3. Both Plato (Theaetetus) and Aristotle (Metaphysics) identify wonder (thaumazein) as the origin and sustaining principle (archē) of philosophy. While it is clear that the primary object of a given philosopher’s wonder may differ radically from that of another philosopher—e.g., change for Heraclitus, number for Pythagoras, and ethical virtue for Socrates—it is difficult, if not impossible, to gainsay the claim that the emotion or passion (pathos) of wonder provides the fundamental impetus for the investigations of all lovers of wisdom. With these considerations in mind, identify and discuss what you take to be the primary object of wonder for no less than three (3) thinkers we have studied this semester. Next, please rank the worthiness of these objects of wonder from least to most and support your ranking with a detailed argument. Of course, to formulate this ranking, you will need to define “worthiness” for your reader. Finally, identify and discuss what evokes your sense of wonder most of all at this stage of your philosophical journey.


Answer 1

The discussion on what one can take to be the primary object of wonder for no less than three (3) thinkers is given below

1. For Socrates, the primary object of wonder was ethical virtue. Socrates believed that the pursuit of virtue was the most important goal for a person, and he used questioning and dialogue as a means of exploring and understanding virtue. He believed that by engaging in this process of inquiry, one could gain wisdom and live a good life.

2. For Plato, the primary object of wonder was change. Plato was interested in understanding the nature of change and how it relates to the eternal, unchanging forms or ideals that he believed underlie the material world. In the Theaetetus, Plato explores the concept of change and its relationship to knowledge and reality.

3. For Aristotle, the primary object of wonder was the nature of being or reality. Aristotle was interested in understanding the fundamental principles that underlie the world and the nature of things. In the Metaphysics, Aristotle explores the concept of causation and the nature of being, trying to understand what it means for something to exist and what it means for something to be a certain way.

What is the philosophy discussion about?

In terms of ranking the worthiness of these objects of wonder, it is difficult to make an objective judgment because it ultimately depends on one's personal values and priorities.

However, I would argue that the pursuit of ethical virtue is the most worthy object of wonder, because it has the potential to lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Understanding change and the nature of being are also important and worthy pursuits, but they may not have as direct an impact on how we live our lives.

Therefore, For me, the object of wonder that evokes my sense of wonder most of all at this stage of my philosophical journey is the nature of consciousness and the mind. I am intrigued by the complexity and mystery of the human mind and how it relates to the body, and I am curious about how we can understand and explain the subjective experience of being aware.

Learn more about philosophy from



Related Questions

In studying science and the world around us you will find that there are many things that you cannot _________ with your senses and test by ___________a. iceberg warnings from other ships
b. observe ; experimentation
c. The exact time
d. mechanical advantage


In studying science and the world around us you will find that there are many things that you cannot observe with your senses and test by experimentation.

The goal of the interdisciplinary field of science studies is to place scientific knowledge into broader social, historical, and philosophical contexts. It examines how scientific information is produced, represented, and received, as well as how its epistemic and semiotic role.

The focus of science studies is similar to that of cultural studies in that it encompasses a wide range of various theoretical and methodological views and activities.

The interdisciplinary approach may incorporate and borrow techniques from the humanities, formal sciences, and natural sciences, ranging from scientometrics to cognitive science or ethnomethodology.

Scientific studies are important in some ways for assessment and science policy. Practitioners in the field of science, technology, and society research how science and technology interact as well as how expert and common knowledge interact.

To know more about science study:



Paloma, who is in the twelfth grade, must make a certain score on the SAT in order to get into the college she wishes to attend next fall. The SAT is considered a(n) _____ test.high stakes


Paloma, who is in the twelfth grade, must make a certain score on the SAT in order to get into the college she wishes to attend next fall. The SAT is considered a(n) high stakes test.

A exam with significant repercussions for the test-taker is considered high-stakes. A high school diploma, an scholarship, or a licence to practise a profession are just a few of the significant advantages of passing.

Failure has significant drawbacks, such being required to attend remedial studies until the exam can be passed, being prohibited from driving a car, or having trouble obtaining work.

High-stakes testing is a contentious subject in public education, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, where it has recently been increasingly common to use them not only to evaluate pupils of school age but also in an effort to promote teacher responsibility.

To know more about high stakes:



the morning news show will provide an in-depth view of the social institution that helps a society organize what it produces, distributes, and consumes. the new show will feature a discussion of the:


Based on the macroeconomic concept, and the situation described in the question, the new show will feature a discussion of the economic system/economy.

