3. What are the costs and benefits of using drones to attack suspected terrorists? Should the U.S. take other
countries' perspectives into account before taking any military action?


Answer 1


The counter-argument is about drones being effective in proactively limiting insurgent and terrorist capabilities, minimising civilian casualties and collateral damage, and reducing the risk to 'our own' troops, while being more flexible and cost-effective to deploy.When viewed in comparison to what the desired outcomes of using drone strikes are, it is apparent that drones are effective as a short-term counter terrorist strategy.

Related Questions

According the excerpt, the slave trade in West Africa



little more context?


the slave trade was a trade system (also known as the Atlantic trade slave or triangle trade) that traded slaves to america, raw goods, like lumber, to Britain, and finished goods, like guns, to Africa.


I saw somewhere else that it was B. Not entirely too sure tho.


Which factor contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty



The factor that contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is that wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires. The Han Dynasty declined due to internal political disputes among people in power and rebellion form peasants that were tired of heavy taxation.


why was the recreation of Belgium important in the failure of the schlieffen plan



There were a lot of factors -- most were not what Schlieffen expected.

1. France wasn't that easy to conquer. It took longer than Schlieffen thought.

2. Belgium did not respond the way Schlieffen expected. They fought Germany.

3. Russia was more flexible that Schlieffen thought. They mobilized quicker and were much more adept at using their forces.

4. In all, Schlieffen made plans that were inflexible and did not account for the way wars are actually fought.




To get around the French defences on the German-French border, the forces had to penetrate Belgium and attack the French Army from the north. Because the Belgians refused to let them pass, the Germans decided to invade Belgium by force on August 4, 1914. Belgium's failure to carry out the Schlieffen Plan to conquer Paris infuriated the German Army. From the top down, it was widely assumed that the Belgians had released illegal saboteurs (dubbed "francs-tireurs") and that citizens had tortured and maltreated German soldiers. A series of large-scale attacks on civilians, as well as the demolition of historic structures and cultural sites, was the response. Between August and November 1914, the German army executed between 5,500 and 6,500[13] French and Belgian people, most of them in near-random large-scale shootings of civilians ordered by junior German officials. Individuals suspected of partisan activities were shot and killed in broad daylight. Historians looking at German Army records revealed 101 "significant" occurrences involving ten or more civilians, with a total of 4,421 people dead. In addition, historians identified 383 "minor" occurrences that resulted in the deaths of another 1,100 Belgians. Germany said almost all of them were in retaliation to guerilla attacks. [14] In addition, a number of prominent Belgians, notably politician Adolphe Max and scholar Henri Pirenne, were held as hostages in Germany.

5. This term refers to African Americans who moved west to escape
racism in the South.
A. Cropdusters
B. Exoskeletons
C. Exodusters
D. Sharecroppers


A. Exodusters was a name given to African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century, as part of the Exoduster Movement or Exodus of 1879. It was the first general migration of black people following the Civil War.

Answer: THE ANSWER IS C) Exodusters

Explanation: I GOT A 100 ON THE TEST

Select the correct answer.
What did the slave ships transport in the last leg of the triangular trade path?
А. manufactured goods such as clothes
B. captive Africans
c. raw materials such as sugar and cotton
D. Europeans headed for the colonies
E. manufactured goods such as rum and guns



The correct answer is A. manufactured goods as clothes

What was a problem for the federalists in 1788 ?


the main problem the Federalists face was that many of the states were not ready to ratify the constitution


i hope i will be helpful for you (:

Write a question about the relationship between business and labor.



What kinds of labor are ethical, and what effect does ethicality have on business?

What made the U-2 Spy Planes initially very effective?



High-altitude U-2 spy planes began making reconnaissance flights over the USSR in 1956, giving the U.S. its first detailed look at Soviet military facilities. Did you know? U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers carried a tiny needle filled with poison so that he could take his own life if he faced capture.



The U-2 Spy Planes were very effective initially, because of their ability to fly at high-altitude (~70,000 feet into the sky), as well as the ability to fly almost to a mach. Compared to many of the military hardware of the day, it was almost impossible to find them on radar, and even when it was possible, it was nigh impossible to intercept them in time.


Help please ty !!!!!!:)





literary sources

Archaeology source


. you should study hard babe ♡


To learn knowledge and develop your skills. ... Study hard at school so you could acquire the skills you need. School provides knowledge. you could use the knowledge that the school provide not only for your quiz tomorrow but also for your everyday living. Thank you :)

5. Which of the following Is an example of Mussolini's nationalist rhetoric?



He promised to revive Roman greatness.


The 1960s and 1970s gave rise to the use of ________________, where federal regulations were enacted that states were required to implement but without money from the federal government to do so.



