My neighborhood is full of one-way streets. To drive from my house to the grocery store, I have to go 1 block south, then 1 block east, then 5 blocks north, then 2 blocks east. Each block is 1/16 of a mile. How much shorter would my trip be if I could fly like a bird (that is, travel in a straight line)?
I FOUND THE distance for non bird which is 9/16. I wanna apply the pythagoreum theorum and draw a straight line to make it a triangle so I can do so but don't know where to place it


Answer 1
1/4. . Hope this helps you
Answer 2
Let's suppose that your house is located at (0,0)

1 block south from here puts you at (0, -1/16)

1 block east from here now puts you at (1/16, -1/16)

5 blocks north from here puts you at (1/16, 4/16)

2 blocks east from here puts you at (3/16, 4/16)

You have traveled (1/16) ( 1 + 1 + 5 + 2) = 9 / 16 of a mile

The "straightline" distance between (0, 0) and (3/16, 4/16) =

sqrt [ (3/16^2 + (4/16)^2 ] = sqrt [ 25 / 256] = 5 /16 of a mile

Your trip would be [ 9/16 - 5/16 ] which equals 4/16 simplified equals 1/4 of a mile.

Related Questions

The table below shows the number of cruise ships in a harbor on various days.
(table pic attached)

a. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on Monday and Tuesday.

b. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on all 5 days.


part a is 2x+5 because you add monday’s equation and tuesday’s
part b is 7x+2 because you add all equations together


Task 1 - Nonlinear Systems of Equations

Create a system of equations that includes one linear equation and one quadratic equation.
Part 1. Show all work in solving your system of equations algebraically.
Part 2. Graph your system of equations and show the solution graphically to verify your solution.
Task 2 - Polynomial Identities

Part 1. Pick a two-digit number greater than 25. Rewrite your two-digit number as a difference of two numbers. Show how to use the identity (x − y)2 = x2 − 2xy + y2 to square your number without using a calculator.
Part 2. Choose two values, a and b, each between 8 and 15. Show how to use the identity a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 − ab + b2) to calculate the sum of the cubes of your numbers without using a calculator.



f(x)5.79(3)^2 for task 1

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

Task 1:

Non linear systems of equations:

x + y = 1 -------------------(I)     {Linear equation}

     y =  1 - x

y = x² - 5 ---------------(II)   {Quadratic equation}

Substitute y =1 - x in equation (II)

(II) -->   1 -x = x² -5

Add 'x' to both sides

1 = x² + x - 5

0 = x² + x - 5 - 1   {Subtract 1 from both sides}

x² + x - 6 = 0

x² + 3x - 2x - 6 = 0    {Rewrite the middle term}

x( x + 3) - 2(x + 3) = 0    

(x + 3)(x - 2) = 0

x + 3 = 0       ;  x - 2 = 0

x = - 3   ; x = 2

When x =  - 3 ,   y = 1 -(-3 )

                              = 1 + 3

                             y = 4

When x = 2  ; y = 1 - 2 = -1

Solution of the equations:  (-3,4)  & ( 2,-1)

Task 2:

Part 1: x = 40   ; y = 30

(x - y)² = x² - 2xy + y²

(40 - 30)² = 40² - 2*40*30 + 30²

               = 1600 - 2400 + 900

               = 2500 - 2400

                = 100

Part 2:

a = 10 , b = 11

a³ + b³ = (a + b)(a² - ab +b²)

(10)³ + (11)³ = (10 +11)(10² -10*11 + 11² )

              = 21* (100 - 110 + 121)

              = 21 * ( 221 - 110)

              = 21 * 111

              = 2331


If 8 apples can make 3 pies, then how many pies can you make with 24 apples?

A: 64
B: 24
C: 11
D: 9
E: 6


D answer is 9 , 24/8 = 3
The answer is D because 8 apples are part of the 24 apples which means that 24/8 = 3 which is 3 pies and 3 pies times 3 pies makes 9

Please help me fast! I will give brainly

This is the question,

YOU BE THE TEACHER Your friend says that because of the order of operations, the expressions are equivalent. Is your friend correct?

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

Yes or No

And Explain the answer



He's correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

As long as there is no change in sign of the variables.

