7. Why are people from Pacific Island
nations likely to become environmental
A. Because of sea level rise due to
climate change
B. Because the fish populations they
survive on are diminishing
C. Because they ve degraded their
Islands and can no longer grow food
D. Because large factories there have
contaminated the soil, increasing cancers
and other health problems


Answer 1


For these migrants, economic and cultural reasons were given as motivations for settling abroad. About 37 percent leave to find work, 26 percent for education opportunities and some 18 percent give climate change as their reasons for migration.

Related Questions

All enzymes which catalyze the chemical reactions of a cell are
a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. long-chain fatty acids d. proteins e. ribonucleic acids no another by differences in​



I think the answer will be protein.


the answer is carbohydrates

Science, Geology, Class 8

1. choose the correct answer ( CTCA )
a. what makes the soil fertile?
i. rock particles
ii. humus
iii. sand particles
iv. silt particles​





Also known as the uppermost layer of soil, that's for making soil more fertile due to its organic content.

Traits can also be
, which means they can be masked



is that a question?


Look at the branching tree diagram below.

A slanting, horizontal line is shown. On the extreme left, there is a label that says Common Ancestor. Along the slanting, horizontal line there are five dots labeled from left to right with the following traits Four limbs, Amniotic egg, Fur, Shearing teeth, and Retractable claws. There is one vertical line between each of the consecutive five dots. The lines are labeled from left to right as Amphibians, Reptiles, Marsupials, Dogs, Cats.

Which group of organisms evolved after dogs?

Only cats
Only marsupials
Both cats and marsupials
Both amphibians and reptiles



both cats and marsupials

Answer:   Both Amphibians and Reptiles

Explanation: I took the test and got it, so.....

which of the following solutions has the hghers h ion concentration


Given concentration of all the acidic solutions is equal. However, H2SO4 being the strongest acid will dissociate completely thus giving highest concentration of H+ ions.

We have all heard about earthquakes or the cyclones that attack the coastal regions. Think of as many different ways as possible in which people's health would be affected by such a disaster if it took place in our neighbourhood. (a) How many of these health -related events would occur long after the actual disaster, but would still be because of the disaster? (b) How can it affect the life of people if in case of a pandemic?



The disease spread to the neighbourhood.


If the disaster such as earthquake and pandemic etc occurs in the neighbourhood so it also affected the health of the people of that region as well as the people that lives in the neighbourhood. In the case of pandemic, the disease spread to the neighboring area and affect the health of people while on the other hand, in earthquake the people of neighbourhood is also affected if the intensity of earthquake is higher.

What type of unconformity did Hutton see at Siccar Point and how was this uniformity formed?



Hutton's Unconformity

At Siccar Point, during the lower Silurian Llandovery epoch around 435 million years ago, thin beds of fine-grained mudstone were laid down gradually deep in the Iapetus Ocean, alternating with thicker layers of hard greywacke formed when torrents swept unsorted sandstone down the continental slope. Siccar Point is a rocky promontory in the county of Berwickshire on the east coast of Scotland. It is famous in the history of geology for Hutton's Unconformity found in 1788, which James Hutton regarded as conclusive proof of his uniformitarian theory of geological development.

A scientist lives near a wind farm and is wondering about the environmental effects of the wind turbines. They ________ that the turbines make a sound like faint airplane engines and also that there are far fewer meadowlarks living near the windfarm than lived there were before the windfarm was built.



Due to sound, population is decrease.


Due to noise of the wind turbine, there is decrease in population of meadowlarks in that region which is the only adverse effect of wind turbine. This wind turbine produces clean energy and produces no pollution like energy produce from burning of coal. This migration of meadowlarks can imbalance the ecosystem that has a great effect on the surrounding area.

In order for a physical barrier to be effective in preventing infection, the barrier must __________. A. prevent the substance from entering the body, trap the substance when it first enters the body, or flush the substance out of the body B. destroy the substance before it enters the body, prevent the substance from reproducing, or flush the substance out of the body C. trap the substance in t





The introduction of some nonnative species has been helpful. How can initially useful organisms become harmful to an ecosystem?



