3.5 Choose and write the correct answer for the following statement.
3.5.1.(Hot/cold) colours are red,orange and yellow .
3.5.2.The (middle ground/focal point) of art work piece is the interest where your eye goes fast.
3.5.3.The name of colour is called (tone/hue).​


Answer 1


1. Hot

2. Focal Point

3. Hue


Related Questions

Mobile cameras are now of a higher quality than when they first arrived on the market. Describe the difference in resolution that has come about and how that has led to higher photo quality.


well first of all when iphones first came out the main focus was communicating, now people are so self absorbed in looking good online they need good cameras

Determine if 0.71875 is rational or irrational and give a reason for your answer





if you simplify it down enough it can be expressed as 23/32, which is a fraction of two whole integers

Which type of colors are yellow and yellow-orange



Orange, yellow-orange, and yellow are an example of analogous colors.


yellow colour is yellow but yellow - orange colour is mixture yellow and orange colour which appears like turmeric colour

If you could be with one anime character for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?



Saiki, because i like his vibe and we give off the same energy tbh



People I need your opinion on this
Would you pay 55 cents for a 3x3 sticker (3x3 size), in color and personalized?

Do you think I should raise the price, lower the price or do you think it is okay?


it’s a good price , but i would honestly at least make it 0.80 cents bc it’s personalized AND in color

hope this helps and good luck on selling them ! :) <3.
that is a great price! i would even advise $1!

Which of the following is an example of shape in Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue?

The color red
The color yellow
The lines
The rectangle



The rectangle


Rectangles added shape to Piet Mondrain's Composition

The correct option is D. The rectangle is an example of a shape in Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue.

The painting is made up of 124 separate rectangles, both standalone and larger rectangles built from smaller standalone rectangles.

What techniques did Piet Mondrian use?

With his early creations, Piet Mondrian demonstrated an interest in impressionist methods and this style of art. Mondrian, who was influenced by pointillism and Fauvism, used vivid, clean colors and expressive brushwork in a manner similar to Van Gogh.

The shape is a flat, enclosed area of artwork in the visual arts that is defined by lines, textures, or colors, or by an area bounded by other shapes like triangles, circles, and squares. A three-dimensional composition or an object contained within one can both be referred to as a form.

Thus, D is the right answer. In Piet Mondrian's composition with red, yellow, and blue, the rectangle serves as an illustration of a shape.

Learn more about Piet Mondrian here:



importance of art work in mental healing



Studies have shown that expressing themselves through art can help people with depression, anxiety, or cancer, too. And doing so has been linked to improved memory, reasoning, and resilience in healthy older people.


Art can be a good coping mechanism.


It can allow people to express their dark thoughts(Vent Art) as well as be relaxing. Mind-numbing activity's such as painting a paint by number can have a similar effect to meditation. Though if your having any extreme mental problems I recommend you talk to a professional.  

Help ASAP! Please need help with questions 1 and 2

1 write six line whole notes
2 write six space whole notes


So I can draw it for you so you can understand me better

The answer is in the picture.

What kinds of valuable activities does one engage in when creating or examining works of art?
Name two of the decisions



It stimulates the mind, defines one's self, and expresses the artist's values.

The decisions we face in when creating or examining works of art are :

It stimulates the mind and defines one's self.Expresses the artist's values.What is Art?Art is studied because “it is among the highest expressions of culture, embodying its ideals and aspirations, challenging its assumptions and beliefs, and creating new visions and possibilities for it to pursue.How We Assign Value to Art?The word art is often used to apply judgments of value, as in expressions like “that meal was a work of art” (implying that the cook is an artist) or “the art of deception” (the advanced, praiseworthy skill of deceiving). It is this use of the word as a measure of high value that gives the term its flavor of subjectivity.

Learn more about Art on:



The Column of Trajan combines the glory of battle with details of soldierly life to support the Roman


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this open question. However, we can help to comment on the following.

The Column of Trajan combines the glory of battle with details of soldierly life to support the Roman sense of military and cultural superiority over its enemies.