What is Economic System?

The economic system is a term that is used to describe how societies or governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country.

Generally, the term economic systems are used to describe how the government regulates the factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources.

Types of economic systemMarket economyCapitalismSocialismPlanned economyTraditional economy

Therefore, in this case, when the morning news show seeks to provide an in-depth view of the social institution that helps a society organize what it produces, distributes, and consumes, it is about to discuss the Economic system or economy.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is the Economic system / Economy.

Learn more about Economic System here: https://brainly.com/question/26360576


Luther is a counseling graduate student working on his conference presentation in which he argues that a certain theoretical perspective on personality is outdated because its concepts are difficult to test, and its theory was based on a biased, nonrepresentative sample. Luther could also include the following criticism:
psychoanalysis ignores the current experience.


Luther can also mention that psychoanalysis disregards the present situation. "

What does psychoanalysis' central tenet entail?

In order to help the patient experience catharsis, or healing, psychoanalysis is a sort of therapy that seeks to help the client release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories. In other words, the purpose of psychoanalysis is to raise consciousness about what is unconscious or subconscious. The four factors of interpretation, transference analysis, technical neutrality, and countertransference analysis work together to define the fundamental essence of psychoanalytic technique. The three domains are mastery of experience through voice reversal, the dynamic unconscious, and the plasticity of interpersonal desires. The patient can discern perceptions from delusions, needs from wants, or speculations from realities with the help of psychoanalytic therapy.

To know more about psychoanalysis visit:



A pure project organizational structure eliminates the duplication of resources across the organization (T/F)


Resource duplication within the organization is eliminated by a pure project organizational structure. the assertion made is untrue

What would be a simple project example?

Let's say you manage a retail chain and want to launch your first store outside of your home country. Because it has a distinct objective and a plausible deadline, that is a great illustration of a pure project structure. Without delegating control to their usual department managers, the project manager hires the necessary personnel.

Are pure math skills required for project managers?

No, project management only requires attentiveness; it doesn't require math. You do not need to have a strong background in mathematics to be a project manager as long as you are diligent and cautious when working with budgets and other numerical numbers.

To know more about pure project visit:



Mindful speakers can usually anticipate that an impromptu speech opportunity is coming and prepare for. (T/F)


The answer is true Mindful speakers can anticipate impromptus speech.

What is an impromptu speech?

By definition, an impromptu speech is one that a speaker gives without having researched the subject beforehand. The word impromptu itself refers to "performing anything without planning."

In declamation competitions, the speaker is immediately presented with a random topic and given a brief amount of time to consider it.

The speaker is supposed to produce pertinent material to speak on the subject for the allotted time in these brief seconds.

Speakers in group discussions are also given a subject to cover and are expected to come up with their content on the spot. In debates, the opponent's arguments frequently control the discourse.

To know more about types of speech, visit:-



when handling conflict, individuals who are more concerned with the face of others than their own usually choose


Individualism is frequently associated with a greater emphasis on self-presentation in some cultures and individuals. According to the chart that was presented earlier, individualistic cultures favor a dominating or, at its best, a collaborating approach to resolving conflicts.

Which theory contributes to the understanding of cultural differences in conflict resolution?

The face negotiation theory explains how people's cultural differences affect conflict management. Stella Ting-Toomey, a California State University professor of human communication, came up with the theory.

What are the four styles of conflict between cultures?

There are four styles of cross-cultural conflict when these methods are combined: dialogue, participation, accommodation, and dynamic.

Learn more about face negotiation theory here:



_____ intelligence is assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right answer.


Analytical intelligence is assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right answer.

One of Robert Sternberg's three categories of intelligence, the triarchic thesis, includes analytical intelligence. This form of intelligence, according to him, is the capacity to apply and reuse logical thinking. Analytical intelligence is crucial because it gives the business operation the information needed to generate more educated judgements.

In that regard, gathering data and simply storing it without any form of analysis is a pointless procedure. With their keen intellect, analytical thinkers quickly and thoroughly grasp patterns, principles, and structures. They detest contradictions and illogicality. Academic skills, the ability to solve problems, and abstract logic are all examples of analytical intelligence, often referred to as component intelligence.

To know more about Analytical visit:



a contract that has been fully performed by the parties is called an executory contract question 49 options: True or false


An executory contract is one that the parties have completely complied with.

The statement is true.

An agreement that has been fully carried out by all parties is referred to as an executed agreement; one that has not been entirely carried out is referred to as an executory contract .

