4. How does untouchability weaken our country?


Answer 1


Any discrimination based on caste is a punishable act, but hardly anyone is afraid as upper caste people openly defy the law. It is obvious that the state appears apathetic to implement the anti-caste law seriously. Emancipation of Dalits has remained confined within slogans only. Political leaders raise this issue now and then and draw attention of Dalits to win elections, but renege on their promises after winning the election. It makes them feel weaker because of this superstitions which is so called "Untouchability" and because of Untouchability our country is becoming weaker day by day.

Hope this helps..

Related Questions

According to Durkheim,————
was a key feature of preindustrial societies while————-
was a key feature of industrial societies.



According to Durkheim, mechanical solidarity was a key feature of preindustrial societies while organic solidarity was a key feature of industrial societies

Which of the following is an assumption of command economies?
A. The means of production will be privately owned.
B. Wealth and resources will be equally distributed.
C. The government's economic role will be minimal.
D. Transactions will be voluntary on both the part of the buyer and the seller.




The cell of all organisms are enclosed by an


The cell of all organisms are enclosed by a Cell wall.
The cell wall or stink wall

The speculative demand for holding money is when people hold money:
Group of answer choices

a: to take advantage of changes in interest rates.

b: as insurance against unexpected needs.

c: to transact purchases they expect to make.

d: to speculate in the stock market.

e: instead of near money.



a: to take advantage of changes in interest rates.


In economics or financial accounting, money can be defined as any asset used by an individual or business entity to make purchases of goods and services at a specific period of time.

Simply stated, money refers to any asset which can be used to purchase goods and services by customers.

This ultimately implies that, money is any recognized economic unit that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and services, as well as repayment of debts such as loans, taxes across the world.

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist born on the 5th of June, 1883 in Cambridge, England. He was famous for his brilliant ideas on government economic policy and macroeconomics which is known as the Keynesian theory. He later died on the 23rd of April, 1946 in Sussex, England.

According to John Maynard Keynes, the three (3) desires governing the need for money are;

I. Transactions demand.

II. Precautionary demand.

III. Speculative demand.

In Keynesian economics, speculative demand for money can be defined as a desire or need to hold money for the sole purpose of investing it in assets other than those necessary for living.

This ultimately implies that, the speculative demand for holding money is when people hold money to take advantage of changes in interest rates while waiting for better market conditions.

Briefly summarize the arguments for and against animal experimentation?





1. Animals have always been used for experiments that are considered dangerous for humans, e.g lab rats.

This is necessary as some procedures are considered too dangerous for a human to undergo, and therefore, an animal is used to test the process.

2. Animals cannot talk, therefore, have no rights.

Animals, though living, do not have and enjoy the same rights that humans do according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This makes it possible to subject them to experiments because no rights are being infringed upon.


1. It is unethical and inhumane to use animals for experiments

Animals have feelings and as such should not be used for unsafe experiments. The practise is inhuman and unethical as it is done without the consent of the animal.

2. Animals are living things and so they have rights.

Animals are living and such should be considered to have rights just as humans do and it would be wrong for any scientist to get any animal of his choice to perform experiments.

Land, labour and………. are the factors of production - a)Physical capital
b). Working capital
c) capital​





because the factors of production as follow

land,labour and capital

if there were no hills in nepal,the rainfall would not occur and nepal would remain like desert​



due to high pressure Nepal get rain


Nepal gets more rain due to high pressure.

Summer Monsoon Rainfall is variability from the months of June to September over Nepal that is moisture carried with eastern arm of low pressure during Northeastern India.

Over the Nepal Himalaya, greater rainfall is central-eastern part with the most aspects to the high. Western part of country receives more rain than the east.

Which of the following best describes Benin's relationship with the slave trade?
A. Benin never fully committed to the slave trade, which led to its fall
B. Benin was one of the earliest adopters of the slave trade which helped it rise to prominence
C. Benin did not fully commit to the slave trade until later in its history
D. Benin never fully committed to the slave trade, which allowed it to survive longer than most other kingdoms



letter D .


Benin never fully committed to the slave trade, which allowed it to survive longer than most other kingdoms

The correct answer is D. Benin never fully committed to the slave trade, which allowed it to survive longer than most other kingdoms.

What is the slave trade?In the fifteenth century, Portugal evolved into the first European nation to carry a considerable part in African slave trading. The Portuguese especially acquired slaves for struggle on Atlantic African island plantations, and the latest for farms in Brazil and the Caribbean, though they also sent a smallish number to Europe.For better than 2,000 years people in numerous different parts of the world have moved their fellow humans into slavery. Between about 1500 and 1900, Europeans forcibly uprooted millions of individuals from throughout West Africa and West Central Africa and dispatched them across the Atlantic in circumstances of great cruelty.

