2.I'm strong and stiff
Getting through me is tough
I'm found only in plants
I'm what makes sticks tough What am I?

A)Golgi Body (Complex)
B)Endoplasmic Reticulum
E)Cell membrane
F)Cell wall


Answer 1


Cell wall. I'm strong and stiff . Getting through me is tough. I'm found only in plants​, but I guess ... You can find me in the cytoplasm or attached to E.R.'s wall.

Bio--Plant and Animal Cells Flashcards | Quizlet


Related Questions

All of the following are examples of specialized cells except





define cell and atom​



cell is the structural and functional unit of live.

Atom are the smallest particle of chemical element

Discuss the sensory neurons for vision. What are the two
types of sensory neurons for vision? Where are they located?
What are their functions in the eye? What path does visual
input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons (be specific,
outlining the entire path to the destination point of the brain)?



Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN).


Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the sensory neurons that is responsible for vision. Photoreceptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the two types of sensory neurons for vision. Both olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) and photoreceptors is responsible for the receiving of photons and enable us to see things. The right half of the visual field will travel in the left optic tract, while on the other hand, the stimuli from the left half of the visual field will pass through the right optic tract.

Answer: The two types of sensory neurones are the CONES and RODS. Their functions are better outlined below


The CONES and RODS are the sensory neurones ( photoreceptors) of the eye which are located in the retina.

The RODS: They are extremely sensitive and can detect light of very low intensity. They also perceive light in black and white. They, therefore, play an important role in dim light.

The CONES: They function in bright light and are responsible for colour vision.

The path visual input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons is as follows:

--> the rods and cones are stimulated

--> A pattern of electrical impulses is sent to the brain through the optic nerve which interprets it, drawing on past experience.

The brain tells us that the object is upright and gives us it's real size and distance from the eye. We, therefore, see the object as it actually is, and not as the image formed on the retina.

There is a Y chromosome gene in humans that has two alleles influencing hair growth on the pinna (external ear). One allele causes very hairy ears. The phenotypic effect of the other allele is to not have hairy ears. A man with hairy ears and a woman without hairy ears are starting a family. What is the probability their first child will be a girl with hairy ears



Since the gene is located on the Y chromosome, and the Y chromosome is absent in females, the probability their first child will be a girl with hairy ears is zero


Y-linkage, also known as holandric inheritance is a form of sex linkage in which inherited traits in offsprings are produced by genes located on the Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is one of the sex-determining chromosomes and is present only in males. Males have a copy of the Y chromosome and an X chromosome while females have two copies of the X chromosome.

For a trait that is linked to the Ychromosome, the phenotypic effect occurs only in males and is always manifested in these males. Since the Y chromosome is absent in females, the character and its phenotypic effect are absent from daughters of trait carriers. Therefore, all daughters will be normal.

Since the gene for hair growth onnthe pinna is located on the Y chromosome, and the Y chromosome is absent in females, the probability their first child will be a girl with hairy ears is zero.

The probability that their first child will be a girl with hairy ears is zero.

The sex chromosomes in humans are the X and Y chromosomes. They determine the sex of a baby and also carry the sex linked traits. A baby girl results from XX  and a baby boy results from XY.

We are told that this gene for hairy ears is located on the Y chromosome. This chromosome is absent in a girl child. hence, the probability that their first child will be a girl with hairy ears is zero.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/16243729

Natural selection is most likely to be the cause of a change in a population's
allele frequencies when:
A. the ecosystem experiences few disturbances,
B. the population drops below its carrying capacity.
C. the predators are removed from the ecosystem,
D. the population has reached its carrying capacity.


Answer:handheld c

Explanation:bend c smlOc

C is probably the right answer to me

define cell and atom​



hope it is helpful to you

3a) label the structure of bacterium below i-vi​



I. Cell capsule

II. Cell wall

III. Plasma membrane

IV. Nucleoid

V. Cytoplasm


In the structure of bacterium, I represent Cell capsule which is the outer covering of bacterium cell, II is the Cell wall that is located after the cell capsule. III is the Plasma membrane which is also called cell membrane which is the second boundary of cell. IV represents Nucleoid which like nucleus having genetic material, V is Cytoplasm that is responsible for the transportation medium for various nutrients..