A signed agreement that has been complied by all required parties is referred to as an executed contract. The contract is currently operative and enforceable. The signed agreement establishes a legal contract between the parties, and each of them is now obligated to carry out the terms of the written agreement's legal responsibilities.

To learn more about executory contract, refer



Shahid was in a serious automobile accident on a snowy evening last winter that caused him to feel anxious every time it snowed and he had to get behind the wheel. After a few months, Shahid’s fear of driving in the snow disappeared. To Shahid’s surprise, the first snowfall of the next year once again brought back his fear of driving in the snow. The return of Shahid’s fear can best be described by the behavioral concept of


The return of Shahid’s fear can best be described by the behavioral concept of spontaneous recovery

What does ABA mean by spontaneous recovery?

After the behavior starts to disappear, there can be a spontaneous recovery that can take place with or without reinforcement. Even if you are following all the necessary steps, the behavior may suddenly reappear. You shouldn't be concerned when spontaneous recovery occurs if everyone on the team is acting consistently.

Therefore the reemergence of conditioned responses following an extinction of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with the passage of time is how spontaneous recovery is commonly defined. This can be seen in the case of Shahid.

Learn more about spontaneous recovery from


a teacher needs assessment information that will assist in the development of an iep, you suggest using


A teacher needs assessment information that will assist in the development of an IEP, you suggest using curriculum based assessment.

What exactly do you mean by curriculum?

The academic lessons and material covered in a course or program are referred to as the curriculum. The courses that a school offers are frequently classified as the curriculum in dictionaries, but this usage is uncommon in educational settings.

What sort of curriculum would that be?

A predetermined and required course of study that students must complete in order to graduate from a certain educational level is another example of a curriculum. For instance, an elementary school might talk about how its curricula is created to raise test results nationally or aid pupils in learning key skills.

To know more about Curriculum visit:



True orFalse: Independent-self individuals use more competitive conflict style, whereas interdependent-self individuals tend to use more obliging conflict style.


This statement is True.

Independent-self individuals use more competitive conflict style, whereas interdependent-self individuals tend to use more obliging conflict style.

A competing style takes a firm stance and refuses to consider the other parties' points of view. You'd keep pushing your point of view or dismissing other people's ideas until you got your way.

An obliging or compromising style seeks a solution that will at least partially satisfy all parties. You would try to find a happy medium between all of the needs, which would usually leave people unsatisfied or only partially satisfied.

This style may be appropriate when getting a solution is more important than getting a great solution, a deadline is approaching, you're stuck, or you need a temporary solution for the time being.

To know more about conflict management styles, click here:



the farm owner association requires that famrers fields be in the shape of isocles triangles with the sum of the two


The farm owner association does not require that farmers' fields be in the shape of isosceles triangles with a specific sum of the two sides.

What does farm means?

A farm is a plot of land used for agriculture, such as growing crops and raising animals for food, fiber, or other products, or for recreational purposes such as hunting and fishing. Crop rotation, irrigation, and mechanization are common techniques used by farms to maximize output.

What does Irrigation means?

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land for agricultural or landscape purposes. It is used to help with crop production, landscape maintenance, revegetation of disturbed soil, and replenishment of surface and ground water.Irrigation is divided into two types: surface irrigation and subsurface irrigation. Surface irrigation is the controlled distribution of water over land, such as through furrows or sprinkler systems. Subsurface irrigation is the distribution of water through pipes or tubes beneath the ground surface to plant roots.

To know more about Irrigation ,



FILL IN THE BLANK A member of congress who votes for a bill with which he or she disagrees because a majority of his or her constituents favor it is acting as a:____.


A member of a Congress who votes for a bill with which he or she disagrees because a majority of his or her constituents favor it is acting as a: Delegate

What is a Delegate representative?      

A delegate is a person chosen to represent a group of people in a United States political assembly. Different types of delegates are elected to various political bodies. Delegates are elected in the United States Congress to represent the interests of a United States territory and its citizens or nationals.

Delegate is the title of a person elected to the United States House of Representatives to serve the interests of an organised United States territory, currently only overseas or the District of Columbia, but historically in most cases in a portion of North America as a precursor to one or more of the union's current states.

Delegates have similar powers to Representatives, including the right to vote in committee, but they do not have the right to vote on the floor, where the full house decides whether the proposal is carried.

Hence, A member of a Congress who votes for a bill with which he or she disagrees because a majority of his or her constituents favor it is acting as a: Delegate

To know more about Delegate from the given link



According to Gottman, which of the following actions helps couples improve relationship satisfaction?