To learn more about slave trade, refer to:



How did industrial development help to create big towns and cities​



Industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. ... This creates even more jobs and demands for housing, thus establishing an urban area.

mention the importance of federalism​


Answer:Federalism, and other forms of territorial autonomy, is generally seen as a useful way to structure political systems in order to prevent violence among different groups within countries because it allows certain groups to legislate at the subnational level.


what was the role played by Rajendra laxmi during the unification campaign

long answer please​



Queen Regent Rajendra Rajya Lakshmi repelled the combined attacks of the Chaubise kings, and expanded Nepal's borders up to Kali Gandaki. She is viewed as an able administrator who extended King Prithvi Narayan Shah's military campaign.

How do you behave with the people of other traditions than that of yours?



understand and respect to them


when we associate people from different traditions, we can see clear difference.  first of all we should understand respect to their tradition. better relationship can be build by better understanding and respect toward them. we need to understand that they have some different ideas than we do. therefore actions should be taken to minimize conflicts of opinions

what do u mean my religious rituals?​


I think this help you A religious ritual is any repetitive and patterned behavior that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom, often with the intention of communicating with a deity or supernatural power.

she is Absolutely right

What is the importance of the Rosetta Stone?
A. It had the basis of the Egyptian religion inscribed on it
B. It provided Ancient Egyptians with agricultural and tool making advice from earlier era
C. It allowed Ancient Egyptians to communicate with their trading neighbors
D. It allowed modern linguists decipher the Egyptian language




What are the function of molars and premolars teeth (And give me a correct answer)


Unlike your incisors and canines, premolars have a flat biting surface. You have eight premolars in total. Molars - Your molars are your largest teeth. Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food.

Name a company that seems large but might be classified as small because it has relatively little impact on its industry.



Name a company that seems large but might be classified as small because it has relatively little impact on its industry.

The Motors T, Inc. Despite having sales that exceed $200–300 million annually, they barely make any impact on the economy. They appear to be a huge corporation but are actually considered little because they have little impact on their industry.

Which companies can be classified as small-size companies?

The number of workers in the manufacturing sector is used to calculate as an indicator. A legal entity that has the authority to conduct business on its own, such as the ability to sign contracts, own property, amass debts, and open bank accounts, is said to have an enterprise.

According to their size, businesses can be categorized into a variety of groups; the most common criterion used for this is the number of employees. Less than 250 individuals work for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

SMEs are further split into micro enterprises (less than 10) small enterprises (between 10 and 49), and medium-sized enterprises (between 50 and 99 people) (50 to 249 employees). 250 or more workers are employed by large businesses.

Learn more about Small size companies, from:



In psychoanalysis, June's therapist suggests that she is taking her unconscious childhood anger at her father out on her husband by picking silly fights with him. June starts crying and says that her therapist is the only man who has ever really understood her. In this example, the therapist suggested that June was engaging in the defense mechanism of _____ and June's reaction illustrates _____. Group of answer choices reaction formation; displacement projection; transference repression; displacement displacement; transference



1. projection;

2. transference


Considering the situation that was described above, it is apparent that the therapist suggested that June was engaging in the defense mechanism of PROJECTION and June's reaction illustrates TRANSFERRENCE.

This is because Projection in psychoanalysis is a form of defense mechanism whereby disliked feelings and characteristics towards an individual are disputed and attributed to another person.

Also, given that Transferrence is a psychoanalytic issue, whereby feelings individuals had in past, usually common during childhood towards their parents, are in a way transferred to the present situation.

In this case, June was transferring her projected dislike feelings and characteristics she has for her father towards her husband unconsciously

You send a team of observers and station one at each machine in your plant. The machinist believes they are studying productivity, while actually they are measuring social interaction between the machinists in order to determine the natural leader. This is an example of



Partial concealment


The types of psychological measures. It includes;

1. Observational methods

2. Physiological measures

3. self-report measures

4. archival methods

Observational Methods

This is simply said to be an approach that is used to measure behavior of humans and non-humans and it is said to measures based on direct observation. Researchers usses different means of where and how to measure behavior through the use of observations.

Concealed Measurement

This is simply the use of hidden tools such as a recording device that is hidden so as to eavesdrops on conversations of people.

Disguised observation

This is simply a form of observation where an individual observes people's behavior without their knowledge. This form of observation raises some ethical issues as it violate privacy of people and their rights to decide whether they want to participate in research that is informed consent.

