3. Key Ideas and Details: What is the biggest misunderstanding the speaker
assumes white biographers would make about her life?


Answer 1

I looked this question up. It is about the poem "Nikki-Rosa" by Nikki Giovanni.


The speaker assumes white biographers would misunderstand her childhood and focus on problems such as the lack of a toilet or her father's alcoholism. They would not write about her and her family's happiness.


Nikki Giovanni (born 1943) is an American poet and activist. In "Nikki-Rosa" she says she wishes no white biographer will ever have a reason to talk about her. According to Giovanni, white biographers focus on problems when they write about black people. They do not understand "Black happiness". They are unable to leave stereotypes behind and realize that, even amidst poverty and fights, there is love, comfort, and intimacy. Giovanni had a beautiful childhood, and she does not want it to be misconstrued as being any more difficult than what it actually was.

Related Questions

Which best describes the language excerpt we hold these truths


english is the answer... thats why

what is the definition of human rights?​



Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings. Human rights govern how individual human beings live in society and with each other.


Analyze one of three poems - "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
Sonnet 50 by William Shakespeare, or "Grievance" by Amy Lowell - and then write a
new poem that uses the same meter, rhyme scheme, and form as the one you
analyzed. Your original poem should be at least two stanzas long (about 8 lines), or
exactly 14 lines if you're writing a sonnet.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
• An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of
the poem you've chosen to analyze
• An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your
chosen poem
• 8 - 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen
• An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the
poem you've chosen to analyze


●An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of thepoem you've chosen to analyze●An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your chosen poem●8 – 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen poem●An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the poemyou've chosen to analyze

Which audience is "How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone" most likely written for?



People who enjoy reading humorous articles.

could be for children maybe

Identify all the verbs ? Hear-saw,could-hear,could hear-saw,train



hear and saw are the verbs



Hear and saw


A verb is an action word.

"I hear the bells!"

The action is hearing.

"I saw the bells!"

The action is seeing.

9. What does Shelley mean by "discovering" and "communicating the "principle of life"?


the basics of how life worked.

He drove the car carefully. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)​





it explains how the car was driven

What is object? How is Od different from Oi? Example.



An object is the recipient of the verb's action(s) in a sentence.

Direct object is directly affected by the verb while an indirect object is not.

Example, I bought a bag (Direct object) for my sister(Indirect object).


An object is the specific or a particular person or thing that action is acted upon. In other words, we can say an object is a particular noun that the verb acts upon.

There are two types of objects- Direct object (OD) and Indirect object (OI).

A direct object is an object or noun that directly receives the action or verb. This means that a direct object has a direct relationship with the subject, with nothing intervening in between.

Whereas, an indirect object is an object that is also affected by the verb in the sentence but has no direct connection to it. This means that an indirect object is influenced by the verb (too) but is not a direct recipient of the verb's action.

For example, I bought a bag for my sister.

In the given example, "I" is the subject, "bought" is the verb, "a bag' is the direct object, and "my sister" is the indirect object.

What are two images from Raleigh’s poem?



Wayward Winter. A honey tongue.

Is this correct, So you need correct capitalized errors.



Gracie Mansion, which was built in 1799, is considered the official residence of New York City's mayor.


Should be: official, residence, and mayor.

Do you know the reason______ 006 was killed?

a. when

b. where

c. why

d. which





do you know the reason why 006 was killed?


c . why


the reason nghĩa là lý do

=> chọn why

dịch : bạn có biết lý do mà 006 bị giết không ?

the therate is in his home which figure of speech is used​





they say is which is a metaphor indicator

Which of the following has a positive connotative meaning? A. Arrogant B. Vain C. Smug D. Proud





Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities

Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth

Smug - having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements

Proud - feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated

1) The person was really helpful. They spoke to him.( join the sentence with appropriate relative terms)

2) You Feel Bored. (make a wish)

3) I am sure she has a good party dress ( make a sentence with may/might/must)

4) The boy look quite aggressive. ( transitive verb, intransitive verb, linking verb)

5) They .............(live) in the same house since they came to town.


they spoke to him as he was really helpful.

I am sure she might have a good party dress.

they lived in the same house



1) The person was really helpful when they spoke to him.

2) If you feel bored, make a wish.

3) I am sure she must have a good party dress.

4) The boy looks quite aggressive. 

5) They have lived in the same house since they came to town.


Bold words above have been changed to correct grammar

2. help/ people/ a device/ communicate/ through/ brain waves/ emotions/.



A device help people communicate emotions through brain waves

How does Jonas feel at the beginning of the excerpt


By lunchtime, he is feeling nervous. The elevens are already being separated out from the children, on their way to adulthood. They share myths and rumors about assignments. When the ceremony begins, Jonas watches with attention and is relieved when others get assignments he did not want.

he came late into yes/no question​



Did he came late?

This is the answer

____ church on the corner is progressive.



The church on the corner is progressive


we use the because we are talking about particular church which is on the corner

Help me please……………………..


the answer for this question is b

Part C
Next, you’ll compare the speeches by Lewis and Lincoln. Begin by recording each author’s purpose, audience, and overall message in the table below. Be sure to include textual evidence to support your thinking, especially in the Message column. Good readers reread the text to find accurate textual evidence.

