2+4? I am omisha please give me answer​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

2+4 = 6


Answer 2


Here is your answer omisha


Related Questions

In parallelogram ABCD,AB^4+AD^2+AB^2*AD^2=AC^2*BD^2.If angle ABC=x,find the product of all possible values of x




Step-by-step explanation:

AB=DC=b, AD=BC=a

p=BD, q=AC

angle ABC=x

[tex]AB^4+AD^4+AB^2*AD^2=AC^2*BD^2\\\\b^4+a^4+b^2a^2=(a^2+b^2+2abcos(X))(a^2+b^2-2abcos(X)\\\\(a^2+b^2+2a^2b^2)-a^2b^2=((a^2+b^2)^2-4a^2b^2*cos^2(X))\\\\\\4a^2b^2cos^2(X)=a^2b^2\\\\\\cos^2(X)=\dfrac{1}{4} \\\\(cos(X)-\dfrac{1}{2} )(cos(X)+\dfrac{1}{2} )=0\\cos(x)=\frac{1}{2} \ or\ cos(X)=\dfrac{-1}{2} \\\\\\X=60^o =\dfrac{\pi}{3} rad \ or \ X=120^o=\dfrac{4\pi}{3} rad\\\\\\\\Product=\dfrac{\pi}{3}*\dfrac{4\pi}{3} =\boxed{\dfrac{4\pi^2}{9}}\\[/tex]

What effect will replacing x with (x−4) have on the graph of the equation y=(x−3)2 y = ( x − 3 ) 2 ?



y"= 2 wich is positive

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

Our equation is: y=(x-3)²

x should be replaced by x-4





The graph is still a parabola but with a different vertex

The vertex here is :

y= (x-7)²

y= x²-14x-49

y'= 2x-14

solve y'=0




You can easily find it without derivating by dividing -14 by -2

since: x²-14x-49

a=1 b= -14  c=-49

-b/2a = 14/2 = 7

the image of 7 is:

y=(7-7)² = 0

so the coordinates of the new vertex are (7,0) and it's a maximum

since y">0

y'= 2x-14

y"= 2 wich is positive

write each of the following fraction as equivalent fractions with a denominator of 10 a. 1/2 b. 1/4 c. 3/30 d. 12/30​


9514 1404 393


  a. 5/10

  b. 2.5/10

  c. 1/10

  d. 4/10

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the numerator, multiply each fraction by 10.

  a. (1/2)(10) = 5, so 1/2 = 5/10

  b. (1/4)(10) = 2.5, so 1/4 = (2.5)/10 or (5/2)/10

  c. (3/30)(10) = 1, so 3/30 = 1/10

  d. (12/30)(10) = 4, so 12/30 = 4/10

Which fraction is greater than the fraction represented by the model?





Step-by-step explanation:


It would be 7/16 because 3/8 is what is being shown. If you make them both have a common denominator then it would be 6/16.

1. You are given the 3rd and 5th term of an arithmetic sequence. Describe in words how to determine the general term.

2. You are given the 3rd and 5th term of an geometric sequence. Describe how to determine the 10th term without finding the general term.


Step-by-step explanation:

1. In an arithmetic sequence, the general term can be written as

xₙ = y + d(a-1), where xₐ represents the ath term, y is the first value, and d is the common difference.

Given the third term and the fifth term, and knowing that the difference between each term is d, we can say that the 4th term is x₃+d and the fifth term is the fourth term plus d, or (x₃+d)+d =

x₃+2d. =x₅ Given x₃ and x₅, we can subtract x₃ from both sides to get

x₅-x₃ = 2d

divide by 2 to isolate d

(x₅-x₃)/2 = d

This lets us solve for d. Given d, we can say that

x₃ = y+d(2)

subtract 2*d from both sides to isolate the y

x₃ -2*d = y

Therefore, because we know x₃ and d at this point, we can solve for y, letting us plug y and d into our original equation of

xₙ = y + d(a-1)


Given the third and fifth term, with a common ratio of r, we can say that the fourth term is x₃ * r. Then, the fifth term is

x₃* r * r

= x₃*r² = x₅

divide both sides by x₃ to isolate the r²

x₅/x₃ = r²

square root both sides

√(x₅/x₃) = ±r

One thing that is important to note is that we don't know whether r is positive or negative. For example, if x₃ = 4 and x₅ = 16, regardless of whether r is equal to 2 or -2, 4*r² = 16. I will be assuming that r is positive for this question.

