A rocket is launched from the top of a 76-foot cliff with an initial velocity of 135 ft/s. a. Substitute the values into the vertical motion formula h = –16t2 + vt + c. Let h = 0. b. Use the quadratic formula to find out how long the rocket will take to hit the ground after it is launched. Round to the nearest tenth of a second.

A. 0 = –16t2 + 135t + 76; 0.5 s

B. 0 = –16t2 + 76t + 135; 9 s

C. 0 = –16t2 + 76t + 135; 0.5 s

D. 0 = –16t2 + 135t + 76; 9 s


Answer 1


The answer is 2.)

Step-by-step explanation:

Given initial velocity=135 ft/s

& cliff=76 foot

Given quadratic equation

⇒                      (let h=0 it is given)



⇒    t=8.96≈9 s (the other root is negative)

Hence, rocket will take 9 s to hit the ground after launched.

Answer 2

Answer:  Choice D

0 = 16t^2 + 135t + 76;  9 s



The equation we start with is

[tex]h = -16t^2 + vt + c\\\\[/tex]

where v is the starting or initial velocity, and c is the starting height.

We're told that v = 135 and c = 76

We let h = 0 to indicate when the object hits the ground, aka the height is 0 ft.

That means the equation updates to [tex]0 = -16t^2 + 135t + 76\\\\[/tex]

Based on that alone, the answer is between A or D


We'll use the quadratic formula to solve for t

We have

a = -16b = 135c = 76


[tex]t = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\\\\t = \frac{-135 \pm \sqrt{135^2 - 4(-16)(76)}}{2(-16)}\\\\t = \frac{-135 \pm \sqrt{23,089}}{-32}\\\\t \approx \frac{-135 \pm 151.9506}{-32}\\\\t \approx \frac{-135 + 151.9506}{-32} \ \text{ or } \ t \approx \frac{-135 - 151.9506}{-32}\\\\t \approx \frac{16.9506}{-32} \ \text{ or } \ t \approx \frac{-286.9506}{-32}\\\\t \approx -0.52971 \ \text{ or } \ t \approx 8.96721\\\\[/tex]

We ignore the negative t value because a negative time duration makes no sense.

The only practical solution here is roughly 8.96721 which rounds to 9.0 or simply 9 when we round to the nearest tenth (one decimal place).

In short, the object will hit the ground at the 9 second mark roughly. Or put another way: the object is in the air for about 9 seconds.

From this, we can see that the final answer is choice D.

Keep in mind that we aren't accounting for any wind resistance. Considering this variable greatly complicates the problem and requires much higher level mathematics. So we just assume that there is no wind at this moment.

Related Questions

Please help me I’m confused


A midpoint is a point that divides a given line into two equal halves.The answers to the questions are:

1. BC = 89

b. AB = 45

c. AC = 44

2. The coordinate of I is 2.5

3. J = 19

4. MQ = 32

5. NO = 13

6. NO = 23

b. MN = 25

A line segment can be divided into different fractions. Where the point that divides the line segment into equal parts is the midpoint. however, number line is a system that shows the location or positions of all directed numbers.

The given questions can be solved as follows:

1. Given that point A is between BC and AB = 4x -3, BC = 7x + 5, AC = 5x - 16


BC = AB + AC

7x + 5 = (4x -3) + (5x - 16)

          = 9x - 19

7x + 5 = 9x - 19

19 + 5 = 9x - 7x

24 = 2x

x = [tex]\frac{24}{2}[/tex]

x = 12

So that;

a. BC = 7x + 5

         = 7(12) + 5

BC = 89

The value of BC is 89.

b. AB = 4x -3

         = 4(12) - 3

AB = 45

Thus AB has a value of 45.

c.  AC = 5x - 16

          = 5(12) -16

 AC = 44

The value of AC is 44.

2. Given that H is the mid point of GI, and G = 8, I = -3.


I = 2.5

The coordinate of I is 2.5

3. A midpoint is a point that divides a line segment in to two equal halves. Given that J is the midpoint of KL. KL = 38

J = [tex]\frac{KL}{2}[/tex]

  = [tex]\frac{38}{2}[/tex]

J = 19

The value of the midpoint J is 19.

4. It can be deduced from the conditions given in the question that:

  MQ = MN + NO + OP + PQ

          = 8 + 8 + 16      (NB: OP + PQ = 16)

MQ = 32

Thus, value of MQ is 32.