Federal Unfunded Mandates


The 1960s and 1970s gave rise to the use of FEDERAL UNFUNDED MANDATES where federal regulations were enacted that states were required to implement but without money from the federal government to do so.

For example, the Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1970 led to the formation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which then regulated the provisions for control of motor vehicle emissions, intensified the federal enforcement authority but required only the STATES to ENFORCE and FUND the plans to stick to these measures.

Federal Unfunded Mandates was increased during the year of  1960s and 1970s.

Federal Unfunded Mandates were introduced as a program where the local or central government was required to support the private sector without getting any funds from the government or law.  

Therefore, it helped in strengthening the collaborative partnership as well as improving communications between all governing authorities in the nation.  

Learn more about Federal Unfunded Mandates here:


Question 10 of 10
Why was it unusual that African Americans supported FDR?
O A. FDR was white, and most African Americans only voted for black candidates. O B. FDR was a Democrat, and most African Americans voted Republican.
O C. FDR was from the North, and most African Americans voted only for Southerners.
O D. FDR was a Democrat, but southern Democrats opposed him. ​



The answer is B. Most African Americans would still be supporting the Republican party during the time of FDR's election and would vote based on party lines.


How did the sailors help the colonists?



Sailors help the colonies in providing extra food. Colonies were facing problems because of British policies and heavy taxes. The British captains beat sailors (colonist), starved them and paid less. ... They help colonies survive that could not get the funds and supplies they required from Europe.

Sailors help the colonies in providing extra food. Colonies were facing problems because of British policies and heavy taxes. ... Many sailors welcomed the chance to flee and search for a better life, particularly piracy, which granted shorter work shift, food, and allowing in decision-making.

which statement best summarizes the orgins of World War II?
a. the decision to help rebuild the countries that lost during tWorld War I allowed former military leaders to quickly regain power and reignite old tensions.
b.authoritarian leaders hoping to bring their countries glory through expansion were largely allowed to seize neighboring territories unchallenged.
c. chaos following violent nationalist revolutions across Europe and asia erupted into a series of civil wars that spread across the entire globe
d. the rise of the soviet union and the threat of international communism led countries to build up huge millitaries to defend themselves from soviet agression.





Which pattern correctly represents the correct order of events of the French and Indian War?
i. Signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763
ii. Dispute over Ohio River Valley
iii. Signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau
iv. France surrendering to Great Britain

A. i, ii, iii, iv
B. iv, iii, ii, i
C. ii, i, iii, iv
D. ii, iii, iv, i





France and Britain had a dispute on who owns the Ohio River Valley, They signed teh Treaty of Fontainbleau, France lost to Britain, They all signed the treaty of Paris

I hope that helps

If a writer wanted to introduce conflict in a scene without using an antagonist which would be most effective



I would say maybe the author makes one of the main characters lose a shoe or falls on the ground and has to go to the hospital. as these things arnt people or animals so they won't be considered antagonists.

significado tiene
esta frase de Bob Marley
crea una nueva sobre el sin sentido
del racismo
´´ mientras el color
de la piel de las
ma´s inportante
que la de SUS OJOS,


En esta frase Bob Marley quiso decir que hay que ver las cosas desde otro modo porque mientras pensemos que el color de piel de una persona hace los sentimientos la manera de las personas seguiremos mal tratándonos y matándonos unos a otros. Debemos vivir en un mundo donde no importe si somos negros oh blancos lo que importa es lo que uno lleva por dentro. No podemos juzgar a otra persona por su color de piel ni cómo se viste debemos ser maduros y mirar el mundo de una forma correcta no por colores.

As a result of the Missouri Compromise,
Maine entered the Union as a slave state and Missouri entered as a free state.
Maine entered the Union as a free state and Missouri entered as a slave state. Both Maine and Missouri entered the Union as slave states.
Both Maine and Missouri entered the Union as free states.



Maine entered the Union as a free state and Missouri entered as a slave state.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


B) Maine entered the Union as a free state and Missouri entered as a slave state.


took the test

what are ur guy's favorite songs and favorite artists I need some examples?



Ocean eyes

by billie ellish

Currently, Need to Know and Options by Doja Cat

A historian is examining religions role in history which question might the historian ask if she were organizing her study by period


Answer: When did the religion become popularized in that area.

Explanation: This can explain time of certain events taking place.

What was an economic cause of the French Revolution?


Answer: Taxes were high and so were prices, but the wages were low. Unable to provide for their families the lower classes of France were also in an economical crisis, which was one of the things that drove them to revolt.


why did black and chicano movements decide to create their own separate branches of the Women's Rights movement



Black and Chicano movements wanted to fight for their rights as their voices were not heard.


