{24a - 18b} =24a−18b I neeed help


Answer 1


(24a - 18b) = 24a - 18b

24a - 18b = 24a - 18b

collect like terms

24a - 24a = -18b + 18b

0 = 0

Related Questions

What is the approximate value of x in the diagram below



x = 8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The first step in solving this problem is to determine which trig function applies.  The diagram shows that this triangle is a right triangle, that side x is opposite the 25-degree angle, and that the hypotenuse has a length of 18 cm.  

The sine function of an angle Ф is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.  In this case, sin Ф (or sin 25 degrees) equals x/(18 cm).

We need to determine the value of x.  Adapt the above equation to this particular situation:  sin 25 degrees = x/(18 cm).

To solve for x, multiply both sides of the most recent equation, above, by (18 cm).  The following results:  (18 cm)(sin 25 degrees) = x.

Next, use a calculator to find the value of sin 25 degrees:  It is 0.4226.

Then the desired value of x is (18 cm)(0.4226), or x = 7.61 cm.  This should be rounded off to x = 8 cm to reflect the level of accuracy of the given 18 cm.

what is a possible solution to the inequality?

1/4a +1 > 9



a > 32 is one possible solution to the inequality 1/4a +1 > 9.

Step-by-step explanation:

A computer vauled at $30,000 is depreciated to $0 value over a 6 year period. find the rate of change in the computer's value per year.



$5000 per year

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data

initial value of the computer= $30000

Final value = $0

Duration= 6years

Hence the rate of change in the value per year is


=$5000 per year

Hunter assumed he would only get 64
problems correct on his test, but he
actually got 78 correct. What was his
percent error
Round to the nearest percent.




Brainliest, please!

Step-by-step explanation:

78 - 64 = 14

14 / 64 = 0.21875

= 22% (when rounded)

A motorist drove from town P to town Q, a distance of 80 km, in 30 minutes . What is his average speed?​



40km per hour

Step-by-step explanation:

30 minutes × 2 = 60 minutes/1 hour

80 kilometers ÷ 2 = 40 kilometers


A sample is generated from a population of 20 items. Each of the 20 items are given a label, and a 20-sided die is rolled 3 times to determine which 3 items are in the sample. This is an example of a __________.
A. systematic sample
B. random sample
C. convenience sample
D. self-selecting sample



Option B, random sample

it should be the answer

The given information is an example of a random sample. The correct option is B.

What is a random sample?

In statistics, a simple random sample is a subset of people chosen at random from a larger group, all of whom were chosen with the same probability. It is a method of choosing a sample at random.

It is given that A sample is generated from a population of 20 items. Each of the 20 items is given a label, and a 20-sided die is rolled 3 times to determine which 3 items are in the sample.

The above information is an example of a random sample. Follow the given definition above.

To know more about random samples follow



find the product using formula (a+b) (a-b) = a square + b square a.61×59. Note: Solve by using formula.



[tex]\huge\boxed{\sf 3599}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

= 61 × 59

You can write 61 = 60 + 1 and 59 = 60 - 1


= ( 60 + 1 ) ( 60 - 1 )

According to the formula:

[tex](a+b)(a-b) = a^2-b^2[/tex]

= (60)² - (1)²

= 3600 - 1

= 3599


Hope this helped!


Find the area of triangle ABC.




Step-by-step explanation:

The area (A) of the triangle is calculated as

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × product of 2 sides × sine ( angle between them ) , that is

A = 0.5 × 5.04 × 6.82 × sin61.73° ≈ 15.14 ( to 2 dec. places )

Describe the location of point (-3, -2, 3) in three-dimensional coordinate space.



The usual way to draw a 3-D grid can be seen below.

The positive z-axis points upwards

The positive y-axis points to the right

The positive x-axis points towards you, or to the front.

And the notation for a point in 3-D is (x, y, z)

In this case, our point is (-3, -2, 3)

Then the location of the point can be described as:

So the x-value is -3, which means that the point is 3 units behind the origin.

The y-value is -2, which means that the point is 2 units at the left of the origin

The z-value is 3, which means that the point is 3 units above the origin.

help me with math pls;(



as it is cbe the volume of cube is l*l*l

Step-by-step explanation:

the answercis 5*5*5= 125

Answer: 125 cm^3

please mark brainliest

A line passes through the point (0-4) and has a slope of 3/2
What is the equation of the line?
A. 3x – 2y = 8
B. 6x+4y=-8
C. 2x+4y=-1
D. 3x – 2y = 8



y = 3/2 - 4

A. is the answer

A. 3x – 2y = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

3x – 2y = 8

-2y =8 - 3x

y = - 4 + 3/2x

y= 3/2x - 4



Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here m = [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] and c = - 4 , then

y = [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] x - 4 ← equation in slope- intercept form

Multiply through by 2 to clear the fraction

2y = 3x - 8 ( subtract 2y from both sides )

0 = 3x - 2y - 8 ( add 8 to both sides )

8 = 3x - 2y , that is

3x - 2y = 8 ← in standard form → D

Which of the following statements is false?
A. Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
B. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
C. A rhombus is a parallelogram.
D. A rhombus is a regular polygon.




