4. Which statement is true of all biotic factors?
A. They are alive
B. They are renewable.
C. They use photosynthesis.
D. They use chemosynthesis.


Answer 1


option a


Answer 2


The answer is A


Biotic factors are living organisms in the ecosystem.Examples are animals,birds,fungi

Related Questions

•. otal genomic structure of an organism inherited from parents is known as -
a) Gene
b) Allele
c) Phenotype
d) Genotype​


I think the answer is a sorry if I get it wrong

Z 00m 336"083"2553 (wZE2XQ)​



Prepare a collage of tools and equipment used in production of any one agricultural crop, from seed or planting through packaging of the produce



i think


The bacterium Methylophilus methylotrophus can use methanol and ammonia for protein synthesis. The glutamate dehydrogenase gene from E. coli was introduced into M. methylotrophus using recombinant DNA techniques. Under high ammonia conditions, the introduction of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene into M. methylotrophus resulted in an increase in protein yield. Select the statements that are reasonable explanations for the increased protein yield in the modified M. methylotrophus. Glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzes the formation of glutamate and glutamine in a two-step process. Both glutamate and glutamine play a key role in amino acid synthesis, thus an increase in levels of glutamate and glutamine increase protein synthesis. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH^+_4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH^+_4, when the concentration of NH^+_4 is high. Glutamate dehydrogenase has a high affinity for NH^+_4, thus the rate of glutamate synthesis increases exponentially under high ammonia conditions. Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.



- Glutamate dehydrogenase has a low affinity for NH+4, and can only catalyze the formation of glutamate from alpha-ketoglutarate and NH+4, when the concentration of NH+4 is high.  

- Glutamate is the amino group donor for most transamination reactions involving amino acids, thus an increase in glutamate concentration increases protein synthesis.


Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) is an enzyme found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, which is known to catalyze the reversible oxidative deamination of glutamate (Glu) to alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonia at the same time the oxidation of NADH to NAD. In bacteria, this enzyme (GLDH) is efficient only at high concentrations of the ammonium cation (NH4+), because it has a low affinity for NH4+. Moreover, transamination is a pathway that involves the transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a ketoacid in order to form new amino acids (this reaction is responsible for the deamination of most amino acids). Glu is the donor of amino groups in most of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes involved in the transamination between an amino acid and an alpha-keto acid. In consequence, in presence of GLDH, a high concentration of Glu will increase the production of new amino acids and therefore also protein synthesis.

The graph below shows the changes in the number of species in an ecosystem
Species Diversity
Number of Species
و 12 19 0
Which event was most likely the cause of the changes in species diversity in this ecosystem?
A large volcanic eruption
B A flash flood
D Amigration of cuts


A flash flood because it could wipe out people

25 POINTS!! If you chemically synthesized the DNA molecule ATGCCGAATG from individual nucleotides, what would be present in solution besides the DNA?

A. phosphate


C. lipids

D. glucose



option a


a. Why was it important in this case to identify Salmonella Typhi in the feces of the restaurant worker?​



Some other types of Salmonella cause typhoid fever or ... Most people with Salmonella infection have diarrhea, fever, and ..


Add as brainlist

A cell has twice as many mitochondria as a typical cell. It also has a large amount of rough ER. What functions
might that cell have?





What is the role of RNA polymerase







RNA polymerase (green) synthesizes RNA by following a strand of DNA. RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription.

Which of the following is the correct order of events?

Select one:

a. Germination, pollination, growth of a pollen tube, fertilization

b. Fertilization, growth of a pollen tube, germination, pollination

c. Growth of a pollen tube, pollination, fertilization, germination

d. Pollination, growth of a pollen tube, fertilization, germination



growth of a pollen tube ,pollination ,fertilization ,germination

If the initial ratio of 14C to 12C in the bones was one part per trillion (the current ratio of 14C to 12C in the atmosphere), approximately what ratio would we expect in bones that come from wolves trapped 28,500 years ago



For the bones of wolves trapped 28,500 years ago, the approximate ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12, 14C to 12C, will be one part per 32 trillion.


