8. Which words would work best in tag phrases used to introduce a direct quote?​


Answer 1


The last one.

intimated, avows, thought, laughs


Answer 2

The words that can be used in the tag phrase to introduce a direct quote are according to, indicates, confirmed, comments etc. Thus, option 1st is correct.

What is Phrase?

Phrase is referred as the words or the group or collection of the words in the English language that gives some sense. A phrase can be short or long, it depends on the words. It may or may not include the pairing of the  subject and verb.

The example of the phrase can be such as - After the meal, On the table, At afternoon etc.

Tag phrase refers to the structural meaning of the text or the sentence. For instance, the abbr tag indicates that a word or phrase was abbreviated.

The following phrases can be used to preface a direct quote: in accordance with, suggests, affirmed, comments, etc.

Therefore, it can be concluded that 1st option is correct.

Learn more about Phrase here:



Related Questions

Why would an author use allegory?
A. To ask the reader rhetorical questions in order to make a point
B. To help the reader understand the author's personal background
and education.
C. To help the reader make a deeper connection to reality through a
story or symbol
D. To give the reader factual details and information about an event



The answer is C.


Allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.

Which of these words has the most similar connotation to tantalized? A. teased B. tortured C. worried D. annoyed



A. teased


this seemed the most appropriate to me but it also could be B. tortured

Why is it a good idea to reiterate the
controversy in your conclusion
A. It reminds your readers of the issues you are addressing
and sets up your all-important rebuttal.
B. It reminds your readers of the issues of your paper so
they can write a paper like it of their own.
C. It reminds your readers of the issues you are addressing
so they can focus on the opposition.
D. It reminds your readers of the requirements for a
research report.



A. it restates the main argument and reminds the reader all of your points that will strengthen your main argument.

In at least 500 words, write a reflective essay on a text or texts you've read that focuses on South Africa. What did you learn and how did the readings change or enlarge your world view? Make sure to reference all of the works you read.



South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. It has had a rich colonial history since the seventeenth century. In 1652 the Dutch arrived who founded a refreshment post on the Cape. After a century and a half of Dutch colonization, the Cape Colony was taken over by the United Kingdom. As a result, a large number of Dutch-speaking settlers, known as Boers, migrated inland with the Great Trek and founded several Boer states, of which the South African Republic and the Orange Free State were ultimately the most important. These republics were conquered by the British in 1902 in the Second Boer War and united together with the Cape Colony and Natal in 1910 to form South Africa. In the 20th century, South Africa was overshadowed by apartheid, a system of racial segregation that systematically disadvantaged the non-white population. In 1990, apartheid was abolished and in 1994 Nelson Mandela was elected South Africa's first black president.  It is a country with diverse population groups and eleven official languages, including Afrikaans, which is related to Dutch. The country is a parliamentary republic with three capitals and is one of the most developed countries in the continent, but poverty and crime rates remain high.

You have seen this advertisement for a summer job.

Summer shop assistants needed for our new arts and crafts shop

You need to:
• be good at working with people
. have some knowledge of arts and crafts
• be able to work during the busy tourist season in July and August

Write saying why you would be suitable for the job to:

Robert Brown, Manager, The Art of Craft, High Street, Oxford Write your letter.

(140-190 words)​



Explanation:What is a Job Application Letter?

A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information about your skills and experience to an employer. The letter of application is intended to provide detailed information on why you are are a qualified candidate for the job.

Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills.

Your application letter should let the employer know what position you are applying for, what makes you a strong candidate, why they should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up11

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

As with all cover letters, a job application letter is divided into sections:1

4. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions which follow.

One day, it suddenly dawned on me how my parents were ageing. My father who once was tall and strong was now showing strains on his face through toils on his farm. He was wearing wrinkled face and had grey hair all over his head. Looking at his youthful days pictures, I am much convinced that women sang him praises.

My mother, though carried her age much better, had been robbed of her strength, and her breasts emptied through childbearing and breast feeding respectively. However, she still carries on with her petty trading activities as a habit and not necessity.

My mother now smiles slowly and rarely speaks. Her face and skin remain smooth and her expression is self-satisfactory. My parents who are now the head of their respective extended family, represent the highest and wisest authority.

a. What had caused the strains in the writer's father's face?

b. What is the writer convinced about?

c. What had robbed of the writer's mother's strength?

d.What had emptied the writer's mother's breasts?

e. Why does the writer's mother still sell?

f. The writer's parents represent ......... in their extended families

g. Explain the following expressions in your own words.

i. Women sang him praises

ii. Still carries on with

h. For each of the following words, give another word or phrase that means the same and can fit into the passage.
i. Dawned on

ii. Robbed of

III. Rarely

iv. Authority​


Answer: See explanation


a. What had caused the strains in the writer's father's face?

