4. How did the Hebrews rule themselves following the defeat of the Philistines?


Answer 1


Judaism is a monotheistic faith that developed among the Hebrew people and was ... and were spread over a large geographic region by a series of diasporae.


Answer 2

The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, making it one of the most brilliant pieces of literature ever created as well as a religious and cultural foundation with unfathomable influence.

What were the beliefs or practices of the early Hebrews?

The monotheistic religion of Judaism was created by the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is characterized by a religious life that is in accordance with biblical teachings and rabbinic traditions, as well as by the belief in a single transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.

Saul, along with his followers, led the Hebrews in their battle against the Philistines. After that, Saul crowned himself king over the Hebrew tribes. David of Bethlehem continued Saul's work by capturing Jerusalem and turning it into the political and religious capital of the realm. The Philistines were pushed back by the Hebrews, who eventually defeated them entirely. One of Saul's former lieutenants, David, succeeded him, and Solomon, David's son, was known for his wisdom.

Learn more about Hebrews here:



Related Questions

Which characteristics describe Old Stone Age peoples? Select all that apply.


what’s the choices ?
can you list the choices?

How did Capitalism emerge as a dominant economic force during the industrial age? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME



Since evidence for trade is found even in paleolithic culture, it can be seen as natural to human societies. In this reading, capitalism emerged from earlier trade once merchants had acquired sufficient wealth (referred to as 'primitive capital') to begin investing in increasingly productive technology.


Passage 1 Question: During the Renaissance Machiavelli was someone who placed value on the individual, not the framework of the church. He would be considered,
2. Humanist
3. Patron
4. Secular





During the Renaissance Machiavelli was someone who placed value on the individual, not the framework of the church. He would be considered a Humanist.

This is because, a humanist is a person that believes in the principles of humanism.

P. S: Humanism is a school of thought that places emphasis on human factors over religion and spirituality.

How did completion of the transcontinental Railroad affect companies that made products?


The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad greatly affected companies that made products in that it made it far easier for them to transport their goods over long distances to markets, which greatly increased profits and output.

What year did toba erupt



74,000 years ago


74,000 years ago

Mount Toba, ancient volcano located in the Barisan Mountains, north-central Sumatra, Indonesia. A massive eruption sometime between 71,000 and 74,000 years ago expelled an estimated 2,800 cubic km (about 670 cubic miles) of ash and lava.

Good luck hope this helps :))

Which is a violation of the colonists rights by King George the third as described in the Declaration of Independence?



D. He forced colonists to house British soldiers.


In 1765, Parliament passed the Quartering Act, which outlined the conditions and locations in which British soldiers are to find room and board in the American Colonies. King George III violated this.

Cuales son los adelantos científicos de los Aztecas y de los Mayas?



Aportes científicos de la cultura maya y azteca. . APORTES CIENTIFICOS DE LOS MAYAS CREACIÓN DEL NÚMERO CERO El aporte clave de los matemáticos mayas fue la creación del número cero.


What goal did the American revolution and the French Revolution have in common?



translated is spanish


fácil lo que querían era la libertad y que hubiera derechos que los protegieran, denada :b

-por cierto mira esto Ñ- XD

Trace the changes in the North and in the federal government that caused it to abandon Reconstruction efforts, including the Compromise of 1877.



Lack of interest and end of federal interference.


Lack of interest and end of federal interference in southern affairs are the changes that occur in the North and in the federal government that caused it to abandon Reconstruction efforts. The Compromise of 1876 was the main factor that effectively ended the Reconstruction era. Southern Democrats' promises that they will protect civil and political rights of blacks were not be fulfilled, and the end of federal interference in southern affairs that leads to widespread disenfranchisement of blacks voters.

How is America changing in terms of demographics? Describe three examples.



Explanation: Any change in the population, for example in terms of average age, dependency ratios, life expectancy, family structures, birth rates etc.

Which was a legislation that was NOT enforced in the 1760s?
The Quartering Act
The Declaratory Act
The Intolerable Acts (a.k.a the Coercive Acts)
The Sugar Act



A) the quartering act


The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. If the barracks were too small to house all the soldiers, then localities were to accommodate the soldiers in local inns, livery stables, ale houses, victualling houses and the houses of sellers of wine.

