4. Assertion A: Prokaryotes are identified by the membrane bound cell organelles. Reason R: Prokaryotes are considered as the primitive forms of life. *
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.


Answer 1


d) A is false but R is true.


Prokaryotes are group of organisms that do not possess a membrane bound nucleus or any other membrane bound organelle in their cell e.g. mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum etc. They lack such organelles.

However, they are truly considered as a primitive life form; much more primitive than eukaryotic organisms. Examples of prokaryotes are bacteria, archeae etc. Based on the above explanation, it is clear that the assertion (A) in this question is FALSE but the reason (R) is TRUE.

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The volume of air in the lungs is controlled by the​


The diaphragm,

During inhalation, the diaphragm is contracted which increases the volume of the lung cavity. During exhalation, the diaphragm is relaxed which decreases the volume of the lung cavity

Mutations in certain genes of bacteria cause them to be resistant to powerful antibiotics. What type of mutation is this for the bacteria?



It is a beneficial mutation.


It helps the bacteria fight the antibiotics and stay in the system for a longer amount of time.

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Cell Processes and Transport: Mastery Test
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Sodium and potassium lons are essential for muscle contractions of the heart. The ions are transported using a pump, which obtains
energy by the breaking of
. This action requires the expense of energy. So, sodium and potassium ions are transported using





Sodium and potassium ions are essential for muscle contractions of the heart, and the ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy from the breaking of ATP molecules, this action requires the expenditure of energy, so sodium and potassium ions are transported using active transport.

What is muscle contraction?

Sodium and potassium ions play a crucial role in muscle contractions, including those of the heart, and to maintain the appropriate concentration of these ions inside and outside the cell, the body uses a protein pump called the sodium-potassium pump, which is an active pump. It requires energy to move substances across cell membranes; the pump uses the energy released by the breakdown of ATP molecules to change its shape, transport the sodium and potassium ions across the membrane, and regulate the muscle contraction.

Hence, the ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy from the breaking of ATP molecules, this action requires the expenditure of energy, so sodium and potassium ions are transported using active transport.

Learn more about the muscle contraction here.



question is incomplete, complete question is below

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Sodium and potassium ions are essential for muscle contractions of the heart. The ions are transported using a pump, which obtains energy by the breaking of ----. This action requires the expense of energy. So, sodium and potassium ions are transported using---


active transport.

This fly has 14 chromosomes in its cells.7 maternal chromosomes and 7 paternal chromosomes.Assume you are a microscopist viewing this fly cells that are undergoing meiosis. Conclude the number of chromosomes/chromatids at the end of meiosis 1 as well at the end of meiosis 2. please answer!!!!!



23 pairs in meiosis 1 and 23 numbers in meiosis 2.


There are diploid number of chromosomes means double number of chromosomes at the end of meiosis 1 while on the other hand, at the end of meiosis 2, there are haploid number of chromosome means half number of chromosomes in each daughter cell. In humans meiosis 1, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes that is diploid in nature but in the end of meiosis 2, there are only 23 chromosomes in each daughter cell which is haploid in nature.

Which conclusion is best supported by his observations?



The answer would be d finch 4 is adapted to eat small insects that live in tiny holes.


I NEED HELP!!! for living environment



increase in the consumption of fossil fuels lead to all the other answers


increase in the consumption of fossil fuels

I’m sure the correct one is C


Which of the following terms means "manmade"?
is anthropogenic





this is the answer hope it helps you

Which of the following scientists DID NOT disprove spontaneous generation? *


Hooke didnt disprove spontaneous generations!

how the skin cells, neurons, muscle cells, and blood cells you have observed relate to the functions of skin, nerve, muscle, and blood tissue?



All the type of cels perform different kind of functions that are specific to them.


Every cell has its own work to do but different cells may have different functions in multicellular organisms, cell with the same type of job often work together.

These groups of specialized cells from tissue in turn, the tissue often group together to form larger units called organs the heart is an organ; so is the stomach.

Can someone help me with this for a brainly?


Reproduction is the second ability.

List at least 5 environmental problems caused by human populations inhabiting the earth. Propose some possible solutions that might address these problems.



1 - Deforestation

2 - Industrial Fishing (mass fishing; when industries use those big nets to collect a ton of fish. y’know that Finding Nemo scene?

3 - Global Warming

4 - Poaching

5 - Pollution


Deforestation is destructive to our air quality, as well as the homes of wild life. This can and does causes animals to die, and not enough animals for the greater part of the food chain.

Industrial fishing is harmful to entire environments purely by there being a lack of fish for other animals to eat, as well as a large portion of the worlds fish being now absent because of this mass fishing.

Global Warming is caused by harmful gasses being released into our atmosphere, which is harmful for all life on earth when the earth’s temperatures are being raised.

