4 points
After the Civil War, serious differences between Congress and President
Andrew Johnson about how to handle Reconstruction led to the... *
O resignation of President Johnson
impeachment of President Johnson
election of a Democratic President
end of the Ku Klux Klan


Answer 1

Answer:Impeachment of President Johnson


Answer 2
It led to the impeachment of President Johnson

Related Questions

who is the founder of Abuko Nature Reserve​


Um not sure let me ask my cousin

The picture shows workers at a logging camp in 1917.
Unions most likely helped these workers negotiate
o better pay and improved living conditions.
O better pay for longer work days.
O shorter work days for lower pay.
longer work days and better living conditions.



better pay and leaving conditions.


The answer is the first option, Better pay and living conditions.


Everyone in the world would like better pay, even better no-one would want to live in a wooden shack will over 50 people cramped in. so thats also a reason why they would want better living conditions.

Please mark me as brainliest if this helped

Uprisings by Nat Turner and Gabriel contributed to Southern states' decisions to a. pass harsh slave laws. b.accept the Missouri Compromise. c. enact Jim Crow laws. d. support the passage of higher tariffs


Answer: A


They wanted harsher laws so that the slaves would be afraid to rise again.

I think its A maybe im not sure

¿ Cuales territorios
eran ambicionados por las
Potencias europeas en los Balcanes?



I'm sorry need to answer for points


tHank you

tell me about the holocaust



The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.

Hope This helps :)

cuales son las caracteristicas de la La creación del universo de Nicolás Schuff



Is this in a diffrent languge?


What two countries did General
Douglas MacArthur want to drop atomic
bombs on?
A. China and the USSR
B. Japan and North Korea
C. Vietnam and South Korea
D. South Korea and North Korea





So I belive he wanted to bomb China and North Korea but there is no answer to that however, he did want to bomb the Korean peninsula in general so d is your best option because firstly B and C are ridiculous answers (because neither Japan nor Vietnam were involved) and bombing the Ussr would be a dangerous move (since they had access to atomic bombs by that point, which they first got in 1949 and the Korean War happened in 1950-1953) so in conclusion d is your best option.

Answer: a

Explanation- I just got it right

12. Which of the follow people captured Santa Ama at wanneed the wheperere of Texas?

Stephen Kearny

Zachary Taylor

Sam Houston

Stephen Austin


13. John Drake Sloat raised the American flag in Monterey and San Francisco because:

A. he was acting under orders from General Taylor.

B. he heard about the Bear Flag Revolt.

C. he did not want England to capture the ports first.

D. Governor Micheltorena had been captured.



Zachary Taylor,  Governor Micheltorena had been captured.


hope it helps

A primary goal of the progressive movement during the early 1900s was to



The major goals of the progressives were to promote the ides of morality, economic reform , efficiency and social welfare.


Why did Spain create missions in the colonies?

to create forced labor using American Indians
to adapt to American Indian traditions
to assimilate American Indians
to return land to American Indians



C. To assimilate native Americans


- Todo ❤️️‍


To assimilate with a group is to practically force them to be a part of your religion or customs and completely forget theirs




To assimilate American Indians

How were American Indians treated during the early nineteenth century?
o They helped the exploration of the West in exchange for representation in Congress.
O They had lands taken and were kept from having rights as citizens.
O They were awarded large tracts of land to farm and grow corn.
O They started wars against the Spanish and British and were imprisoned.



They had land taken and were kept from having right as citizens

10) Select THREE reasons why the Abbasid Caliphate was the Golden Age of the Islamic Empire.
The Abbasids preserved Islam by turning back the Mongol invasion.
There was an extended period of peace.
The Abbasids protected non-Arab peoples.
The Abbasids released every slave.
Doctors, scholars, and legal and religious experts advanced the arts and sciences.
The caliph acted more like a king and worked with a vizier.



