what is the mid-point of the segment (3, 7) and (2, -1)


Answer 1


(2.5, 3)


This question requires using the midpoint formula.

(formula is attached below as an image for better understanding)

First identify which values correspond with which variables in the formula:

First coordinate: (3, 7)

x_1 = 3

y_1 = 7

Second coordinate: (2, -1)

x_2 = 2

y_2 = -1

Now we plug the values into the formula and simplify:

((3+2)/2, (7-1)/2)

(5/2, 6/2)

(5/2, 3)

(2.5, 3

Hope that helps (●'◡'●)

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my name is sam hi


its javonese tribe living in areas java


( explain in your own word )

no copy paste from internet please



Soil degradation is the physical, chemical and biological decline in soil quality. It can be the loss of organic matter, decline in soil fertility, and structural condition, erosion, adverse changes in salinity, acidity or alkalinity, and the effects of toxic chemicals, pollutants or excessive flooding

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location and transportation

20a^2 sorry if it’s wrong

____________ is the amount of matter in an object and the mass of an _____________ does not change based on location.



MASS is the amount of matter in an object, the mass of an OBJECT does not change based on location.


Correct answer is above! Great explanation

All of the rungs of a ladder are parallel and the top rung is perpendicular to a side of the ladder. What conclusion can be reached?


All rungs are perpendicular to a side of a ladder.
Step-by-step explanation:
The problem tells us that ALL the rungs of a ladder are parallel.
It also tells us that the top rung (which is a subset of all the rungs) is perpendicular to a side of the ladder.
But if this top rung is perpendicular to a side but we know that ALL rungs are parallel, then this top rung is also parallel to the other ones and therefore, all the other rungs are also perpendicular to a side of a ladder.

Brainstorm important elements of the natural environment.​



Natural elements such as metals, wood, and recourses such as H20,C02,and o2.

Iron, copper, and aluminum are 3 metals that are commonly used in todays economy.

Find the value of y if [2is 130° and [4is 2y.





The value of y :

Swpwratibg the information into two seperate relations :

If 2 = 130° and 4 = 2y

The relation becomes :

2 = 130°

4 = 2y

Cross multiply :

(2 * 2y) = 130 * 4

4y = 520

y = 520/4

y = 130

Hence y = 130°

what planet needs oxygen in order for individuals to live on ?



Earth. all life forms on earth need oxygen to breathe.

With basic knowledge it can be concluded that earth is the only know planet with life creature therefore we need oxygens to live on

which types of landscape are found around the tropics of cancer and capricorn


Hot deserts are located along the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (the latitude lines to the north and south of the Equator).

Hot desert types of landscape are found around the tropics of cancer and capricorn.

Tropic of cancer: This is otherwise called "Northern Jungle." It is expressed that at the hour of its naming, the sun was situated in the Malignant growth group of stars (one of the heavenly bodies of the zodiac). It is situated at 23.5 degrees north of the equator and goes through the districts referenced previously.

Tropic of Capricorn-This is otherwise called "Southern Jungle." It is expressed that at the hour of its naming, the sun was situated in the Capricorn heavenly body. It lies at 23.5 degrees south of the equator and goes through the districts referenced previously.

To learn about tropic of cancer



What does the law of conservation of energy state?



The ammount of energy is neither crated nor destroyed


Se o clima e a variação do tempo de um determinado lugar pode-se afirmar a alternativa que indica respectivamente tempo e clima São?


Olá. Você não aresentou as opções e resposta. Isso impede que eu possa responder a sua pergunta. Além disso, você precisa saber que só é permitido postar perguntas em português na aba "World languagens" porque esse não é o site brasileiro e sim o estadunidense.  Apesar disso, eu vou tentar te ajudar a encontrar a sua resposta corrreta.

Clima e tempo são coisas muito diferentes. O tempo se refere as condições atmosfericas que são passageiras e que passam rapidamente. Por outro lado, o clima, é um padrão de tempo que, embora seja passageiro, durará po um periodo prolongado. Um exemplo de tempo pode ser visto na frase "As chuvas foram fortes e violentas essa semana." Um exemplo de clima pode ser visto na frase "O inferno esse ano não tem sido rigoroso."

La producción primaria y agraria Las actividades primarias
1-¿Cuáles son las actividades primarias? Explique cada una.



El sector primario es el sector económico que recibe beneficios de la naturaleza. El sector primario incluye las siguientes industrias: agricultura, caza, apicultura, silvicultura y pesca. Parte del sector primario se utiliza sin procesar, pero la mayor parte es materia prima de empresas del sector secundario. El sector primario a veces incluye la industria minera, pero principalmente las empresas mineras son empresas de otras industrias.

El sector primario fue la primera actividad económica en la historia de la humanidad (recolección y caza). Hasta el comienzo de la revolución industrial, tenía la mayor participación en la economía mundial, pero dentro del sector, la agricultura era la más importante.

