3) A fahrenheit thermometer shaded from the sun on a hot day reads 101⁰ what is the temperature on the centigrade scale?


Answer 1





180/100 = (F-32)/C............. Equation 1

Where F = Temperature of the hot day in fehrenheit, C = Temperature of the hot day in centigrade.

make C the subject of the equation

C = 100(F-32)/180.............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 101°F

Substitute into equation 2

C = 100(101-32)/180

C = 38.33°C

Related Questions

how will be electric lines of force where intensity of electric field is maximum ?
a. wider
b. +ve to -ve
c. narrow
d. -ve to +ve


i'm pretty sure the answer is A wider

Electric lines of force where intensity of electric field is maximum when its wider.

What is Electric field?

The physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts force on all other charged particles in the field, either attracting or repelling them, is known as an electric field (also known as an E-field. It can also refer to a system of charged particles' physical field.

Electric charges and time-varying electric currents are the building blocks of electric fields. The electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental interactions (also known as forces) of nature, manifests itself in both electric and magnetic fields.

Electrical technology makes use of electric fields, which are significant in many branches of physics. For instance, in atomic physics and chemistry, the electric field acts as an attracting force to hold atoms' atomic nuclei and electrons together.

Therefore, Electric lines of force where intensity of electric field is maximum when its wider.

To learn more about electric field, refer to the link:



In the following experiments, identify the independent and dependent variable.



in what experements


Si un resorte de constante elástica 1300 n/m se comprime 12 cm ¿Cuanta energía almacena? Y si estira 12cm ¿Cuanta energía almacena?


La energía que almacena el resorte cuando se comprime y estira 12 cm es 9,4 J.  

La energía potencial elástica del resorte se puede calcular con la siguiente ecuación:

[tex] E_{p} = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} [/tex]

En donde:

k: es la constante del resorte = 1300 N/m

x: es la distancia de compresión o de elongación = 12 cm = 0,12 m

Dado que la energía es proporcional al cuadrado de la distancia recorrida por el resorte (x), la energía almacenada por el resorte durante la compresión será la misma que la energía almacenada por la elongación.

Por lo tanto, la energía almacenada es:

[tex]E_{p} = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} = \frac{1}{2}1300 N/m*(0,12 m)^{2} = 9,4 J[/tex]                                                            

Entonces, la energía del resorte cuando se comprime y cuando se estira es la misma, a saber 9,4 J.                

Para saber más sobre energía potencial visita este link: https://brainly.com/question/156316?referrer=searchResults

Espero que te sea de utilidad!


Al comprimirse o estirarse 12 centímetros desde su posición sin deformar, el resorte almacena 9,360 joules.


La Energía Potencial Elástica almacenada por el resorte ([tex]U_{e}[/tex]), en joules, se calcula a partir de la Ley de Hooke, la definición de Trabajo y el Teorema del Trabajo y la Energía, cuya expresión se presenta abajo:

[tex]U_{e} = \frac{1}{2}\cdot k\cdot (x_{f}^{2}-x_{o}^{2})[/tex] (1)


[tex]k[/tex] - Constante elástica del resorte, en newtons por metro.

[tex]x_{o}[/tex] - Posición inicial del resorte, en metros.

[tex]x_{f}[/tex] - Posición final del resorte, en metros.

Nótese que el resorte sin deformar tiene una posición de cero, la tensión tiene un valor positivo y la compresión, negativo.

Asumiendo que en ambos casos el resorte se encuentra inicialmente sin deformar, se reduce (1) a una forma de función par, es decir, una función que cumple con la propiedad de que [tex]f(x) = f(-x)[/tex], se encuentra que al comprimirse o estirarse en la misma medida almacena la misma cantidad de energía.

La cantidad de energía a almacenar es:

[tex]U_{e} = \frac{1}{2}\cdot \left(1300\,\frac{N}{m} \right)\cdot (0,12\,m)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]U_{e} = 9,360\,J[/tex]

Al comprimirse o estirarse 12 centímetros desde su posición sin deformar, el resorte almacena 9,360 joules.

As the speed of a particle approaches the speed of light, the momentum of the particle Group of answer choices approaches zero. decreases. approaches infinity. remains the same. increases.



approaches infinity


There are two momentums, the classical momentum which is equal to the product of mass and velocity, and the relativistic momentum, the one we should look at when we work with high speeds, and this happens because massive objects have a speed limit, in this case, we are approaching the speed of light, so we need to work with the relativistic momentum instead of the classical momentum.