Columbus and Spanish Exploration
What were Spain's goals for exploration and colonization in the New World? Check all of the boxes that
to find an Asian trade route
to discover gold
to make land claims
to establish a settlement at Roanoke
to spread Christianity
to drive out English colonists in South America



To find asian trade route

To spread Christianity

To Discover gold


These could be it, let me know if it isnt

What was the title given to lords who
controlled large areas of land in feudal
A. Daimyo
B. Emperor
C. Shogun
D. Peasant

I need help



The daimyos were large landowners and vassals of the shogun.


i know this only... sorry


1. Why do you think the United States and Europe wanted to open Asia up to international trade? What made Asia an ideal place for trade? Give two possible reasons. (5 pts.)


2. How do you think a desire for gold influenced Europeans' decisions during the scramble for Africa? (5 pts.)

3. Using the chart as a reference, explain one way in which increased international trade improved the standard of living for both Americans and Europeans. (5 pts.)

4. Imagine you are using the map and chart presented to gather information for a paper. What does the information on the map and chart suggest about the following?
American and European reasons for imperialism
The consequences of imperialism for Asia, Africa, or Latin America
The consequences of imperialism for the West (United States and Europe)
Write a paragraph of at least five sentences that covers all of the issues listed above. (15 points)



1.a. Asia had a lot of people which meant more money for them if they could open trading ports and such

b. Asia had things like gunpowder,silk,spices basically what is considered rare goods at the time

2. a desire for gold influence European decisions because they wanted more money

1. Asia has a lot of people which is beneficial in trading and opening ports. They had items like silk, spices, and gunpowder which were considered rare goods at the time.

2. Africa contained a lot of gold which was very valuable. Because of this, this led European monarchies to colonize African regions with the most gold.

3. Increased international trade greatly improved the standard of living for both Americans and Europeans because international trade increases the economy of a country as well as the economic condition of citizens. The better economic condition is, the purchasing power of people increases which results in the standard of living being improved.

4. American and European imperialism grew for economic, political, military reasons. Military power was important in imperialism. Economic imperialism would help the trade industry. Imperialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America brought modernization and resources but greatly destroyed cultures. Imperialism in America caused slavery-like conditions among the workforce.

Have a great day :)

What was the purpose of Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986?

to establish a timetable for the end of apartheid
to encourage the end of apartheid and the release of Mandela
to declare the US opposed to apartheid
to demand changes to apartheid-era trade



to encourage the end of apartheid and the release of Mandela



B: To encourage the end of apartheid and the release of Mandela.


What event did imperialism help cause in the early 1900’s? (explain)



Imperialism helped cause World War 1.


The expansion of European nations as empires (also known as imperialism) can be seen as a key cause of World War I, because as countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, it resulted in increased tensions among European countries

What was the relationship between
Austria-Hungary and Serbia PRIOR to the
start of World War I?
A. Both nations had an alliance with Russia.
B. They both belonged to the Central Powers
C. Austria-Hungary controlled the affairs of Serbia.
D. They both supported the assassination of Archduke



c. Austria-Hungary controlled the affairs of serbia

The answer is: Choice C. Austria-Hungary controlled the affairs of Serbia

Which are included in the five subfeilds of


Geography is mainly divided into five specific branches: Physical geography, Human geography, Cartography, Environmental geography and Regional Geography.

which individual would most likely have agreed that the actions taken by president roosevelt as when in the cartoon​



Most likely Republicans


2 Points

Which statement would the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato be most

likely to agree with?

O A. A country should be governed by one leader with absolute power

in order to maintain social stability.

O B. A country's leader should be allowed to remove those who speak

against him.

O C. A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of


O D. A country's laws should be derived from commonly held religious



The correct answer is C) A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of tyranny.

Which statement would the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato be most likely to agree with?


A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of tyranny.

Plato and Aristotle considered wisdom as a virtue that makes humans happy. For this to happen, humans have to trust and rely on their interior, not the exterior. That is why they opposed the kinds of laws that acted against the citizens. They never supported any form of tyranny.

These illustrious Greek philosophers were renowned for their concepts about the virtue of rulers and the different forms of government.

who did the Knights of labor help?


Answer: The Knights of Labor, founded in 1869, was the first major labor organization in the United States. The Knights organized unskilled and skilled workers, campaigned for an eight hour workday, and aspired to form a cooperative society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked

Explanation: https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/knights-of-labor

Mostly they helped shopkeepers, labourers, and farmers, skilled and unskilled.

