8. For evolution to occur in a population, individuals with a trait that is
"naturally selected for" must
a. live a long time.
c. reproduce.
b. leave the area.
d. coevolve.


Answer 1
The answer is C - Reproduce

Related Questions

Four types of macromolecules



carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.


Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. Some are structural, such as cellulose.

Proteins have a wide variety of functions. They make up structures, and regulate chemical reactions as enzymes.

Nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, are involved in heredity and the production of proteins.

Lipids can be structural, such as the phospholipids in the plasma membrane, and they are a source of energy.

1. How far do the penguins travel to feed?



Up to 7,000kilometers in 8weeks

Most penguins seek their food within 15.3 and 18.3 meters deep, but, according to their diet, there are two types of penguins: 1. Species who look for food about 20 kilometers off the coast, as:- African penguin ( Spheniscus demersus)

Explain how all the properties of water are related. Provide an example to describe the interconnectivity of each property. Be sure to include hydrogen bonding, polarity, surface tension, capillary action, cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat, and expansion upon freezing.



The main properties of water are its polarity, cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, high specific heat, and evaporative cooling. A water molecule is slightly charged on both ends. This is because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen. The stream of water bends due to the polarity of water molecules.

All the properties of water are related to one another by the polar nature that is caused by the partial electronegativity difference of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules of water molecules.

A water molecule has  uneven distribution of charges between different atoms  of the different molecules. All types of properties of water due to attractions between these polar  molecules.

in water molecules slightly negative atoms of one molecule are  attracted to the slightly positive atoms of other  moleculesthe attraction forms hydrogen bonding, weak  bonds between a hydrogen atom and another atom

Properties of water due to polarity and hydrogen bonds:

surface tension - a measure  of the force necessary to  stretch or break the surface  of a liquidcapillary action - the tendency of water  to rise in a thin tubecohesion - water attracted to other water moleculesadhesion - Water attracted to  other materialshigh specific heat - the amount of  the heat that must be absorbed or  lost for one gram of the substance to change its  temperature by 1°Cexpansion upon freezing - ice is less dense than and on freezing it expands its structure and forms a cage-like structure.

Learn more about the properties of water:


Plz help for brainliest .







Density equals mass divided by volume. the mass of the cork is 5.7 and its volume(the amount of water it displaced) is 23.5 so [tex]\frac{5.7}{23.5} = 0.24[/tex]

the mass of the granite block is 2700. the formula to get the volume of a rectangular prism is Volume = length × width × height so 20 × 5 × 10 = 1000

Density equals mass divided by volume so [tex]\frac{2700}{1000} = 2.7[/tex]

Density equals mass divided by volume.  the pipes mass is 78 and its volume is 60(amount of water displaced) so [tex]\frac{78}{60} = 1.3[/tex]

If a scientist accidentally adds 10 ml of solution instead of 1 ml during an experiment, this is
an example of a


Mistake , a mess up , not being careful , could be a problem depending if there’s a chemical or not a number of things could result from this

2. There are many sources of milk such as milk from cow, goat and even from plant material.
Plan an experiment to determine which milk contains the highest amount of protein and reducing
sugar such as maltose.



Goat milk is good


Goat milk comes out on top for protein and cholesterol, but cow milk's fat content is ever so slightly lower. Goat milk has more calcium, potassium and vitamin A than cow milk, but cow milk has more vitamin B12, selenium and folic acid.

Calories: 168

Protein: 9 grams

Fat: 10 grams

Carbohydrates: 11 grams

Fiber: 0 grams

Sugar: 11 grams

Goat milk is an excellent source of:  






What are the subkingdoms in kingdom prokaryotae



The Prokaryotae are further divided into two subkingdoms. These are called the Eubacteriobonta (which contains the so-called Eubacteria) and the Archaebacteriobonta (which contains the so-called Archaebacteria). This split arose from the research of Carl Woese.

