5. A bicyclist is finishing her repair of a flat tire when a friend rides by at a constant velocity of
3.5 m/s. Three seconds later, the bicyclist hops on her bike and accelerates at 3.6 m/s² until she
catches her friend.
a. How much time does it take until she catches her friend?
b. How far has she traveled in this time?
c. What is her speed when she catches up?


Answer 1


a) t = 3.6 s

b) d = 23 m

c) v = 13 m/s


Let t be the time the accelerating rider rides

the distance she travels is

d = ½3.6t²

the distance for the other cyclist is

d =3.5(t + 3)

½3.6t² = 3.5(t + 3)

1.8t² - 3.5t - 10.5 = 0

quadratic formula, positive answer

t = (3.5 + √(3.5² - 4(1.8)(-10.5))) / (2(1.8))

t = 3.575786...

d = ½(3.6)(3.575786²) = 23.015...

v = 3.6(3.575786) = 12.8728...

Related Questions

A boy of mass 50 kg on a motor bike is moveny coith 20m/see what is hio k.E​


Kinetic energy=a half mv squared
1/2 multiply 50 multiply 20 squared
1/2 multiply 50 multiply 400
1/2 multiply 20000
1 multiply 20000 divide 2
20000 divide 2=1000

Kinetic energy=1000J

True or False: The forces applied by our muscles on our bones are usually several times larger than the forces we exert on the outside world with our limbs.





This is because of the point where the forces are applied by our muscles and

the angle they have about the bones. Take for example the  diagram I uploaded.

If we do a free body diagram and a sum of torques, we would get that:

[tex]F_{muscle}sin \theta r1 - mg r2 = 0[/tex]

In this case, mg is the same in magnitude as the force made by the hand to hold the ball, so:

[tex]F_{muscle}sin \theta r_{1} - F_{hand} r_{2} = 0[/tex]

If we solve the equation for the force of the muscle we would get that:

[tex]F_{muscle}=\frac{F_{hand}r_{2}}{r_{1}sin \theta}[/tex]

Since r2 is greater than r1 and the sin function can only return values that are less than 1, this means that the force of the muscle is much greater than the force used by the hand to hold the weight.

Let's use some standard values to prove this, let's say that r1=10cm, r2=35cm and theta=60 degrees. When inputing the values into the equation we get:

[tex]F_{muscle}=\frac{F_{hand}(35cm)}{(10cm)sin (60^{o})}[/tex]

which yields:

[tex]F_{muscle}=4.04 F_{hand}[/tex]

so in this example, the force made by the muscle is 4 times as big as the force exerted by the hand.

A ball thrown horizontally from a point 24 m above the ground, strikes the ground after traveling horizontally a distance of 18 m. With what speed was it thrown, assuming negligible air resistance


First of all we get the time of flight from the vertical component:






The horizontal component of velocity is constant so:

The velocity in the horizontal direction will not change. Then the horizontal speed will be 8.133 meters per second.

What is the projectile motion?

An item or particle that is propelled in a gravitational influence, such as from the crust of the Ground, and moves along a curved route while solely being affected by gravity is said to be in projectile motion.

A ball thrown horizontally from a point 24 m above the ground, strikes the ground after traveling horizontally a distance of 18 m.

The initial velocity is zero. Then the time taken to reach the ground is given as,

h = ut + 1/2at²

- 24 = 0×t + 1/2 (-9.8)t²

24 = 4.9t²

t² = 4.8979

t = 2.213 seconds

Then the horizontal speed is given as,

v = 18 / 2.213

v = 8.133 meters per second

The velocity in the horizontal direction will not change. Then the horizontal speed will be 8.133 meters per second.

Learn more about projectile motion:



what does it mean to have an acceleration of 8m/s^2


I believe this means that velocity is increasing by eight meter per second squared. So the subject is moving 8meters faster for every second it moves.

plz help me with hw A bus of mass 1000 kg moving with a speed of 90km/hr stops after 6 sec by applying brakes then calculate the distance travelled and amount of force applied.​



Mass, M = 1000 kg

Speed, v = 90 km/h = 25 m/s

time, t = 6 sec.