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

Aaron is 63 inches tall. In order to ride a roller coaster at an amusement park, a person must be 5 feet tall. Is Aaron tall enough to ride a roller coaster? How many inches shorter or taller is he than 5 feet Circle the letter of the correct answer

Yes. He is 3 inches taller than 5 feet
Yes. He is 13 inches taller than 5 feet
No. He is 7 inches shorter than 5 feet
No. He is 17 inches shorter than 5 feet

Tina chose A as the correct answer. How did she get that answer?


Answer: Tina is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

this is because in one foot there are 12 inches and there are 5 feet so 5 X 12= 60 and aaron is 63inches so he is tall enough and 63-60=3 inches so he is 3 inches taller than 5 feet.

Pls give me brainliest!!!


Yes. He is 3 inches taller than 5 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that 1 ft is 12 inches

5 ft  * 12 inches/ 1 ft = 60 inches

You must be 60 inches to ride and Aaron is 63 inches

He is 3 inches taller

63 - 60 = 3 inches

a woodworker makes 238 wooden bowls a month. At the rate, how many bowls will he make in 12 months?




Step-by-step explanation:

if you multiply 238 by 12

you will get the ans

Answer: 2856

Step-by-step explanation:

A woodworker makes 238 bowls in a month: this is the unit rate. To find how many bowls will be produced by the woodworker in 12 months,  multiply the unit rate by 12.

pls pls pls help i rlly need the asnwer soon



(1. 5

(2. 180

(3. 900

(4. 5180=900

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer to 1 and 2 is 5 and 180

math problem for highschool



297 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

You just have to break the squares down and compare them to the other sides of the squares.  For example, F is a 4 by 4 square and B is a 5 by 5 square, to find the dimensions of square E, you would just subtract 5 by 4.  By looking at the side relationships of the squares, you can easily find the dimensions of each one.

A - 9 by 9

B - 5 by 5

C - 6 by 6

D - 7 by 7

E - 1 by 1

F - 4 by 4

G - 8 by 8

H - 5 by 5

Multiply and add to get 297


297 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

simplify 6^x+2-6^x/7*6^x

step by step.



[tex]{ \tt{ = \frac{ {6}^{x} +( 2 - {6}^{x}) }{7. {6}^{x} } }} \\ { \tt{ = \frac{ {6}^{x} (1 + 2 - 1)}{7. {6}^{x} } }} \\ = { \tt{ \frac{2}{7} }}[/tex]

G^x +2-6 8x/7. Hope this helps

simplify 2^x+4-2^x/5*2^x
step by step



4/ 5 x 2^x

Step-by-step explanation:

2^x +4-2^x / 5^2

First we multiply everything by 5^2/5^2

2^x + 4-2^x (5^2x) / (5^2)(5^2)

= 2^x + 4-2^x 5^2x we see 2 x 5^2

= 2^x+4-2 x 5^2x +5^2x   / (5^2)(5^2x) 2^x cancels with 2^x as subtraction and 5^2x base cancels with top also

= 4/ 5 x 2^x

that answer is to correct to support

i dont understand this



you should use pythagorus theoram

h square=b square plus p square

The little box on the right angle is 90degrees and the other angle whatever it is, just add those 2 together and subtract from 180 there’s your answer

Choose 3 of the following to write using a single, positive exponent: 2^-7, 3^-23, 11^-8, 4^-9, 2^-32, 8^-3. pls, hurry don't have much time! Ill give brainliest!!!



1,3 and the last one

Step-by-step explanation:

1,3 and last step!!!!!

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Question 2
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Find a degree 3 polynomial having zeros - 3, 4 and 7 and the coefficient of 23 equal 1.
The polynomial is
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Step-by-step explanation:

The polynomial can be found by expanding (x+3)(x-4)(x-7)=x^3-8x^2-5x+84

after a gymnastic competition, the coaches reviewed all the gymnasts scores to identify areas for improvement. a missed landing on an aerial cartwheel deducts 2 points from the score. the coaches found that aerial cartwheels were missed 5 times across the competition. how did these missed landings affect the scores overall


Answer: The missed points will subtract 10 from the total score.