The strains in the writer's father's face was due to ageing.

b. What is the writer convinced about?

The writer was convinced that women sang his father praises when he looked at his youthful pictures.

c. What had robbed of the writer's mother's strength?

The writer's mother has been robbed of her strength through childbearing.

d.What had emptied the writer's mother's breasts?

The writer's mother's breasts have been emptied through

breast feeding.

e. Why does the writer's mother still sell?

The writer's mother still sell her petty trading activities.

f. The writer's parents represent ......... in their extended families

The writer's parents represent the head in their extended families.

gi. Women sang him praises - This means that the women told his father how handsome he was.

ii. Still carries on with - It means the mother stills continue selling her petty trading activities.

hi. Dawned on - To realize something.

ii. Robbed of - To take something from someone or deprive someone of a particular thing.

III. Rarely - Seldomly, Not often.

iv. Authority​ - Power.

Literary EI
4. Which type of character provides an obstacle to the protagonist?


Its antagonist thats the answe B.

Which of the members seems prepared for and supportive of this discussion?
Select one:
O a. Juanita and Justin only
O b. Kendall and Cai only
O c. Tyrell and Justin only
d. Everyone but Justin


The correct answer from the given options is Juanita and Justin Only.

The two members seem prepared and supportive for the discussion. The two members who are prepared and support the discussion are Juanita and Justin.

Only these two members of the team favors the discussion and understands the point of discussion. They were part of a team who had more than 5 members.

Only Juanita and Justin supported the discussion and rest of the members opposed the ideas presented in discussion.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24294254

It was great! I left a lot less questions blank than I did last time.

find error



It was great! I left lesser questions than I did last time.


The given sentence contains an error in using two self-contradictory words 'lot' and 'less' back to back which puzzles the meaning of the sentence and affects its readability as well. The sentence contains 'than' which denotes a comparison and it uses the positive word 'great.' Therefore, it will use 'less' in the comparative degree to keep the meaning of the sentence positive conveying that comparatively lesser questions were left unattempted this time. Thus, the comparative degree 'lesser' would be used to rectify the error and establish the comparison between the two ideas.


Less should be changed to fewer.


Less is used to describe things that you cannot count or that are measured in bulk, such as water, sand, and time. Fewer is used to describe things that you can count, like cars, people, or books.

Why do Joey and Topthorn enjoy Crazy Old Friedrich? What happens to Friedrich? In war horse


hope this helps

Friedrich runs, but he's not fast enough. An explosion kills him, too, leaving him face-up on the ground next to Topthorn's body. Still not budging, Joey stands amid the chaos and watches as the last two horses he knows, the Haflingers, escape into the trees.

Which of the following phrases is a verb phrase?
The black snake
Sunned itself
On the sidewalk
Beside the river
Question 3 of 7


The answer here will be “sunned itself” (used without object)-Verb

As Vince attempted to park in the crowded lot, his truck kissed the bumper of an Impala.
What is being personified?
Which human trait or quality is given?


the truck “kissing” the bumper of the impala and the human trait given is the kissing part
Kissing is a human action, so truck is being personified.

What are David's observations or Mr.young bear and how he views the world? From Montana 1984



David is the story’s contemplative and highly perceptive narrator. He tells the story as a grown man of 52 looking back on his childhood. The events of the summer of 1948 mark for David a rude transition into the unpleasant and more complicated realities of adulthood. David is a thoughtful and somewhat quiet and solitary boy, who loves living in the countryside and going on long hikes, horseback riding, hunting, and fishing. At 12, he believes he is in love with his caretaker, Marie Little Soldier, but when he is older he recognizes that this love was chaste and innocent, though still very real. David’s childhood was pleasant and uneventful prior to the summer of 1948, but when unsettling rumors about his Uncle Frank come to light, David must contend with some very adult and unpleasant realities: his uncle is a sexual predator and a murderer, many of his heroes are bigots, and his life will never be carefree again. When David grows up he teaches history—he is in part interested in history because of all of the untold stories and tragedies he believes are contained in many historical accounts; for the story of Frank and Marie Little Soldier was not recorded anywhere, but in many ways describes life in Montana better than any official history could.