[tex]{ \tt{distance = speed \times time }} \\ { \tt{distance = 25 \times 6}} \\ { \tt{distance = 150 \: m}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{force = mass \times acceleration}} \\ { \bf{but \: for \: acceleration : }} \\ from \: second \: equation \: of \: motion : \\ { \bf{s = ut + \frac{1}{2} {at}^{2} }} \\ \\ { \tt{150 = (0 \times 6) + ( \frac{1}{2} \times a \times {6}^{2} ) }} \\ \\ { \tt{acceleration = 8.33 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }} \\ \\ { \tt{force = 1000 \times 8.33}} \\ { \tt{force = 8333.3 \: newtons}}[/tex]

A 47-kg box is being pushed a distance of 8.0 m across the floor by a force whose magnitude is 188 N. The force is parallel to the displacement of the box. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.24. Determine the work done on the box by each of the four forces that act on the box. Be sure to include the proper plus or minus sign for the work done by each force.



(a) 1504 J

(b) - 884.35 J

(c) 0 J

(d) 0 J


Mass, m = 47 kg

displacement, s = 8 m

Force, F = 188 N

Coefficient of friction = 0.24

(a) Work done by applied force

W = F s = 188 x 8 = 1504 J

(b) Work done by the friction force

W' = - 0.24 x 47 x 9.8 x 8 = - 884.35 J

(c) Work done by the gravitational force

W''= m g s cos 90 = 0 J

(d) Work done by the normal force

W''' = m g scos 90 = 0 J

Give an example of how you could make a measurement that is, at the same time, very precise and very inaccurate



Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value. ... Precision is independent of accuracy. That means it is possible to be very precise but not very accurate, and it is also possible to be accurate without being precise. The best quality scientific observations are both accurate and precise.

What is the approximate radius of an equipotential spherical surface of 30 V about a point charge of +15 nC if the potential at an infinite distance from the surface is zero?



V = k Q / R       potential at distance R for a charge Q

R = k Q / V

R = 9 * 10E9 * 15 * 10E-9 / 30 = 9 * 15 / 30 = 4.5 m

Note: Our equation says that if R if infinite then V must be zero.

A spinning wheel having a mass of 20 kg and a diameter of 0.5 m is positioned to rotate about its vertical axis with a constant angular acceleration, a of 6 rad/s If the initial angular velocity is 1.5 rad/s, determine The maximum angular velocity and linear velocity of the wheel after 1 complete revolution.



ωf = 8.8 rad/s

v = 2.2 m/s


We will use the third equation of motion to find the maximum angular velocity of the wheel:

[tex]2\alpha \theta = \omega_f^2 -\omega_I^2[/tex]


α = angular acceleration = 6 rad/s²

θ = angular displacemnt = 1 rev = 2π rad

ωf = max. final angular velocity = ?

ωi = initial angular velocity = 1.5 rad/s


[tex]2(6\ rad/s^2)(2\pi\ rad)=\omega_f^2-(1.5\ rad/s)^2\\\omega_f^2=75.4\ rad/s^2+2.25\ rad/s^2\\\omega_f = \sqrt{77.65\ rad/s^2}[/tex]

ωf = 8.8 rad/s

Now, for linear velocity:

v = rω = (0.25 m)(8.8 rad/s)

v = 2.2 m/s

A Man has 5o kg mass man in the earth and find his weight​



49 N



Mass ( m ) = 50 kg

To find : Weight ( W ) = ?

Take the value of acceleration due to gravity as 9.8 m/s^2

Formula : -

W = mg

W = 50 x 9.8

W = 49 N

A free undamped spring/mass system oscillates with a period of 4 seconds. When 10 pounds are removed from the spring, the system then has a period of 2 seconds. What was the weight of the original mass on the spring? (Round your answer to one decimal place.)



13.3 pounds.


For a spring of constant K, with an attached object of mass M, the period can be written as:

T = 2*π*√(M/K)

Where π = 3.14

First, we know that the period is 4 seconds, then we have:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

We know that if the mass is reduced by 10lb, the period becomes 2s.

Then the new mass of the object will be: (M - 10lb)

Then the period equation becomes:

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

So we have two equations:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

We want to solve this for M.

First, we need to isolate K in one of the equations.

Let's isolate K in the first one:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

(4s/2*π) = √(M/K)

(2s/π)^2 = M/K

K = M/(2s/π)^2 = M*(π/2s)^2

Now we can replace it in the other equation.

