31. She remembered the correct address only --- she had posted the letter.
A. since B. afterwards C. following D. after
32. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep ---.
A. rising B. growing C. gaining D. raising
33. The dentist told him to open his mouth ---.
A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide
34. Could you lend me some money I’m very --- of cash at the moment.
A. down B. scare C. low D. short
35. His parents never allowed him ---.
A. a smoking B. smoking C. to smoke D. some smoked
36. The other driver failed to signal his --- to turn right so I had to brake suddenly.
A. purpose B. idea C. intention D. design
37. The managers agreed to --- the question of payment.
A. balance B. control C. discuss D. increase
38. I don’t think he’ll ever --- the shock of his wife’s death.
A. get through B. get over C. get by D. get off


Answer 1

31. D

32. A

33. D

34. D

35. C

36. C

38. B

Answer 2


31. D. after

32. A. rising

33. D. wide

34. D. short

35. C. to smoke

36. C. intention

37. C. discuss

38. B. get over

Related Questions

paragraph writing about friend​


[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \huge\underline{\bf \orange{ ❥ \: \: ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ }}[/tex]

One of the purest relationships is the relationship of friendship. A person without a friend lives a hard life. Everybody needs a companion to deal with our experience. It is dependent upon you that how you define friendship. It can be sharing your food, taking care of that person, supporting them in their thick and thin. You may not be loud about it, but if you care for a person silently, that is what friendship is. Friendship is about laughing together on small things, cherishing every moment you share, standing together for each other even when the world turns their backs towards them.


Friendships are sometimes more durable than the relationship of love. Even though the definition of friendship varies from person to person, the core meaning behind it is the same for everybody. Life is empty without a friend. So when you gain a true friend, make sure you cherish it with all your heart. The person with a real friend, with whom all the things can be shared, are the luckiest in the world. A friend will never judge you, and they will never stop scolding you if you are wrong. But whatever the situation be, they will always be there to support you.



Americans are familiar with the story of Cinderella. Similar stories may be found throughout the world: a poor, beautiful girl, downtrodden by her stepmother, receives supernatural aid to win the hand of a noble prince who is searching for a bride. Although the circumstances differ (the girl may be a rural peasant or a servant in a great house, the supernatural helper may be a fairy godmother or a goldfish, the prince may belong to European feudalism or the Aztec empire), all the stories exhibit the same basic ____.


no idea sorry could not help

Which of the following is not true of the above examples of Neolithic ceramics?
Patterns were engraved into each ceramic piece, and then white chalk was rubbed into the engravings so that the engravings stood out against the black background.
These are examples of European pottery vessels, created between 3000-2000 BCE.
These vessels were found in Spain, and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.
The technology to create ceramic vessels was understood long before any were actually created in Europe.



C)  These vessels were found in Spain and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.


Patterns were etched into each piece of ceramic, and the pottery made during this period is extraordinary in terms of style, design, and diligence.

European pottery was made between 3000 and 2000 BCE. With a specific piece, ceramics are used to make boats, drinking cups, and gourds. Furthermore, some gourds were made of gold.

The earliest evidence of pottery production has been discovered at a Japanese archaeological site known as Odai Yamamoto. Long before any ceramic vessels were made in Europe, people already knew how to make them.

Learn more about Neolithic ceramics at:


Answer:Its C


I just took edge 2022

Whic deais in the text indicate a cronologica
structure Seest 2 options.



✔The first thing



The above words are the details in the text that indicate a chronological structure.

Chronological order/structure refers to a way of organization in which events are arranged or presented in order as they occur or occurred in time. It's known to be a structure of sequence.

Words that denote chronological order/structure in texts are first, third, second, until, then, after, later, at last, next, etc.

In the text, the use of "The first thing" and "then" actually indicate a chronological order.