What increased tension between the colonists and the British government in 1774?
A- passage of the Townshend Acts
B- passage of the Stamp Act
C-passage of the Quartering Act
D-passage of the Intolerable Acts



option D


The passing of the Intolerable Acts increased the tension between the colonists and the British government in 1774. These laws were passed by the British parliament after the Boston Tea Party.

Texto argumentativo sobre la independencia del Peru en el 1821 teniendo en cuenta la siguiente estructura:tesis cuerpo y conclucion


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.


El Perú independiente, fue el resultado de la lucha de hombres valientes.


Bajo el dominio de la monarquía española, la región de Perú era controlada por una oligarquía. Aproximadamente ese periodo empezó en 1895 y su máxima influencia se ejerció por ahí de 1919.

Un pequeño grupo de dueños de empresas financieras y de minería controlaba la economía del país, pero los peruanos eran pobres.

Esas características de la Republica Aristocrática afectaron directamente el movimiento independentista del Perú, a manos de valientes hombres peruanos que estuvieron dispuestos a dar sus vidas con tal de liberar al Perú de las manos de la monarquía española y la aristocracia imperante.

Periodos de constante lucha y derramamiento de sangre, antecedieron a ese momento histórico cuando los Notables firman el Acta de Independencia en el Cabildo Abierto el 15 de julio de 1821.

Más y más ciudadanos se fueron reuniendo para firmar el documento, y para el 28 de julio de 1821, el General José de San Martín hizo la proclamación oficial de la Independencia del Perú, ante la algarabía de los presentes en la Plaza Mayor de Lima.


Todo movimiento de independencia se gana en el campo de batalla, y Perú no fue la excepción. Valerosos hombres y mujeres dieron su vida para conseguir el anhelado deseo de independencia y libertad, grito del pueblo peruano que defendía sus tierras.

Hoy en día, se honra la lucha y el sacrificio de tantas vidas que perecieron para conseguir la libertad que hoy gozamos.

At which point in life did Anabaptists believe a person should be baptized?

when they reach adulthood
as young as possible
only when converting from another faith
at least twice in their lives



As young as possible.


Anabaptists typically baptized babys in their first week.

Arabs who live in North Africa trace their ancestry to which geographic region? A. Sub-Saharan Africa B. The Middle East C. Europe D. South Asia​



I think it's B the middle east


B! the middle east

Can someone help me pls



the first goes with the 1


ਮਨੁੱਖੀ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਨ ਕੀ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ?



ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ 'ਤੇ ਮਨੁੱਖੀ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਵ ਜਾਂ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ 'ਤੇ ਮਾਨਵ-ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਵ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੈਵਿਕ ਭੌਤਿਕ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ ਪ੍ਰਣਾਲੀਆਂ, ਜੈਵ ਵਿਭਿੰਨਤਾ, ਅਤੇ ਸਿੱਧੇ ਜਾਂ ਅਸਿੱਧੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਹੋਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਸਰੋਤਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਤਬਦੀਲੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹਨ।

Answer: This is Punjabi.

Explanation: I study Hindi and Punjabi.

How did the idea of anti Semitic change in the 19th century



Anti-Semitism was first used by German scholars in 1873 to describe hatred against Jews. Many of the main figures in history made anti-Jewish remarks and a kind of caution and suspicion towards Jews was less than subordinate to most of the story, as some say until they took over the media, especially in the United States with the advent of television around 1970. Accusations against Jews have ranged from black death to the country and anti-Christian propaganda to alluding to communism and its heinous crimes and to organized crime. Nazism was a political policy based on anti-Semitism and aimed at the extermination of Jews. The Holocaust was an organized attempt to implement that policy.

25 points!! Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The federal government can control states in matters of 1[blank] or 2[blank] .

intrest commerce
individual rights


Answer:1st taxation

2nd education


Did the mastery test on Plato 100%

All of the following were achievements of Theodore Roosevelt's
preſidency EXCEPT: *
O A. Conservationism
B. Food production reform
O C. antitrust policies
O D. isolationism



D. isolationism


Isolation is a policy of remaining apart from the affairs of other countries, especially the political affairs of other countries.

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