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

First, let's simplify the equation:

2s/(2*π) = √((M-10lb)/K)

1s/π =  √((M-10lb)/K)

(1s/π)^2 =  ((M-10lb)/K

K*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

Now we can use the equation: K =  M*(π/2s)^2

then we get:

K*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

(M*(π/2s)^2)*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

M/4 = M - 10lb

10lb = M - M/4

10lb = (3/4)*M

10lb*(4/3) = M

13.3 lb = M

The displacement x of a particle varies with time t as x = 4t 2 -15t + 25. Find the position,
velocity and acceleration of the particle at t = 0. When will the velocity of the particle becomes
zero? Can we call the motion of the particle as one with uniform acceleration?



x = 4 t^2 - 15 t + 25        displacement of particle

dx / dt = 8 t - 15        velocity of particle

d^2x / dt^2 = 8       acceleration of particle

If 8 t -15 = o     then t = 8 / 15

Since acceleration is a constant 8 then motion has uniform acceleratkon

A wire, 1.0 m long, with a mass of 90 g, is under tension. A transverse wave is propagated on the wire, for which the frequency is 890 Hz, the wavelength is .10m, and the amplitude is 6.5 mm. The tension in the line, in SI units, is closest to



T = 712.9 N


First, we will find the speed of the wave:

v = fλ


v = speed of the wave = ?

f = frequency = 890 Hz

λ = wavelength = 0.1 m


v = (890 Hz)(0.1 m)

v = 89 m/s

Now, we will find the linear mass density of the wire:

[tex]\mu = \frac{m}{L}[/tex]


μ = linear mass density of wie = ?

m = mass of wire = 90 g = 0.09 kg

L = length of wire = 1 m


[tex]\mu = \frac{0.09\ kg}{1\ m}[/tex]

μ = 0.09 kg/m

Now, the tension in wire (T) will be:

T = μv² = (0.09 kg/m)(89 m/s)²

T = 712.9 N

A supertrain with a proper length of 100 m travels at a speed of 0.950c as it passes through a tunnel having a proper length of 50.0 m. As seen by a trackside observer, is the train ever completely within the tunnel? If so, by how much do the train’s ends clear the ends of the tunnel?





we have proper length L = 100m

the speed of the train v = 0.95

the speed of light is given as = 3x10⁸

length of the tunnel is given as = 50 meters

we can solve for the lenght contraction as


= 100 * √1-(0.95*3x10⁸)²/(3x10⁸ )

= 31.22 metres

the train would be well seen at

50 - 31.22

= 18.78

= this is approximately 19 metres

we conclude tht the trains ends clears the ends of the tunnel by 19 meters.

thank you!

you decide to work part time at a local supermarket. The job pays eight dollars and 60 per hour and you work 20 hours per week. Your employer withhold 10% of your gross pay federal taxes, 7.65% for FICA taxes, and 5% for state taxes


I guess that we want to find how much money you get each week.

We know that the job pays $8.60 per hour.

We know that you work 20 hours per week.

Then the gross pay (the total money that you earn) in a week is 20 times $8.60, or:

20*$8.60 = $172.

Now we know that your employer witholds:

10% + 7.65% + 5% = 22.65%

Then your employer withholds 22.65% of your gross pay.

if the 100% of your gross pay is $172

Then the 22.65% will be:

(22.65%/100%)*$172 = 0.2265*$172 = $38.96

This means that your employer withholds $38.96 of your weekly gross pay.

Then each week you get:

$172 - $38.96 = $133.04

If you want to learn more, you can read:


A magnetic force acting on an electric charge in a uniform magnetic field what happend






The charge moves to equilibrium.

E.e = B.e.V

E is electric field force.

e is the charge.

B is magnetic field force.

V is acceleration voltage.

A falcon is hovering above the ground, then suddenly pulls in its wings and begins to fall toward the ground. Air resistance is not negligible.
Identify the forces on the falcon.
a. Kinetic friction
b. Weight w
c. Static friction
d. Drag D
e. Normal force n
f. Thrust
g. Tension T




When a falcon is hovering, the force of up thrust is balanced by the weight.

When it begins to fall towards the ground, the weight acts downwards, kinetic friction is upwards, drag is upwards, normal force is upwards, thrust is upwards.