The relativistic momentum can be written as:

[tex]p = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{u^2}{c^2} } } *m*u[/tex]


u = speed of the object relative to the observer, in this case we have that u tends to c, the speed of light.

m = mass of the object

c = speed of light.

So, as u tends to c, we will have:

[tex]\lim_{u \to c} p = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{u^2}{c^2} } } *m*u[/tex]

Notice that when u tends to c, the denominator on the first term tends to zero, thus, the relativistic momentum of the object will tend to infinity.

Then the correct option is infinity, as the particle speed approaches the speed of light, the relativistic momentum of the particle tends to infinity.

What is the percentage of the population that wanted both the swimming pool and the soccer complex? Use your knowledge
of the addition rule and the Venn diagram to answer.



The percentage of people who wanted both the swimming pool and the soccer complex is 0.6 + 0.6 – 0.95 = 0.25. This can also be seen in the Venn diagram.



Trình bày những hiểu biết của em về đại lượng vận tốc dài, vận tốc góc(định nghĩa, công thức, ý nghĩa, đơn vị, loại đại lượng).


Provide more information please

Identify the factors that affect the intensity of radiation detected from a radioactive source. Select one or more: The color of the source Type of emission from the source Distance of the detector from the source Type of materials between the source and the detector


The intensity of radiation is the defined as amount of energy per surface angle which can be used to determine the amount of energy emitting from a source that will hit another surface.

The factors that affect the intensity of radiation are

Type of emission from the source :This  can be alpha, gamma, beta or electromagnetic rays etc

Distance of the detector from the source: The shorter the distance between the source and the detector, the more the effect and vice versa for the longer the distance.

Type of materials between the source and the detector: The type of material between the source and the detector will tell how absorbing and penetrating the radiation is.

Read more on Radiation Intensity here:  https://brainly.com/question/10148635

which characteristic of nuclear fission makes it hazardous?


Answer:The radioactive waste

Explanation:Fission is the splitting of a heavy unstable nucleus into two Lighter nuclei

A regulation soccer field for international play is a rectangle with a length between 100 m and a width between 64 m and 75 m. What are the smallest and largest areas that the field could be?



The smallest and largest areas could be 6400 m and 7500 m, respectively.


The area of a rectangle is given by:

[tex] A = l*w [/tex]


l: is the length = 100 m

w: is the width

We can calculate the smallest area with the lower value of the width.

[tex] A_{s} = 100 m*64 m = 6400 m^{2} [/tex]                            

And the largest area is:

[tex] A_{l} = 100 m*75 m = 7500 m^{2} [/tex]  

Therefore, the smallest and largest areas could be 6400 m and 7500 m, respectively.            

I hope it helps you!                        


the largest areas that the field could be is [tex]A_l[/tex]=7587.75 m

the smallest areas that the field could be is [tex]A_s[/tex]=6318.25 m


to the find the largest and the smallest area of the field measurement error is to be considered.

we have to find the greatest possible error, since the measurement was made nearest whole mile, the greatest possible error is half of 1 mile and that is 0.5m.

therefore to find the largest possible area we add the error in the mix of the formular for finding the perimeter with the largest width as shown below:

[tex]A_l[/tex]= (L+0.5)(W+0.5)

(100+0.5)(75+0.5) = (100.5)(75.5) = 7587.75 m

To find the smallest length we will have to subtract instead of adding the error factor value of 0.5 as shown below:

[tex]A_s[/tex]= (L-0.5)(W-0.5)

(100-0.5)(64-0.5) = (99.5)(63.5) = 6318.25 m

Convert 385k to temperature of





(385K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 = 233.33°F

An object is made of glass and has the shape of a cube 0.13 m on a side, according to an observer at rest relative to it. However, an observer moving at high speed parallel to one of the object's edges and knowing that the object's mass is 3.3 kg determines its density to be 8100 kg/m3, which is much greater than the density of glass. What is the moving observer's speed (in units of c) relative to the cube



[tex]v=0.9833\ c[/tex]


The density changes means that the length in the direction of the motion is changed.