5. Since P is the mid point of NQ, and OP = 11, OQ = 35


PQ  = OQ - OP

      = 35 - 11

PQ = 24

Since, PQ = NP =24


NO = NP - OP

      = 24 - 11

NO = 13

NO has a length of 13.

6. NO = 2y + 11, OP = 3y - 2, NP = 6y + 3 and MP = 64.


NO + OP = NP

(2y + 11) + (3y - 2) = 6y + 3

5y + 9 = 6y + 3

9 - 3 = 6y - 5y

y = 6

So that;

a. NO = 2y + 11

          = 2(6) + 11

NO = 23

Here, the value of NO is 23.

b. MN = MP - NP


NP = 6y + 3

     = 6(6) + 3

NP = 39


MN = 64 - 39

MN = 25

So that MN has a value of 25.

Visit: https://brainly.com/question/20751513

Pleaseeeee help!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

We only need to look at the brown eyes row

2+2+10 =14

Brown hair is 10

P(brown hair) = brown hair / total

                        =10/14 =5/7 = .714285714

One thousandth of the base unit in length :

One millionth of the base unit in mass :

One thousandth of the base unite in time :


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]1 \div 100th[/tex]

The sum of two numbers is 83 if one of the number is 7 more than the other find the two numbers?​



48.5 and 34.5

Step-by-step explanation:

83 divided by 2 and then subtract 7


45 and 38 equal 83 and 45 is 7 more than 38

Which equation is the inverse of y = 16+ 1?





Step-by-step explanation:

you could see it is x-1 and the the square root of 16 is 4.


Answer is the very bottom one

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helped ^^

Assuming x and y are two odd numbers and x/y is an integer. Which of the following statements are true?

1: x + y is odd.
2: xy is odd.
3: x/y is odd.
4: x-y is odd.

A: 1 and 2 only.
B: 1 and 3 only.
C: 2 and 3 only.
D: 2, 3, and 4 only.
E: 2 and 4 only.​


9514 1404 393


  C: 2 and 3 only.

Step-by-step explanation:

We know the sum or difference of two odd numbers is even, eliminating choices (1) and (4).

The product of two odd numbers is odd, so (2) is one of the true statements.


Let x/y = k, where x and y are both odd. Then x = ky. If k is even, then x is even, a contradiction. So, k must be odd. The integer ratio of two odd numbers is odd, so (3) is one of the true statements.

Only statements (2) and (3) are true.

8 lb. 9 oz.
X 15 _______


Step-by-step explanation:

where is the steps to this question you can't answer it without a question too it SMH

what numbers do u put up top when your doing 12,490 + 3,941




+ 3,941


Step-by-step explanation:

when it.jhonny hejzjrhjahruwhehb4nrjdjhegrhdjsrhhrhrr jake b poouoiouoiouoakao​



PLS HELP. write as an expression. thank you:)



[tex]x^{\frac{3}{2} } p^{6}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

plssss help???????? don’t understand



cos N = 7/25 =.28

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj side / hypotenuse

cos N = MN/ LN

We need to find the ad

Using the Pythagorean theorem

a^2+b^2 = c^2

MN^2 + 48^2 = 50^2

MN^2 + 2304 =2500

MN^2 = 2500-2304

MN^2 =196

Taking the square root

MN =14

cos N = MN/ LN

cos N = 14/50

cos N = 7/25

Answer: CosN (0.28)


In this case we are trying to find the base so

C²-A² = B²

So 50² subtract 48²= B²

2,500 subtract 2,304 = 196

Square root of 196 = 14

Now we have all 3 sides of the triangle we find

Soh Cah Toa

Cah means Cos=Adjacent / hypotenuse

First we identify the Angle before we can decide which of the sides is labelled opposite anx adjacent

We have Angle N and we know our hypotenuse (The longest side of the triangle)

The opposite of the angle would be our opposite and the one thats niether our opposite or hypotenuse is our adjacent

In this cse the angle we solved for B²= 14

Again back "Cah" Cos= Adjacent/hypotenuse

So, 14/50 = 0.28

Step-by-step explanation:

Algebra 1 need help ASAP


This can be interpreted as Tamika bought 9 gallons of milk and no toilet paper

From the graph given, we can see that the line touches the x-axis at (9, 0). Hence the x-intercept of the line is at (9, 0).

Since x represents gallons of milk and y represents the packages of toilet paper, therefore from the coordinate x = 9 and y = 0. This can be interpreted as Tamika bought 9 gallons of milk and no toilet paper

Learn more about y-intercept here: https://brainly.com/question/19072676

A binomial with a leading coefficient of 4 and a constant of 1.