As per Gottman's (1979) conceptual framework of spousal interaction, unhappy couples utilize less cognitive editing than distressed couples do.

What is the Gottman hypothesis?

Increased closeness, respect, and affection are among the objectives of Gottman Method Relationship Counselling. Other objectives include removing obstacles that breed feelings of stagnation and fostering a greater sense of empathy and comprehension within the framework of the relationship.

What is Gottman's first principle?

John Gottman, a relationship expert, claims that the magic number is 5 to.This implies that there have to be five positive sensations or interactions for each and every single negative feeling or encounter between spouses. Couples that are stable and content tend to favor positive emotions and behaviors over negative ones.

To know more about Gottman visit:



Emily is very effective at communicating with her team to get projects done, but he's not so skilled at public speaking. This illustrates how communication competence is __________.A. asynchronous B. relational C. cognitively complex D. transactional E. situational


This illustrates how communication competence is situational.

Communication competency has a number of traits. There is no one perfect or efficient method of communication. The idea of what constitutes appropriate communication in a certain circumstance differs greatly among cultures. Competence is situational since there are different levels or areas of competence for communication.

Anyone can learn a set of abilities that make up competence. Different communication skills are required in various contexts. Those people are capable, but they are not all competent. There are times when they won't be effective communicators. This is so because there are so many diverse communication styles and contexts.

The correct answer is option E.

Know more about communication competence here



Social learning theory arose to correct several shortcomings of orthodox behaviorism; specifically social learning theorists argue that behaviorism ignores ___.
a. personality, identity, and individualism
b. motivation, thought, and cognition
c. both positive and negative emotion
d. goals, life stories, personality traits


In particular, social learning theorists contend that behaviorism has certain flaws that social learning theory seeks to address.

What is a common objection to the theory of social learning?

Social learning theory is contested

By acknowledging cognitive elements and the part they play in deciding whether to replicate behavior, social learning theory explains complicated behavior. It does not, however, take into consideration the fact that we generate a variety of behaviors based on our ideas and feelings.

What are some of the objections to behaviorism in education?

Other detractors of behavioral learning claim that the theory is incomplete and doesn't account for all aspects of human learning and behavior. Other theories have emerged that extend behaviorism, suggesting that there are many more variables to take into account when evaluating behavior.

To know more about social visit:



Rapid increases in life expectancy are characteristic of the __________ stage of the demographic cycle.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth


Rapid increases in life expectancy are characteristic of the second stage of the demographic cycle.

What is demographic cycle?The evolution through time of the population profile of a nation, region, or other specifically defined geographical area is referred to as the demographic cycle, or population cycle. The socioeconomic history of industrialised nations has given rise to a population cycle theory.Demographic Transition Model (DTM) or "Demographic Cycle" is a model used to illustrate how countries' populations change as a result of their economic progress from having high birth and death rates to having low birth and death rates.The five demographic processes are covered. 1.FERTILITY 2.MORTALITY 3.MARRIAGE 4.MIGRATION Social mobility (#5) 8. DYNAMIC CYCLE (STAGE) • High stationary (initial stage): high birth and death rates, with no corresponding change in population size.

To learn more about demographic cycle refer to:



Layers of meaning exist in all works of literary fiction. Consider the ways the author of
your selected short story used style and literary elements, like plot, diction, syntax,
figurative language, character, conflict, and setting. Compose an essay in which you
analyze and explain how the author's style and employment of literary elements create a
particular mood in the text.


Layers of meaning exist in all works of literary fiction. Consider the ways the author of your selected short story used style and literary elements, like plot, diction, syntax.

fiction, literature comprised of the creativeness, no longer supplied as reality, though it can be primarily based on a real tale or state of affairs. types of literature inside the fiction genre consist of the unconventional, brief tale, and novella. The word is from the Latin fictiō, “the act of creating, fashioning, or molding.”.

Fiction is any innovative paintings, chiefly any narrative paintings, portraying individuals, events, or locations which can be imaginary, or in methods which are imaginary. Fictional portrayals are hence inconsistent with history, fact, or plausibility. In well-known, fiction refers to plot, settings, and characters created from the imagination, whilst nonfiction refers to factual tales centered on actual activities and people. but, the distinction between these two genres is sometimes blurred, as the two frequently intersect.