What’s the answer pls



d).hope arrive at unexpected ways

Necesito ayuda..!!!
la tarea es de inglés, y trata sobre : Relative pronouns

 Who / that

 Which / that.
es para hoy..​


1. My dad knows the people who live upstairs.

2. That's the good looking boy who sent me flowers.

3. Charlie Lindbergh was the pilot who flew from New York to Paris.

4. We have a tree in our yard which is one hundred years old.

5. The driver won the race who was born in Brazil.

6. The apartment had a fire which was on the fourth floor.

7. The woman cut my hair who's from Paris.

8. The truck brought the boxes which stopped in front of our house.

in the moon shone on the still waters of the lake and the lonely pier rotted in the seaweed.
What is being personified?
Which human trait or quality is given?

When Michael made a shot without hitting the rim, the net shushed his rivals.
What is being personified?
Which human trait or quality is given?


the pier is being personified because it's described as lonely, and objects cannot feel any emotion.

The human trait is lonely.

The net is being personified

The human trait is hush

Part A. Write whether you agree, disagree, or are undecided on each statement. Then give
one to two reasons explaining why you chose your level of agreement.
4. Knowledge and/or education are essential to the creation of a free society.





Because education provide me one with the right knowledge on a particular field.

Knowledge is more important because it extends before the 4 walls of education. It is continuous.


Agree with both Knowledge and Education:

I believe that education and learning are elements of freedom, as education is the way to produce knowledge. Education advances new information and technology; it also helps to screen and choose members of communities based on the type of work they will perform as adults. The more information we possess, the more autonomous we become in society.


Hope this is helpful

answer this question​


The correct answer is A. For

explain how human-hair substance could ill-health to human beings



Human hair substance do not ill human beings


Which statements serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman”?


The statements that serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman" are:
A. "I conjure you on your honour to tell me if you really were in that vase?"
B. "How could your whole body go in? I cannot believe it unless I see you do the thing."
E. "No,' answered the fisherman, 'if I trust myself to you I am afraid you will treat me as a certain Greek king treated the physician Douban."

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
In a group discussion, the
restates and clarifies others' ideas.
record keeper
fact checker
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I think it is the record keeper, because they restate and clarify the other's ideas. Sorry if it is wrong :(

In a group discussion, the record keeper restates and clarifies others' ideas. Thus, option 3rd is correct.

What is a good method for holding a productive group discussion?

Keeping talks respectful and upbeat is a good tactic for a productive group discussion. Request that dominating participants allow others to speak.

Give everyone a chance to speak up—from the start, emphasize the importance of a variety of opinions as an integral component of the process. At the outset of the course/workshop, go over productive and detrimental group behaviors.

The agenda should be prepared by the session's facilitator, and the person who will lead the next meeting may record it for the present meeting. The recorder should only capture follow-up duties and choices taken, and the notes should be sent within 72 hours.

The record keeper restates and explains the opinions of others during a group discussion. As a result, option 3 is correct.

Learn more about group discussion here:



Read the passage from chapter 14 of The Prince.

A prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private station to that rank.

And, on the contrary, it is seen that when princes have thought more of ease than of arms they have lost their states. And the first cause of your losing it is to neglect this art; and what enables you to acquire a state is to be master of the art. Francesco Sforza, through being martial, from a private person became Duke of Milan; and the sons, through avoiding the hardWhat type of evidence does Machiavelli use to support his claim that a prince should have no aim other than war and its rules and discipline?

ships and troubles of arms, from dukes became private persons. For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised, and this is one of those ignominies against which a prince ought to guard himself, as is shown later on.

A.) logical evidence
B.) anecdotal evidence
C.) empirical evidence
D.) both logical and anecdotal evidence



D) both logical and anecdotal evidence


Machiavelli asserts that it is appropriate for new princes to use harshness based on rationality. Anecdotal evidence is used by Machiavelli to prove that new rulers must be ruthless.

How to cook and serve my favorite food​



cook or microwave your food and then serve on a plate or a bowl


Buy some groceries that been needed for preparing for your food..


1. Prepair

2.be Gentle

3. Cooked with love

that was just my opinion

but I hope It helps you❤️

The tornado that tossed the truck.​
My mother makes marvelous melon cake.​
Four friends finished their Friday feast.​
The cat climbed carefully but onto the cage.​
Pupils passionately played with the puppies.


1st line- T
2nd line- M
3rd line- F
4th line- C
5th line- P

if you need more help lmk.