Climate change in general is bad and caused by humans’ negative impact.

Poaching is illegally hunting animals. This leads to [if not already endangered] wild animals being endangered or extinct.

Pollution can go from anything to littering on the street or beach to industries dumping oil into our oceans, which is harmful for our water supply and all ocean wildlife.

Describe & explain why the effect of temperature as a
limiting factor for photosynthesis is different to the
effects of Co2 and light intensity.​



Although  the  light  dependent  reactions  of photosynthesis     are    not     affected     by changes in temperature, the light independent   reactions  of   photosynthesis are dependent  on  temperature.  They  are reactions  catalysed  by  enzymes.  As  the enzymes approach their optimum temperatures  the  overall  rate  increases.  It approximately   doubles   for   every   10°C increase    in    temperature.    Above    the optimum  temperature  the  rate  begins  to decrease, as enzymes are denatured, until it stops.


At  low  light  intensities,  as  light  intensity increases,the  rate of  the  light-dependent reaction,and   therefore   photosynthesis generally, increases proportionately (straight    line    relationship).    The    more photons  of  light  that  fall  on  a  leaf,  the greater     the     number     of     chlorophyll molecules  that  are  ionised  and  the  more ATP   and   NADPH   are   generated.   Lightdependent  reactions  use  light  energy  and so    are    not    affected    by    changes    in temperature.As light intensity is increased further, however, the rate of photosynthesis is eventually  limited by some other factor. So the rate plateaus. At very high light intensity, chlorophyll may be damaged and the rate drops steeply (not shown in the graph).Chlorophyll ais used in both photosystems. The wavelength of light is also important. PSI absorbs energy  most  efficiently  at  700  nm  and  PSII  at  680  nm.  Light  with  a  higher  proportion  of  energy concentrated in these wavelengths will produce a higher rate of photosynthesis.An    increase    in    the    carbon    dioxide concentrationincreases  the  rate  at  which carbon  is  incorporated  into  carbohydrate in  the  light-independent  reaction,  and  so the    rate    of    photosynthesis    generally increases until limited by another factor.As    it    is    normally    present    in    the atmosphere  at  very  low  concentrations (about  0.04%),  increasing  carbon  dioxide concentration  causes  a  rapid  rise  in  the rate  of  photosynthesis,  which  eventually plateaus   when   the   maximum   rate   of fixation is reached.

All mutations result in lethal diseases like Tay Sachs, sickle-cell anemia and color-blindness. Group of answer choices
True or false





Not all mutations result in lethal diseases. Some mutations, like green eyes, are completely harmless.

One DNA molecule wound around molecules of protein makes up a(n).
A. tetrad
B. allele
O C. chromosome
O D. gamete

Pls help



C. chromosome


In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.

help pls *serious ppl only*



6 for white parents, and 6 for black parents.

Climate zones result in specific vegetation types developing in a region. Which
climatic region is hot and wet all year round, resulting in tropical rainforest Vegetation?​


Tropical wet and dry climate is typically observed within the tropics. The tropics are two lines of latitude at 23.5° north and 23.5° south of the Equator. Land within this area obtains direct sunlight throughout most of the year.

name of a gland which act as mixed gland __





Since the pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions, it is therefore a mixed gland. Its endocrine secretions are the hormones insulin and glucagon

Pancreas is a heterocrine gland as it acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland. It secretes insulin hormone into blood and act as endocrine gland and when it secretes digestive enzymes and juice through pancreatic duct, it acts as exocrine gland.
Hence, pancreas is a mixed gland.
So, the correct answer is 'Pancreas'.

How is biodiversity impacted by palm oil plantations?Palm oil plantations provide habitats to several species, so they do not cause habitat fragmentation.Palm oil plantations have fewer habitats, niches, trophic levels, and communities, resulting in a weak ecosystem.Without global extinction, species extirpation has little impact on its ecosystem in palm oil plantations.Removal of predators in palm oil plantations promotes survival of other species and therefore species diversity.In palm oil plantations, only one tree species and few canopy plants are allowed to grow.



Palm oil plantations have lesser habitats, communities, trophic levels, and niches that result in weak ecosystems.  


Oil palm plantation is a crop that is high in demand for the extraction of palm oil used for various purposes like the formation of soaps, cleaning products, washing powder, and production of food products.  

Oil palm plantation is mainly responsible for deforestation, pollution, and habitat fragmentation. Trees are grown at a particular distance and neighboring other species are removed so that the palm trees receive the nutrients from the soil and it will also facilitate easy harvest. Only one tree species is palm tree allowed to grow and other species are restricted as they can mask the sunlight by their canopy making it unavailable for oil palm plants.  

