√25x+75 +3√x-2 =2+4√x-3 +√9x-18


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\large \boldsymbol{ \boxed{\sqrt{a}\cdot \sqrt{b}=\sqrt{a\cdot b} }} \\\\\\ \sqrt{25x+75} +3\sqrt{x-2} =2+4\sqrt{x-3} +\sqrt{9x-18} \\\\ \sqrt{25} \cdot \sqrt{x+3}+3\sqrt{x-2} =2+4\sqrt{x-3} +\sqrt{9}\cdot \sqrt{x-2} \\\\5\sqrt{x+3} +3\sqrt{x-2} \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\bigg{/} \ \ =2 +4\sqrt{x-3} +3\sqrt{x-2} \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\bigg{/} \\\\(5\sqrt{x+3})^2 =(2+4\sqrt{x-3} )^2 \\\\ \ \ \ let \ \ t=x+3 \ \ ; \ \ \ t-6=x-3 \\\\ \big(5\sqrt{t} \ \big)^2=(2+\sqrt{t-6} )^2 \\\\[/tex]                                 [tex]\large \boldsymbol{} 25t=4+16\sqrt{t-6} +16(t-6) \\\\(9t+92)^2=(16\sqrt{t-6} )^2 \\\\81t^2+1656t+8464=256(t-6)\\\\81t^2+1400t+10000=0 \\\\ D=1400^2-324000=-128000=> \\\\D<0 \ \ no \ \ solutions[/tex]

Related Questions

Which number is a solution of the inequality?
3x - 15 ≥ 3

a.) -9/11







Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]3x - 15 \geqslant 3[/tex]

[tex]3x \geqslant 3 + 15[/tex]

[tex]x \geqslant \frac{18}{3} [/tex]

[tex]x \geqslant 6[/tex]

Does the graph represent a function? Why or why not?



D. Yes, because it passes the vertical line test.

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to be a function, it needs to pass the vertical line test as a function can not have multiple y's for one x. However, functions can have multiple x's for one y such as in a quadratic function.



Brainliest, please!

Step-by-step explanation:

This function passes both the horizontal and vertical line tests. But when determining if it is a function or not, the vertical line test is the only one that matters. If we wanted to know if this function had an inverse or not, then B. would be right.

Find an equation of the line through the given points right the answer and slope intercept form



equation is y = 2-x

Step-by-step explanation:

x1 = -3

y1 = 5

x2 = 4

y2 = -2


m(slope) = rise/run =(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) =(-2-5)/(4+3) = -7/7 = -1

so m = -1


y =mx + b

-2 = -1×4 + b

or, -2 = -4 +b

so, b = 2


y = mx+b

y = -1x + 2

or, y = 2-x

. A cook buys six pumpkins. The mean mass of these pumpkins is 2,1 kg. The heaviest pumpkin, which has a mass of 3 kg, is used first. Calculate the mass of the remaining five pumpkins.​




Step-by-step explanation:

If the mean mass is 2.1 we can count the mass of these six pumpkins

the total mass of the pumpkins divided by the quantity of them is equal 2.1

TO find the mass multiply 2.1 by the quantity of them (6)

2.1*6=12.6 - the summary weight of six pumpkins

12.6-3=9.6 - the remainder after using the heaviest pumpkin





Step-by-step explanation:

We can use basic trig. for a right triangle to solve this problem. In any right triangle, the tangent of an angle is equal to its opposite side divided by the hypotenuse (longest side) of the triangle.

The right triangle we're looking at involves the two dotted lines and an edge of the prism.

The bottom dotted line is a diagonal of the rectangular base of the prism. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find its length.

The Pythagorean Theorem states that for any right triangle, [tex]a^2+b^2=c^2[/tex], where [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]b[/tex] are the two legs of the triangle and [tex]c[/tex] is the hypotenuse.

In this case, the two legs are 9 and 12 and we are solving for [tex]c[/tex]:


This is theta's adjacent side. Its opposite side is an edge of the prism labelled as 8 inches. Therefore, we have the following equation:

[tex]\tan \theta = \frac{8}{15}[/tex]

Take the inverse tangent of both sides:

[tex]\arctan(\tan \theta)=\arctan(\frac{8}{15})[/tex]

Simplify using [tex]\arctan(\tan\theta)=\theta, \theta \in (-90^{\circ}, 90^{\circ})[/tex]:

[tex]\theta=\arctan(\frac{8}{15}),\\\theta=28.07248694\approx \boxed{28.07^{\circ}}[/tex]

A to B is 420 mile away, A travels 40 mph and B travels 80 mph. they toward to each other. how many hour will they meet ?