(a) What is the efficiency of an out-of-condition professor who does 1.90 ✕ 105 J of useful work while metabolizing 500 kcal of food energy? % (b) How many food calories would a well-conditioned athlete metabolize in doing the same work with an efficiency of 25%? kcal



a) The energy efficiency of the out-of-condition professor is 9.082 %.

b) The food calories needed by the well-conditioned athlete is 181.644 kilocalories.


a) The energy efficiency of the food metabolization ([tex]\eta[/tex]), no unit, is defined by following formula:

[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{E}\times 100\,\%[/tex] (1)


[tex]W[/tex] - Useful work, in joules.

[tex]E[/tex] - Food energy, in joules.

If we know that [tex]W = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex] and [tex]E = 2.092\times 10^{6}\,J[/tex], the energy efficiency of the food metabolization is:

[tex]\eta = \frac{1.90\times 10^{5}\,J}{2.092\times 10^{6}\,J} \times 100\,\%[/tex]

[tex]\eta = 9.082\,\%[/tex]

The energy efficiency of the out-of-condition professor is 9.082 %.

b) If we know that [tex]W = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex] and [tex]\eta = 25\,\%[/tex], then the quantity of food energy is:

[tex]E = \frac{W}{\eta}\times 100\,\%[/tex]

[tex]E = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J\times \frac{100\,\%}{25\,\%}[/tex]

[tex]E = 7.60\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex]

[tex]E = 181.644\,kcal[/tex]

The food calories needed by the well-conditioned athlete is 181.644 kilocalories.

A series LR circuit contains an emf source of having no internal resistance, a resistor, a inductor having no appreciable resistance, and a switch. If the emf across the inductor is of its maximum value after the switch is closed, what is the resistance of the resistor



b. 1.9 Ω


Here is the complete question

A series LR circuit contains an emf source of 14 V having no internal resistance, a resistor, a 34 H inductor having no appreciable resistance, and a switch. If the emf across the inductor is 80% of its maximum value 4.0 s after the switch is closed, what is the resistance of the resistor? a. 1.5 ? b. 1.9 ? c. 5.0 ? d. 14 ?


The voltage across the inductor V is

[tex]V = V_{0}e^{-\frac{Rt}{L} }[/tex] where V₀ = emf of source = 14 V, R = resistance, L = inductance = 34 H and t = time

Given that V = 80% of its maximum value after 4.0 s, this implies that V = 80 % of V₀ = 0.8V₀ and t = 4.0 s

Since [tex]V = V_{0}e^{-\frac{Rt}{L} }[/tex] and V = 0.8V₀.

Since we need to find R, we make R subject of the formula, we have

[tex]V = V_{0}e^{-\frac{Rt}{L} }[/tex]

[tex]V/V_{0}= e^{-\frac{Rt}{L} }[/tex]

taking natural logarithm of both sides, we have

㏑(V/V₀) = -Rt/L

R = -L㏑(V/V₀)/t

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

R = -34㏑(0.8V₀/V₀)/4.0 s

R = -34㏑(0.8)/4.0 s

R = -34 × -0.2231/4.0 s

R = 7.587/4

R = 1.896 Ω

R ≅ 1.9 Ω

So, B is the answer

The Sun is a type G2 star. Type G stars (from G0 to G9) have a range of temperatures from 5200 to 5900. What is the range of log(T) for G stars? Show your work



log T = 3.72 to 3.77


Temperature range is

T = 5200 to 5900

Take the log


log T = log 5200 to log 5900

log T = 3.72 to 3.77

A 77 turn, 10.0 cm diameter coil rotates at an angular velocity of 8.00 rad/s in a 1.18 T field, starting with the normal of the plane of the coil perpendicular to the field. Assume that the positive max emf is reached first.

a. What is the peak emf?
b. At what time is the peak emf first reached?
c. At what time is the emf first at its most negative?
d. What is the period of the AC voltage output?



a) fem = 5.709 V,  b)  t = 0.196 s,  c)  t = 0.589 s, d)   T = 0.785 s


This is an exercise in Faraday's law

          fem= - N [tex]\frac{d \Phi _B}{dt}[/tex]

          fem = - N [tex]\frac{d \ (B A cos \theta)}{dt}[/tex]

The magnetic field and the area are constant

          fem = - N B A [tex]\frac{d \ cos \ \theta}{dt}[/tex]

          fem = - N B A (-sin θ)  [tex]\frac{d \theta}{dt}[/tex]

          fem = N B (π d² / 4) sin θ   w

          fem= [tex]\frac{\pi }{4}[/tex]  N B d² w sin θ

with this expression we can correspond the questions

a) the peak of the electromotive force

this hen the sine of the angle is 1

         sin θ = 1

         fem = [tex]\frac{\pi }{4}[/tex]   77  1.18  0.10² 8.0

         fem = 5.709 V

b) as the system has a constant angular velocity, we can use the angular kinematics relations