Located in the Trajan's Forum in Rome Italy, this monument honors the victory of the Roman army of Emperor Trajan in the Dracian Wars. The column represents the many battles between Dacians and the Roman Empire.

This impressive monument also served as a propaganda tool in that it served the Roman Empire to show the power of the Roman army in different campaigns and its dominion over the Dacians.

pensa y escribi un mensaje (como lo haria un influencer) que considere efectivo para concientizar a otras personas sobre alguna de las problematicas abordadas



De lo que hablaré ahora es del calentamiento global. Lo que está causando todos estos frenéticos incendios e inundaciones. Una cosa que hace el calentamiento global es producir gases de efecto invernadero que no son buenos para el medio ambiente. Lo que causa el calentamiento global es que dejemos nuestro material reciclado en la playa, olvidemos reciclar cosas y dejemos bolsas de plástico en el parque o en algún otro lugar. Entonces, en mi opinión, este es el momento de tomar medidas para ayudar a salvar nuestra asombrosa tierra. Espero que estés de acuerdo conmigo.


De lo que hablaré ahora es del calentamiento global. Lo que está causando todos estos frenéticos incendios e inundaciones. Una cosa que hace el calentamiento global es producir gases de efecto invernadero que no son buenos para el medio ambiente. Lo que causa el calentamiento global es que dejemos nuestro material reciclado en la playa, olvidemos reciclar cosas y dejemos bolsas de plástico en el parque o en algún otro lugar. Entonces, en mi opinión, este es el momento de tomar medidas para ayudar a salvar nuestra asombrosa tierra. Espero que estés de acuerdo conmigo.

Answer the following question in 3-4 complete sentences.

Define the following terms and use each in a sentence related to the topic.
- curvilinear
- form



Curvilinear is that contained by or consisting of a curved line or lines


Curvilinear- adjective

definition: contained by or consisting of a curved line(s).sentence: Some roof companies will recommend curvilinear roofs instead of straight line roofs.

Form- noun

definition: the visible shape or configuration of an object or thing

sentence: The form of the ball if round and circular, while the form of the block is square and rectangular.

Can a photography expert tell me whats wrong with this picture?​



Photobombing in the background


Hope it helps! ^^

For the picture a more simple background with less to no people would have been preferred as it takes focus off the main girl in the image

What topic did authors of the 1850s become deeply interested in?





The history of American literature stretches across more than 400 years. It can be divided into five major periods.

The Colonial and Early National Period (17th century to 1830)

The Federalist Papers (1787–88)

The Romantic Period (1830 to 1870)

Realism and Naturalism (1870 to 1910)

The Contemporary Period (1945 to present)

Whats the name of these nails?



Are you talking bout the shaping or the colors


french nail acrylic designs coffin

Those are French acrylic nails, the shape they are in is coffin and the color the color is white, light orange, and tangerine. See the attached photo for some reference.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Martin drew a plan for his new house on translucent paper. He would like to make a blueprint of his drawing. Which alternative method is best for making blueprints or reproducing drawings?
negative sandwiching



A. Cyanotype

Explanation: I got it correct on edmentum.

The correct option is A. Cyanotype is best for making blueprints or reproducing drawings. Martin drew a plan for his new house on translucent paper. He would like to make a blueprint of his drawing by using cyanotype. You may easily print photos at home using the cyanotype method with a few simple supplies.

What is the role of vinegar in cyanotype?

A cyanotype developer employing vinegar produced the desired results. In these studies, the vinegar accomplishes two beneficial tasks: it dramatically increases the amount of midtone detail that comes through on my negatives and produces a pleasing print in around half the exposure time that water development needs.

It creates a cyan-blue print that can be utilized for reprography in the form of blueprints and for art as monochromatic images that can be applied to a variety of surfaces. Ferric ammonium citrate or ferric ammonium oxalate, potassium ferricyanide, and just water are typically used in the process for all purposes.

Learn more about Cyanotype here:



What are the three basic ingredients in paint?
What are two tools for applying paint?



The basic ingredients are: solvent, pigment and resin.