Given the common ratio, we can find x₆ as x₅ * r, x₇ as x₅*r², and all the way up to x₁₀ = x₅*r⁵. We don't know the general term, but can still find the tenth term of the sequence

the point a(2,-5) is reflected over the origin and its image is point b. what are the coordinates of point b




Step-by-step explanation:

If f(x)=-4x-5 and g(x)=3-x whats is g(-4)+f(1)


Answer: -2

Step-by-step explanation:

g(-4) = 3 - (-4) = 3 + 4 = 7f(1) = -4(1) - 5 = -4 - 5 = -9

g(-4) + f(1) = 7 + (-9) = 7 - 9 = -2

Round number to nearest tenth



a= 13.5


B= 46

Step-by-step explanation:

Chris is buying new wood flooring for his house. The cost depends on the area of the floors.
Which is the dependent variable, and which is the independent variable?



strong and fexible .


look at the image below forr the question plz



[tex]308 \ m^3\\[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a three-dimensional shape is the amount of space the figure takes up. This can be found by multiplying all of the dimensions of a figure together. In essence, the following formula can be used to find the volume.


Where (l) represents the figure's length; (w) is the width: and (h) the height. Substitute the given values into the formula and solve for the volume.







A manufacturer of potato chips would like to know whether its bag filling machine works correctly at the 421 gram setting. It is believed that the machine is underfilling the bags. A 43 bag sample had a mean of 414 grams. Assume the population standard deviation is known to be 19.

a. Is there sufficient evidence at the 0.1 level that the bags are underfilled?
b. Find the P-value of the test statistic.



a) The p-value of the test is 0.0078 < 0.1, which means that there is sufficient evidence at the 0.1 level that the bags are underfilled.

b) 0.0078.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

A manufacturer of potato chips would like to know whether its bag filling machine works correctly at the 421 gram setting.

At the null hypothesis, it is tested if the mean is of 421, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 421[/tex]

It is believed that the machine is underfilling the bags.

At the alternative hypothesis, it is tested if the mean is of less than 421, that is:

[tex]H_a: \mu < 421[/tex]

The test statistic is:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.

421 is tested at the null hypothesis:

This means that [tex]\mu = 421[/tex]

A 43 bag sample had a mean of 414 grams. Assume the population standard deviation is known to be 19.

This means that [tex]n = 43, X = 414, \sigma = 19[/tex]

Value of the test statistic:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = \frac{414 - 421}{\frac{19}{\sqrt{43}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = -2.42[/tex]

P-value of the test and decision:

The p-value of the test is the probability of finding a sample mean below 414, which is the p-value of z = -2.42.

Looking at the z-table, z = -2.42 has a p-value of 0.0078.

The p-value of the test is 0.0078 < 0.1, which means that there is sufficient evidence at the 0.1 level that the bags are underfilled.

b. Find the P-value of the test statistic.

As found above, the p-value of the test statistic is 0.0078.

Find two consecutive even numbers whose sum is 758.



378 and 380

Step-by-step explanation:

The two even consecutive numbers that add up to 758 are going to be very close to half of 758. This is because two half of 758 are going to be the most similar addends of 758. This is important because the answers will be consecutive and therefore, must also be very similar. To solve, first, divide 758 by 2. This is 379, which is not an even number. So, to find the needed addends subtract and add 1 to 379. Both of these will be even and consecutive. These two numbers are 378 and 380. Then, to check you, can add them and see that they do sum 758.


Step-by-step explanation:

Let the first number = x

Let the second number = x + 2

x + x + 2 = 758                      Collect like terms

2x + 2 = 758                         Subtract 2

2x = 758 - 2                          Combine

2x = 756                                Divide by 2

2x/2 = 756/2

x = 378

The first number is 378

The second number 380

If your teacher is really fussy, you can do it this way.

Let the first number = 2x

Let the second number = 2x + 2

The reason for this is to guarantee that both numbers were even to start with.

2x + 2x+2 = 758                    Combine like terms

4x + 2 = 758                          Subtract 2

4x = 756                                Divide by 4

x = 756/4

x = 189

Therefore 2x = 378

2x + 2 = 380                 Just as before.

Mixture Problem A solution contains 15 milliliters of HCI
and 42 milliliters of water. If another solution is to have
the same concentration of HCl in water but is to contain
140 milliliters of water, how much HCI must it contain?