          θ = w₀ t

          t = θ/w₀

Recall that the angles are in radians, so the angle for the maximum of the sine is

           θ= π/2

           t = [tex]\frac{\pi }{2} \ \frac{1}{8}[/tex]

           t = 0.196 s

c) for the electromotive force to be negative, the sine function of being

            sin θ= -1


          θ = 3π/ 2

          t = [tex]\frac{3\pi }{2} \ \frac{1}{8}[/tex]  

          t = 0.589 s

d) This electromotive force has values ​​that change sinusoidally with an angular velocity of

          w = 8 rad / s

angular velocity and period are related

          w = 2π / T

          T = 2π / w

          T = 2π / 8

          T = 0.785 s

any four difference between velocity and acceleration​




A frictionless spring with a 9-kg mass can be held stretched 1.8 meters beyond its natural length by a force of 80 newtons. If the spring begins at its equilibrium position, but a push gives it an initial velocity of 1.5 m/sec, find the position of the mass after tt seconds. meters



the required solution is; x(t) = 0.675sin( 2.222t )


Given the data in the question;

Using both Newton's and Hooke's law;

m[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + k[tex]x[/tex] = 0, [tex]x[/tex](0) = 0, [tex]x^f[/tex](0) = 1.5

given that mass m = 9 kg

[tex]x[/tex] = 1.8 m

k is F / x


k = F / x

given that, F = 80 N

we substitute

k = 80 / 1.8

k = 44.44


m[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + k[tex]x[/tex] = 0,

we input

9[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + 44.44[tex]x[/tex] = 0,

[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + 4.9377[tex]x[/tex] = 0

so auxiliary equation is,

r² + 4.9377 = 0

r² = -4.9377

r = √-4.9377

r = ±2.222i

hence, the solution will  be;

x(t) = A×cos( 2.222t ) + B×sin( 2.222t )

⇒ [tex]x^t[/tex](t) = -2.222Asin( 2.222t ) + 2.222Bcos( 2.222t )

using initial conditions

x(0) = 0

⇒ 0 = A

[tex]x^t[/tex](t) = 1.5

1.5 = 2.222B


B = 1.5 / 2.222 = 0.675

Hence, the required solution is; x(t) = 0.675sin( 2.222t )

3. Define 1 standard kilogram?



standard kilogram is the SI unit of mass


The total mass of platinum-irridum cylinder whose diameter is equal to its height and stored at 0°C in the bureau of weight and measure in France is called 1 standard kilogram

In what kind of reaction is water (H20) broken down into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2)?

A. Combination
B. Decomposition
C. Displacement
D. Combustion ​



Answer is B (Decomposition)

Sorry I really see ur questions but I don't know the answer but next time I will try to answer sorry:(

what is the gravitational potential in a field produced by an object of mass 2000 kg at a distance of 10 km



196 megajoules


Since you are talking about the gravitational potential I am assuming 10km is the height of the object in free fall.

PEg = mgh    2000kg×9.8m/s²×10000m = 196 megajoules

Find the ratio of the Coulomb electric force Fe to the gravitational force Fo between two
electrons in vacuum.



thus the coulomb force is F – 8.19x10-8N. this is also an attractive force, although it is traditionally shown as positive since gravitational force is always attractive. the ratio of the magnitude of the electrostatic force to gravitational force in this case is,thus,FFG – 2.27x1039 F F G – 2.27x 10 39.