And the tools are paint roller and small brushes

The music teacher told the tenors to sing a D note, the altos an F note, and the sopranos an A note, all at the same time. What is the music teacher MOST likely trying to create?







harmony !!


when a choir is all singing different notes but blending together it creates a harmony

melody is the main part consistent throughout the piece

dissonance is the lack of harmony

crescendo is the dynamic of increasing volume for emphasis

Who created this piece of art?



The birth of venus


painted by Sandro Botticelli



This is Venus coming out of a sea shell, painted somewhere near the 1450s by Sandro Botticelli. It is also called the Birth of Venus. She emerges fully grown right after her birth.

Henry is studying the effects of deforestation along the slopes of hills and mountains.
He wants to take a photo of a mountain slope near his house to show as a reference. He brought his tripod with him to the location. What steps would Henry take to set up his tripod?
Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.
Hook a bag of weights to the bottom of the tripod.
Frame his shot.
Lock the legs of the tripod.
Check the ground.
Adjust the height of the tripod.
Attach the camera to the tripod.
narrow aperture



Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.

Look at this painting. It belongs to which artistic movement?
A. Romanticism
B. Impressionism



C. Neo classism


this is the famous Death of the Marat made by Jacques, It's a textbook of neoclassic art, it is simple in geometric form and also uses a neoclassic preference using a blank wall.

An oil company fills 1 over 10 of a tank in 1 over 5 hour. At this rate, which expression can be used to determine how long will it take for the tank to fill completely?

1 over 5 ⋅ 10 hours
1 over 10 ⋅ 5 hours
1 over 5 ⋅ 1 over 10 hours
5 ⋅ 10 hours


2 hours because you fill 1/2 of a tank in an hour

who is your favorite character in Tokyo revengers?​





myfavorite character in Tokyo revengers is takemichi.


Just saw this, I would say Manjiro or Takemichi.


There both pretty cool

Should video games and Phones be considered a medium in Mass media?


I think it should be considered as Mass media
Yes viedo games should be considered as a medium in mass media.

Are these notes correct? (instrument: piano) ​



yes how ever it would be Bb and Eb


the key signature

Bb and Eb instead but fine apart from that

Which of these is NOT an art form of Melanesia?



Bark cloth


Mat and basket weaving


Bark cloth I believe

Mat and basket weaving is not regarded as an artform of Melanesia and is denoted as option E.

What is Melanesia art?

This form of art is practised in New Guinea and it involves mainly face and body painting and pottery.

Mat and basket weaving is not among which is why it was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Melanesia art here https://brainly.com/question/20239661


The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia, shown below, is an example of a


The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia is an example of a bronze tomb effigy.

?contribute to your understanding of the novel. His essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the sources provided, and his ideas must be supported by evidence directly from the sources.?

Superman and Me Sherman Alexie
I learned to read with a Superman comic book. Simple enough, I suppose. I cannot recall which particular Superman comic book I read, nor can I remember which villain he fought in that issue. I cannot remember the plot, nor the means by which I obtained the comic book. What I can remember is this: I was 3 years old, a Spokane Indian boy living with his family on the Spokane Indian Reservation in eastern Washington state. We were poor by most standards, but one of my parents usually managed to find some minimum-wage job or another, which made us middle-class by reservation standards. I had a brother and three sisters. We lived on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope, fear and government surplus food.
My father, who is one of the few Indians who went to Catholic school on purpose, was an avid reader of westerns, spy thrillers, murder mysteries, gangster epics, basketball player biographies and anything else he could find. He bought his books by the pound at Dutch's Pawn Shop, Goodwill, Salvation Army and Value Village. When he had extra money, he bought new novels at supermarkets, convenience stores and hospital gift shops. Our house was filled with books. They were stacked in crazy piles in the bathroom, bedrooms and living room. In a fit of unemployment-inspired creative energy, my father built a set of bookshelves and soon filled them with a random assortment of books about the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, the Vietnam War and the entire 23-book series of the Apache westerns. My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well.
I can remember picking up my father's books before I could read. The words themselves were mostly foreign, but I still remember the exact moment when I first understood, with a sudden clarity, the purpose of a paragraph. I didn't have the vocabulary to say "paragraph," but I realized that a paragraph was a fence that held words. The words inside a paragraph worked together for a common purpose. They had some specific reason for being inside the same fence. This knowledge delighted me. I began to think of everything in terms of paragraphs. Our reservation was a small paragraph within the United States. My family's house was a paragraph, distinct from the other paragraphs of the LeBrets to the north, the Fords to our south and the Tribal School to the west. Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph but still had genetics and common experiences to link us. Now, using this