Radioactive isotopes of elements are useful for many purposes. Carbon has three isotopes, carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14. Of these,  carbon-14 is radioactive.

The half-life of an carbon-14 is used to determine the age of fossils in a process known as carbon-dating.

Carbon-14 has a half-life of approximately 5700 years. The half-life being the time for half the amount of the radioactive nuclei present in a radioactive element to decay.

The number of half-lives in 28500 years  = 28500/57000 = 5 half-lives

This means that the original amount of atoms present in the atoms has undergone radiactive decay five times.

The ratio of the original amount of 14C to the present amount of 14C = (1/2)⁵ = 1/32

Ratio of 14C to 12C that will be found in the bones = 1/32 × 1/ 1 trillion = 1/32 trillion.

Therefore, for the bones of wolves trapped 28,500 years ago, the approximate ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12, 14C to 12C, will be one part per 32 trillion.

What are the possible gametes for the individual with the genotype: YYSs?



Hey mate I have wrote the answer

see it in the given picture!!!


Hope this help you

The possible gametes for the individual with the genotype YYSs are YS, Ys,  YS, and Ys.

What are genotypes?

An organism's genotype comprises all of its genetic components. The genotype is another name for an individual's alleles or genetic variations within a certain gene or genetic area.

There are three different genotype types: homozygous dominant (PP), homozygous recessive (pp), and heterozygous (Pp). Both homozygous dominant and heterozygous genotypes exhibit the same features. The formula 2n, where n is the number of heterogeneous alleles present in the genotype, is used to determine the total number of gametes that are produced by a specific genotype.

Thus, the possible gametes for the individual with the genotype YYSs are YS, Ys,  YS, and Ys.

Learn more about genotypes, here:



Legend has it that there was a less famous geneticist in the 1800s
named Megor Grendel. He did his experiments with the cats that lived in the monastery's barn. Here are some results from one of his 16 crosses:
Cross #3 Maggie (orange) x ? (possibly Tom, or maybe Bill)
1. light orange female
2. dark orange male
3. black female
4. light orange female with white paws
5. black male with white paws
6. orange ? (sex undetermined; died at birth)



Few crosses

The complexity of cat genetics

Crosses not controlled by the researcher


The purpose of this question is to determine why  Megor Grendel is less famous than that of Gregor Mendel.

Gregor Mendel examined pea plants, which have a number of benefits for deducing genetic rules, including:

The researcher has total control over the crosses. Because the peas have both self and cross-fertilization, it is possible to alter the crosses in the simplest way possible. Pea plants may be examined for a greater series of generations than cats or other animals. Because plant genetics is not overly complicated, several traits may be investigated at the same period.

As a result, the primary factors why Megor Grendel's experiments are not well-known:

The presence of only a few crossings: It is impossible to establish a genetic theory with such a small number of crossings on the test subject of the organism. Cat genetics is too complicated therefore, the fur gene color on the X-chromosome, a characteristics mosaic inheritance. As a result, It is much too complicated to deduce an inheritance pattern. Crossings that the researcher cannot fully control. Unlike plants, crosses in animals cannot be totally controlled by the researcher.

As a result, it is impossible to draw any conclusions from them.

Excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is also known as oxygen debt.

a. True
b. False





Excessive postexercise  oxygen consumption can also be called oxygen deficit. It occurs after an individual completes a physical activity. Physical effort does not allow oxygen consumption to be normalized as soon as the body comes to rest and for this reason, the body begins to breathe and demand oxygen more intensely. This moment is known as excessive postexercise oxygen consumption, or oxygen debit. The intensity of breathing at this time will depend on the physical effort made, the weight loss and the increase in total caloric expenditure.

a) Identify where exocytosis begins in this pathway.
How is the protein transported out of the cell?