Siege on Baghdad by the Mongols led by Hulagu Khan ... Like the Umayyad Caliphate before it, the leader of the Abbasids was called the caliph. ... The Abbasid Caliphate had two major periods. ... The Abbasid Caliphate ruled over a large empire that included the Middle ... It is often referred to as the Golden Age of Islam.


Why do you think it was difficult for the United States to expand west? Be specific and include two examples.


It would be difficult for the United States for two reasons, the fact that none of the land was mapped other than the areas that previous voyagers had gone through, and the natural landscape of the area, and last, Native American Hostility.

Three examples: When pioneers would voyage to the west, there would often be encounters were they would be attacked by animals that had not been seen before, bears, sneaks, different wolves, and many more. They barely knew the natural resources of the area, such as food, etc.

The next example, no mapping, would be difficult because for the most part, they had no sense of navigation except for the few maps that had been made, even then, would be difficult to navigate.

Native Americans did not appreciate the pioneers coming into the land they considered their own, they resembled hostility and would even kill the civilians that would travel through the land, or capture them.

Hope this helps!! <3

What is Turing's philosophy on why people like violence?



It is because it feels good .Humans find violence deeply satisfying .But remove the satisfaction ,and the act becomes hollow.


What if protest doesn’t work what we can do??



Protests sometimes look like failures in the short term, but much of the power of protests is in their long-term effects, on both the protesters themselves and the rest of society.


Go to different places and ask for help to promote the stuff your doing

what even caused the boston tea party



Many factors including “taxation without representation,” the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act, and the 1773 Tea Act. ... Additionally, colonists believed Parliament did not have the right to tax them because the American colonies were not represented in Parliament.

Answer:high taxes


Read the quotation written by Martin Luther in 1517.

Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally d*mned, together with their teachers.

This quotation was part of which document?

the Book of Common Prayer
the Edict of Worms
the Institute of the Christian Religion
the Ninety-Five Theses


the institute of the christian religion


the institute of the christian religion


i took the quiz

which of the following laws where the earliest written laws in history



The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi expanded the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River to unite all of southern Mesopotamia.

Are emoticons ruining language or are they revolutionizing
it? Explain



Emoticons and symbols aren't ruining language – they're revolutionizing it.


In many casual discussions of language and the internet, it’s not uncommon to hear about how such “textspeak ruins language” – how technology has made everybody lazy with their speech and writing. Major media outlets such as the LA Times, the BBC and The Daily Mail have all bemoaned the ways in which people communicate through technology.

Hope it helps... >3!

Which statement about the post war goals of Allied
leaders is supported by Source 3?
Allied leaders forced Japan to create a
communist system of government,
Allied leaders sought to prevent the economic
recovery of Japan
Allied leaders planned to make Japan into a
Allied leaders wanted Japan to disarm,


C because jawns was weird at the time

Please help i need a complete answer
In your opinion can science and religion coexist? Religion is based on faith, science on reason/proof? Are they in conflict? Cite to be a religious story/idea that seems to be against science.




I don't think they are in conflict. Not when you talk about behavior which people really tend to ignore when they get into this quagmire the question represents.

I have a degree in physics, and I go to church at least twice a week if I can make it. Sometimes my health gives me problems.

Worse yet in the spirit of the question, I study with the Jehovah's Witnesses.  So you might think that disqualifies me. I'm going to offer you something anyway.

So let's start with behavior. The old Testament is composed among other things of 613 laws that must be obeyed. Of course no one can do it. But there are certain fundamental laws that can be stated and those can be followed without question.  Or we can try to follow them.

The first 4 talk about how we are to treat God. The second 6 deal with how we ought to behave. In our behavior, these 10 laws represent the axioms of religious law in the old Testament. Notice I used the word axioms. That's the same word the Greeks used when they enunciated their geometric findings. These principles (there are only 5) can only be accepted. They cannot be proved. Sound familiar? It should.  

I have only presented you with these few thoughts because the question you ask leads all over the map. People who reject truth no matter what the source are defiling what is best in humanity. Try to accept what each branch of knowledge does.