See explanation


The introduction of nonnative species in an ecosystem maybe both helpful and harmful. Initially, the introduced nonnative species maybe prove helpful in some ways.

As time goes on, the nonnative species begin to compete with the native species for resources in the ecosystem. The nonnative species may outdo the native species in such competition and entirely replace them. This may ultimately lead to a permanent loss of the native species from the ecosystem.

A field of sunflowers facing the sun is an example of





Phototropism. Although both types of movement orient plants toward a light source, heliotropism is not the same as phototropism. Phototropism is the term that describes the growth of a plant toward any light source.


Phototropism. Although both types of movement orient plants toward a light source, heliotropism is not the same as phototropism. Phototropism is the term that describes the growth of a plant toward any light source.


Image result for A field of sunflowers facing the sun is an example of

Continuously facing towards the east also helps the flowers to heat up quickly. This gives them an advantage in pollination, as warm flowers attract insects. Therefore, in the plant's interest, the flower always faces the sun and is therefore always clearly visible to these important pollinators.

What is love ???
Please don't spam



Read john 3:16 from the bible. That is the love God shows on us even when we don't believe his existence or deny him as the truth, ..world is important but it is not permanent.

What is classification? Why is it necessary to classify animals and plants?​




Scientists use Taxonomy, the science of classifying living things, in order to make sense of biodiversity and how living things are related. For example, the classification of species is important in light of a changing environment because it helps scientists keep track of endangered species and what new species were formed because of the environmental change.

compounds are made up of a single kind of molecule true or false.​


It is most likely hopefully false

If you have a measurement of 234.005 k, how many significant figures does it have



It has 6 sig figs



Every digit is significant.

Why do plant cells have chloroplasts?



The chloroplast has chlorophyll and the chloroplasts also helps with makes photosynthesis happen. It takes the suns energy and turns it into energy for the plant. So it uses solar energy and makes chemical energy.


name the fluid which is produced by sebaceous gland​





The sebaceous gland produces sebum, an oily, waxy substance. Sebum lubricates the skin and hair of mammals.

Hope this Helps! :)

Have any questions? Ask below in the comments and I will try my best to answer.


Which statement below is accurate? Red blood cells placed in a hypertonic solution will become lysed Plant cells in an isotonic solution will become lysed. Red blood cells in a hypertonic solution will become crenated Plant cells in a hypertonic solution will be turgid.


When a red blood cell placed in hypertonic solution it will shrink = develops the notched appearance characteristic of crenation.(crenated)

Which adaptation do organisms need to live in an estuary?
(there are no options just a written question.)



Organisms need gills to live in an estaury.


Because it helps the organisms to breathe in the water.

Is a ping pong ball a nonliving or living thing and why



A ping pong ball is nonliving because it does not have a brain or living cells. It is plastic.

What group of archaebacteria is both thermophilic and acidophilic?




it would be thermoacidoohiles

name at least three other neurotransmitters and state the roles of theese neurotransmitters in human body.​



Glutamate (Glu) Acetylcholine (ACh) Histamine Dopamine (DA). (Glu) is an important neurotransmitter, (ACh) is the chief neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system, (DA) regulates sleep patterns, and influencing cognition.


Which organ system in the human body is responsible for the transportation of nutrients, gases, wastes and blood?
a) cardiovascular system
b) respiratory system
c) excretory system
d) immune system​



The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and takes away wastes.

I hope this will help you if not then sorry, have a great day :)
The cardiovascular system is one of the eleven organ systems of the human body. Its main function is to transport nutrients to cells and wastes from cells

is there any evidence to prove that the earth is spherical​








Satellites take images and they launched a camera up to the moon and captured what the earth look liked

What is the Defenition of Metabolism?

When offspring change and develop over millions of years
When living things change over time.
The flow of chemical energy in an organism.
When an organism produces an offspring


The answer is

C. The flow of chemical energy in an organism.

Metabolism is the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.

In almost all criminal cases, eyewitnesses are used in order to build a case for someone’s innocence or guilt. Should eyewitness accounts be the sole evidence used to convict the accused? Explain your view.




No never.

There is a famous psychology experiment where people sit in classroom in such a way that the person on either side of you can't hear what you say. This works best with more than 20 people.