Sign an experiment.
A: John Smith has been hired by the city of Virginia Beach to investigate the recent increase in shark attacks off
the resort's coast. The resort has also heard from its guest recently an increased number of elephant seals that
are seen at the beach. Elephant seals are highly migratory and move with the seasons. He has a budget of
$40,000, a 25 foot boat, and three graduate student assistants to help him. A helicopter has also been donated by
a local television station, should he need one.
1. List 2 hypotheses John and his crew may have come up with for the recent shark attacks.
a. If
b. If
2. Pick one of the two hypotheses and determine the following:
a. Control Group:
b. Experimental Group:
c. Dependent Variable:
d. Independent Variable:
3. What type of data do you think John will collect (What will be the results of the experiment)?
4. What conclusions will John be able to make from the results of the experiment?


The answers to the questions required for the design experiment above are :

If shark attack are related to the number of elephant seals in an area, then shark attack will increase as the number of elephant seal increases

If shark attack are unrelated to number of elephant seal in an area, then shark attack is unaffected by increase or decrease in number of elephant seal.

The Control Group : Beaches or areas where elephant seals aren't present or period of the year when there are no elephant seal at the beach.

The Experimental group : Beaches where varibale portions of elephant seals are found (area with high, medium or low).

The Dependent variable : Number of shark attacks

The Independent variable : The different number of elephant seals found.

Data to be collected include : The number and type of elephant seals found at various beaches and the number of shark attacks recorded at the various points.

John will be able to deduce if the number of elephant seals and number of shark attacks recorded corded are related.

The hypothesis of an experiment is a proposition which requires experimental testing in other to establish it's validity.

The Control Group refers to a portion of the subject which aren't given or exposed to the treatment used in an experiment.

The Experimental group are the portion of the subjects which are subjected to the treatment condition.

The Dependent variable is the measured variable is changes as the independent variables are tweaked.

Independent variable is the predictor variable, it causes a change in the output of the dependent variable.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/17528320?referrer=searchResults

Question: True or False: Evidence and Data that is
gathered is always numerical



i think it’s false but jsjs

I think the answer is false

It is necessary to digest the food we eat in order to give us the energy and nutrients needed for each of our cells to live. true or false?



digestion our body takes the nutrients from the food we eat.

Therefore, i'd say this is a true statement.

Need help ASP do tomorrow


6 is false
7 is D
8 is C
And 9 is A, im not sure about number 4 and from the angles taken I cannot see the answers to number 5 and number 10

Who is an activist ???​


An activist is a person who fight for something they believe.


A person who is revolutionary for society changes

explain why oxygen and glucose need to be absorbed and waste products need to be removed



Oxygen and nutrients from food must be absorbed into the bloodstream to be delivered to cells for respiration. Waste materials such as carbon dioxide must be removed from cells into the bloodstream. Tissues contain capillary networks to allow these exchanges to occur at a cellular level.

Oxygen and glucose needs to be absorbed and waste products need to be removed for the proper functioning and maintenance of the body cells and systems.

Oxygen is an odor less and colourless gas that is needed by living organisms.

It is absorbed by living organisms because it serves as a source of fuel.

Glucose is a type of carbohydrate called monosaccharide which is gotten from food.

It is assimilated or absorbed into the body through the hormone insulin and serves as a source of energy.

Waste products of metabolism is removed from the body through the process of excretion. A typical example is the carbondioxide.

If Waste products are allowed to accumulate they cause poisoning which slows down vital chemical reactions.

Learn more here:


RNA codes for the sequence of building blocks from which proteins are made. What monomer best describes these building blocks


Nucleotides is the name of the monomer

HELP!!! TIMED TEST!!! The chart shows four articles read by the students in a science class. Which claim has the greatest support?

A The Journal of Health: smoking can cause adverse effects on the lungs

B The Daily News: Vitamin supplements help increase food absorption

C and D look untrustworthy.



this is the answer


B The Daily News: Los suplementos vitamínicos ayudan a aumentar la absorción de alimentos






if it does not involve 2 parents it will produce offspring identical to parents

Answer: I think that Mode 1 produces offspring identical to their parents

Explanation: I think to me other statements according to the pictures don't seem biologically correct

What is photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is the process where plants use sunlight to make food. Carbon dioxide+water-sunlight>glucose+oxygen


Photosynthesis is the process where plants transform sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into oxygen to make a sugar which the plants need in order to survive.