In the aerobic metabolism of proteins by chemoheterotrophs (e.g., E. coli and you):____.
A. Proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases (peptidases).
B. Certain amino acids may be converted to pyruvate.
C. Certain amino acids may be converted to intermediates (e.g. oxaloacetate) of the Krebs cycle.
D. Certain amino acids may be converted to acetyl-CoA.
E. All of the above are true.


The answer is A because
A) proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases

Activity 3: Direction: Study the picture. Write the phases of the moon 1 new moon O first quarter O MOON PHASES last quarter waning crescent woving crescent Waning gibbous working globos​



1.full moon

2.waxing gibbous

3.first quarter

4.waning gibbous

5.new moon

6.wabing cresent

7.last quarter

8.waxing cresent

explain water cycle with the help of diagram​



The water cycle is defined as a natural process of constantly recycling the water in the atmosphere. It is also known as the hydrological cycle or the hydrologic cycle. During the process of the water cycle between the earth and the atmosphere, water changes into three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...

If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, will an action potential be produced?





If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, the action potential will be produced. In a chemical synapse, an action potential in the presynaptic neuron is responsible for the release of a chemical messenger known as neurotransmitter. After this, the neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and binds to the postsynaptic cell so we can say that potential can be produced.

Las semillas de las plantas, especialmente las más consumidas en nuestra dieta como el trigo, el maíz, el arroz y otros cereales o las lentejas, los porotos y otras legumbres, tienen un depósito de almidón que está destinado a alimentar el embrión en las primeras etapas del desarrollo, hasta que esté en condiciones de hacer la fotosíntesis por sí solo. ¿Con qué función de los lípidos se relaciona esta adaptación? Justificar.



lol I dont know the answer

Which statement is true?

A.Peat is a fossil fuel because rewetting it takes only 3–5 years.

B.Peat is a fossil fuel because the total time for restoration is lengthy.

C.Peat is not a fossil fuel because it has biologic origins, making it a biofuel.

D.Peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat.


c. pear is not a fossil fuel because it has biologic origins making it a biofuel

Peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat is a correct statement.

What do you mean by Fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels may be defined as fuels that are derived from decomposed plants and animals. It includes coal, petroleum, oil, and natural gases.

Peat is considered forgotten fossil fuel because through the activity of humans it may be replenished into other forms for different use. It may maximum takes 3-5 years for rewetting.

Therefore, the true statement is Peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat.

To learn more about Fossil fuels, refer to the link:



Consider the following statements:
1. RNA is ribonucleic acid.
2. RNA is used for information transport (known as mRNA). Choose the correct answer from the given codes:
A Only 1
B Only 2
C Both
D Neither 1 nor 2
E None of the above



Only A


RNA is used for storing and transporting information through mostly virus only..

In a certain population, the allele causing sickle cell anemia has a frequency of 0.2. If the population is in genetic equilibrium for this allele, what fraction of the population would be heterozygous for this gene



32% population would be heterozygous for this gene.


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files

Warfarin acts by inhibiting the activity of the VKORC1 protein, which helps to produce functional clotting factors. There is a variant in the VKORC1 gene that lowers the dose of warfarin required for treatment, and individuals with this variant have increased risk of bleeding when they are treated with warfarin. This variant is found 1639 base pairs upstream of the translational start site. This variant likely:______.
a. decreases the activity of the VKORC1 protein.b. increases the activity of the VKORC1 protein.c. decreases expression of the VKORC1 gene.d. increases expression of the VKORC1 gene.



The correct answer - c. decreases expression of the VKORC1 gene.


Mutation of Guanine nucleotide into Adenosine is the reason for this particular type of mutation. This mutation expresses the less expression of the VKORC1 protein.

The mutation results in a decrease in the affinity of the binding site of the transcription factor which causes less expression. Since the VKORC1 protein is less in the body so Warfarin doses are decreased  

Thus, the correct answer is - decreases expression of the VKORC1 gene.

what's the target cells of melatonin?​



The suprachiasmatic nucleus appears as a target of melatonin in mammals.The pineal hormone may thus be involved in a feedback loop of the mammalian photoneuroendocrine system.

Describe how table salt dissolves in water in 300 words.​



salt disloves in 300 words


Salt (sodium chloride) is made from positive sodium ions bonded to negative chloride ions. Water can dissolve salt because the positive part of water molecules attracts the negative chloride ions and the negative part of water molecules attracts the positive sodium ions.


When sodium chloride is dissolved in water, the polar water molecules are able to work their way in between the individual ions in the lattice. The water molecules surround the negative chloride ions and positive sodium ions and pull them away into the solution. This process is called dissociation.