The first person composes a sentence that has 3 facts in it. He whispers it to the second person who relays it to the third until the last person is told. The point of the experiment is to show that the last person isn't normally able to correctly repeat the 3 facts. In fact, most often what is given is quite mixed up and incorrect.

That's what's wrong with eye witness accounts. You can be certain of what you saw. You can also get it all mixed up.

Using the following nucleotide sequence, predict the complementary strand sequence:






The predicted the complementary strand sequence for 5'-TTAAACCCGTTGGAAC-3' is 3'-AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5'.

What is DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a double helix molecule composed of two complementary strands.

According to the base pair rules, Adenine pairs with Thymine and Guanine pairs with Cytosine.

In conclusion, the predicted the complementary strand sequence for 5'-TTAAACCCGTTGGAAC-3' is 3'-AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5'.

Learn more about base complementarity here:




Your answer would be AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5′


__plants important adaptation of the seed allowed plants to__
A. Non vascular, grow in underwater environments
OB. Angiosperm, attract pollinators
C. None of these
D. Gymnosperm, spread quickly across the land





Non vascular plants reproduce by spores or other asexual means

Attraction of pollinators is not an adaption of the seed. In angiosperms the colorful petals attract pollinators.

adaptations of seeds is their ability to store food, be dormant for preservation. They do not adapt to spread across the land via Gymnosperms. seeds can spread around via animals who eat the fruit and move from place to place. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers, so they don't have fruits. Though wind may blow their seeds, it's still not an adaptation.

Gymnosperm plants important adaptation of the seed allowed plants to spread quickly across the land.

So, option D is correct option.

Non vascular plants reproduce by spores or other asexual means.Attraction of pollinators is not an adaption of the seed. In angiosperms the colorful petals attract pollinators.The seeds spread around via animals who eat the fruit and move from place to place. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers, so they don't have b. Though wind may blow their seeds, it's still not an adaptation.

What is adaptation?It is biological mechanism.In this organisms adjust to new environment or changes in their surroundings.Example: Plant called succulents adapted to climate by storing water in their shorts, thick stem and leaves.

Learn about adaptation,



Which major processes were needed for the origin of life on Earth?



I think it's a climate

Why making anti-viral medicines is harder than making anti-bacterial medicines ?

Also Is Virus a living parasites?​



Making anti-viral drugs is more difficult than making anti-bacterial medicines because viruses have very few biochemical mechanisms of their own. They make use of host machinery which replicates. So it is very much difficult to find the targets where these drugs get interfered by not making any harm to the host. Thus, it is not easy to design an antiviral drug with high safety and effectiveness.


And i would say virus is a parasites but not a living parasite according to md


Because antivirals can damage host cells where the viruses reside.

I hope this helps

all viruses are obligate parasites,that is they lack metabolic machinery of their own to generate energy or to synthesize proteins,so they depend on host cells to carry out these vital functions...

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Lost and out of food, he feared he had but a few hours before darkness closed in, trapping him in the bitter cold with the creatures of the night.He closed his eyes to fight back tears, when he heard it in the distance. Water! His fathers words came flowing into his mind; one tip he actually remembered. If youre ever lost, find a river and follow it.In a flash, he was on his feet, scaling fallen trees, tearing through brush, frantically following the sound. The sky grew darker, but the noise grew louder, and Randall, tired and scared, forged ahead until he found it. He reached the river bank and was mulling his next move when a sudden splash caught his eye.A majestic eagle rose from the water, soaring skyward with a freshly caught fish in its talons. Could it be the same eagle nested above his camp? It glided triumphantly into a high nest a short distance away, eager to greet its family. Randall smiled, equally triumphant, eager to do the same as he followed the eagles flight.In the distance, he saw his mother, his whistle clutched in her hand. someone whos smart English wise help me out here What is the estimated value of 2v12 . 3V5 / V30 . V36 Phn tch vai tr ca cc yu t trong bin tp Audio v Video Fifteen-year-old Roxana wants to skip school today because she is having a bad hair day and is convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Roxana experiencing?A) the personal fable.B) the imaginary audience.C) the fight-or-flight response.D) the top-dog phenomenon.