Answer: Plato
Purpose: to rally Northerners to continue fighting for the Union
Audience: Northern supports of the Union
Message:The only way to honor the Union soldiers who have died is to continue fighting to save the Union.
Purpose: to inspire Americans to fulfill King’s legacy
Audience: all Americans
Message: Martin Luther King Jr. inspired Lewis and many others like him. Lewis’s message includes allusions to beloved texts—King’s own speeches and the Declaration of Independence, which help support Lewis’s purpose.


Hi. In your question, you don't show which speeches should be compared, this makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours that featured the speeches "Gettysburg Address" written and recited by Lincoln and "Martin Luther King Day Legacy" written and recited by John Lewis. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.

A common point between the two speeches is the fact that they both want to talk about topics well known to Americans, which reinforces the fact that the speeches point to relevant and important things that should not be forgotten anywhere in the country.

Lincoln's Speech:

While the speeches are intended to speak directly to the American audience, the target audience for each speech is different. Lincoln's speech is aimed at the supporters of the northern states, the shapers of the union. The purpose of this speech was to show people that the union would do anything to honor the soldiers killed during the American Civil War and not let their sacrifice go in vain.

With this, Lincoln encourages people to fight for Northern goals and not let them get discouraged in supporting and saving national unity.

Lewis' speech:

Lewis' speech had a wider audience, as he wanted to reach every American willing to listen. He aimed to honor the memory of Martin Luther King and reinforce the argument that he was a great example to be followed and that although he died his fight is not over and it is up to the Americans to follow his example and continue fighting for equality.

You can find more information in the questions listed below:







1. Northerners to proceed battling for the Union

2. Northern Union

3. The as it were way to honor the Union troopers who have passed on is to proceed battling to spare the Union.


1. to rouse Americans to fulfill King’s legacy

2. Americans

3 Martin Luther Lord Jr. motivated Lewis and numerous others like him. Lewis’s message incorporates references to adored texts—King’s possess talks and the Affirmation of Freedom, which offer assistance bolster Lewis’s purpose.

The plane took………. very quickly.
A. by B. for C. of D. off



it's D. off


hope it helps


D. off


what is most likely one of the themes of denise levertov’s “in thai binh ( peace) province



The theme is: "It is difficult to focus on beauty in the midst of destruction."



D. It is difficult to focus on beauty in the midst of destruction


Just took this test myself and got it correct!

A prepositional phrase can function in a sentence as_______.

A) An adverb phrase
B) A noun phrase



B. A noun phrase.

have a great day.


i think b number is answer

Name 2 element fiction of "The lottery".


In narrating the ruthless tradition, Jackson has employed several fictional elements including conflict, climax, foreshadowing, and irony, the theme of tradition, symbolic aspects, and theme of scapegoat.

which of the following is an "opinion" adverb?
A. Angrily
B. Slowly
C. Poorly
D. Loudly



C) Poorly


Given the choices, the adverb "Poorly" is the suitable adverb to be used in giving an opinion. The rest of the adverbs are best used in modifying a certain manner. Example for the adverb of opinion using "Poorly"  Ex.  The movie is poorly acted.  The adverb poorly was used in the sentence to modifies the verb acted which clearly states an opinion.

The opinion was adverb is Poorly. Thus, the option (c) Poorly is correct.

What is opinion?

To express a point of view from your own perspective is to express a “opinion.” To judge another individual, one bases their judgement on their own behavior and expertise. An opinion is described as a thought on something, and in her opinion, sentiments and emotions are evident. For instance, thoughts on the market, the weather, and political parties.

The adverb's use of the word “opinion” was appropriate for “poorly.” The remaining adverbs work well when modifying in a particular way. I express my opinion “poorly” using an adverb. The verb “acted,” which expresses a viewpoint clearly, was modified by the adverb “poorly” in the sentence.

Therefore, option (c) Poorly is correct.

Learn more about on opinion, here:



The connection of the term magic potion supports which tone


Answer: Enjoyable


Your question isn't complete. I saw a similar question online and here is it. To Mira, the morning's first cup of coffee is a magic potion that puts a smile on her face. The connotation of the term magic potion supports which tone?

a. Enjoyable

b. Frightened

c. Angry

d. Dreamlike

Connotation refers to a feeling or idea that a word invokes for a person in addition to the primary meaning if the word.

In this case, the connotation of the term magic potion supports the tone that Mira enjoys the coffee and it puts a smile on her face.

How tall is Robert?

He is tall 177 centimeters.

He talls 177 centimeters.

He is 177 centimeters tall.


the third one (he is 177 centimeters tall)

Shakespearean plays on my good pros they do not include poetry true or false





he dose do poetry

what is the difference between the opning hours of the booth in the morning and in the evening​



Difference is the way that they look in the evening the Sun goes which means seting and in the morning the sun raises so that's why they are different


I hope it helps choose me the brainest



Answer: practice














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