[tex]$\text{Density} = \frac{m}{lwh}$[/tex]

Given :

Side,  b = h = 0.13 m

Mass, m = 3.3 kg

Density = 8100 [tex]kg/m^3[/tex]


[tex]$8100=\frac{3.3}{l \times 0.13 \times 0.13}$[/tex]

[tex]$l=\frac{3.3}{8100 \times 0.13 \times 0.13}$[/tex]

l = 0.024 m

Then for relativistic length contraction,

[tex]$l= l' \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$[/tex]

[tex]$0.024= 0.13 \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$[/tex]

[tex]$0.184= \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$[/tex]

[tex]$0.033= 1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{v^2}{c^2}= 0.967$[/tex]


[tex]v=0.9833\ c[/tex]

Therefore, the speed of the observer relative to the cube is 0.9833 c (in the units of c).

name a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.



Electric generator is the device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

Use the pressure meter to read the pressure in Fluid A at the bottom of the tank. Do not move the pressure meter. Switch to Fluid B and read the pressure in fluid B. Based on the two readings, compare the density of fluid B to the density of fluid A. Which statement is correct?



[tex]P_b = \frac{\rho_b}{\rho_a} \ P_a[/tex]


The pressure at a depth of a fluid is

       P = ρ g y

where ρ is the density of the fluid, y the depth of the gauge measured from the surface of the fluid.

In this case the pressure for fluid A is

      Pa = ρₐ g y

the pressure for fluid B is

      P_b = ρ_b g y

depth y not changes as the gauge is stationary

if we look for the relationship between these pressures

       [tex]\frac{P_a}{P_b} = \frac{ \rho_a}{\rho_b}[/tex]


        [tex]P_b = \frac{\rho_b}{\rho_a} \ P_a[/tex]

therefore we see that the pressure measured for fluid B is different from the pressure of fluid A

if  ρₐ < ρ_b B the pressure P_b is greater than the initial reading

   ρₐ>  ρ_b the pressure in B decreases with respect to the reading in liquid A

2. The vector sums of and the Ark witar must se rue our the directions and maintedes at an Bit CB? What meast le tue about the directions and magnitudes and it cor​


Check attached photo

Check attached photo

The question is in the photo.​



heyaa thereeee

see temperature is rising in interval of

0 to 4 minutes

8 to 10 minutes

but 8 to 10 is NOT in options

so answer is option a) 0 to 4 minutes


A car is driving towards an intersection when the light turns red. The brakes apply a constant force of 1,398 newtons to bring the car to a complete stop in 25 meters. If the weight of the car is 4,729 newtons, how fast was the car going initially



the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s



force applied by the break, f = 1,398 N

distance moved by the car before stopping, d = 25 m

weight of the car, W = 4,729 N

The mass of the car is calculated as;

W = mg

m = W/g

m = (4,729) / (9.81)

m = 482.06 kg

The deceleration of the car when the force was applied;

-F = ma

a = -F/m

a = -1,398 / 482.06

a = -2.9 m/s²

The initial velocity of the car is calculated as;

v² = u² + 2ad


v is the final velocity of the car at the point it stops = 0

u is the initial velocity of the car before the break was applied

0 = u² + 2(-a)d

0 = u² - 2ad

u² = 2ad

u = √2ad

u = √(2 x 2.9 x 25)

u =√(145)

u = 12.04 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s

Express 6revolutions to radians



About 37.70 radians.


1 revolution = 2[tex]\pi[/tex] radians

∴ 6 revolutions = (6)(2[tex]\pi[/tex] radians)

6 revolutions = 37.6991 or ≈ 37.70 radians

an aluminum atom has an atomic number of 13 and a mass number of 27,how many
b) electrons

pls write the formula too ​


Element is

[tex]\boxed{\sf {}^{27}Al_{13}}[/tex]

Atomic number=13Mass number=27

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:Protons=Atomic \:Number=13[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:Neutrons=Mass\:number-Atomic\:Number[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:Neutrons=27-13[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:Neutrons=14[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:electrons=No\:of\:Protons=13[/tex]

a 0.0780 kg lemming runs off a 5.36 m high cliff at 4.84 m/s. what is its kinetic energy when it's 2.00 m above the ground



KE_2 = 3.48J


Conservation of Energy

E_1 = E_2

PE_1+KE_1 = PE_2+KE_2

m*g*h+(1/2)m*v² = m*g*h+(1/2)m*v²

(0.0780kg)*(9.81m/s²)*(5.36m)+(.5)*(0.0780kg)*(4.84m/s)² = (0.0780kg)*(9.81m/s²)*(2m)+KE_2

4.10J+0.914J = 1.53J + KE_2

5.01J = 1.53J + KE_2

KE_2 = 3.48J

state the laws of reflection​




The law of reflection says that the reflected angle (measured from a vertical line to the surface  called the normal) is equal to the reflected angle measured from the same normal line.