4x + 1. Coefficient just means the number on the x and a constant means just a number by itself with no variable

The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and width. Both length and width are whole numbers. A rectangular poster has an area of 88 square inches. The width of the poster is greater than 10 inches and is prime.


Answer: a rectangular poster has an area of 260 square inches.the width of the poster is greater than 10 inches and is a prime number

Step-by-step explanation: a rectangular poster has an area of 260 square inches.the width of the poster is greater than 10 inches and is a prime number.what is the width

Coordinates of C and D are (-14 , 6) and (x , 13) respectively.Given x is a positive integer and the distance CD is 25 units.Find the value of x.​




Step-by-step explanation:

1) The vector CD is equal to (X-(-14); 13-6)= (x+14; 7)

2) The module of the vector CD is equal to diatance CD=25. It is equal to

 sqrt ((x+14)(x+14)+7*7) from the formula of module (with coordinates).

25= sqrt ((x+14)(x+14)+7*7)

625= (x+14)*(x+14)+49

625= x^2+28x+196+49


a=1 b=28 c=-380

D= b*b-4ac= 28*28-4*1*(-380)= 784+1520= 2304

sqrt D= sqrt2304=48

x1= (-28-48)/2= -38

x2= (-28+48)/2= 10

But x1<0 it is negative and it is not suitable, x2>0 it is positive, so answer is 10.

A storeowner orders 25 calculators that cost ​$38 each. The storeowner can sell each calculator for ​$42. The storeowner sold 22 calculators to customers. He had to return 3 calculators that were never sold and pay a ​$2 charge for each returned calculator​ (although the initial cost is​ refunded). What is the​ storeowner's profit?



Step-by-step explanation:

25*-30= -$750

Second: He sells 22 of those calculators for $35 each, so he is making money.

22*35= $770

Third: With the remaining three calculators, he must pay $2 each for returned calculators, so he is losing money again.

3*-2= -6

Add all the costs and sales together, and you get 770-750-6= $14 profit

However, the problem does not say if he gets his money back for the 3 returned calculators. In that case if he did, you would add the cost of each of those calculators to his profit. 30*3= 90

$90+$14= $104 profit

here u go

how do I simplify when there are fractions on fractions


Answer: y/y+x

Step-by-step explanation: Reduce the fraction at the bottom (1 - x/y) (1 + x/y) = 1 + x/y = simplify and you get y/y+x

2. Find the measure of angle J.


Mark Brainliest please

Answer is Angle ∠J = 54.052°

Explanation :

The following is one way to perform the calculation.

Calculating ∠J based on given a, b and c.
∠A = arc cos BC(b2 + c2 - a2 /2bc)

= 0.94338 rad
= 54.052°

Find the inverse of the given function. f(x) = 7x – 4​


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{y = \frac{x + 4}{7}}[/tex]

f(x) = 7x - 4

Rewrite f(x) with y:

y = 7x - 4

Swap the x and y variables:

x = 7y - 4

Solve for y:

x + 4 = 7y

y = (x + 4)/7

I need help plz anyone I don't understand this at all.




Step-by-step explanation:


1/4x-2= -6+ 5/12x1/4x-5/12x= -6+23x-5x/12 = -43x-5x= -4×122x= -48x= -48/2x= -24

25 points, choices in photo
Which of the following accurately shows the first step when solving the following system of equations by substitution?


I would go with C as a first step

The correct answer is C (that is equating f(x) and g(x))

How to solve a quadratic and linear equation?

A quadratic polynomial has highest degree 2 and a linear polynomial has highest degree 1.

In geometric sense, solving them means finding the point of intersection of curves:

In X-Y plane, these polynomials can be written as:

[tex]y=-x^{2} +2x+3\\y=-2x+3[/tex]

Taking the value of y from second equation and substituting it in first equation we get,

[tex]-x^{2} +2x+3=-2x+3[/tex]

Therefore, with the above procedure, we got the first step of solving the equations with the help of substitution.

