because of
B) because off
C) on
D) for​



1. towards

2. because of


If you put every option with the sentence, you can single out which one makes the most sense with the process of elimination.

1. Her thinking leans with democracy.

Her thinking leans for democracy.

Her thinking leans towards democracy

Apply this to the second sentence and it should be more understandable! Hope this helped!

What does it mean to Appeal to ethics



ethical appeal, means to convince an audience of the author's credibility or character. An author would use ethos to show to his audience that he is a credible source and is worth listening to. ... Pathos or the emotional appeal, means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.

1. What behavior on the part of the writer indicates that he is another speech day?

2. What effect does the inclusion of the Glad Bag and Bert Newton’s hair transplant among recent social changes have on the reader

(3) What criticism does the writer make of the local MP?

4. What does the writer find most frustrating about typical chems school speech days?

(5) How would the author probably respond if the school jazz band played a bracket of numbers?

(6) What criticism does the writer make of the book-token awards?

(7) What is the name "Tess Trucheart “ intended to convey about school captain?

(8) Which parents tend to feel that a speech day has been’ the best speech day the school ever had’?

(9) Is the speech day described here held at a primary school or a high school? Explain your reasoning.

(10) Suggest three speech-day changes that the writer would approve of


1. What behavior on the part of the writer indicates that he is another speech day?

2. What effect does the inclusion of the Glad Bag and Bert Newton’s hair transplant among recent social changes have on the reader

(3) What criticism does the writer make of the local MP?

4. What does the writer find most frustrating about typical chems school speech days?

(5) How would the author probably respond if the school jazz band played a bracket of numbers?

(6) What criticism does the writer make of the book-token awards?

(7) What is the name "Tess Trucheart “ intended to convey about school captain?

(8) Which parents tend to feel that a speech day has been’ the best speech day the school ever had’?

(9) Is the speech day described here held at a primary school or a high school? Explain your reasoning.

(10) Suggest three speech-day changes that the writer would approve of1. What behavior on the part of the writer indicates that he is another speech day?

2. What effect does the inclusion of the Glad Bag and Bert Newton’s hair transplant among recent social changes have on the reader

(3) What criticism does the writer make of the local MP?

4. What does the writer find most frustrating about typical chems school speech days?

What are the 6 rules in subject verb agreement


The Basic Rule: Singular subjects have singular verbs and plural subjects have plural verbs.

Example 1: Jason walks to the store.

Example 2: The brothers walk to the store.

1. When connecting nouns with “of”, the noun before “of” is the subject:

Example 1: The bag of groceries is on the table.

Example 2: The bags of groceries are on the table.

Exception: When using expressions that indicate portions (“some of”, “half of”, etc.), the verb matches the noun after “of”.

Example 1: Many of the people want to go home.

Example 2: Some of the cake is gone.

2. Two subjects joined by “and” have a plural verb:

Example: The motorcycle and the car race down the road.

3. When including multiple subjects connected with “or” or “nor”, the verb matches the closest subject:

Example 1: The mother or the father makes supper each day.

Example 2: Neither the mother nor her children want to take out the garbage.

Note: If the sentence feels awkward, consider reordering your subjects or rephrasing the sentence.

4.  Sometimes multiple items make up a single unit and thus use a singular verb. This is common with periods of time, amounts of money, and measures of distance:

Example 1: Forty-five minutes is a long wait.

Example 2: Ten dollars is a fair price.

5. With “here” or “there”, the verb matches the noun after the verb.

Example 1: There are the documents.

Example 2: Here is a pencil.

Please fill in only the question marks.



a. Transport system.

b. Sewage system.

Country life is healthier than city life because it's free of both air and water pollution due to too much noise and garbage, less stress and proximity to nature.


This passage was written to compare life in the city and life in the country. Since, all humans are created differently, we all have different life choices and preferences; some people enjoy living within big cities where there are efficient transport system, sewage system, banking system, communication system, and other developmental infrastructures while some other persons are averse to city life and as such would prefer living in the country because it's quiet, peaceful and healthy.

According to the passage, the two better systems found in the city are;

a. Transport system: people are able to move from one part of the city quickly and easily.

b. Sewage system: there's an effective and efficient waste disposal system for used (dirty) water in the kitchen and toilet.

Also, the city offer its habitants better services such as;

c. Internet.

d. Telephone.

e. Electricity.