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a straight proportion problem.

15/42 = x/140                 Cross Multiply

15*140 = 42 * x

2100 = 42x                    Divide by 42

2100/42 = x            

x = 50 ml of HCl will be needed.

I need help guys thanks so much



A.  243

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] 81^\frac{5}{4} = (3^4)^\frac{5}{4} = 3^{4 \times \frac{5}{4}} = 3^5 = 243 [/tex]

Answer: A

I just simplified it to 3^5, and that is also 243.

Last question guys! Help help help


9514 1404 393


slope 125, annual dues payment

Step-by-step explanation:

The two given points can be used to find the slope:

  m = (y2 -y1)/(x2 -x1)

  m = (650 -400)/(4 -2) = 250/2 = 125

The vertical axis is cost, and the horizontal axis is years, so the slope is the ratio of these: cost per year.

The slope of $125 per year is the yearly membership dues cost.

The graph of [tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex] is a parabola. The axis of symmetry is [tex]x = -b/2a[/tex]. What are the coordinates of the vertex?


The vertex can be written as:

(-b/2a, b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c)

For a general parabola:

y = a*x^2 + b*x + c

We can write the vertex as:

(h, k)

The x-value of the vertex is the value of the axis of symmetry.

Then we have:

h = x = -b/2a

Now we need to find the y-value of the vertex.

To do that, we just replace the variable "x" by the x-value of the vertex in our equation, so we get:

k = y = a*(-b/2a)^2 + b*(-b/2a) + c

k = b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c

Then the coordinates of the vertex are:

(h, k) = (-b/2a, b^2/(4*a) - b^2/2a + c)

If you want to read more:


Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs. Not all tiles will be used.
Match the binomial quadratic expressions with their factored form.



x²-36 and (x-6)(x+6)

9x-1 and(3x-1)(3x+1)

4x² -16 and 4(x-2)(x+2)

Step-by-step explanation:

when you multiply(x+6)(x-6)

you get x²-36,this is known as difference of two squares ie (a+b)(a-b)=(a²-b²)=0



x² -36

the second the same explanation as the first

for the third, multiply (x+2)(x-2) it will give x²-4

then multiply this by 4 which is = 4x² - 16

14 80 tiles of side 30cm were used to cover a counter top. Calculate the area of the counter top in square metres.​



Step-by-step explanation:

1,480 is a lot of tiles. Did you mean 80 tiles?

30 cm = 0.3 m

Area of one tile = 0.3² m² = 0.09 m²

Multiply the number of tiles by 0.09 m².

Jared works at a clothing store and is listening to a customer complain about a shirt he purchased that's damaged. Which behavior can Jared exhibit to show good communication skills with the customer? O a) Stopping the customer to quickly explain the store's return policy b) Repeating back what he has heard once the customer is done speaking Od Asking the customer how the shirt was damaged O d) Promising the customer a full refund even though it's against policy




Step-by-step explanation:

in my point of view, my choice is C (asking the customer how the shirt was damaged) because when he finds out the reason why the shirt was damaged, he will explain whether or not that fault is in the store's return policy

another reason:

A) stopping the customers when they are talking, it's impolite behavior and i ensure that that customer will feel disatified.

B) i guess that customer doesnt waste of time because it

D) a full refund without finding the reason, i dont think it's a good idea

A researcher conducts an ANOVA analysis and reports no differences in average certification exam test scores for nurses identified as Baby Boomers, Millennials or Generation X. You would expect to see:



"Type II error" is the right answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

A type II mistake would be that a fake null hypothesis also isn't rejected. It's also called false negatives.It happens whenever an investigator does not eliminate a truly wrong null hypothesis. Here quite a scientist determines that whenever it genuinely exists, that there's no substantial consequence.

Thus the above is the right answer.