5. The major functions of carbohydrates irſclude
A. Structure framework. B. Storage C. Both Aan B
D . None of these​





used to provide energy to the body

which is more vulnerable to disturbances, a simple food web with only a few species or a more complex one



few species


in a complex one im not sure as to how the question measures complexity but a complex one may have more options and more things to adapt to

a more complex one(:

Below is a mature eukaryotic mRNA transcript. Translate this mRNA into a protein, also showing the tRNA anticodons involved. Make sure you start and end translation in the right place! Label the ends of the polypeptide chain as N and C terminus.
amino acids:




tRNA ⇒                           UAC  GCC  GAG  UCA  ACU

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C


In protein synthesis, the ribosome reads mRNA in the 5´ to 3´ direction, and, according to the codons that are being readen, tRNA transfers the correct amino acids to build the polypeptide chain. A codon is a short sequence of three nucleotides that store the genetic information for the aminoacids´ assembly. Each tRNA has two important sites. One of them that couples with the codon of the mRNA molecule, named anticodon. The other site couples with an amino acid. tRNA allows amino acids to align according to the nucleotidic sequence in the mRNA molecule.  

Once the new amino acid links to the growing peptidic chain, the binding between the amino acid and the tRNA molecule breaks. The tRNA is now free to join another amino acid and repeat the cycle.  

The protein is synthesized from the amino terminus to the carboxy terminus, while the added amino acids to the chain are coded by a codon formed by three bases in the mRNA. mARNs also have a start and end codon that are the signals of the synthesis initiation and finish. When the ribosome reaches the end codon, protein synthesis is over.    

Each of the codons represents one of the 20 amino acids used to build the protein. Each amino acid can be codified by more than one codon. From the total 64 codons, 61 codify amino acids, and one of them is a start codon. The left three codons are stopping translation points.

The codons indicating the initiation or stop points during the translation process are:

• The start codon AUG is the most common sequence used by eukaryotic cells and places near the 5´extreme of the molecule.  

• The end codons are UAA, UAG, UGA.

Protein synthesis initiates in the AUG start codon -Metionin-, and ends when reaching either of the stop codons UAA, UAG, UGA.

In the exposed example we have the following mRNA.


Codons are separated by a space left between them. AUG is the start codon placed near the 5´ extreme. UGA is the end codon near the 3´ extreme. tRNA will add amino acids from the start codon, not before.


Anticodons are separated by a space left between them.

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C

Each mRNA codon codifies for an amino acid. The start codon codifies for methionine. AUG = Met, CGG = Arg, CUC = Leu, AGU = Ser, UGA = Stop codon. The amino terminus is represented as an N and the carboxy terminus is a C. The first extreme to be translated carries the amino-terminal group, while the other extreme carries the carboxy-terminus group.

3. A bacterial isolate from a urine specimen was grown in culture, Gram stained, and then tested for its ability to ferment sugars and hydrolyze various subtrates. What approach to bacterial identification is this an example of



Phenotypic approach for bacterial identification


Bacterial identification can be done by conventional methods, which are based on phenotypical characteristics. These methods are much affordable and reasonable.

Phenotypical identification is based on bacteria´s observable characteristics, such as their morphology, development, and biochemical/metabolic properties.

It is important to consider that these methods do not provide absolute certainty. They can only indicate the genera or species to which the bacteria under study may belong.

Some primary evidence is usually used for fast bacteria identification:

Gram staining, morphology, growth at different media or different incubation atmospheres, glucose fermentation, spores production, motion, aerobiosis/anaerobiosis, among others.  

Knowing that the bacteria in the exposed example was isolated and grown in culture, then Gram-stained and tested for biochemical reaction, we can assume that the approach for its identification is phenotypic.  

1. ¿Cuáles son las células que contiene la retina?​



Células fotorreceptoras: Son los conos y los bastones. Transforman los impulsos luminosos en señales eléctricas.

Células bipolares de la retina. Conectan las células fotorreceptoras con las células ganglionares.

Células amacrinas. ...

Células horizontales. ...

Células ganglionares de la retina.

What’s the main reason why cell specialization is important



because we know that cell makes up organ and organ makes organ system and this system makes organism....cell is also the structural and functional unit of life it there were no cell specialization then mitosis and meosis wont take place neither cell division

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly? Carol was the last person out of the house wasn't, she? Carol was the last person, out of the house wasn't she? Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she? Carol, was the last person out of the house wasn't she?