It looks like I really didn't offer you any answer to what you are after. I choose not to. It's a biased question and I think the answer goes much deeper than slinging mud from one side by the other.  I think we must coexist as best we can listening to the strengths we find wherever we look. Anything else leads to hatred, and that is never something I will do.

the federal government can control states in matters of



one way that the federal government can influence the states is through the distribution of grants, incentives, and aid. State and local governments are eager to obtain federal dollars, but many of those dollars come with strings attached.


Cuál es la diferencia entre ayuda humanitaria y la ONU



La ayuda Humanitaria es por lo general en comun por cualquier medio,

Mientras el ONU es una organizacion mundial que ayuda a todos a la paz la salud y seguridad y hasta tiene poder


En las misiones franciscanas de la Sierra Gorda hay unas pinturas que representan la vida de los pueblos indígenas. ¿Cuáles son los dibujos que tienen estas pinturas?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

En las misiones franciscanas de la Sierra Gorda hay unas pinturas que representan la vida de los pueblos indígenas. ¿Cuáles son los dibujos que tienen estas pinturas?

Los dibujos que representan la vida los indígenas mesoamericanos de la época de la colonización están localizados en las diferentes misiones o iglesias que construyeron los frailes franciscanos durante su misión evangelizadora por los territorios de la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro, en México.

Particularmente, estamos hablando de las misiones construidas por Junípero Serra a partir de 1751, hasta concluir la última en 1766.

Ante la resistencia de los indígenas por aceptar las enseñanzas de la religión Católica, Serra tuvo la gran idea de combinar elementos indígenas en la facha de las iglesias y en las pinturas del interior, con objeto de llamar la atención de los indígenas y que pusieran menor resistencia a la evangelización. Es por eso que existen esa combinación de elementos como el maíz, las flores y plantas de la región en esas pinturas y dibujos.

Las misiones construidas bajo el mando de Junípero Serra son Landa, Tancoyol, Jalpan, Concá, y Tilaco.

En la combencion durante la rebulucion francesa los diferentes grupos coincidian que el ciestema debia tan cual estaba


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, la redacción de tu oración es muy confusa. Además, sólo es una oración, olvidaste incluir la pregunta.

Podemos rescribir la oración para que se pueda entender mejor, y sería la siguiente:

En la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Ahora, con respecto a la pregunta, creemos que se trata de una pregunta de verdadero o falso. Si es así, entonces la respuesta sería "falso."

Es falso que en la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Y decimos que es falso porque precisamente sucedió todo lo contrario. Durante la convención, la gente exigió mejores condiciones de vida y una sociedad más igualitaria. Recordemos que esta Convención Nacional fue la que caracterizó a la Primera República Francesa. La asamblea constituyente se convocó en 1792 para redactar una nueva Constitución que incluiría novedosos conceptos democráticos como el derecho al voto, a un digno trabajo y a una mejor educación.

Fill in the table by describing the given events, civilizations, people, and places from the early Middle Ages
(use one to four sentences). Your responses should briefly define or explain each term in your own words,
B IV x' x, Font Sizes AA E) E 3m
Western Roman Empire
Prince Shotoku
Yellow Turbans
feudal Japan
Thomas Aquinas
Empress Wu Zetian



Western Roman Empire - The Western Part of the Empire that fell to the Germanic Invasions, and whose fall gave start to the Middle Ages.

Prince Shotoku - An important Japanese noble who served during the Japanese feudal era, and who had a cult following.

Crusades - a series of holy wars between Christian Europe and Muslim Middle East for the control and rule over the Holy Land.

Yellow Turbans - a peasant rebellion in ancient China against the Han dynasty, that even if supressed, resulted in the weakening of the Han, and the beginning of a period of political instability in China.

feudal Japan - the economic and geographical organization prevalent in Japan during the Middle Ages and until the Meiji Restoration.

Jerusalem - the holiest city for Christianity and Judaism, and also one of the holy cities of Islam. For this reason, this city is of great political importance.