Its isnt a regualr polygon because its sides are not all equilingular like a sqaure triangle octagon and so on

Samia created the following tables of values for a linear system. She concluded that there is no
solution to the system


Since the two linear relations are parallel to each other, no solution to the system exists. Hence, Samia's conclusion is correct.

How many solutions do a system of linear lines have?

A system of equations, involving two linear lines has solutions as follows:

Unique Solution: When the lines intersect, the point of intersection is the solution.No Solution: When the lines are parallel, no solution exists.Infinite Solution: When the lines coincide, then all points on the line become solutions, giving an infinite number of solutions.

How to solve the question?

In the question, we are informed that Samia created the given tables for a linear system, and concluded that no solution exists for the system.

We are asked to comment on her conclusion.

To check for her conclusion, we calculate the slopes of both the lines to check whether the relations are parallel or not, as, for parallel relations, the slopes are equal.

Slope can be calculated using the formula, m = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁), when (x₁, y₁), and (x₂, y₂) are the points on the line.

Thus, the slope for:-

Relation 1, is m₁ = (22 - 8)/(4 - (-3)) = 14/7 = 2.

Relation 2, is m₂ = (12 - (-2))/(4 - (-3)) = 14/7 = 2.

Since the slope of the two relations is equal, that is, m₁ = m₂, and they are not coinciding with each other, we can say that the two relations are parallel to each other.

Since the two linear relations are parallel to each other, no solution to the system exists. Hence, Samia's conclusion is correct.

Learn more about the system of equations at



Mrs. Sprott is planting a square garden in her backyard. The garden will
measure x feet on each side. Which function will give F(x), the area in
square feet of the garden?



The answer the above question is f(x) = x²







help me solve this i dont kow how to do this i was absent in class when my teaacher taught this doont send video just answer



[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 5x+20=40[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 5x=40-20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 5x=20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=\dfrac{20}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=4[/tex]


As its a isosceles triangle


[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x+y+60=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 2x+60=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 2x=120[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=y=60[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto z=x+60÷60+60=120[/tex]

Craig wants to prove that if quadrilateral ABCD has diagnols that biscet each other then it is a parallelogram


Solution :

Consider quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram. The parallelogram have diagonals AC and DB.

So in the given quadrilateral ABCD, let the diagonal AC and diagonal DB intersects at a point E.

Thus in the quadrilateral ABCD we see that :

1. AC and DB are the diagonals of quadrilateral ABCD.

2. Angle DCE is congruent to angle BAE and angle CDE is congruent to angle ABE. (they are alternate interior angles)

3. Line DC is congruent to line AB. (opposites sides are congruent in a parallelogram )

4. Angle ABE is congruent to angle CDE. (Angle side angle)

5. Line AE is congruent to line EC. And line DE is congruent to line EB. (CPCTC)

Thus we see that if the diagonals of a [tex]\text{quadrilateral bisects each other}[/tex], then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.


△ABE and△CDE by side-angle-side

(2w+3x)(w-5x) - (3w+7x)(w-7x)




Step-by-step explanation:

if you want how I did this it's quite lengthy so let me know if you want the process


-w^2 + 21xw - 64x ^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help, need to find f^-1 (x)


The inverse function [tex]f^{-1}(x)[/tex] is such that

[tex]f\left(f^{-1}(x)\right) = x[/tex]

Plugging [tex]f^{-1}(x)[/tex] into [tex]f(x)[/tex] gives us

[tex]f\left(f^{-1}(x)\right) = \dfrac{3f^{-1}(x) + 3}{5f^{-1}(x) + 6} = x[/tex]

Solve for [tex]f^{-1}(x)[/tex] :

[tex]\dfrac{3f^{-1}(x) + 3}{5f^{-1}(x) + 6} = x \\\\ 3f^{-1}(x)+3=x\left(5f^{-1}(x)+6\right) \\\\ 3f^{-1}(x) + 3 = 5x f^{-1}(x)+6x \\\\ 5xf^{-1}(x)-3f^{-1}(x) = 3 - 6x \\\\ (5x-3)f^{-1}(x)=3-6x \\\\ \boxed{f^{-1}(x)=\dfrac{3-6x}{5x-3}}[/tex]

Could someone please help? I’ve done this lesson so many times and still struggle.