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

A cell sends messages to itself via

A. paracrine signaling
B. autocrine signaling
C. the nervous system
D. the endocrine system​


It’s sends message to itself via the nervous system

Please give my answer the brainliest

A cell sends messages to itself via autocrine signalling. So the correct option is B.

What is autocrine signalling?

The type of cell signalling in which a cell releases a signal from itself and then that signal binds to the same cell. The chemical signal that is released from the cells is known as autocrine agents or autocrine signals.

Autocrine agents are usually hormones or chemical signals. They act as ligands and then bind to the receptors that are present in the cells that have produced them. Such kind of receptors is known as autocrine receptors.

When the autocrine agents bind to the autocrine receptors, autocrine stimulation occurs. This is a chemical reaction that is induced within for the necessary functions that need to happen.

This autocrine signalling is observed at early developmental stages and organ formation happens. These are for pain sensation & inflammation regulation.

Cells infected with viruses also produce autocrine signalling. Autocrine signalling also has an important function in cellular homeostasis. For example, progesterone is important as an autocrine signal molecule in breast cancer.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Read more about autocrine signalling, here



Was absent and need help ASAP

Which of the following foods contain protein? More than one answer may be correct.
a) Honey
b) Egg white
c) Canola oil
d) Corn Starch
e) Potato
f) Apple Juice
g) Water​



b). Egg white.

d). Corn starch.


there are only 2


1)egg white


Girls often have better developed fine motor skills until ____. (fill in the blank)





What is something that exist but doesn’t have anything to do with science, law or rules, or religion



Should scientists even try to answer questions about the purpose of the universe? Most researchers assume that science and religion are completely separate fields—or, in the phrase coined by evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, “nonoverlapping magisteria.” But as physicists investigate the most fundamental characteristics of nature, they’re tackling issues that have long been the province of philosophers and theologians: Is the universe infinite and eternal? Why does it seem to follow mathematical laws, and are those laws inevitable? And, perhaps most important, why does the universe exist? Why is there something instead of nothing?


Medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinas posed similar questions in his 13th-century book Summa Theologica, which presented several arguments for God’s existence. He observed that all worldly objects can change from potential to actuality—an ice cube can melt, a child can grow—but the cause of that change must be something besides that object (warm air melts the ice cube, food nourishes the child). The history of the universe can thus be seen as an endless chain of changes, but Aquinas argued that there must be some transcendent entity that initiated the chain, something that is itself unchanging and that already possesses all of the properties that worldly objects can come to possess. He also claimed that this entity must be eternal; because it is the root of all causes, nothing else could’ve caused it. And unlike all worldly objects, the transcendent entity is necessary—it must exist.

Aquinas defined that entity as God. This reasoning came to be known as the cosmological argument, and many philosophers elaborated on it. In the 18th century, German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz described God as “as “a necessary being which has its reason for existence in itself.” It’s interesting to note that Leibniz was also a mathematician and physicist; he invented differential and integral calculus at about the same time that Isaac Newton did. (They developed the math independently.) Both Leibniz and Newton considered themselves natural philosophers, and they freely jumped back and forth between science and theology.

By the 20th century, most scientists no longer devised proofs of God’s existence, but the connection between physics and faith hadn’t been entirely severed. Einstein, who frequently spoke about religion, didn’t believe in a personal God who influences history or human behavior, but he wasn’t an atheist either. He preferred to call himself agnostic, although he sometimes leaned toward the pantheism of Jewish-Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who proclaimed, in the 17th century, that God is identical with nature.

Likewise, Einstein compared the human race to a small child in a library full of books written in unfamiliar languages: “The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly.”