Step-by-step explanation:

A missed landing subtracts 2 points.

If they miss the landings 5 times, you know have a problem of 5x2.


Therefore, The points will subtract 10 from the total score.

Bill and Xiadan each flip a fair coin three times. What is the probability that they will flip the same number of heads?


12.5%. there is a 1 in 8 chance that all three times it will land on heads.
There is a 1 in 8 chance it would flip on heads so about a 12.5%

a single piece of sod is typically rectangular in shape and measures 46 cm wide and 1.5 m long. Assuming that you can cut the sod, how many pieces of sod would be required to cover the following lawn?


The question is incomplete


could you add more information?

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help! Its a test! I will give brainly!


You have a corn root sample and a corn stem sample on microscope slides. When you view the samples through a microscope, the magnification number tells you how many times larger the image will be than the actual size. You see only a portion of the enlarged image.

a. The corn root sample is 0.6 millimeter wide. You magnify the image by 400. What is the width of the magnified corn root image?

_______ Milliliters

b. You magnify the corn root sample by 1,200 . How much wider is the image when magnified by 1,200 than by 400 ?

_______ Milliliters

c. You have a sample of a corn stem. The corn stem sample is 9.6 times wider than the corn root sample. What is the width of the corn stem sample?

________ Milliliters



c. 5.76 millilitres

0.6 x 9.6

what is the equation of the blue line?


Answer: y = 3x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\dfrac{x-x_{1} }{x_{2} -x_{1} } =\dfrac{y-y_{1} }{y_{2} -y_{1} }\\[/tex]

Let's choose two arbitrary points on the graph.

For example, let these be points with coordinates (1, 5) and (2, 8).

Substitute the coordinates of these points into the above formula and derive the equation of a straight line.

[tex]\dfrac{x-1}{2-1} =\dfrac{y-5}{8-5}\\\\\dfrac{x-1}{1} =\dfrac{y-5}{3}\\\\3(x-1)=y-5\\3x-3=y-5\\y=3x-3+5\\y=3x+2[/tex]

hope this helps! feel free to clarify

e) A and B are the subsets of a universal set U. If n (A) = 63, n (B) =72.
n (AUB) ,= 115, n (AUB) = 20, find
(i) n (U)
(ii) n(u)
(iii) n (Anb)
(iv) n (only A)
Also illustrate the above information in Venn-diagram.


sorry, there are two (AUB), I think one should be n(AnB) and i.e n(AnB)=20.Right?

A is the correct answer

Mr. Baldwin is packing the shipping box with ring boxes that are cubes with an edge length of 2/3 inches. if he completely fills the shipping box, how many ring boxes can he ship?



I’m sorry but is this all the information given? Because this is incomplete.

Step-by-step explanation:

There has to be some other directions or inage attached (if there was supposed to be attached, i dont see it)

This should include the dimensions of the shipping box.

Exactly what they said ^^^^^^^^^

Find the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals of parallelogram GHJK with vertices G(−4, 5), H(3, 5), J(2, −1), and K(−5, −1).


Answer:  1,2.4

i'm not sure thoo

Step-by-step explanation: :3

The coordinates of the intersections of the diagonal of parallelogram GHJK will be ( -1, 2 ).

What is parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral having four sides and the two opposite sides are equal and parallel to each other.

Given that:-

The coordinates the intersection of the diagonals of parallelogram GHJK with vertices G(−4, 5), H(3, 5), J(2, −1), and K(−5, −1).

The intersection point will be the midpoint between the points G and J or points K and H.

The coordinates of the points H and K are ( 3,5)  and K ( -5,-1). So the midpoint will be calculated as:-

Midpoint = [tex]\dfrac{x_1+x_2}{2},\dfrac{y_1+y_2}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = [tex]\dfrac{-5+3}{2},\dfrac{5-1}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = [tex]-\dfrac{2}{2},\dfrac{4}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = (-1,2)

Therefore the coordinates of the intersections of the diagonal of parallelogram GHJK will be ( -1, 2 ).

To know more about parallelogram follow



In training for a swim meet, Tom swam 1000 meters in 2/3 hour. His swimming partner, Carl, swam 1/2 of his distance in 1/3 hour.