To know more about polynomials refer to:



Which of the following numbers are solutions of the sentence x-3 < 2?
I -3
II 0
IV 5

O ll only
O III only
O I and III only
O I, II, and III only
O I, II, III, and IV​



O I, II, and III only

Step-by-step explanation:

x-3 < 2

Add 3 to each side

x-3+3< 2+5


-3 is less than 5

0 is less than 5

2 is less than 5

5 is not less than 5

I , II , II are true

solve the inequality and graph the solution

-5-7x < -40



x > 5

Step-by-step explanation:

-5-7x < -40

Add 5 to each side

-5+5-7x < -40+5

-7x < -35

Divide by -7, remembering to flip the inequality

-7x/-7 > -35/-7

x > 5

Open circle at 5, going to the right

1)a³b⁴/ ab³
2)2 (x³ )²
3)3x*2x³ y²



1) a³b⁴/ ab³ = a²b

2)2 (x³ )² = 2x^6

3)3x*2x³ y² = 6x⁴y²

What is the answer for 76 = -4b



-19 = b

Step-by-step explanation:

76 = -4b

Divide each side by -4

76/-4 = 4-b/-4

-19 = b


b = -19

Step-by-step explanation:

76 = -4b

shift -4 to the left hand side and when you shift -4 divides 76

76/-4 = b

-19 = b

Here are two fractions 3/10 and 5/7 work out which one is closer to a 1/2



Therefore 3/10 is closer to ½

Step-by-step explanation:

We've to get the difference:

» with 3/10 :

[tex] \frac{1}{2} - \frac{3}{10} = { \boxed{\frac{1}{5} }}[/tex]

» with 5/7

[tex] | \frac{1}{2} - \frac{5}{7} | = { \boxed{ \frac{3}{14} }}[/tex]


[tex] \frac{3}{14} > \frac{1}{5} [/tex]

Among both the given fractions, the one that is closer to a ½ is 3/10.

What is a fraction?

A number that is stated as a quotient in mathematics, when the numerator and denominator are split in half. Both are integers in a straightforward fraction. In the numerator or denominator of a complex fraction is a fraction.

An element of a whole or, more broadly, any number of equal pieces, is represented by a fraction. When used in conversational English, a fraction indicates the number of components of a particular size, as in one-half, eight-fifths, and three-quarters.

A fraction is a number that represents a portion of a whole. In order to evaluate it, a whole is divided into a number of components.  A correct fraction has a numerator that is lower than its denominator.

Required calculations are done with both the fractions,

1/2 - 3/10 = 1/5

1/2 - 5/7 = 3/14

3/14 ≥ 1/5

Therefore, among both the given fractions, the one that is closer to a ½ is 3/10.

Learn more about fraction from here:



Is 3584 a term of the series 7+14+28+56........?
(please answer if you know; this is the question from geometric series:- General progression)
(full steps and process required)
(No spam answers or else you'll be reported )​



yes it is the 10th term in the series

Step-by-step explanation:

The nth term of a geometric sequence is

[tex]a_{n}[/tex] = a₁ [tex](r)^{n-1}[/tex]

where a₁ is the first term and r the common ratio

Here a₁ = 7 and r = [tex]\frac{a_{2} }{a_{1} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{14}{7}[/tex] = 2 , then

[tex]a_{n}[/tex] = 7 [tex](2)^{n-1}[/tex]

Equate [tex]a_{n}[/tex] to 3584 and solve for n

7 [tex](2)^{n-1}[/tex] = 3584 ( divide both sides by 7 )

[tex]2^{n-1}[/tex] = 512 , that is

[tex]2^{n-1}[/tex] = [tex]2^{9}[/tex]

Since the bases on both sides are equal, both 2 , then equate the exponents

n - 1 = 9 ( add 1 to both sides )

n = 10

3584 is the 10th term in the series

Find the value of a. A. 57 B. 104 C. 26 D. 52​



Option D, 52

Answered by GAUTHMATH

hello i need help someone please!!

find the inverse of this relation
h(t) = -6t + 7




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]h^{-1}[/tex] (t) = [tex]\frac{7-t}{6}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

let y = h(t) and rearrange making t the subject

y = - 6t + 7 ( add 6t to both sides )

6t + y = 7 ( subtract y from both sides )

6t = 7 - y ( divide both sides by 6 )

t = [tex]\frac{7-y}{6}[/tex]

Change y back into terms of x with t = [tex]h^{-1}[/tex] (t)

[tex]h^{-1}[/tex] (t) = [tex]\frac{7-t}{6}[/tex]

f(x) =-x^2+x+13
find f(9)



f(9) = - 59

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute x = 9 into f(x) , that is

f(9) = - (9)² + 9 + 13

     = - 81 + 22

    = - 59



Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) =-x^2+x+13

Let x = 9

f(9) = - (9)^2 +9+13

       = -81 +9+13

      = -59

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