5. A story that contains a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the
story, often includes hints/clues.


often it includes CLUES

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between cytokinesis and mitosis?
A.Mitosis includes interphase and cytokinesis.
B.Cytokinesis precedes mitosis.
C.Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.
D.Interphase includes cytokinesis and mitosis.



C. Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.


Read the passage from “The Beginnings of the Maasai.
Why is this excerpt a good example of a feature often found in a myth?



It features a reference to the earth. It features a reference to the sky. It features a reference to the origin of the tribe It features a reference to a supernatural being. In this excerpt, we encounter a myth from the Maasai. This myth states that there is a supernatural being called Enkai, who is a sky god. Enkai has no gender. It can act kindly by giving the people rain, or cruelly by making the earth dry up. The presence of a supernatural being who can control the destiny of humans makes this a good example of a myth.




Answer for this question is:- Hence

Pls mark me as brainliest. pls

Which Is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 ?



has been playing, explanation: it's just how it would go correctly toward the original sentence as it can be the best of all the answers :plays wouldn't go good because it would not sound right neither plays, as it is now or will play. AS IN I HOPE THIS HELPS. ah..

Mr. Taylor loved being a crossing guard. He enjoyed laughing and joking with the kids on their way to school. it was only a problem when it was raining out. On rainy days, most of the kids get a ride from their parents, and Mr. Taylor is stuck standing in the rain alone.
Change “it was only a problem…” to “It was only a problem…”
Change “Mr. Taylor” to “Mr. taylor.”
Change “parents” to “Parents.”
No changes required.



It's the first choice

"it was only a problem" is the start of a sentence, so "I" in "It" should be capitalized.

Which of the following factors causes the breaking down the rocks



climate rain temperature force gravity

argumentative essay that critiques and responds to an article



i dont know


Which propaganda technique is being used in the following statement? "My opponent is not a good choice to be class president because he doesn't like hard work."


I’m not sure but possibly undermining the opponent or making them look good by putting their opponent down

change this sentence into indirect speech, Paul says," Brisbane is a wonderful city"​



paul thinks brisban is a wonderful city.

According to a popular quote— Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. In what way is this quote relevant to the events of the story?


Answer: The quote given above is quite relevant to the events of the story. The beginning of the story proved that Tricki was lifeless because he did not struggle to digest his food. In the later part of the lesson, Dr Herriot authenticated that real strength comes only after struggle and hard work. He helped the dog to regain his strength by involving him in regular exercise and food regime. Food without exercise can lead to disease and discomfort for everyone

4. Which of these are features of detective fiction? Select three. *
3 points
Wedding day
A villain
Red herrings (false clues)
This is a required question
2 points
5. One of these sentences describes a cliffhanger and the other an
anecdote, Label which is which. *


4. Murder, a villain, red herrings

What's the direction verb?
“Imagine you are Dr. Rugh and you have been invited to speak to middle school students on Career Day about a typical day at the clinic. Write a letter to the principal of the school in which you explain what you will talk about to the students. Use three details and/or examples from the passage in your letter


i guess it's "to" because it's a verb and is used before a destination three times in the text

What things can you do to make self-improvement after identifying your weakness?



The first step would be to recognize and accept your weaknesses. You can't turn a weakness into a strength if you deny the weakness exists. You should get some guidance from a trusted person, such as a good friend, therapist, parents, etc. Set specific goals. Once you’ve identified where you’d like to improve, set specific goals for what you’d like to achieve. Be ready to embrace how difficult it may be. Try not to look at it as a chore, but rather a challenge that you’re ready to take on.

The most crucial part is to be consistent. It takes time and consistent effort to yield results, but with enough practice and confidence to do so, you will most likely succeed.

Hope this helps some. :)

Make a list at strategies to things you can get done and make sure you manage your time

Select the correct answer. What is an advantage of discussing a topic or complex task with a group? A. It makes you maintain a specific role throughout the discussion. B. It shows you how to follow group discussion instructions, Oc. It allows you to explore points of view that differ from your own. D. It gives you an opportunity to have a conversation with friends.​





it allows you to explore points of view that differ from your own.

I hope it helps

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