1. 25 meters per hour

2. 500 meters

3. 25 meters per hour

4. the same speed as

Step-by-step explanation:

I didn't know the options for 4 so hopefully this is correct :)

Yea what he said ……………

What is the initial value of the function represented by this graph?




the inital value is one.

Step-by-step explanation:

So basically, the initial value is just the value of y when x is zero. In this case, its 1 this point on the graph where x=0 is also known as the y intercept. Hope that helped.

Number 1 because the arrow from 6.7 is pointing to the other side with 0.1 removing the 0 would be 1






Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps, sorry I'm bad at explaining, but just trust me it is this im 100% positive.

Answer: 24.32

Step-by-step explanation:

   34.12  - 09.80

hope this helps

The graph shows the depth, y, in meters, of a shark from the surface of an ocean for a certain amount of time, x, in minutes:

Part A: Describe how you can use similar triangles to explain why the slope of the graph between points A and B is the same as the slope of the graph between points A and C. (4 points)

Part B: What are the initial value and slope of the graph, and what do they represent? (6 points)



you can count the lines from point a to point b on the Y (rise) axis then on the X (run) axis. put the rise over the run as a fraction (rise)/(run to find slope. it will form a triangle.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me! I will give brainly!


Three pumpkins are catapulted at a contest. How much farther does Pumpkin C travel than Pumpkin A?

• Pumpkin A travels 0.61 mile.

• Pumpkin B travels 0.28 mile farther than Pumpkin A.

• Pumpkin B travels 0.06 mile farther than Pumpkin C.

How many Mile ____


Answer:  0.34



A = 0.61 is given to us

Pumpkin B travels 0.28 of a mile further than A does, so,

B = A+0.28 = 0.61+0.28 = 0.89

Pumpkin B travels 0.89 of a mile.


Pumpkin C travels 0.06 of a mile more than B does, which means,

C = B + 0.06

C = 0.89 + 0.06

C = 0.95

Pumpkin C travels 0.95 of a mile.


The last thing to do is to subtract the values of C and A

C - A = 0.95 - 0.61 = 0.34

Pumpkin C travels 0.34 of a mile further compared to pumpkin A.


Side note: if you want to convert from miles to feet, then multiply by 5280.

For instance, 0.61 miles = 0.61*5280 = 3,220.8 feet.

If Pumpkin B travels 0.28 farther than A and 0.06 farther than be 0.28-0.06= 0.22 miles so the answer is 0.22 for pumpkin C

See the picture to solve the question 1Question=10 points




Step-by-step explanation:

Call x: the hour of dogs keeping

      y: the hour of wolves keeping

The total charge for dogs keeping: 19+ 1.5x

The total charge for wolves keeping: 14+2.75y

Total cost (19+ 1.5x)+(14+2.75y)= 1.5x+2.75y+33

the answer is 1.5x+2.75y+33

Please answer this question, I will mark brainlest



B: 12

Step-by-step explanation:

length of one side =150

length of one path =12.5

Number of patches= 150 / 12.5

Number of patches = 12

hope it helps

please mark me as brainliest

What is the solution to the following system of equations: 2x + 3y = 5 AND 5x = 5y -25



point form (-2,3)

Equation form

x=-2, y=3

Step-by-step explanation:

solve for the first variable in one of the equation, then substitute the result into the other equation.



Step-by-step explanation:


x=y-5    divide both sides by 5

use substitution.


2y-10+3y=5    distribute the parenthesis

5y-10=5    combine like terms

5y=15    add 10 to both sides

y=3    divide both sides by 5 to get y alone

5x=5(3)-25    replace y with 3, the value we found above

5x=15-25    multiply 5 and 3

5x=-10    subtract 25 from 15

x=-2    divide both sides by 5 to get x alone

Taylor bought 5 dozen oranges. 30% of the oranges were used to make juice and 15% of the oranges were given to his daughter. Find the number of oranges he had left?



33 oranges are left, 18 went to making juice and 9 were given to his daughter

1 dozen is 12. 5x12=60 oranges. 60x30%=18 oranges. 60x15%=9 oranges. 18+9=27 oranges. 60-27=33 oranges left for Taylor.
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