Partial concealment strategy

This is simply the act of informing people or subject to know that they are being observed, but not telling them the full information about which precise aspects are being recorded or sorted.

It is also defined as a observation strategy where the researcher withhold only who or what is being observed or some vital information.

Having good form means expending just the right amount of energy during a sport or activity. Think about the sport you chose. Give an example of how poor form can use too much of your energy during the activity. What happens when that energy is gone


Answer: An example is football, when footballers experience poor form, most times due to injury or weight gain, they become lethargic


Poor form can be frustrating, you put in much energy but little or no result to show. An example is football, when footballers experience poor form, most times due to injury or weight gain, they become lethargic, they put in much energy but are still slow. They'll need to do more exercise or improve game plan to boast their game and in turn convert energy to gain.


One example of poor form in long-distance running is dropping a hip and rocking side to side as you run. A person’s hips carry a lot of the body’s weight. It takes energy to move them. The goal of running is to move forward. If your hips are going dropping or rocking side to side, that is energy that could be used to move yourself forward. It’s wasted energy. If you use up that energy, you’ll get tired a lot quicker.



define energy and write its importance​



the capacity for doing work is known as ENERGY


Energy is so important in our daily lives because it is a basic human need. We use energy to not only heat our human-made structures but we use it to cool them as well. Energy is necessary for getting up out of bed, walking down the street, or even lifting your finger


Energy is the ability to do work.

The importance of energy are:

It is used in lights and appliances.

It is used in machine to run it, vehicles to fly, and boats to sail.

We get solar energy from the sunlight and sun which can help us to produce electricity.

We can use energy for transportation, garbage collection, agriculture and communication in societies.

hope it help you.

The west (Describe facts and details about the Northeast that make it different or unique.) (Name of a cultural landmark in the Northeast.) (Explain why this landmark is important to the Northeast.)

i neeed helpppp


Answer: (Interesting Facts about the States in the West Region: This region has both the least populous state in the United States, which is Wyoming, and the most populous U.S. State, California. The West Region has numerous large cities. In fact the second largest city in the U.S., which is Los Angeles, is located there..)


Cultural landmark - (A cultural landmark in the West is the  Hoover Dam in Nevada.)

Why this landmark is important to the west - (The  Hoover Dam in Nevada is important to the West because it is the most famous landmark in Nevada and because of its size and because it supplies so much water to Nevada some men made it fall off.)

what are the means of electricity​



a form of energy resulting from the existence of changed particles(such as electron's or protons), either statically as an accumulation of change or dynamically as a current.


( power) (electric power) (energy) (current) (static)

He _all his past bitter experiences. (had forgotten/has forgotten)​


He has forgotten all his past ......... experience

कस्ता कस्ता पदर्थलाई लागू पदर्थ भानिन्छ?

What kinds of substances are called drugs ?

Plz try to answer in nepali if possible​


Those substances or medicines which are used without taking consultant or prescription of any doctor or medical expert or pharmacist, just for personal enjoyment or relaxation are called drugs.

Drugs are medicine but used not for any medicinal purposes.

You can copy this and translate in Nepali

What district is union city nj in



New Jersey


I hope this will help you if it's incorrect so sorry:-(


3912 Bergen Turnpike

Union City, NJ 07087

Need help with this question




a. condenses and evaporates

b. vapour

c. water

A: Evaporates, Vapour
B: Condenses
C: Water

roles of foreign employment in nepal.explain




The importance of foreign employment in Nepal can be stated as below: It has reduced the problems of unemployment. It has earned remittance. It has increased the national income and thus investment.

how can individual make an effort to prevent pollution?



Some easy things you can do are


using reusable bags for shopping

turning off lights when you leave the room etc

Several days into the study, some of the students in the math-based reading program were getting frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher. The students wanted to see the story in the books progress quickly, and they began acting out. The teacher decided it was best to either let these students join the control reading program or to try reading on their own in a different part of the classroom. Thus these students no longer participated in the math-based reading program. The researchers found that students in the math-based reading program performed much better on the PICO post-test than students in the control reading program. Which internal validity threat is most likely occurring in this scenario



The internal validity threat that is most likely occurring in this scenario is:

Selection threat.


Selection threat or bias results from how groups were selected for the test, especially when the different groups were not comparable before the study.  For example, some of the students were frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher.  They wanted quick progress, and as a result, started acting out.  Grouping these students together as a control group creates a threat called a selection bias or selection threat.  It shows that any other factor (reading on their own and no participation in the math-based reading program) than the reading program leads to the post-test differences between the groups.