Protein cargo moves from the ER to the Golgi, is modified within the Golgi, and is then sent to various destinations in the cell, including the lysosomes and the cell surface. The Golgi processes proteins made by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) before sending them out to the cell.


correct me if I'm wrong (◍•ᴗ•◍)

What is a plant nucleus



All plant cells contain a nucleus, a structure that stores DNA and acts as a cell's command center. It is surrounded by the nuclear envelope and is filled with nucleoplasm. ... DNA is copied during DNA replication for new cells, as well as copied to RNA to make proteins in the nucleus.

difference between incomplete and complete ventilation? any 4​



Due to exchange of gases i.e. normal and abnormal.


The main difference between incomplete and complete ventilation is the occurrence of normal and abnormal exchange of gases. The mechanism in which the exchange of gas happens completely without any difficulty is called complete ventilation. It is the process in which the required amount of oxygen is inhaled or inspired and appropriate amount of carbon dioxide is exhaled out of the body while on the other hand, incomplete ventilation is a mechanism in which exchange of gases is not normal.

What mechanism prevents or slows some chemicals from entering the brain, while allowing others to enter?



The blood brain barrier blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue.


help lol I don’t get it at all and need help with this



i think red


sorry if it is wrong

Hi! I believe it’s yellow because mudskippers can live in out of water and lungfish live in water. Mudskippers are amphibians so if they are amphibians/fish that much be the correct option. I hope this helps, Goodluck :)

Please help me I beg youuuuuuu!!!
Can you please give me an environmental risk or benefit for artificial selection?




may lead to a lack of variety in plant or animal species

The nutritional value of foods can be less


faster than natural selection

More selective breeds / Types

What would most likely be the pioneer species in a plowed field?



Didnt they bring Ox or Oxen along with them to draw carriges and to do heavy lifting.

how many homologous pairs of chromosomes are present in a haploid cell that has 8 chromosomes and is in anaphase II of meiosis ll? explain your answer



In many ways, meiosis is a lot like mitosis. The cell goes through similar stages and uses similar strategies to organize and separate chromosomes. In meiosis, however, the cell has a more complex task. It still needs to separate sister chromatids (the two halves of a duplicated chromosome), as in mitosis. But it must also separate homologous chromosomes, the similar but nonidentical chromosome pairs an organism receives from its two parents.

These goals are accomplished in meiosis using a two-step division process. Homologue pairs separate during a first round of cell division, called meiosis I. Sister chromatids separate during a second round, called meiosis II.

Since cell division occurs twice during meiosis, one starting cell can produce four gametes (eggs or sperm). In each round of division, cells go through four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Consider the factors that affect muscular strength. Read each scenario and then identify each label into the appropriate category based on whether each would result in a stronger or weaker muscle contraction.

a. Potassium accumulate in the sarcoplasm
b. Increase in muscle belly circumference
c. Lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibres
d. Begin contractions with muscle already 50% contraction
e. Lower sarcoplasm pH
f. Increased stimulus frequency.
g. Circular arrangement of muscle fascicles
h. increased requirement.



1. Weaker contraction:

a. Potassium accumulate in the sarcoplasm

d. Begin contractions with muscle already 50% contraction

e. Lower sarcoplasm pH

g. Circular arrangement of muscle fascicles

2. Stronger Contraction

b. Increase in muscle belly circumference

c. Lesser proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibres

f. Increased stimulus frequency.

h. increased requirement.