Nice job on getting problem 1 correct.


Problem 2

The double stem and leaf plot says we have the following data set for the men's side

53,54,57 60,61,62,63,63,64,64,66,67,67,68,69 70,70,70,70,70,73,76,77,77,77,77,79 81,82,85,86,88,88 90,92,93,98

Be careful to read the stem first, followed by the leaf (even though the leaf values are listed on the left side of the stem).

Notice how each row is a different stem (in this case, tens digit) to help make things more readable.

If we were to add up all of those values I listed above, then we should get the sum 2707. Divide this over n = 37 to get 2707/n = 2707/37 = 73.162 approximately. This rounds to 73 since your teacher wants you to round to the nearest whole point.

The average score for the men is 73.

You'll do the same thing for the women's side. That data set is

55,59 60,60,62,62,63,64,65,66,66,67 70,71,71,72,73,74,75,76,79,79 80,81,82,83,83,84,89 90,92,92,93,93,95,98 100

Again, it's handy to break the scores up by stem or else you'll have a long string of scores to get lost in (or it's easier to get lost in).

Adding up those 37 scores should get you 2824 which then leads to a mean of 2824/n = 2824/37 = 76.324 approximately. This rounds to 76

The average score for the women is 76.


Problem 3

The range for the men is max - min = 98 - 53 = 45

The range for the women is max - min = 100 - 55 = 45

Both groups have the same range (which is 45)


Problem 4

It's strongly recommended to use a spreadsheet here. Let's focus on the men's data set.

The idea is to subtract each data value from the mean 73.162, and then square the result. So each term is of the form (x-mu)^2 where mu is the mean.

For example, the data value x = 53 on the men's side will lead to

(x-mu)^2 = (53 - 73.162)^2 = 406.506

We consider this a squared error value.

You'll do this with the remaining 36 other values in the men's data set.

After doing this, you'll add up the 37 items in this new column and you should get roughly 4711.027, and this is the sum of the squared errors (SSE).

Divide this over n = 37 and we get 4711.027/37 = 127.325

Lastly, apply the square root and we arrive at sqrt(127.325) = 11.284 which rounds to 11.28

The steps for the women's standard deviation will be the same. You should get 12.30


Answers:Men's standard deviation = 11.28Women's standard deviation = 12.30

These are population standard deviation values. If you don't want to use a spreadsheet, a much better option is to use online calculators that specialize in population standard deviation.

1) The men's and women's team each played 37 games.

2) the mean score of men's and women's team is 73 and 76 approximately.

3) the range of men's and women's score is 45.

4)the standard deviation of men and women team 11 and 12 approximately.

Number of observations can be found by counting the observations.

Mean is the average of all observations. It is the sum product of observations divided by the number of observations.

The range of observations is the measure of spread. It is the highest value minus the lowest value.

The standard deviation is another measure of variability. It is the square root of variance, where variance is the sumproduct of observations minus the mean, divided by the number of observations.

The data set is given by:

Men's team


Women's team


1) Number of games each team played :

men's team = 37

women's team = 37

2)mean = [tex]\frac{sum \ of \ observations}{number \ of \ observations}[/tex]

men's team = [tex]\frac{2707}{37}[/tex] =  = 73.162

women's team = [tex]\frac{2824}{37}[/tex]  =  = 76.324

3)range =  highest observation - lowest observation

men's team = 98 - 53 = 45

women's team = 100 - 55 = 45

4)population standard deviation = [tex]\sqrt{ \frac{\sum (x-\bar x)^2}{n}}[/tex]

On using the formula :

men's team = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{4711.027}{37} } = \sqrt{127.325} = 11.284[/tex]

women's team = [tex]\sqrt{151.29}[/tex] = 12.3

Learn more about mean here



Given the equation, 1 + 6k = 25, for some value of k, what is the value of k +7 for the same value
of k?



k + 7 = 11

k = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

1 + 6k = 25

25 - 1 = 6k

24 / 6 = k

k = 4

4 + 7 = 11

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K


k = 4

The value of k + 7 = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

1 + 6k = 25

To find the value of k we have to use inverse operations

1 + 6k = 25

1 - 1= 0

25 - 1 = 24

This cancels out the 1 in this equation. 25 becomes 24 now because what we do to one side we do to the other.