Step-by-step explanation:

I hope these are people in vehicles travelling toward each other.

80 mh * t + 40 mph * t = 420 miles

The two vehicles are going to travel a total of 420 miles. B will cover a lot more ground than A, but together they will make 420 miles

80t + 40t = 420

120t = 420

t = 420/120

t = 3.5

So after driving 3.5 hours, the two cars will meet.

cho tam giác ABC có A(3;4), B(2;1), C(-1;-2). tìm điểm M nằm trên đường thẳng BC sao cho S ABC=3S ABM



Step-by-step explanation:

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!! The following graph shows a proportional relationship. What is the constant of proportionality between y and x in the graph?




Step-by-step explanation:

The graph point is on (3,2)

Find the products using suitable identity:
1.(3y –2z) (3y + 2z)
2.105 × 98






(3y-2z) (3y+2z)





please help me i will give brainliest!




Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply 2 1/4 by 3/4 by 1 1/4 to get 2 7/64.

Then, multiply 1/4 by 1/4 by 1/4 to get 1/64.

Then divide 2 7/64 by 1/64 to get 135.

Hope this helps!

If there is something wrong, just let me know.

My answer is always decimals??? Its weird…please help




Step-by-step explanation:

Describe and correct the error in finding the volume of the pyramid.


You have to multiple 6 times itself to get the sides

3.3 Is it possible that a vehicle could travel so fast that the trip could be done in no time at all? Give a reason for your answer.​




Step-by-step explanation:

No matter how fast something is going it still takes a moment in time, even if it's only 1/10000 of a second.

Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.



Step-by-step explanation:

Adjacent to the undetermined angle is 6, and the hypotenuse has been given. We can conclude, after looking at our SOHCAHTOA, that we will be using cosine(CAH) to solve this problem.

Let the unspecified angle be [tex]\theta\\[/tex] (This sign is called theta, which is just a sign for angle)

Lets start!

cos[tex]\theta\\[/tex] = adj/hyp

cos[tex]\theta\\[/tex] = 6/13

[tex]\theta\\[/tex] = [tex]cos^{-1}[/tex](6/13)

[tex]\theta\\[/tex] = 62.5

[tex]\theta\\[/tex] = 63

Hope that helped!

Plz help me ASAP plz


The answer is 3




Step-by-step explanation:

RS = 15 and RT which is the whole line = 18 so we just have to do 18-15 which equals 3. Your answer is 3! So a!

A square has a perimeter of 4 cm. What is the length of each side?



1 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the perimeter is 4 cm and all the sides of the square have the same length, each side must be 1 cm long.

The area of that square is 1 cm x 1 cm, which is 1 cm2.

Step-by-step explanation:

since the all side is same,the side length is just 1 cm. And the area is just the side length square =1cmsquare× 1 cm

= ans is 1cm^2

evaluate expressions 1. find the value of f(x) = 3x -2 when x is given value a.). f(3) b.) f(-5) c.) f(0)​



a). 7

b). -17

c). -2

Step-by-step explanation:

You have to substitute the given x value into the equation.

a). f(3)= 3(3)-2



Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (−7,5) and (-7,-8).
Put your answer in fully reduced point-slope form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line.



x = -7

Step-by-step explanation:

First we find the slope using

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( -8 - 5)/( -7 - -7)

   = (-8-5)/(-7+7)

   = -13/0

This means the slope is undefined and the line is vertical

Vertical lines are in the form

x= constant and the constant is the x value of the points

x = -7

what percent of 65 gives you 33




Step-by-step explanation:

Convert fraction (ratio) 33 / 65 Answer: 50.769230769231%

In an atom, electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge. One negative and
one positive cancel each other, just like zero pairs. An atom has 354 electrons and 139 protons.
What is the amount and type of charge?



The charge is negative and the amount is 215

Step-by-step explanation:

Electrons are negative


Protons are positive






Net charge


Negative charge and the amount is 215

Kristina wants to buy a flute that costs 240 . She has saved 20 each week for 3 weeks . How many more weeks does Kristina need to save money if she continues to save 20 each week



9 more weeks


She already saved 20(3)=60

She needs 9 more weeks

PLS HELP- please look at the picture below


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

To find f(2), we need √(x+1) = 2. That means x+1 = 2^2, so x = 4-1 = 3.