Sarcoplasm refers to the cytoplasm of muscle cells which contains ATP, enzymes, and a variety of ions, including potassium (K+). The negative potential required during muscle activity is produced from the disequilibrium of ionic concentrations (mostly Na+ and K+) across the membrane, which is generated through Na+/K+ ATPase pumps. During contraction, a muscle shortens, and thus its circumference increases. The generation of lactic acid is known to lower pH in the sarcoplasm and thus hinder the force and power development of the muscle fibers. Muscle fascicles can be arranged in concentric rings, it is a common pattern in sphincter muscles that modulate the opening and closing of orifices (which have weak contractions). A motor unit refers to a single efferent neuron and all of the muscle fibers it modulates. Each individual muscle fiber is innervated by one motor neuron, whereas a single motor neuron can innervate many muscle fibers. Finally, higher intensity/frequency are known to induce stronger muscular contractions, but also produce a stronger decline in force and cause more rapid muscle fatigue.

Biology help please!!!!



Disaccharides are when 2 monosaccharides join together. It is formed by condensation. A water molecule is released. Example include Maltose or sucrose.

Polysaccharides are long chains of monosaccharides joined together. It is a good store of energy. Examples are starch or glycogen


One statement is an example of a scientific observation. Another statement is an example of a scientific explanation. Identify the correct statement for each category to illustrate how scientific explanations are inferred from scientific observations.

Cloning has the potential to
significantly benefit a great many
people, so it should not be
considered immoral or risky.

A scientist thinks that he might
find serious inconsistencies in the
fossil record if he conducts an
excavation in a new location.

The rocks present in western Africa
and eastern South America formed
at the same place and at the
same time.

Even if modern organisms are
found in ancient portions of the
fossil record, this wouldn't challenge
the theory of evolution in any way.

The cloning of organisms is an
exciting area of study, and more
resources should be be devoted
to it.

The age, type, and composition of
ancient rocks in western Africa are
nearly identical to the age, type,
and composition of rocks in
eastern South America.



2, 4, and 5 refers to scientific revolution while on the other hand, the remaining statements shows scientific observation.


Cloning has the potential to  significantly benefit a great many  people, so it should not be  considered immoral or risky is refers as scientific observation.

A scientist thinks that he might  find serious inconsistencies in the  fossil record if he conducts an  excavation in a new location is refers scientific explanation because explanation is needed for it which can drawn from the scientific observation.

The rocks present in western Africa  and eastern South America formed  at the same place and at the  same time is scientific observation because the scientists takes the data.

Even if modern organisms are  found in ancient portions of the  fossil record, this wouldn't challenge the theory of evolution in any way is refers to scientific explanation.

The cloning of organisms is an  exciting area of study, and more  resources should be be devoted  to it so it is refers as scientific explanation.

The age, type, and composition of  ancient rocks in western Africa are  nearly identical to the age, type,  and composition of rocks in  eastern South America is scientific observation which is taken by the scientist through research.

Some microorganisms cause human disease. Other microorganisms are used in making cheese, yogurt, and bread. Based on this information, the relationship between humans and microorganisms can be

A) beneficial, only
B) harmful, only
C) beneficial or harmful


the correct answer is c

The membranes that enclose and protect the
The external physical appearance of an indivi
A blood clotting disorder, occurring mainly in
recessive gene on the X chromosome.
An allele that is not expressed in the phenoty
heterozygous condition.
5 Changes that occur in the diameter of the pu
Puplary mechanism​





Explain why you would recommend the nguni cattle meat to consumers in your locality.​





All different combinations were catalogued in the beginning of the century by a South African herdmaster. This work inspired the Nguni Cattle Register, a compilation of terms to describe in full a Nguni cow or bull. The cattle are medium-sized, with bulls weighing between 500 and 600 kg,[3] while cows weigh between 300 and 400 kg.

I need to know the rate of the volume change for each section along with the rate of photosynthesis



25 at under time min. over rate of volume change

What is seed technology?why is still considered as one of the major subject in agriculture?​


Seed technology is the science dealing with the methods of improving physical and genetical characteristics of seed. It involves such activities as variety development, evolution and release of varieties, seed production, seed processing, seed certification and storage. Thus seed technology is interdisciplinary science which includes broad range of subjects. It also includes seed quality control, seed marketing, seed distribution and research on above aspects of seed.
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