All other properties of reflection flow from this one statement.

Parallel Wires: Two long, parallel wires carry currents of different magnitudes. If the current in one of the wires is doubled and the current in the other wire is halved, what happens to the magnitude of the magnetic force that each wire exerts on the other?




Given force between 2 currents carrying

wires = F₀

Magnetic force between the2 wires =F₀= (μ₀/4π) x ( 2 (μ₀/4π) x ( 2I₁I₂ / μ) x L

where I₁=Current in wire 1

           I₂= Current in wire 2

           L= Length of the wire

when one current is doubled and the other is halved

I₁= 2 I₁

I₂=    I₂/2

F₀ = (μ₀/4π) x ( 2× (2I₁) (I₂/2) / μ) x L

If a boy lifts a mass of 6kg to a height of 10m and travels horizontally with a constant velocity of 4.2m/s, calculate the work done? Explain your answer.



W = 641.52 J


The work done here will be the sum of potential energy and the kinetic energy of the boy. Here potential energy accounts for vertical motion part while the kinetic energy accounts for the horizontal motion part:

[tex]Work\ Done = Kinetic\ Energy + Potential\ Energy\\\\W = K.E +P.E\\\\W = \frac{1}{2}mv^2+mgh\\\\[/tex]


W = Work Done = ?

m = mass = 6 kg

v = speed = 4.2 m/s

g = acceleration dueto gravity = 9.81 m/s²

h = height = 10 m


[tex]W = \frac{1}{2}(6\ kg)(4.2\ m/s)^2+(6\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)(10\ m)[/tex]

W = 52.92 J + 588.6 J

W = 641.52 J

In Young's double slit experiment, 402 nm light gives a fourth-order bright fringe at a certain location on a flat screen. What is the longest wavelength of visible light that would produce a dark fringe at the same location? Assume that the range of visible wavelengths extends from 380 to 750 nm.



λ₂ = 357.3 nm


The expression for double-slit interference is

          d sin θ = m λ                 constructive interference

          d sin θ = (m + ½) λ        destructive interference.

The initial data corresponds to a constructive interference, they indicate that we are in the fourth order (m = 4), let's look for the separation of the slits

         d sin θ = m λ₁


now ask for destructive interference for m = 4

        d sin θ = (m + ½) λ₂

we match these two expressions

         m λ₁ = (m + ½) λ₂

         λ₂ = ( m / m + ½) λλ₁  

let's calculate

         λ₂ =[tex]\frac{4}{(4.000 +0.5) \ 401}[/tex]

        λ₂ = 357.3 nm

What Are the type's of Tidal turbines?



Types of tidal turbines

Axial turbines.

Crossflow turbines.

Flow augmented turbines.

Oscillating devices.

Venturi effect.

Tidal kite turbines.

Turbine power.

Resource assessment.


Axial turbines

Crossflow turbines

flow augmented turbines

I need help with this please!!!!



1.84 hours

I hope it's helps you

How do you know that a liquid exerts pressure?​



The pressure of water progressively increases as the depth of the water increases. The pressure increases as the depth of a point in a liquid increases. The walls of the vessel in which liquids are held are likewise subjected to pressure. The sideways pressure exerted by liquids increases as the liquid depth increases.

Which one of the following physical quantities has its S.I. unit m/s?
(i) Acceleration
(ii) Velocity
(iii) Force
(iv) Density​



velocity is the answer of this question.


Velocity is the right answer ok

If you dive underwater, you notice an uncomfortable pressure on your eardrums due to the increased pressure. The human eardrum has an area of about 70 mm217 * 10-5 m22, and it can sustain a force of about 7 N without rupturing. If your body had no means of balancing the extra pressure (which, in reality, it does), what would be the maximum depth you could dive without rupturing your eardrum





From the question we are told that:

Area [tex]a=70 x 10^{-6}[/tex]

Force [tex]F=7N[/tex]

Generally the equation for Pressure is mathematically given by

Pressure = Force/Area


[tex]P=\frac{ 7}{(70 * 10^{-6})}[/tex]

[tex]P= 1*10^{5} Pa[/tex]

Generally the equation for Pressure is also mathematically given by






When the lightbulbs were used as the resistors, you observed only a flash of light, as opposed to a continuous glow. Explain why that behavior is expected. After all, the light bulb is directly connected to the power supply.