Thomas Aquinas - perhaps the most important philosopher of the Middle Ages, developed a systematic understand of theology and religion in his most famous work, Summa Theologica.

Constantinople - the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the sucessor of the Eastern Roman Empire. The most important, populated, and wealthiest city in Europe during all of the Middle Ages.

Saxons - a Germanic people from what is now Denmark who emigrated in large numbers to Britain and established kingdoms there.

Constantine - the Roman Emperor who established Christianity as the official religion of the Empire, and who moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople.

Empress Wu Zetian - the only Empress in the history of China, who interrupted briefly the rule of the Tang dynasty.

Visigoths - a germanic people who emigrated to what is now Spain and Portugal, and settled there, ruling Iberia for over 100 years until the Muslim invasion.


Western Roman Empire - The Western Part of the Empire that fell to the Germanic Invasions, and whose fall gave start to the Middle Ages.

Prince Shotoku - An important Japanese noble who served during the Japanese feudal era, and who had a cult following.

Crusades - a series of holy wars between Christian Europe and Muslim Middle East for the control and rule over the Holy Land.

Yellow Turbans - a peasant rebellion in ancient China against the Han dynasty, that even if supressed, resulted in the weakening of the Han, and the beginning of a period of political instability in China.

feudal Japan - the economic and geographical organization prevalent in Japan during the Middle Ages and until the Meiji Restoration.

Jerusalem - the holiest city for Christianity and Judaism, and also one of the holy cities of Islam. For this reason, this city is of great political importance.

Thomas Aquinas - perhaps the most important philosopher of the Middle Ages, developed a systematic understand of theology and religion in his most famous work, Summa Theologica.

Constantinople - the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the sucessor of the Eastern Roman Empire. The most important, populated, and wealthiest city in Europe during all of the Middle Ages.

Saxons - a Germanic people from what is now Denmark who emigrated in large numbers to Britain and established kingdoms there.

Constantine - the Roman Emperor who established Christianity as the official religion of the Empire, and who moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople.

Empress Wu Zetian - the only Empress in the history of China, who interrupted briefly the rule of the Tang dynasty.

Visigoths - a germanic people who emigrated to what is now Spain and Portugal, and settled there, ruling Iberia for over 100 years until the Muslim invasion.

how was japans rise to nationalism different from germanys



japan's rise was that of a militaristic group rather than an individual seizing power. There is no over riding leader like Hitler or Stalin.


The Japanese, after Admiral Perry compelled them to open their nation to wider international trade, strove to modernize their country as quickly as possible. There was much social turmoil.

In the process the Japanese military rose to power through intimidation. They also had success in colonizing Korea and Manchuria.

In the 1930s they began to take over large parts of the Japanese mainland by military force. The colonization was success but it also led to conflict with the USA.

The Japanese Emperor was often in fear of his life and more compelled to co-operate than willing participant. The government was a Junta rather than an individual.

⇒Hoped this helped :3

What does the presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare?



The happening of war with Germans.


The presence of the body of the German soldier in the trench suggest about trench warfare that in these trenches, German soldiers are present to defend their front lines and save themselves from machineguns and the attack of fighter planes. This trench warfare has a great importance and very important method which was used to defend their lines against enemies so the dead body shows the happening of war with Germans.

when and where was the first world war?​



Where was the first world war?​

The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

When was the first world war?​

After 1945, historians found the term "First World War" appropriate because they saw 1914-1918 as the first of a particular type of international conflict - the world's first industrialised "total" war - which had been followed by a second industrialised world war of this kind - 1939-1945.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Cold War? *
1 poin
a. The USSR was upset the US did not recognize it as an independent country after the
Bolshevik Revolution.
b. The USSR was angry the US did not enter World War 2 sooner.
c. The US wanted to prevent the USSR from spreading communism.
d. The US was upset the USSR did not pay reparations when WW2 ended.



The answer is B


B is the right answer
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