2/5 x 1/3 x 3/4 = ( 2/5 x 1/3) x ? And the answer please


Answer 1
4/12x9/12= 36/12=3


?= 2.1 or 2 1/10

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A game decreased in price by
. After the reduction it was priced at £17. What was the original price of the game?




Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 384.085 by 50.5 using the correct number of significant digits. O A) 7.65 OB) 7.6517 O C) 7.652 OD 7.61​



d) 7.61​

Step-by-step explanation:

384.085 ÷ 50.5 = 7.605643

d is the only possible value (u get it when u round up to 3 sf)


D) 7.61

Step-by-step explanation:

384.085 d i v i d e d  b y 50.5

                   =  7.61

John read the first 144 pages of a novel, which was 3 pages less than 1/3 of the novel. Write an equation to determine the total number of pages (p in the novel.
Find the total number of pages in the novel.


Answer: 441 pages

Step-by-step explanation:





Using Pythagorean thereon

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P^2=H^2-B^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P^2=9^2-6^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P^2=81-36[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P^2=45[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P=\sqrt{45}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto P=6.3ft[/tex]

please help asap!!!!​


Volume = 12*12*6+18*8*10=2304 in^3


2304 cubic inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = Width x length x height

Green cube:


Blue cube:


Add them together:


Tell answer
find in exponenial form
a) 27³x9²x3 options
1) 3³
2) 3 to power 14
answer in detail​



[tex]{ \tt{ {27}^{3} \times {9}^{2} \times 3 }} \\ = { \tt{ {3}^{3} \times {3}^{2} \times {3}^{1} }} \\ = { \tt{ {3}^{(3 + 2 + 1)} }} \\ { \tt{ = {3}^{6} }}[/tex]

Please help me with my work




Step-by-step explanation:


38. hope i'm right

Step-by-step explanation:

A car start from rest . If the acceleration of the car is 0.2m/s^2, what will be it's velocity at the end of 3 minutes?And what distance will it cover at that time?​







The roots of x2 - 5x - 4 = 0 are
A. 1 and 4
C. -1 and -4



the answer to this is:

[tex]\frac{5+\sqrt{41} }{2} and\\\frac{5-\sqrt{41} }{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

how long should the ladder be if they want to use all the canle they have? use the law of sines to find the length.


Answer: L = 36 feet approximately

The more accurate value is 35.9547644 feet, but this approximate value isn't exact either.



Ignore the vertical line and any byproducts of it.

Refer to the diagram below. Note that the 95 degree angle is from 15+80 = 95.

We can use the law of sines like so

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(75)/200 = sin(10)/L

L*sin(75) = 200*sin(10)

L = 200*sin(10)/sin(75)

L = 35.9547644 which is approximate.

This rounds to roughly 36 feet when rounding to the nearest whole number.

Side note: We never use angle C = 95, and its opposite side.

look at image below urgant 1000 points alert


A = pi x r x l

= 3.14 x 5 x 13

= 204.1


282.7 mi^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of cone=pi*r*(r+l)=pi*5*18=282.7

Se forman varios triángulos con fósforo uno después de otro escribe una expresión numérica que representa el número de fósforo según el número de triángulos


La expresión numérica que representa el número de fósforos según el número de triángulos es: x=2n+1

Vamos a suponer que los triángulos se disponen de la manera mostrada en el diagrama (ver diagrama adjunto)

Cuando se construye el primer triángulo vamos a necesitar de 3 fósforos.Cuando se construye el segundo triángulo vamos a necesitar de 2 fósforos adicionales por lo que obtenemos 3+2=5 fósforos.Cuando se construye el tercer triángulo, se necesitan 2 fósforos adicionales, por lo que obtenemos 3+2+2=7Cuando se construye el cuarto triángulo se necesitan 2 fósforos adicionales y tenemos 3+2+2+2=9

En este caso vamos viendo un patrón, por cada nuevo triángulo vamos necesitando dos fósforos adicionales.