David's observations in this story reflect a 52-year-old guy. The man's tale tries to flashback to his youth. David's maturity has been quite miserable due to many occurrences, notably the summer of 1948. Complications abound. He is a pleasant and humble youngster who likes the countryside. Despite this, he likes hunting, fishing, long treks, and even horseback riding. David, a 12-year-old kid, falls in love with Marie Little Soldier, only to learn later that the love was just innocent. Prior to 1948 Summer, he had a happy childhood. During this period, stories about his Uncle Frank began to circulate. His uncle was rumored to be a killer and a sexual predator. It was all about history. His life has been full of unexpected historical events.


Write a sonnet using the traditional Shakespearean sonnet form.



Following are the solution to the given question:


You could be better off writing one yourself less personally, although Shakespeare uses a specific rhyme in his stanza. That system comprised 14 lines, and the rhyme was such (in sense of variables).

[tex]ABAB\ BCBC\ CDCD\ EE.[/tex]

Something likes example were defined in the attached file:

3. Which is an essential question to ask when analyzing a source?
What is the author or creator's purpose and point of view?
What is the author's country or culture of origin?
How many people contributed to this document?
How well does this source summarize other sources?



what was the authors purpose and point of view

I had this question TOOOOOOOO


What is the author or creator’s purpose and point of view?


An author's reason for creating a document (or film) reveals key information about how complete the source can be expected to be.

Sticky rice cakes _____ by Vietnamese people on Tet. ( enjoy)



Are enjoyed



Sticky rice cakes is enjoyed by Vietnamese people on Tet


câu bị động

The title of the poem “Mirror,” suggests that it _____.
will use personification
is an allegory
will use metaphors
may be about self-reflection


maybe be about self-reflection

The poem investigates the concepts of vanity, perception, time passing, and truth. The speaker of the poem is a mirror, who asserts to be sincere and not unkind. And it is a projection of self-reflection as stated in option (D).

What is the theme of the poem mirror?

Self-reflection is the "Mirror's" overarching theme. The reflection provides an accurate, unbiased evaluation of what it observes: "I am precise and silver.

I don't have any assumptions." Instead of passing judgment, the mirror simply reflects what it sees, unhindered by prejudices or prior notions that may otherwise color its observations.

As a result, it compels the woman to face the truth about both her innermost problems and her outward appearance. The mirror shows the woman's appearance, but it also compels her to do a thorough self-evaluation.

Check out the link below to learn more about the poem mirror;



Which sentence is a rule to follow when creating a formal piece of writing?

Avoid using abbreviations.

Use plenty of three-syllable words.

Include several references to literature.

Give your writing a casual, conversational tone.


avoid using abbreviations

a story on how u lost something



Once when I was a child. That was my

birthday morning, my mom woke me up.

And no one literally remembered my

birthday. I became kinda sad but I didn't

said a word about it to others. But mom

left me lonely in the house and went

somewhere. It was Sunday so I didn't had

school that day too. I was just getting

boared remaining all alone in the house.

As I am addicted to horror movies or

tales the most. I started to watch those.

But after sometime my mind started to

make a illusion for each and everything

in the house. I was hitting great fear and

anxiety over that time. Then suddenly

a phone call hits up. I picked the call

and answered it up 'HEY!'. Someone

answered that your mother has been

admitted to the city hospital due to an

accident. When I visited her I gotta know

that she's no more. I had no one left to

be with anymore. No relative, no parents

or guardians. So, I was left all alone over

that house left with nothing. That was

the day when I lost my mother, the most

precious thing ever. After a few days

I started to beg and live life after that


hope it helps!:)

Howdid the Chinese emperor reward Arniko?​



He lived in China until his death in March 1306 at the age of sixty-two. ... The emperor grieved over his death after hearing the news and halted the court session. He ordered palace officials to take care of the family, and reward the family twenty-five thousand taels of silver.


He ordered palace officials to take care of the family, and reward the family twenty-five thousand taels of silver.


Arniko was Nepal's most renowned builder among the different. There was a famous emperor in China called Kublai Khan during the 13th century Nepalese government released postal stamps in his name to reward him.