Solution :

Whenever the lightbulbs are used as resistors, we throw the switch to the left. This allows the current to flow through the circuit which causes the bulb to glow and also the capacitor gets charged. When the capacitor gets fully charged, the electric field becomes constant between its two plates. Now there is no displacement current induced in the plates of the capacitor. The capacitor works as an open switch and the bulb gets switched off.

And thus the bulb flashes for the moment as opposed to continuous glow.

How much amount of water can be decomposed
through electrolysis by passing 2 F charge?



So, with 2 Faraday of electricity, we can decompose (2/4 × 2) = 1 mole of water. So 18 grams of water is decomposed.

Other Questions
The video compares the key similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Determine which events occur in mitosis, meiosis, or in both mitosis and meiosis. Write each event to the appropriate category. a. Chromosomes duplicate during interphase b. The first division separates homologous pairs; the second division separates sister chromatids c. A single division occurs, separating sister chromatids Homologous chromosomes pair up and form chiasmata d. Daughter cells contain recombinant chromosomes e. Process starts with a diploid cell Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate f. End result is four haploid cells that are genetically different from each other and the parent cell g. Duplicated chromosomes line up Individually on the metaphase plate in a diploid cel h. End result is two diploid cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell Mitosis Melosis Both mitosis and meiosis While using PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method) techniques, activities that are on the critical path are more flexible than those activities which are not on the critical path.a. Trueb. False What expression is equal to (3 x 5) x 4 Consider the following 8 numbers, where one labelled x is unknown. 27, 20, 34, x, 7, 47, 26, 41 Given that the range of the numbers is 63, work out 2 values of x writing an article for publication in school magazing explaining three reasons why standard of learning falling in your school Lactic acid fermentation takes place after glycolysis in the absence of: A. ATP B. Carbon dioxide C. Glucose D. Oxygen Could someone help me arrange these pairs of points in increasing order of the slopes of the lines joining them. (15, 30) and (20, 40) (12, 32) and (18, 48) (27, 12) and (72, 32) (45, 15) and (60, 20) (27, 2) and (243, 18) (18, 63) and (24, 84) (63, 9) and (84, 12). Plz help I will be giving extra 50 points Quin es la hija menor del rey de espaa?SofaEmaLeonorPaloma If [tex]x[/tex] is real and p=[tex]\frac{3(x^{2} +1)}{2x-1}[/tex], prove that [tex]p^{2}[/tex]-3(p+3) 0 As scientists, psychologists adopt an attitude of skepticism because they believe that a. People are unlikely to reveal what they are really thinking b. Most commonsense ideas about human behavior are wrong c. Unproven claims about human behavior need to be tested d. People usually have hidden motives for acting ABC company manufactures two products in one process. Joint processing costs up to the split-off point total $33,600 a year. The company allocates these costs to the joint products on the basis of their total sales values at the split-off point. Each product may be sold at the split-off point or processed further. Data concerning these products appear below: Product X Product Y TotalAllocated joint processing costs $16,800 $16,800 $33,600Sales value at split-off point $24,000 $24,000 $48,000Costs of further processing $15,000 $18,700 $33,700Sales value after further processing $35,500 $45,100 $80,600What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) for the company of processing Product X beyond the split-off point?a. ($3,500)b. $27,700c. $20,500d. $3,700 what means 10 what we call this Answer the following question On 1 st March, 2020 Mr. Mohit started a Furniture business in GANDHI NAGAR Mr. Mohit invested Rs 50,00,000. quick! i need help with this iready lesson Ayudenme porfavor :DTema: medidas de tendencia central A judge cites precedent when delivering a ruling in a case. In doing this, he is harkening back to a practice begun in which set of laws? A right prism of height 15 cm has bases that are right triangles with legs 5 cm and 12 cm. Find the total surface area of the prism. Please explain. a) 315 cm2 squaredb) 480 cm2 squaredc) 510 cm2 squaredd) 570 cm2 A random sample of 50 cars in the drive-thru of a popular fast food restaurant revealed an average bill of $18.21 per car. The population standard deviation is $5.92.Round your answers to two decimal places.(a) State the point estimate for the population mean cost of fast food bills at this restaurant $ (b) Calculate the 95% margin of error. $ (c) State the 95% confidence interval for the population mean cost of fast food bills at this restaurant.$ $ (d) What sample size is needed if the error must not exceed $1.00?n =