Cuando tenemos varios números que presentan un patrón y el patrón es que la distancia entre dos números consecutivos es la misma, entonces estamos hablando de una secuencia aritmética. Las secuencias aritméticas tienen la forma general:


En este caso vamos a definir dos variables:

x = número de fósforos

n = número de triángulos

El patrón que vimos arriba se puede escribir de la siguiente manera:


pero mucho ojo, esta fórmula es válida únicamente si empezamos a contar de n=1 triángulo adicional (osea cuando tenemos 2 triángulos). Si usamos n=1 obtenemos:

x=3+2(1)=5 (el cual es el resultado para 2 triángulos, no 1)

Esto se puede arreglar restándole un 1 a la x para que de esa forma, la fórmula sea válida cuando usamos x=1 triángulo, así que obtenemos:


(Esta es la forma general de una secuencia aritmética.)

Ahora bien, esta fórmula puede ser simplificada usando álgebra, así que obtenemos:


lo cual nos da:


por lo que la expresión numérica que representa el número de fósforos según el número de triángulos es: n=2x+1

Puedes encontrar más información sobre secuencias aritméticas en el siguiente enlace:


[tex]6 \sqrt{2} - 4 \sqrt{3} + |3 \sqrt{8} - 8 \sqrt{3} | + 2 \sqrt{12} [/tex]Solve this pls ......​



8√3 ≈ 13.86

Step-by-step explanation:

6√2 - 4√3 + | 3√(2²•2) -8√3 | + 2√2²•3

Every 2² get our from the square root and loses the ² :

6√2 -4√3 + | 2•3√2 -8√3 | + 2•2√3

Solve the multiplications and taking of the | | , the signal inside it changes:

6√2 - 4√3 +8√3 -6√2 +4√3

Now you group the similar terms and solve the possible operations:

6√2 - 6√2 +4√3 - 4√3 + 8√3

8√3 ≈ 13.86

Step-by-step explanation:


SEE the IMAGE for Solution

Find the area and the circumference of a diameter 8yd Use the value 3.14 for π, and do not round answer



circumference = 25.12 yards

area = 50.24 yards squared or yd^2

Step-by-step explanation:

circumference = pi * d

3.14 * 8 =


area = pi* r^2

r = 1/2 of d = 4

area = pi * 16

3.14 * 16 =



Area: 50.24yds^2            Circumference: 25.12yds

Step-by-step explanation:

Area: The formula for area of a circle is a = πr^2.

The radius (r) of the circle is 4yds because it is half the length of the diameter. The equation would like like this:

A = (3.14)(4)^2

A = (3.14)(16)

A = 50.24yds

Circumference: The formula for circumference is 2πr. We already know all of the variables so we can plug them in.

C = 2(3.14)(4)

C = 25.12yds

Hope this helps

please help, is associated with angles. thank u :)



Step-by-step explanation:

Because those lines are parallel, that means that the angle measuring 75 and the angle measuring 4x + 7 are alternate interior and by definition are congruent. Therefore,

75 = 4x + 7 and

68 = 4x so

x = 17

Plssss help fasttt , I’ll mark u as the brainlest and follow u too


[tex]\huge\color{lime}\boxed{\colorbox{black}{Answer : - }}[/tex]

sec² θ (1 + sin θ) (1 - sinθ ) = k

sec² θ(1-sin²θ ) = k

sec² θ cos² θ = k

sec² θ. 1 /sec²θ = k

1 = k

.. k = 1.

calculate the area of the given quadrilaterals.​



dissect the trapezium into a square and triangle. since the triangle is a right angled one the base is 17-7=10cm

the height is found using Pythagorean theorem to be 24cm i.e 26²=x²+10²,x=√(676-100),x=√576,x=24cn

area of trapezium is (1/2)(a+b)h

a is the shorter side and b the longer side



Can someone please help me?