They were inspired by the white feminist movement in America.

The Chicano movement, like the black movement, fought for civil rights. The Chicano movement centred on the inequalities encountered by Mexican Americans in the United States. Both movement began in the 1960s and 1970s against racism, unemployment, and discrimination.

Black and Chicano movements fight against gender inequality in America. The two movements shared similarities in their economic and educational reforms while embracing their cultures and identities.

This is the whole problem



you have to restart the following statements

Who is the First King in the World?​





Although there had been several kings before him, King Sargon is referred to as the first king because he founded the first empire in the history of the world in 2330 B.C.E. According to a Neo-Assyrian text from the 7th century BC, a certain priestess secretly bore a child and left him by the river.

Hope it helps you

Determining the "First King in the World" is challenging due to the complexity of ancient history and the lack of precise records. However, one of the earliest recorded kings in history is believed to be Sargon of Akkad.

Sargon of Akkad was a Mesopotamian ruler who lived around 2300 BCE. He established the Akkadian Empire, one of the first known empires in history. Sargon's reign marked a significant shift from small city-states to larger centralized kingdoms. While he is regarded as one of the earliest recorded kings, it is essential to note that history before this period is often based on fragmentary evidence and myths.

As a result, attributing the title of "First King in the World" to a specific individual is challenging and may not be definitive. Archaeological discoveries and ongoing research continuously add new insights into the earliest forms of governance and leadership in human history.

To know more about Sargon of Akkad, click here.



What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
represent himself
flee the state
O remain silent
declare his guilt






Clarence Gideon was forced to represent himself during his burglary trial. Thus, the first option is the correct answer.

Who was Clarence Gideon?

Clarence Gideon, who was involved in a Florida State offence appropriation, was not provided with a lawyer when he couldn't manage one himself. As a result, he was sentenced to serve himself in the forum. In Gideon vs. Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court overturned this decision and ordered Florida State to provide Gideon with counselling.

The United States Supreme Court decided in Gideon v. Wainwright that a criminal defendant who cannot afford the services of an attorney must receive representation from a state-selected attorney without incurring any fees, so despite this, his first trial is remembered as a turning point in American justice. With the aid of a lawyer, Gideon was declared not guilty.

Therefore, Clarence Gideon represented himself, and was convicted.

To learn more about Clarence Gideon, click here:



Según el texto titulado “Una guerra devastadora” menciona 10 consecuencias del conflicto armado en nuestro país.



I don't speak spanish but if you read it better.


Yeah this is right

Question 6 of 10
In what region did people first form civilizations?
A. Southwest Asia
B. North America
C. China
D. Australia


The first
A. Southwest Asia

What rapper paved the way for other rappers to be signed to major labels?
O A. Afrika Bambaataa
B. Sugar Hill Gang
C. DJ Kool Herc
D. Kurtis Blow


Answer: d

Explanation:  Kurtis Blow is the first commercially successful rapper who signed with a major record label. In his case, that record label was Mercury. Kurtis Blow paved the way for many future rappers thanks to his achievements.

Hope this helps :)

Kurtis Blow is the first rapper to sign with a major record company and become commercially successful. That record company in his case was Mercury. Because to his accomplishments, Kurtis Blow paved the door for a lot of rap artists in the future. Thus, option D is correct.

who is Kurtis Blow?

A rapper, singer, composer, record and film producer, b-boy, DJ, public speaker, and minister, Kurtis Walker is also known by his stage name, Kurtis Blow. He is the first rapper to sign with a major record label and the first to be commercially successful.

Kurtis Blow is a legendary figure in the history of hip-hop as the first commercially successful rap artist. His appeal and charisma helped establish rap music as more than a passing fad, opening the door for Grandmaster Flash and Run-D.M.C. to make even more significant contributions.

Learn more about rapper here:



Where did Roosevelt and Churchill decide to begin their attack on Nazi forces? France Soviet Union North Africa





after the attack on the pearl harbor

In the 1944 case of Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that a. persons of Japanese descent would be deported after the war. b. the internment of Japanese-Americans was illegal. c. the internment of people of Japanese descent was not based on race. d. persons of multiple Asian races would be considered Japanese and therefore, could be relocated to internment camps.


The correct answer is C) the internment of people of Japanese descent was not based on race.

In the 1944 case of Korematsu v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the internment of people of Japanese descent was not based on race.

In the Supreme Court’s decision in Korematsu v. the United States, the Court said that Korematsu was not a spy but could not be granted equal rights.

The Court voted 6 to 3, and the decision was written by Justice Black. The decision was that the evacuation order that the citizen Korematsu had violated was valid. It was found that the order had no racial intentions. The order was a valid measure to keep the United States safe during war times, especially the Pacific West.

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