Thus due to habitat fragmentation involving discontinuity in an organism's preferred environment of survival fewer habitats of species can be found as few species which can inhabit the oil palm plants can survive, and the ecosystem becomes weak. As the species are interdependent on each other for food needs. The low number of plant species will reduce the population of faunal species from the location. The functional roles or niches are affected by species, the whole biotic community or ecosystem gets disturbed. This will reduce the population of the species and reduce the overall biodiversity of a region.  

Which is not true about axial skeleton ?
a) it supports the body
b) it protects vital organs
c) leg bones are part of the axial skeleton
d) ribs ,skull are part of the axial skeleton





because it doesn't protect vital organs


protects vital organs


Breathing hard during exercise brings oxygen to your muscles, which helps the
___ process release
energy to fuel your workout.
(Oxidation, diffusion, or active transport)


Answer: Respiration


I need to know what which weathering it is



the answer is D


Rocks break down into smaller pieces through weathering. Rocks and sediment grinding against each other wear away surfaces. This type of weathering is called abrasion, and it happens as wind and water rush over rocks. The rocks become smoother as rough and jagged edges break off.

How are convection currents involved in the process?


They transfer heat from one place to another

Adenine bonds with
Your answer



I hope it's true


Adenine bonds with thymine, and guanine bonds with cytosine.


¿Como se llaman las celulas segun el organo en el que estan?



es tejido ... 2 ... es la ... opción correcta ...

Un grupo de células que tienen un origen común, una estructura similar y que realizan una función definida se denomina tejido. ... Por ejemplo, grupos de células óseas forman tejidos óseos y las células musculares forman tejido muscular. espero que te ayude

Which organism would be the least affected by the toxic mercury?

b)small fish
c)larger fish





Because the toxic mercury builds up in the bigger organsims

6. Because they are embedded within the membrane, ion channels are examples of ________. receptor proteins integral proteins peripheral proteins glycoproteins 7. The diffusion of substances within a solution tends to move those substances ________ their ________ gradient. up; electrical up; electrochemical down; pressure down; concentration 8. Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of ________. endocytosis passive transport active transport facilitated diffusion 9. Choose the answer that best completes the following analogy: Diffusion is to ________ as endocytosis is to ________. filtration; phagocytosis osmosis; pinocytosis solutes; fluid gradient; chemical energy



6. integral proteins

7. down; concentration

8. active transport

9. osmosis; pinocytosis


An integral protein is a protein that is permanently attached to a biological membrane. Some examples of integral membrane proteins include, for example, the insulin receptor, cell adhesion proteins (e.g., integrins), glucose permease, etc. Diffusion, also known as passive transport, refers to the process by which a substance/molecule tends to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Moreover, osmosis is a type of diffusion by which a solvent (e.g., water) moves across a semipermeable membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. Active transport refers to the movement of molecules/substances across a biological membrane against a concentration gradient. There are two types of active transport: primary active transport and secondary active transport. The primary active transport depends on a source of energy (e.g., ATP) for movement, whereas secondary active transport depends on electrochemical gradients to transport substances with the help of membrane transport proteins (i.e., cotransporters). Active transport involves ATP pumps that move ions into and out of the cell. Finally, endocytosis is the process by which cells absorb external material by engulfing them in transport vesicles, whereas pinocytosis refers to a type of endocytosis ​involving fluids that contain many solutes.

The following leaf, with edges that appear burnt, was observed on an impatiens plant.

Which mineral is this impatiens likely deficient in?
a. phosphorus
B calcium
C potassium
D sulphur


I have no ideas but maybe it is B?

Cell Energy Cycle need help



What is the chemical formula of oxygen? O2

Glucoseis a simple sugar. What is the chemical formula of glucose? C6H12O6

What is the chemical formula of carbon dioxide? co2


Gizmo Warm-upThe Cell Energy Cycle Gizmo™ illustrates two processes that are essential to life: photosynthesisand cellular respiratio

All cells make ATP by pathways that release chemical energy from organic compounds such as glucose. 2. Cells store chemical energy as ATP to use in future reactions that require energy input.

what is substances in scientific methods​



A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. Some references add that chemical substance cannot be separated into its constituent elements by physical separation methods, i.e., without breaking chemical bonds.

What environmental condition contributed to the heat wave experienced in Europe and the thousands of deaths in France? a. polluted water b. sewage c. air pollution d. a and b


Answer: c. Air pollution


There was a heatwave in Europe during the early years of the 21st century that killed tens of thousands across the continent and thousands in France.

Air pollution was blamed for having made the situation worse because the pollutants in the air acted to prevent heat from escaping back into the atmosphere which led to increased heat on ground and therefore a heat wave.




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