Which is the best claim for an argumentative essay that supports the sale of unlabeled genetically modified food? Food companies that label genetically modified food are behaving unethically by needlessly alarming consumers. There are food companies that sell genetically modified food without including a label that identifies it as such It is ethical for food companies to sell unlabeled genetically modified food because customers can become confused if there are too many labels.








It is ethical for food companies to sell unlabeled genetically modified food because customers can become confused if there are too many labels.

Central idea in all light we can see by Anthony dower


essentially the theme is about war and how war affects the people that get involved with it. The book has many themes but one of the secondary themes has to do with free will and if the characters in the story truly have such a thing.

E. Read the writing task below and write a paragraph
expressing your opinion. Use your ideas from
activity D.
Computer classes should be compulsory for all
students in primary and secondary schools. Do you
agree?50-80 words


Yes, I totally agree that computer classes should be compulsory for all students in primary and secondary schools. Now-a-days, computers have become a basic need, so the sooner students learn it, the better it is. It is used in every field, including science, management, engineering, writing, art, animation, etc. Moreover, after the pandemic, nearly all activities are done digitally or virtually, so even small children need to have knowledge about it. Compulsory classes will ensure that children have at least some basic knowledge about computer.




Yep. I'm pretty sure.


Read the excerpt from Gilgamesh: A New English Version.

Gilgamesh backed away. He said,
"How dreadful Humbaba's face has become!
It is changing into a thousand nightmare
faces, more horrible than I can bear.
I feel haunted. I am too afraid to go on."

Enkidu answered, "Why, dear friend,
do you speak like a coward? What you just said
is unworthy of you. It grieves my heart.
We must not hesitate or retreat."

Which sentence best states the theme of the excerpt?
People must persevere despite their fears.
Enkidu is a loyal source of encouragement.
Gilgamesh needs support to overcome his fear.
Cowardice leads to defeat and death.


People must persevere despite their fears. sentence best states the theme of the excerpt. Hence option A is correct.

What is sentence ?

A sentence is a verbal expression in linguistics and grammar, as in the English example "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that communicates a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate. It is often described in non-functional linguistics as a maximum unit of syntactic structure, such as a component. According to functional linguistics, it is a group of written texts that are separated by markers like periods, question marks, and exclamation points as well as graphological traits like capital letters. Contrast this idea with a curve, which is defined by phonological characteristics like pitch and loudness as well as markers like pauses; and with a clause,

To know more about perseverance :



B. Complete the sentences with the simple past tense of the verbs given in brackets.
1. Tan
(write) a very interesting biography of his father's life.
(give) her best friend a copy of Jamie Oliver's cookbook for her
2. She
3. Mother:
(do) you find the book that you were looking for?
Tina: Yes,
(do). It was under my bed.
4. She
(receive) a gift from her parents for doing well in the recent examination.
5. Alisa
(promise) to help her. I hope she
(mean) what she said.
6. Last year she finally
(win) the prize for reading the most number of books.
7. She
(draw) a beautiful picture of her teacher.


1. Tan
wrote a very interesting biography of his father's life.
gave her best friend a copy of Jamie Oliver's cookbook for her
2. She
3. Mother:
did you find the book that you were looking for?
Tina: Yes,I did . It was under my bed.
4. She
received a gift from her parents for doing well in the recent examination.
5. Alisa
promised to help her. I hope she
(mean) what she said.
6. Last year she finally
won the prize for reading the most number of books.
7. She
drew a beautiful picture of her teacher.
wrote, gave, (if its attend its attended)?, did, i did, received, promised, meant, won, drew,

riya writes a letter,.tag question​



Riya writes a letter, doesn't she?



doesn't she? as writes means verb 5and if their is verb 5 than we have to put does

Which is not a from of board cast journalism

A. A weekly radio show
B. An internet podcast
C. A morning radio show
D. An evening news program
Please help


Choice B. An internet podcast


Broadcast journalism is posted through electronic devices recorded video, such as television news.

B is the correct answer

write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the experience of reading "Thank You, Ma'am," by Langston Hughes


Answer: Your really not explaining much that's why


Non-word signals are used to emphasize important ideas or information.

True or False?


the answer is false!!!!!

Non-word signals do not emphasize important information or ideas. So, the given statement here is a false statement.

What are non-word signals?

The non-word signals include:

An exclamation point (!) Underline ItalicsBold typeSubheads, etc.

Therefore, as per the given statement, the "Signal words" provide you with suggestions or information about what's going to happen next in the story you're reading.

As a result, "false" is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about non-word signals;



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