In the past, Alpha Corporation has not performed incoming quality control inspections but has taken the word of its vendors. However, Alpha has been having some unsatisfactory experience recently with the quality of purchased items and wants to set up sampling plans for the receiving department to use. For a particular component, X, Alpha has a lot tolerance percentage defective of 52 percent. Zenon Corporation, from which Alpha purchases this component, has an acceptable quality level in its production facility of 20 percent for component X. Alpha has a consumer's risk of 10 percent and Zenon has a producer's risk of 5 percent. a. When a shipment of Product X is received from Zenon Corporation, what sample size should the receiving department test



The answer is "28"

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex](LTPD) = 52\%\\\\(AQL) = 20\%\\\\\to \frac{LTPD}{AQL} = \frac{52\%}{20\%}= 2.6\\\\[/tex]

The value of [tex]\frac{LTPD}{AQL} = 2.6[/tex] that value of [tex]\frac{LTPD}{AQL} = 2.618[/tex]

Acceptance number, [tex]c = 9[/tex]

Value of [tex]n\times AQL = 5.426[/tex]

Sample size [tex]n = n\times \frac{AQL}{AQL} =\frac{5.426}{20\%} = 27.13=28[/tex]  

Which fraction is equivalent to 3/-5? Please help ASAP




Step-by-step explanation:

3/ -5 is also equal to -3/5  or - (3/5)

Choose all options that apply. Which of the following are antiviral medications commonly used to treat the flu? | a) Azelastine Oxymetazoline c) Zanamivir O d) Oseltamivir


C. Zanamivir
Zanamivir is an inhibitor. It works by stopping the flu virus from growing and spreading inside your body, but they should be used on higher risk people only.

What is the measure of angle BCD? 146° O 250 O 40° D o 140° 1490 c O 1550​


Answer: I think the correct answer is 40 but I am not sure.

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: 40

The angle measure of BCD is m∠BCD = 140°.

What is an interior angle?

Angles inside a polygon are referred to as interior angles. A triangle, for instance, has three internal angles. Interior angles are sometimes defined as "angles confined in the interior area of two parallel lines when they are crossed by a transversal."

Given that a quadrilateral ABCD.

To find the angle measure of BCD,

first, we find the other interior angle with supplementary angles.

m∠DAB = 180 - 25 = 155°

m∠ABC = 180 - 146 = 34°

m∠ADC = 180 - 149 = 31°

And the total sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°

So, m∠BCD = 360 - (34 + 31 + 155)

m∠BCD = 140°

Therefore, m∠BCD = 140°.

To learn more about the interior angles;



For the function h defined by h(x) = 2x2 – 2, find h(-1/2).


The choose C. –1.5

I hope I helped youI hope ^_^

In the diagram below, ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF. Complete the statement AB¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯≅ __




The answer would be D. DE

Step-by-step explanation:

same prob

Congruent triangles are exact same triangles, but they might be placed at different positions. The correct option is D.

What are congruent triangles?

Suppose it is given that two triangles ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF

Then that means ΔABC and ΔDEF are congruent. Congruent triangles are exact same triangles, but they might be placed at different positions.

The order in which the congruency is written matters.

For ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF, we have all of their corresponding elements like angle and sides congruent.

Thus, we get:

[tex]\rm m\angle A = m\angle D \: or \: \: \angle A \cong \angle D \angle B = \angle E\\\\\rm m\angle B = m\angle E \: or \: \: \angle B \cong \angle E \\\\\rm m\angle C = m\angle F \: or \: \: \angle C \cong \angle F \\\\\rm |AB| = |DE| \: \: or \: \: AB \cong DE\\\\\rm |AC| = |DF| \: \: or \: \: AC \cong DF\\\\\rm |BC| = |EF| \: \: or \: \: BC \cong EF[/tex]

(|AB| denotes the length of line segment AB, and so on for others).

Given that ΔABC ≅ ΔDEF. Therefore, the given sentence can be completed as AB ≅ ΔDE.

Hence, the side AB ≅ ΔDE

Learn more about Congruent Triangles:



A farmer wants to build a rectangular fence to enclose a 144\ \textup{ft}^2 yard. If the yard is square, how many feet of fence will he need?



12* 12 = 144

thus 4*12 = 48 feet of fence

Step-by-step explanation:

Mark is investing $8,000 in an account paying 5.5% interest compounded daily. What will Mark's account balance be in 6 years?​


Picture is the answer

The sum of two numbers is -17. Their difference is 41. Find the numbers



x = 12

y = -29

Step-by-step explanation:

Our given equations: x + y = -17 and x - y = 41

Solve for x and substitute.

x = -17 - y

(-17 - y) - y = 41

-17 - 2y = 41

2y = -58

y = -29

Solve for x using y

x + (-29) = -17

x = 12

There is a swimming pool which has a length of 15 m and a width of 12 m. There is a 2 m wide path around the pool. If the cost of the path is $5 per , what is the cost of the path? Use words, numbers, and/or symbols to justify your answer.





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