book uyugcviieddcjiudrcvgb

A Uighur muqam a. is identical to an Arab maqam and is subject to the same rules of modal improvisation b. is often performed using instruments such as the rawap and the dap c. is a large-scale, precomposed suite of songs and instrumental music d. B and C, but not A



The Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam is the general term for a variety of Muqam practices widespread among the Uyghur communities, which form one of the largest ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China. ... The lyrics contain not only folk ballads but also poems written by classical Uyghur masters.


What is the best way to draw hair for beginners?

Thank you for your help. Cheers^^



draw lines out of the head



straight hair


straight Hair

Lay in the Shape. Start your drawing by laying in the overall shape of the hairstyle with a pencil.

Apply the Darks. ...

Blend, Reapply Darks and Lift. ...

Lay in the Shape. ...

Build up the Hair Strands. ...

Blend and Lift. ...

Draw the Shapes. ...

Create the Hair Strands.

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"Whats up with you? Which shows the image of rectangle ABCD after the rotation () (W)?13VA1V Determine the number of hydrogen atoms connected to each carbon atom: The bond-line structure of a compound has a SMILES string of CC1CCN(CC1N(C)C2=NC=NC3=C2C=CN3)C(=O)CC#N. All the carbon atoms of the compound are highlighted and labeled a through p. pplication)Using multiple models simultaneously: This FNT refers to a processinvolving three moles of a diatomic gas (which behaves as an ideal gas).The PV curve at right describes this process.Assume, as is typical near room temperature,vibrational modes are frozen out.a)Determine the energy transferred as work, the change in internal energy, and the energy transferred as heat in this process. b)Could youhave stillansweredthe questions in a) if the temperature was not provided on the plot Evaluate:64 1/3 Question 11 options: A) 8 B) 16 C) 4 D) 2 the sum of numerator and denominator of the fraction is 12 and the denominator is 2 more than numerator.find the fraction what is the answer to this 3x-y=7 2x-2y=2 help me with this two I don't understand b If a and a+10 are a pair paix of complementary angles. Find them. Complete the function table.Input (n) Output (n-2) What is mL in LMN? Round only your final answer to the nearest degree. 1 N 3 4 5 6 Conv A rectangular field is 300 meters long and 250 meters wide. What is the area of the field in square kilometers? Do not round your answer. 1000 millimet 100 centimet 10 decimet 1 decame 2 km X 5. ? 1 hectomei 1 how does technology provide a positive and negative platform for the development of relationships? find the missing side. Round it to the nearest tenth. m + 7 is equal to -10 It can be shown that the line with intercepts (a, 0) and (0, b) has the following equation:x/a + y/b= 1, a 0, b 0.Use this result to write an equation of the line.Point on line: (2, 4)x-intercept: (a, 0)y-intercept: (0, a)(a 0) 700,000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand The side measurement of the wall of the Green House is 9m. Find the cost of the glass required for the walls of the Green House, if the cost of 1m2 glass is AED 12. Please help!!A) In a movie, a mad scientist enlarges a cow to 100 times its normal size. How much stronger would its legs be than a normal cow?B) How many times more would it weigh than a normal cow?C) Can you see how results A and B would yield a cow that would collapse under its own weight? Inventory records for Dunbar Incorporated revealed the following: Date Transaction Number of Units Unit Cost Apr. 1 Beginning inventory 510 $ 2.44 Apr. 20 Purchase 380 2.72 Dunbar sold 590 units of inventory during the month. Ending inventory assuming weighted-average cost would be: (Round weighted-average unit cost to 4 decimal places and final answer to the nearest dollar amount.) Multiple Choice $747. $768. $838. $774.