The third sentence......................


The correct sentence is Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she?

Why is a comma important?

Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness.

What are the Rules of commas?

Comma Rules

Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause. Use commas before and after a parenthetical phrase or clause. Use a comma to separate two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor or, so, yet) Use a comma to separate items in a series.

Learn more about the use of commas here https://brainly.com/question/2251561


Solve the equation of mava=mbvb max5.0ml=5.2mlx0.10m





The following equation is given in this question:



ma = molarity of acid (M)

mb = molarity of base (M)

va = volume of acid (ml)

vb = volume of base (ml)

According to this inputted values;


ma = unknown molarity of acid

mb = 0.10M

va = 5.0ml

vb = 5.2ml

Hence, ma x 5.0ml = 5.2ml x 0.10m

5ma = 0.52

ma = 0.52 ÷ 5

ma = 0.104M

The importance of water properties on plants and animals​



The importance of water properties on plants and animals.


The importance of water in plants is that it helps plants to make their own food, because water plays a very important role in Photosynthesis, and as well it helps them to grow.

The important of water in animals is that it is main need for animals to survive as well as humans. Without water even a single organism won't exist in this Earth.

Hope it helps you


The human body is made up of more than three-fourths of water, and all animals and plants require water to thrive.

Why water is essential for plants and animals​?

Water is used by all living things to transport nutrients throughout the body and remove waste. Among its many crucial functions, water aids in the digestion of food and the preservation of organisms' heat.

The term "universal solvent" refers to water's enormous capacity to dissolve a wide range of molecules, and it is this capacity that makes water such a priceless life-sustaining agent.

Water's function as a solvent aids cells in the transfer and utilization of molecules like oxygen or nutrients on a biological level.

Therefore, to do all the cellular processes by plants and animals there is need of water.

Learn more about water, here:



Reviewing video surveillance is part of which alert food defense



The correct answer is - look.


Alert is an acronym that is used in food defense that stands for Assure, Look, Employees, Reports, and Threat. It helps in increasing the awareness of food safety in food industries.

The Look is the type of alert that includes video surveillance in the food industry or store to check and maintain food safety and security. It helps in looking during and after the food defense.

The accurate solution is =look for is part of which alert food defense.

Alert is an acronym this is utilized in meals protection that stands for Assure, Look, Employees, Reports, and Threat. It facilitates in growing the attention of meals protection in meals industries.

The Look is the sort of alert that consists of video surveillance withinside the meals enterprise or shop to test and keep meals protection and security. It facilitates in searching in the course of and after the meals protection.

What is food defense?

Food protection is the safety of meals merchandise from infection or adulteration supposed to reason public fitness damage or financial disruption.

Thus it is well expailned.

To learn more about the  food defense refer to link :


Which of the following is a material?
A. Wood
B. Rigid
C. Transparent
D. Dull



A. Wood


Material is a physical object (something made up of molecules, atoms etc.)

Other listed options are characteristic of that given material. For example, an iron bar is a material, but its shiny lustre is its characteristics.

The material out of the given options is wood. Hence, the correct option is (A) Wood.

Material is something that is used to produce an item or thing. It is an essential element of the natural or synthetic substances that are employed for the manufacturing of different products. Material is used in everyday life as well as in the technical industry.

It refers to a substance that can be used as a raw material or as a semi-manufactured product to make an end-product. Materials are used to create a wide range of things, including clothing, food, medicines, buildings, automobiles, and other consumer goods.

Materials can be classified based on a variety of characteristics, including their composition, structure, and properties. Types of Materials: Materials can be classified into the following categories:

1. Natural materials, which include wood, rubber, and leather

2. Synthetic materials, such as nylon and polyester

3. Semi-synthetic materials, such as rayon

4. Composite materials, which include concrete and fiberglass

5. Electronic materials, which include semiconductors and superconductors

Features of materials: Materials have some characteristics, such as a particular physical and chemical composition, density, texture, and color, that differentiate them from other substances. Furthermore, materials can have a variety of properties, including thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, tensile strength, ductility, and malleability.

Know more about materials:



Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar in all of these aspects except
A. having all four types of macromolecules.
B. the size of their cells.
C. having at least one cell.
D. the presence of DNA



D its D its D its D ddddddddddddddddd

The answer is The presence of DNA
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