Then f(2) = 1/x = 1/3.

What is the slope of the line joining (15, 12) and (9, 4)



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Slope=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Slope=\dfrac{4-12}{9-15}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Slope=\dfrac{8}{6}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Slope=\dfrac{4}{3}[/tex]

You have a choice to invest in one of three different college funds to save up for college. You need to save at least $14,000 for your first year. In which of the three accounts do you choose to invest your money given that you have $10,000 to invest and you would like to accrue as much interest as possible?​


Answer: C) You choose account #2



Let's compute the final balance for account 1.

We'll use the compound interest formula

A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)


P = principal or amount depositedr = decimal form of the annual interest raten = number of times we compound the interest per yeart = number of years

where in this case

P = 10,000r = 0.035 n = 4 t = 10

So with all that in mind, we get

A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)

A = 10,000*(1+0.035/4)^(4*10)

A = 14,169.0883793113

A = 14,169.09

Account #1 gets us $14,169.09 which is over our goal of $14,000


Let's repeat this idea for account 3. I'll get back to account 2 in the next section.

For account 3, we have these inputs

P = 10,000r = 0.032n = 1t = 10

leading to...

A = P*(1+r/n)^(n*t)

A = 10,000*(1+0.032/1)^(1*10)

A = 13,702.4104633564

A = 13,702.41

This isn't larger than 14,000. So we cannot use account 3. The interest rate is too small and needs to be bumped up.


Now let's compute account 2. We'll use the continuously compounded interest formula which is

A = P*e^(rt)

The P, r and t are the same as before. The 'e' is a constant and it's roughly e = 2.718... similar to how pi = 3.14... approximately.

I recommend using the calculator's stored value of 'e' to get as much accuracy as possible.


A = P*e^(rt)

A = 10,000*e^(0.036*10)

A = 14,333.2941456052

A = 14,333.29

This exceeds 14,000 so we can use this account.

Comparing this to account 1's value (14,169.09), we can see that account 2 gets us the most money over the 10 year time period. Not only does account 2 have the higher interest rate, but it also has an infinitely higher compounding frequency as well. These two factors help contribute as to why account 2 beats out account 1.

This is why we should go for account 2.

Find the missing length indicated.



Does the answer help you?

Answer please ??????????????????????


Answer: -1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\\\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 3} \ \dfrac{\dfrac{1}{x+5}-\dfrac{1}{8}}{\sqrt{x+1}-2} \\\\\\\displaystyle =\lim_{x \to 3} \dfrac{\dfrac{3-x}{8} }{\sqrt{x+1}-2} \\\\\\\displaystyle =\lim_{x \to 3} \dfrac{(\sqrt{x+1}+2)*\dfrac{3-x}{8} }{(\sqrt{x+1}-2)*(\sqrt{x+1}+2)} \\\\\\\displaystyle =\lim_{x \to 3} \dfrac{(\sqrt{x+1}+2)*({3-x)} }{8*(x+1-4)} \\\\\\\displaystyle =\lim_{x \to 3} \dfrac{(\sqrt{x+1}+2)*({3-x)} }{8*(x-3)} \\\\\\\displaystyle =\lim_{x \to 3} -\dfrac{ (\sqrt{x+1}+2)} {8} \\\\[/tex]


If P =
1 2
then, prove that P2 - 2P - 5 = 0, 1 = 0, where I and 0 are unit
3 1
matrix and null matrix of order 2 x 2 respectively.



thanks for free ponits you dint gave it free but I theft I'm sorry

Can an infinite arithmetic series ever converge?


An arithmetic series never converges: as \(n\) tends to infinity, the series will always tend to positive or negative infinity. Some geometric series converge (have a limit) and some diverge (as \(n\) tends to infinity, the series does not tend to any limit or it tends to infinity).

Please hurry I will mark you brainliest

What is the slope of the line with an x-intercept of 4 and a y-intercept of -37


Step-by-step explanation:

Slope is [tex]\frac{rise}{run}[/tex], so the slope is [tex]\frac{y}{x}[/tex], which also equals [tex]-\frac{37}{4}[/tex].

need answer please
giving out brainiest for ALL MY QUESTIONS!!
correct answers only




Step-by-step explanation:

integers like 5 or 4 can be put over one to be a fraction.

For example: 5/1 or 4/1


Step-by-step explanation:

they can

eg 1/1, 7/1

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