Learn more about fiction here: https://brainly.com/question/19599489


Bernice, age 69, has gradually developed disturbing symptoms. She forgets where she lives, goes on extravagant spending binges, fails to recognize her children, and has difficulty feeding herself. She is likely to be suffering from strokes. Alzheimer disease. Parkinson's disease.


Bernice, age 69, has gradually developed disturbing symptoms. She forgets where she lives, goes on extravagant spending binges, fails to recognize her children, and has difficulty feeding herself. She is likely to be suffering from strokes. Alzheimer disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a brain ailment that gradually impairs thinking and memory abilities as well as the capacity to do even the most basic tasks. The majority of Alzheimer's patients have their initial symptoms later in life. According to current theories, the aberrant protein buildup in and around brain cells is what causes Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid is one of the proteins involved, and deposits of it create plaques around brain cells. The other protein is tau, which builds up inside brain cells to form tangles.

Although many people with the disorder will pass away from another reason, Alzheimer's disease is a fatal sickness. Because Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative neurological illness, swallowing issues might result from it.

Learn more about Alzheimer's disease here: https://brainly.com/question/23325343


Two reasons why voting in a Democratic People's Republic of Korea and North Korea is not representative of a democratic process


Only one person is available there, and if you cross out that person the police may go after you and you can possibly be delared insane for it, giving you no choice but to vote yes on the one candidate.

TRUE/FALSE. there is a very active theatre culture in israel, which also includes numerous fringe theatre groups as found in europe and the us but most of the recent theatrical works explore the complexities of middle eastern politics and israel's relationship with the palestinians.


The statement " there is a very active theatre culture in israel, which also includes numerous fringe theatre groups as found in europe and the us but most of the recent theatrical works explore the complexities of middle eastern politics and Israel's relationship with the palestinians" is true.

Augusto Boal, a Brazilian playwright, developed the aesthetic technique known as "Theatre of the Oppressed" (TO), which encourages critical observation as well as portrayal of reality while imagining the creation of consciousness and practical acts.

Henrik Ibsen, a writer, entirely redefined the norms of drama inside the late nineteenth century with a realism that continues to be present in theatres today. He created a new order of philosophical analysis and redirected the European stage towards towards what it had evolved into a toy and diversion for the bored.

Instead of being a reflection of reality, realism in theatre would be a technical advancement. By combining realistic locations, clothes, everyday language, and dialogue, the realist style tended to give the audience the impression that they are actually on stage.

To know more about culture



Stories about celebrities, sensational crimes, and scandals in high places were labeled
soft news.


Stories about celebrities, sensational crimes, and scandals in high places were labeled as soft news.

Soft news, often known as market-centered journalism, is a type of journalism that blurs the distinction between news and entertainment.

Although the phrase "soft news" initially referred to human interest feature stories that were included in newspapers or television newscasts, the idea has now grown to encompass a wide range of media channels that focus more on personality-driven topics.

Hard news is traditionally a description of a recent occurrence or incident that is thought to be of widespread local, regional, national, or worldwide significance.

Soft news, in contrast, typically concentrates on the lives of specific people and has little to no perceived urgency. While soft news concentrates on human interest stories and celebrities, hard news often covers topics, politics, economics, international affairs, welfare, and scientific breakthroughs.

To know more about soft news:



Jax has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. One of his primary symptoms is a persistent belief that he has superhuman powers, including the ability to intercept the thoughts of others. Jax has:delusions of grandeur


Jax has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. So, one of his primary symptoms is a persistent belief that he has superhuman powers, including the ability to intercept thoughts of others. Jax has delusions of grandeur.

Schizophrenia is said to be caused by a chemical imbalance and also the other changes in the brain. Thus, it is said to to run in the families, but the environment can also play a role here.

The delusions of grandeur are said to be associated with the narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), so this disorder which is comnsidered to be a mental health diagnosis.

Hence, the delusion of grandeur is a person's false belief that they are someone other than who they truly are.

To learn more about schizophrenia here:



in addition to experiencing panic attacks, which of the following is a criteria for a person to be diagnosed with panic disorder?


A person may be diagnosed with panic disorder in addition to having panic disorder if they avoid internal physiological or somatic triggers.

An anxiety illness known as panic disorder causes frequent, unexpected panic or dread attacks. There are times when everyone feels anxious or panicky. It's a typical reaction to tense or risky circumstances.

Numerous variables, such as a history of panic disorder or panic attacks in the family, can make having panic attacks or panic disorder more likely. Significant life stress, such as the loss of a loved one or a serious illness. an upsetting incident, like a sexual assault or a tragic accident.