Answer:I’m not sure

Step-by-step explanation: try and use the scientific demos

Please help explanation if possible




Step-by-step explanation:

a44 = 2 + (43 × 1) = 2 + 43 = 45

Which of the following represents the set in words?
{x | x ≤ 0}
all negative integers
None of these
all positive integers
all negative real numbers
all positive real numbers



It's actually: None of these.

Think about it: In this case we have an inequality, of x ≤ 0.

This basically means, that x can be less than OR equal to 0.

But 0 is neither negative or positive, so we can eliminate the following answer choices:

- all positive integers

- all negative real numbers

- all positive real numbers

- all negative integers

And we are left with "None of these"

Let me know if this helps!

Option B is correct. None of these options is the right answer since zero is neither an integer nor a real number

Before we can decide which option is correct, first we must integers and real numbers are.

Integers are whole numbers. They can either be positive and negative.

Real numbers are numbers that are both whole numbers and fractions.zero is neither positive nor negative integer

Given the set of numbers {x | x ≤ 0}. The set of numbers in the set will be all integers less than zero including zero (zero is not an integer)

Hence the set of numbers are not all negative integers since 0 is not a negative integer.

They are not all positive integers rather they are mostly negative integers

They are not all positive and negative real values because zero is not a real integer.

Hence we can conclude that None of the options is correct.


Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/2691012

Can someone help me on this please




Step-by-step explanation:

a ^ 2/3

The top is the power and the bottom is the root


Use the distance formula to find the perimeter. Round to the nearest tenth




Step-by-step explanation:

You just add the two lengths and then do pythagorean theory to get the length of the hypotenuse. Then you add them all together to get 18.8. Hope this helps.

A triangle, where the two angles are 30° and 90°, what are the remaining angles




Step-by-step explanation:

A triangle has three angles.

The sum of its angles = 180⁰

[ By angle sum property ]

Let the unknown angle be 'x'


30⁰ + 90⁰ + x = 180⁰

120⁰ + x = 180⁰

x = 180⁰ - 120⁰

x = 60⁰

Therefore, the unknown angle will be equal to 60⁰

60° because 90°+ 30°= 120°and 180°-120°=60°

Find the coordinates of the image of Z(−3,−1) after the translation (x,y)→(x−2,y−7).


Answer:  (-5, -8)



We get this point by doing two things.

Subtract 2 from the x coordinate, due to the x-2Subtract 7 from the y coordinate, because of the y-7

If we started with x = -3, then x-2 = -3-2 = -5. Also, if we had y = -1 then y-7 = -1-7 = -8

So that's how we end up with Z(-3,-1) moving to Z ' (-5, -8)

You could also show your work like this

[tex](x,y) \to (x-2, y-7)\\\\(-3,-1) \to (-3-2, -1-7)\\\\(-3,-1) \to (-5, -8)\\\\[/tex]


b=-2, c= -1, d=3




Step-by-step explanation:







= -----------



= ------------



= --------


= -1

Step-by-step explanation:

substitute the letters with the given numbers

baby was born with a mass of 3.6 kg.
After three months this mass had increased to 6 kg. Calculate the percentage increase in the mass of the baby?



2.4 mass increase

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

formula is = the new weight - the old weight/the old weight ×100%

=6-3.6/3.6 ×100%



=66.6% approximately


I’m so confuseddddd



i think second number.

not sure but i think that's the answer

it is a polynomial or not write step in step​




here √(3x) means, √3×√x

√x = x^(1/2)

now, now the exponent is 1/2, which means it's not a polynomial

how can i round 162 to the nearest hundred in a easier way with multiplying



it's 200

Step-by-step explanation:

it is rounded to 200 because the last two digit which are 62 should be 50 or above.

What is 0.04% of 30? Round to the nearest hundredth




Step-by-step explanation:

Have a good day.



Step-by-step explanation:

Change the percent to decimal form

.04% = .0004

.0004 *30


Round to the nearest hundredth


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