Identify two scenarios from your life in which you had to break a promise and tell a lie, respectively. Apply each ethical theory to your two examples to explain how each theory would justify the action (of breaking a promise and telling a lie). When finished with the assignment, every category box should be filled-in. Lastly, answer the three short answer questions at the bottom of this template. Be sure to cite pertinent course materials in APA format to support your knowledge of these theories.



Break a Promise:

I had to break a promise when my two mutual friends were fighting with each other over their car damage. Each one was thinking that other had damaged intentionally. I had to break a promise that It was due to an accident and nothing was done intentionally but the other has promised me not to tell you before he repairs the car. I had to break the promise with my one of friends to end up their fight.

Tell a Lie:

I never tell a lie and always believe in speaking truth. There was a situation where I had to tell a lie to my cousin who was in hospital and doctors informed me that he is at last stage of cancer and there are very few chances for his survival. I lied him saying that he is at initial stage and proper treatment can free him from this deadly disease to keep him motivated to live.  


Telling a lie or breaking a promise is only acceptable in utilitarian ethics, where there is good for everyone. A person can lie to someone if he believes that speaking truth may create problems.

Other Questions
A marina is in the shape of a coordinate grid. Boat A is docked at (2.4, -3) and Boat B is docked at (-3.4, -3). The boats are ___ units apart.A 5.8 B 6.4 C 8.8 D 9.4 Please give me the name of 13 district of province no 3 complete by using the distributive property (y+3)(y+3)(y+3) 5 complete examples of fragments Adam can clean a room in 3 hours. If his sister Maria helps, they can clean it in 2 2/5 hours. How long will it take Maria to do the job alone? . Write programming code in C++ for school-based grading system To arrive at a diagnosis, Dr. Feng first interviews Lisa and then examines her. If Dr. Feng is still unable to reach a diagnosis, which is she most likely to do next?examine family membersorder blood testsadminister a vaccineprescribe antibiotics defina causa inmediata (primera guerra mundial) A ball is dropped from a height of 14 ft. The elasticity of the ball is such that it always bounces up one-third the distance it has fallen. (a) Find the total distance the ball has traveled at the instant it hits the ground the fourth time. (Enter an exact number.) A new member of your team is visually impaired. He's having a hard time reading his computer screen. How can you show that you value diversity? a) Suggest the organization may not be a great fit. O b) Tell him to apply for a different job within the organization that does not b) require computer usage. 12 Od Tell him that he might want to schedule an eye exam. c) d) Provide access to technology that can magnify or read what is on the computer screen. trends in SupremeCourt rulings from the1960s and 1970sNarrowinterpretation ofthe Constitution?Election ofRonald ReaganWhich of the following best completes the diagram above?O A. Popularity of affirmative actionB. Congressional gridlock over the federal budgetO C. Appointment of Antonin ScaliaD. Revival of the women's rights movement 7. Describe the difference between a command, a market, and a mixed economy. (3 points) 8/11 - Applying the Distributive Property1. What is the simplest expression equivalent to 5(2x - 13) ? 3. Which word phrase can be used to represent the algebraic expression 4(21+ n)? (2 point) 4 plus the sumn of 21 and a number O4 times the product of 21 and a number ne the sum of 21 and a number x 4 less than the sum of 21 and a number : O4 time the write the expression as a decimal , 6 x 1 + 9 x 1/10 + 8 x 1/100 + 6 x 1/1000 =__ write a memo finding job aMany criminals escape from (A) theritthehands of law (B) due to lack of (C)evidence to their crime. (D). The management of a large airline wants to estimate the average time after takeoff taken before the crew begins serving snacks and beverages on their flights. Assuming that management has easy access to all of the information that would be required to select flights by each proposed method, which of the following would be reasonable methods of stratified sampling?a. For each day of the week, randomly select 5% of all flights that depart on that day of the week. b. Divide all flights into the following 4 groups on the basis of scheduled departure time: before 9:00 am 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and after 5:00 pm. Randomly select 5% of the flights in each group. c. For each crew member the airline employs, randomly select 5 flights that the crew member works. d. Divide the airports from which the airline's fights depart into 4 regions: Northeast, Northwest Southwest and Southeast. Randomly select 5% of all flights departing from airports in each region Din tch xung quanh ca hnh chp t gic u c cnh bng 6cm v di trung on bng 10cm l:A. 120 cm2 B. 240 cm2 C. 180 cm2 D. 60 cm2 what is the relation between centre of gravity and stability