To know more about panic disorder, click here.



plagiarism concerns the ethical and moral issues of using another's work an dpassing it off as if you own


Plagiarism is the practise of attempting to pass off someone else's work as your own. This is known as stealing, which is against the law and unethical. Legally speaking, plagiarism is regarded as literary theft.

The false depiction of another person's words, ideas, or expressions as one's own unique work is known as plagiarism. While exact definitions differ depending on the institution, such depictions are typically viewed as a violation of journalistic ethics, academic integrity, and societal standards of learning, teaching, and research in many cultures. Sanctions might include fines, suspensions, expulsions from school or the workplace, jail time, or even heavy fines. Although plagiarism is often not considered a crime in in of itself, it is nonetheless subject to legal sanctions for biases brought about by copyright violations, moral rights violations, or other torts. It is a significant ethical transgression in both academics and business.

Learn more about Plagiarism here.



social workers have an obligation to work vigorously to end racial discrimination as well as other forms of discrimination.


It is true that social workers have an obligation to work vigorously to end racial discrimination as well as other forms of discrimination.

Social work is an academic discipline and practice-based profession concerned with meeting the basic needs of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole to enhance their individual and collective well-being. Social work practice draws from areas, such as psychology, sociology, health, political science, community development, law, and economics to engage with systems and policies, conduct assessments, develop interventions, and enhance social functioning and responsibility. The ultimate goal of social work is the improvement of people's lives and the achievement of social justice.

Social workers work directly with, and on behalf of, a wide variety of populations. Some examples are:

Children and adolescents.Individuals with disabilities.Individuals who are experiencing poverty or homelessness.Medical patients.LGBTQ individuals.Individuals suffering from addiction.Students.Individuals with mental health concerns.Refugees and immigrants.Aging individuals.Couples and families.Victims of violence or trauma.Individuals who are incarcerated or in the criminal justice system.Veterans.

To learn more about social workers: https://brainly.com/question/28191068


TRUE/FALSE. the project manager should schedule the meeting immediately following the delivery of the final report rather than waiting for a time when the customer is in a position to really determine whether the project met expectations and achieved the anticipated benefits.


Statement is false as it says project manager should schedule meeting  following delivery of the final report rather than waiting for time when customer is in position to determine whether project met expectations & achieved anticipated benefits.

What is a project?

A project is any endeavour that is deliberately planned to accomplish a certain objective, whether it is carried out alone or in collaboration with others and may involve research or design.

An alternate perspective describes a project as a series of connected activities that must be completed within specific time, budget, and other constraints. A project might be a transient (as opposed to permanent) social structure (work system), perhaps staffed by teams from different companies to complete certain tasks in a given amount of time.

A project may be used as an ad hoc system or as part of a larger programme management framework. Keep in mind that "projects" for open-source software or music by artists.

To know more about project manager:



Incentive-based regulations provide polluters no incentive to reduce pollution and are thus not used often. true or false


Incentive-based regulations provide polluters no incentive to reduce pollution and are thus not used often - True.

pollutants is the advent of contaminants into the herbal surroundings that reason unfavourable change.[1] pollutants can take the form of any substance (stable, liquid, or gas) or power (inclusive of radioactivity, heat, sound, or mild). pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either overseas materials/energies or naturally going on contaminants. despite the fact that environmental pollutants can be due to herbal activities, the word pollutants typically means that the contaminants have an anthropogenic source – that is, a source created by human activities. pollutants is frequently classed as factor source or nonpoint supply pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people international (one in six deaths).[2][3] This remained unchanged in 2019, with little real progress against pollution being identifiable. Air pollution accounted for three⁄four of those earlier deaths.[4][5]

Learn more about pollution here



According to recent research, which of the Big Five factors of personality showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood?
Multiple choice question.


The answer is Conscientiousness.

According to recent research, the Big Five Conscientiousness personality factors showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood.

Conscientiousness is a basic personality trait and one of them

The Big Five reflects a tendency to be responsible, organized, hard-working, goal-oriented, and follow norms and rules.

Studies show that maturation can affect five personality traits. As people age, they tend to become less extroverted, less neurotic, and less open to experience.

On the contrary, helpfulness and conscientiousness increase with age.

Staying away from procrastination and prioritizing completing tasks well in advance is one of the most prominent examples of conscientiousness in the workplace. These are the people who have never met a deadline. Conscientious people strictly follow rules and regulations.

To learn more about Big Five factors, click here:



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