En la economía actual, el predominio del sector primario indica que un país o región está rezagado. Este es el caso de la mayoría de los países africanos, donde la mayor parte de la población sigue empleada en la agricultura. Un país donde predomina el sector primario es una sociedad agraria.


North African governments are:

A. Often Corrupt

B. Unique in Form and How Leaders are Selected

C. All of the Above​


I believe the answer is C
Answer: C. All of the above

choose the best selection for the quadrilateral with vertices at the following points (-5,-1), (2,2), (0,0), (-3,-3),
a.rectangle b.square c.rhombus d.trapezoid



it's not a geography's question..

Me ajudem pfvrrrrrrrrrrrr


Jjbijb ihibiubiub buibihbhi bi in. B.R.A.I.N.L.I.E.S.T?
I can’t see the pic clear :(


Which of these people leads an ethnic religion?
the Dalai Lama
an imam
a Buddhist monk
the pope
a Hindu swami



Judaism and Hinduism are two prime examples of ethnic religion



a Hindu Swami


Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are all universalizing religions; the first four answers describe leaders from those three religions. Hinduism is the only ethnic religion and a swami is a Hindu leader.

why are bearings given in three figures


(please give this brainliest loll)

A bearing is a direction, expressed as a three-figure number. Bearings are measured clockwise from north. Bearings are always given as three figures because if you only wrote down 35°, it could easily be mistaken for 350°

Where are the majority of the world's oil reserves found, according to this graph?

A. Russia and Canada
B. North and South America
C. The Middle East
D. Europe and Eurasia





I've taken the test before

Europeans forced North African rulers to ___

A. resign their titles

B. become allles

C. pay debts​


I think C pay debt it is not B for sure tho it could be A

what do we call a snapshot of weather conditions at a particular time


what do we call a snapshot of weather conditions at a particular time
Particular time over a large area

Why earth is called unique planet


Earth is called a unique planet since it is the only planet in the solar system which supports life due to its balanced proportions of water, temperature, and oxygen

If the formula for the area of a polygon is 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem), the area of the hexagon is ___ 3 square units



The correct answer would be - 3ab.



area of polygon = 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem)

let assume the length of a side of the hexagon = x

The length of the apothem = a

Formula used:

the perimeter of polygon = number of sides*length of the side

for hexagon = 6*x .....1


As the formula for the area of a polygon is given, and the hexagon is a polygon as it has six sides then the area then,

Area of hexagon = (1/2)* (6x) (a)

= 6ax/2

= 3ax

put the value of a and x and get the numeric value.

A large number of irregularly shaped comets are located in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


Mark me BRAINLIEST!!! Thank you


Asteroids/Asteroid Belt


The rocks between Mars and Jupiter are known as the asteroid belt. Many of the asteroids are grouped into families. Examples of asteroid families include Flora, Eunoma, Koronis, Eos and Themis.

Which statement describes one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century?
a. Celebrations such as chinese new year became part of american culture
b. American cities changed their names to incorporate ethnic terminology
c. New immigrants became major property owners in america
d. companies owned by immigrants became richer and more powerful



Chinese New Year became part of American culture



Celebrations such as Chinese new year became part of American culture describe one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century. Thus, option A is correct.

Who is an immigrant?

An immigrant is someone who leaves their home nation and moves to live permanently in another country. These are a visitor who settles down permanently in a new location.

Chinese New Year festivities are an example of how innovative immigrants impacted American society inside the late nineteenth century.

Immigrant groups typically find solace in well-known religious customs and rituals, look for publications from their native countries, and mark festivals and other occurrences with customary singing, dancing, cooking, and pastimes.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about immigrants, here:



write a short note on geosynchronous orbit​



A geosynchronous orbit is a high Earth orbit that allows satellites to match Earth's rotation. Located at 22,236 miles (35,786 kilometers) above Earth's equator, this position is a valuable spot for monitoring weather, communications and surveillance.


Why is one side of the moon called the Darkside of the moon?

a. the moons rotation and revolution take the same time

b. the moons rotation time is exactly twice the time of it revolution

c. the moons rotation time is exactly half the time of it revolution


the dark side of the moon is the umbra which is the darkest part and then the moon's rotation is twice its revolution

Giải thích tại sao cán cân bức xạ Mặt Trời trung bình năm của mặt đất giảm dần từ Xích đạo về hai cực?



Do góc nhập xạ nên....

Mình nhớ mang máng như thế

which amendment has to do with rasicm


The fourteenth amendment
The 14th amendment I believe

he part of the western coastal plain lying in the state of Maharashtra and Goa is called:



The region consists of three sections: the Northern part of the coast is called the Konkan (Mumbai to Goa), the central stretch is called the Kanara or the "Karavali", while the southern stretch is referred to as the Malabar Coast.

hope it helps you. have a good day

Which of the following are not used to prevent flooding during storms?
B.levees C.breakwaters D.sandbags


I believe its levees
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