6k = 24

To find k we have to divide 6 from 6 and 24

6/6= 0

24/6= 4

Now we are left with the variable k and 4

Therefore, k = 4.

To solve the second part of the equation we plug in k to the equation

k = 4

so the equation becomes 4 + 7

4 + 7 = 11

What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (-6, -8) and (-3,-3)?​



y = 5/3x+2

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the slope

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( -3 - -8)/( -3 - -6)

    = ( -3+8) / (-3+6)

    = 5/3

The slope intercept form of a line is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

Substituting the point (-3,-3)

-3 = 5/3(-3) + b

-3 = -5+b

-3+5 = b

2 = b

y = 5/3x+2

Given points


First find the slope

[tex]\boxed{\sf m=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{-3+8}{-3+6}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{5}{3}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf y=mx+b}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -3=\dfrac{5}{3}(-3)+b[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto b=2[/tex]

Hence the equation will be

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{5}{3}x+2[/tex]

Divide. Write your answer as a decimal.





Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

There are 2 green pens, 3 blue pens, 4 red pens, and 1 black pen in the teachers desk. The teacher selects 2 pens at random, and the pens are not replaced. What is the probability that the teachers will pick 2 red pens in a row?




Step-by-step explanation:

2 green pens, 3 blue pens, 4 red pens, and 1 black pen =10 pens

P(red) = red/total = 4/10 = 2/5

Keep the pen

2 green pens, 3 blue pens, 3 red pens, and 1 black pen =9 pens

P(red) = red/total = 3/9 = 1/3

P(red,red) = 2/5 * 1/3 = 2/15

prime factorization of 44
231 give the serious




Step-by-step explanation:

the steps are simply ,




The Prime Factorization is:

11 x 4021

In Exponential Form:

111 x 40211

CSV Format:

11, 4021

All Factors of 44231:

1, 11, 4021, 44231

hope it helps

please mark Brainliest

Which set of equations is enough information to prove that lines c and d are parallel lines cut by transversal p?




Step-by-step explanation:

whats the volume the triangular prism?​



Step-by-step explanation:

B ----> Base Area

Base is triangle

base = b = 10 in

height = h = 6 in

Area of base B = [tex]\frac{1}{2}bh[/tex]

                         [tex]=\frac{1}{2}*10*6\\\\= 5* 6\\\\= 30 \ in^{2}[/tex]

B = 30 in²

H = 15 in

Volume of triangular prism = BH

                                            = 30 * 15

                                            = 450 in³

A square has an area of 100 m squared. What is the length of each side?




Step-by-step explanation:

area of a square =s^2

therefore s^2=100

s= under root 100

= 10

The number of students in an school building that have the flu after t days is given by the function


a) What was the initial number of students infected (think about what time is initially).

b) When will the number of students infected be equal to 200?

Round all of your answers to the NEAREST whole number and be sure to label your answers.


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]p(0) = \frac{800}{1 + 49 {e}^{ - 0.2 \times 0} } = \frac{800}{1 + 49} = \frac{800}{50} = 16[/tex]

[tex]200 = \frac{800}{1 + 49 {e}^{ - 0.2t} } \\ 200(1 + 49 {e}^{ - 0.2t} ) = 800 \\ 200 + 9800 {e}^{ - 0.2t} = 800 \\ 9800 {e}^{ - 0.2t} = 600 \\ {e}^{ - 0.2t} = \frac{3}{49} \\ ln( {e}^{ - 0.2t} ) = ln( \frac{3}{49} ) \\ - 0.2t = - 2.793 \\ t = 13.96 = 14[/tex]

1. A soccer team is to be selected from a group of 24 players. Of them, one-third is below 16 years of age, one-fourth is in the age group 16 to 18 years and the remaining are above 18 years.
(a) What fraction of players is above 18 years of age?
(b) If all players of age above 18 are selected, how many players are above 18 years of age? ​




(b).10 players

Step-by-step explanation:




b.5/12of 24 =10 players

PLz, Help fast! 100 points
A line is drawn on a scatter plot, as shown below:

A graph shows values till 10 on both x- and y axis with increments of 1.Dots are shown at 0.5, 7.5 and 1.8, 6.5 and 3, 6 and 4.4, 5 and 4.8, 4 and 5.9, 3.2 and 6.6, 2 and 7.5, 2.5 and 8, 1 and 8.8, 0. A straight line joins the ordered pairs 0, 7.9 and 10, 0.

Which statement best describes the line?



It can be the line of best fit because it closely fits the data points.

Step-by-step explanation:

The line is near the data points and goes down from left to right just like the data points.  It is just above or just below the data points.


guy above is right

Step-by-step explanation:

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