Social life is better in the cities because there is more entertainment, cinemas, shopping centers, art gallery, concert halls, theaters, restaurants and cafes where people could go to at their leisure time to relax, unwind and have fun.

Basically, country life is healthier than city life because it's free of both air and water pollution due to too much noise and garbage, less stress and proximity to nature.




Can you please repeat that?


Jumbled words are when words are placed in incorrect or improper patterns resulting in a useless or meaningless sentence. And to make them a meaningful sentence, the given words are arranged and reordered.

The given jumbled words "repeat/please/that/you/can/?" are arranged or reordered to make a new, meaningful sentence. The resulting new sentence is

"Can you please repeat that?"

1. The purpose of this passage is to: a. Give readers a brief look at Michael's life and fame
b. Provide readers with a biography of Michael's life
c. Convince readers that Michael is the greatest singer of all time
d. Inform readers of the various physical changes Michael went through​


Answer is A


Because readers will want to know more about Michael's life

We went to the cinema but we didn't see the film. (though)



we went to the cinema but though we didn 't see the flim


Act 1 scene 5 of romeo and juliet which is the best analysis


yes I really like Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Need help ASAP 20 points



its very blurry can you take another picture again

21. Thank /work
22.I /the copy/ but /two things/ not/ like.
23. First/ use /shorter/ sentences
24. Long/ make /confuse.
25. Second /more/ graphics /say/ clear/ simple way..
26. You/ great job
27. Correct/ I /suggested.
28. new version/ until tomorrow
29. any /questions/ contact
30, look/ forward/ receiving/ reply


Are those questions to make a meaningful sentence

9. The level of intoxication.......
from subject to subject.
vary or varies


Answer:plz plz plz mark me as a brainlist


vary, because *levels of intoxication is *plural. Here, subject-verb agreement is applied

Paragraph Five

As a member of the Feel Power.org team, Noah explains, "I like to teach kids because I feel like I have good mentors in my life. A lot of kids don't have that, and I want to be a mentor for them. We go to schools and teach kids how to be respectful and how to make positive life choices." The goal of Feel the Power is to "give youth the skills they need to make positive life choices." Noah and others visit schools and talk to students about respect, responsibility, honesty, and being drug free. He received recognition for his "Respect" video that helps people confront the issue of bullying.

Which of the following topics is explicitly stated in paragraph 5

The challenge of public speaking
The talent required for making videos
The goal of Feel the Power
The number of schools the team has visited



C maybe ? The answer makes sense the most to me .


the goal of Feel the Power


it's the third number, the goal of Feel the Power

it was told about what Feel the Power is interested in and what they are doing

You are going to travel by coach together for a whole day. There are some things you might take for the journey. Decide together what you will take



you can take some snacks to eat along the way

you can take water along with you so that whenever your thirsty, water will be available

you can take communication devices like Mobile phones with you because you may require it, in emergencies

you can also take along some clothings too for the night

38. Which of the following phrases serves as the adverbial phrase in the following sentence: "The director of affairs was praying very busily at the corner." * 1 point a. At the corner b. The director of affairs c. Was praying d. Very busily​



D. very busily is the adverbial phrase

At the corner b was praying b

Which word best describes Thomas Paine's tone in "the crisis, no1


INSPIRATIONAL. His work calls out to everyone of his readers to become inspired and take action against subtle attack from the British that will be done in any way possible.

Which phrase is an example of effective speaking in a classroom discussion?

“I can’t believe you feel that way! Listen to me, I’ll change your mind.”
“Wow! Where did you find that unbelievable information?”
“In my personal opinion, the only way to answer the question is . . .”
“I can understand your feelings, but my research shows that . . .”


Answer: I think it it is D because it is the most polite and shows that you understand that the other person feels differently.





Parents should protect their children's mental health by limiting how much they use social media.



Yes, but depends in what way.

It depends on how the do it

William asked to his coffee to be brought to the conference room



William asked for his coffee to be brought to the conference room.  

The pronoun here is the word HIS, and given that it refers to William (it is William's coffee after all), it means that the antecedent here is WILLIAM

Birth control pills prevent ovulation by mimicking the secretion of estrogen and/or progesterone by the ______________________ .​



maintaining more consistent hormone levels.

Hope it helps you.
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