Two carts are involved in an inelastic collision. Cart A with mass 0.900 kg hits cart B with mass 0.550 kg (initially at rest). The two carts stick together after the collision and continue to move along together. Cart A has an initial velocity of 0.29 m/s.

a. What is the final velocity of the two-cart system?
b. What is the initial kinetic energy of cart A?
c. What is the initial kinetic energy of cart B?
d. What is the final kinetic energy of the system?
e. Is kinetic energy conserved for inelastic collisions?
f. Is momentum conserved for inelastic collisions?



a)  v = 0.18 m / s, b)  K₀ₐ = 0.0378 J, c) K_{ob}= 0, d)  K = 0.02349 J,


a) For this exercise we must define a system formed by the two cars, so that the forces during the collision are internal and the moment is conserved

initial instant. Before the hole

         p₀ = ma v₀ₐ

final intnate. After the crash

         p_f = (mₐ + m_b) v

the moment is preserved

         p₀ = p_f

         mₐ v₀ₐ = (mₐ + m_b) v

         v = [tex]\frac{m_a}{m_a+m_b} \ v_{oa}[/tex]


let's calculate

         v = [tex]\frac{0.900}{0.900+0.550} \ 0.29[/tex]

         v = 0.18 m / s

in the same direction of the movement of carriage A

b) the initial kinetic energy car A

         K₀ₐ = ½ m  v₀ₐ²

         K₀ₐ = ½ 0.900 0.29²

         K₀ₐ = 0.0378 J

c) kinetic energy of carriage B

          k_{ob} = 0

because the car is stopped

d) the kinetic energy of the system

          K = ½ (mₐ + m_b) v²

           K = ½ (0.900 + 0.550) 0.18²

           K = 0.02349 J

E) we see that part of the kinetic energy is lost, therefore the scientific reeling is not conserved in inelastic collisions

F) and momentum is conserved since it is equal to the variation of the moment and this is conserved in all collisions

The best and most common way to measure the intensity of a cardiovascular exercise is to determine
O The person's heart rate
O The fatigue level of the person
O Amount of perspiration the person produces
The person's breathing rate



the person's heart rate

The person’s heart rate

Which formula below correctly states Coulomb's Law?
A. F = kqq/r2
B. F = kqq/r
C. F = qq/kr2
D. F = kr2/qq


QUESTION:- Which formula below correctly states Coulomb's Law?


[tex]A. \: \: \: \: F = kqq/r^ 2 \\B. \: \: \: \: F = kqq/r \\C. \: \: \: \: F = qq/kr^ 2 \\D. \: \: \: \: F = kr^2 /qq \\ [/tex]


F is directly proportional to the product of the charges


F is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

[tex]F∝ \frac{1}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

from above 2 equation:-

we get:-

[tex]F∝ \frac{qq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

To remove proportionality sign we use constant for this case we r using constant k

[tex]F = \frac{Kqq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

So your answer is :-


[tex]F = \frac{Kqq}{ {r}^{2} } [/tex]

Stop playing before I do a flip on the super saiyan
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the product of a number and four, increased by one, is at least 7. 4. Write 5 examples for each of small, medium and large occupation categories. help please If 55% people in a city like Cricket, 30% like Football and the remaining like nother games, then what per cent of the people like other games? If the total people is 60 lakh, find the exact number who like each type of games Answer it fast, no spam pleasewrite in notebook In which age the early men started to choose a chieftain? Factor the greatest common factor. 5xy4-20x2y3 what is the best book for mechanic of materials? It 's really raining outside right now.I_____forget my umbrella or I'll get wet! The scale on a map of Virginia shows that 1 centimeter represents 30 miles. The actual distance from Richmond, VA to Washington, DC is 110 miles. On the map, how many centimeters are between the two cities? What is the length of AC Aryan sets his alaram for 5:30 pm change into passive voice How is the ethnic diversity of your community/Nepal an important resource for the country? can someone pls tell me what is ROC in the olympics.. I mean Ik its Russia but why is it roc and what happened [tex] \frac{3x - 2}{7} - \frac{5x - 8}{4} = \frac{1}{14} [/tex] Triangle QRP is congruent to triangle YXZ. What is the perimeter of triangle YXZ? What is the perimeter of triangle YXZ? Please help 25 PointsWhat Mathematical leads to the formulas for the magnitudes of displacement, velocity, and acceleration? . Doanh nghip d tnh u t gp vn lin doanh vi s tin ban u l 500 tr, trong vng 4 nm, li sut d kin l 12%/nm. Tnh tng s li ca hot ng u t lin doanh thu c sau khi kt thc lin doanh ? Choose the underlined partword whoseunderlined part (A,B, or D) whichneeds correctingMai's father said that she wouldrecover guickly if she follows thedoctor's advice.Mai's fatherfollowsrecover quicklydoctor's advice. what is the solution to Y=-2x+4x+8Y=-4x+16 Question(X-5y/y3)-1= How many moles of Cl are in 5.76 mg of FeCl3?