Einstein often invoked God when he talked about physics. In 1919, after British scientists confirmed Einstein’s general theory of relativity by detecting the bending of starlight around the sun, he was asked how he would’ve reacted if the researchers hadn’t found the supporting evidence. “Then I would have felt sorry for the dear Lord,” Einstein said. “The theory is correct.” His attitude was a strange mix of humility and arrogance. He was clearly awed by the laws of physics and grateful that they were mathematically decipherable. (“The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” he said. “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”)


But during the 1920s and 1930s, hefiercely resisted the emerging field of quantum mechanics because it clashed with his firm belief that the universe is deterministic—that is, physical actions always have predictable effects. Einstein famously criticized the indeterminacy of quantum theory by saying, God “does not play dice” with the universe. (Niels Bohr, the father of quantum mechanics, is said to have remarked, “Einstein, stop telling God what to do.”)

Although quantum theory is now the foundation of particle physics, many scientists still share Einstein’s discomfort with its implications. The theory has revealed aspects of nature that seem supernatural: the act of observing something can apparently alter its reality, and quantum entanglement can weave together distant pieces of spacetime. (Einstein derisively called it “spooky action at a distance.”) The laws of nature also put strict limits on what we can learn about the universe. We can’t peer inside black holes, for example, or view anything that lies beyond the distance that light has traveled since the start of the big bang.

Some plant cells have cell walls, while other plant cells have a cell membrane
for protection.
the flow of water
T or false and and explanation it’s 2.21



False, all plants cells have cell membrane, in addition most of them have also cell wall. They have both

The kidneys are an essential organ for which system?

Excretory System
Excretory System

Reproductive System
Reproductive System

Immune System
Immune System

Respiratory System



Explanation:  excretory system

The kidneys do a lot, but their most important job is to take waste out of the blood and make urine . The urinary tract takes this waste out of the body when a person

how does the cell cycle relate to reproduction



Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Both of these cell division cycles are used in the process of sexual reproduction at some point in their life cycle. Both are believed to be present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor.


hope its help for you

thank you

good day

Help me I need an answer!!What is latitude?



extent from side to side or distance sidewise from a given point or line, I got this from the internet so I don't know if it is correct sorry if it isn't

what exactly is a different in following pictures A and B and need to be done to maintain the situation in picture B​



in picture A we can see that the environment is very dirty on the other hand in picture b the surrounding is really clean.


the following things should be done to maintain the situation in picture b÷

i) Participate in cleaning program.

ii) don't throw dust on the Road throw it in dustbin .

iii) Stop others from throwing dust in the road and make them clear about the importance of clean environment .

The red blood cells in the 0.10 mol dm-3 salt solution burst.
Explain why the red blood cells burst.​



red blood cells burst.


Red blood cells placed in a solution with a higher water concentration compared to their contents (eg pure water) will gain water by osmosis, swell up and burst. Water will diffuse from a higher water concentration outside the cell to a lower water concentration inside the cell.

https://www.bbc.co.uk › revision

The effects of osmosis on animal

Red blood cells placed in a solution with a higher water concentration compared to their contents will gain water by osmosis, and get swell up and burst.

What is red blood cells and its function?

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to your body's tissues. Your tissues produce energy with the oxygen and release a waste, identified as carbon dioxide.

What is red blood cells?

A type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.

To learn more about red blood cells , here



what is photosynthesis, give with examples?

Anyone help me​



it is a process used by which plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar

3a. Which paragraph is best illustrated by
the image?



paragraph 2


it gives the most relatable description to the picture in appearance, even though 3 gives some details, its more about how it functions, so the answer is paragraph 2. it makes the most sense.

In which case is potential energy increasing?
a 20 kilogram boulder rolls down a hill that is 430 meters high
a weightlifter lifts a 20 kilogram barbell above his head
a skydiver jumps from an airplane that is 4 kilometers above the Earth
a spring of a dart gun launches a dart in a straight line from rest position



a weightlifter lifts a 20 kilogram barbell above his head


I think it's B " Weightlifter lifts a 20 Kg barbell above his head"