A 6V battery is connected in series with two bulbs. What would the voltage drop be across each bulb?


Answer 1




Related Questions

find the value of resistor having 4 colour band yellow, violent, orange,silver​



The value of resistance of a resistor having four colour bands in the order yellow, violet , orange and silver is 47000 ± 10%



yellow = 4

violet = 7

orange = 3 zeros

silver = 10% tolerance.

So the value of the resistor is

47000 +/-10%

10% means 4700 ohms either side of 47000 so that means

42300 < x < 51700

Usually a ten % tolerance is more than adequate for most applications.

When one vessel is overtaking
another, which one is the stand-
on vessel?
the larger vessel
the more colorful vessel
the vessel with more passengers
the vessel being overtaken




The question is asking when one boat is overtaking another boat, the overtaking boat should steer around the slower boat. The slower boat, the vessel being overtaken, is the stand-on vessel.

why is engineering profession important ​


Search Results
Featured snippet from the web
Engineering is a profession that opens doors to many careers. Engineering takes responsibilities for the safety of people and environment. Engineering offers a rewarding and lucrative career. ... A career in engineering affords the opportunity to make a difference, afford them job security and trying out new technology.

It is the same as force. b. Stress that is created by plate collision is the same everywhere and reflects the total force produced by the interacting plates. c. It is the change in shape produced by strain. d. Stress that is developed during orogeny can be different at various locations.





1.A holiday by the sea is …………………………than a holiday in the mountains. A.gooder B. better C. more good D. best


B. Better


Because there is no such words as Goodyear and more good and better is used to compare 2 things

When turning left, which lane of the intersecting street should you turn onto?


Answer and Explanation:

The answer is the left lane on the far left of the street you our turning onto, when doing a left turn into it.

This is done for if someone on the road is turning right onto the same road you are turning to, in which they would take the right lane on the far right.

   |      |      |

__| H  |      |__


L            <-      

__              ___

D   ->

__|      | X |___

   |      |     |

X represents the position you are currently on.

D represents the lane with traffic going forward in front of you towards your right.

L represents the lane you need to turn to (the farthest left lane.

R represents the farthest right lane, in which car H would use to turn to.

H represents a car that would turn to position R (right lane).

I hope this helps!

#teamtrrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Question 74
Which of the following would be required when towing a person on water skis
behind a PWC rated for two people?
power winch
reboarding ladder
rearview mirror (at least four inches by four inches)
rectangular red flag with a white diagonal stripe



C). rearview mirror (at least of four inches by four inches).


A 'rearview mirror' would be needed in case one is required to pull an individual on water skis after a PWC(personal watercraft) that is rated for carrying two persons only. This wide-angle mirror for rearview would allow the operator to monitor the person who is being towed constantly along with riding the ski at the same time. It is considered illegal to tow a person on a vessel without having a rearview mirror and at the same time, the limited capacity must also be followed strictly. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

please help me
give me all the answers​



I am sorry friend I can't


how many answer in this question we have to tell

(-1) x (-1) x (-1)=



(-1) x (-1) x (-1)=1×(-1)= -1

Answer: -1
please mark brainiest

4. Partnership programs between schools and the owners
of local automotive service shops that allow students to
earn school credit and a wage by working in commercial
repair shops are called



Automotive Technology Program


Basically hiring students for hands on training to learn the basics of mechanics.

An oscilloscope display grid or scale is called?



An oscilloscope display grid or scale is called a graticule.



I think the answer is graticule.


When selecting the appropriate gear for intended direction of travel, automatic transmission equipped vehicles should be placed in _______ while manual transmission equipped vehicles should be placed in ______. a) Drive, first gear b) First gear, second gear c) First gear, drive d) Second gear, first gear



Automatic transmissions should be in Drive and Manual transmissions should be in first gear.

While driving your vehicle you see a red-colored traffic sign ahead. The red color means it is
A: A sign woming of hazardous waste cleanup activity bruide the roadway
B: A coratruction zone Hazard sign, or a construction to Speed Limitsign.
C: A Stop sign, Do Not Enter sign, or Wrong Way sign


C is the answer for this question


C. A Stop sign, Do Not Enter sign, or Wrong Way sign.


Oxides of nitrogen contribute to the formation of?
A. High levels of CO2.
B. Acid rain.
C. Photochemical smog.
D. Particulate emissions.



B. Acid rain.

C. Photochemical smog.


Oxides of nitrogen contribute to the formation of photochemical smog and acid rain. Photochemical smog is a type of smog produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere while on the other hand, when nitrogen oxide react with the water vapor in the atmosphere forming nitric acid which falls on the earth surface with the help of precipitation.

If your accelerator pedal gets stuck, what is the first thing you should do?


If your accelerator gets stuck down, do the following: Shift to neutral. Apply the brakes. Keep your eyes on the road and look for a way out.If your accelerator gets stuck down, do the following:

Shift to neutral.

Apply the brakes.

Keep your eyes on the road and look for a way out.

Warn other drivers by blinking and flashing your hazard lights.

Try to drive the car safely off the road.

Turn off the ignition when you no longer need to change direction.

While driving on a rural road, your right wheels run off the pavement. You should hold the steering wheel firmly and


Gradually steer back onto the pavement

Fill in the blank by selecting the answer from the drop-down menu.

Creative Commons allows the creator of an artistic work to

Never show the work to anyone.
Share the work in the way she chooses.
Play the song on the street.
Replace copyright with freedom of speech.



B. share the work in the way she chooses



B. Share the work in the way she chooses.

Explanation: I just did it on edge 2023! Hope this helps.

Guys I really need a lot of help on some engineering questions due tommorrow. If theres anyway your good at this topic pls coment or answer below so I can tell you the questions. Pls help a brodie out.. :(



I might be able to help

i took engineering for a year so i might be of help! ill try my best but if not i do apologize

giải thích tại sao động cơ 2 kỳ lại bị khai tử



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The regulations change made two-stroke bikes “outmoded” in six years. Casual fans and industry experts alike generally credit the advancement of progress and the necessity to decrease emissions as the major causes that led to the extinction of two-stroke-powered dirt equipment.

In a two-stroke engines, the conclusion of the combustion cycle and the start of the compression stage happen concurrently, as do the inlet and exhaust operations.

A carbon resistor has a resistance of 976 ohms at 0 degrees C. Determine its resistance at 89 degrees C​



1028.1184 Ohms


Given the following data;

Initial resistance, Ro = 976 OhmsInitial temperature, T1 = 0°CFinal temperature, T2 = 89°C

Assuming the temperature coefficient of resistance for carbon at 0°C is equal to 0.0006 per degree Celsius.

To find determine its new resistance, we would use the mathematical expression for linear resistivity;

[tex] R_{89} = R_{0} + R_{0}(\alpha T) [/tex]

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] R_{89} = 976 + 976*(0.0006*89) [/tex]

[tex] R_{89} = 976 + 976*(0.0534) [/tex]

[tex] R_{89} = 976 + 52.1184 [/tex]

[tex] R_{89} = 1028.1184 \ Ohms [/tex]

help please if you don't know don't give wrong answer please​


4.75cm * 5.22cm is 24.795cm²

but let's do this with m² instead:

0.0475m * 0.0522m = 0.0024795

now we can compare it with the 49780 much easier.

devide. that's the roughly 20,000,000fold of the plot, but it's still squared, so let's take the root

so the representative fraction is 1:4,480.

the exact value is in the screens

have a nice day:)

write the 7 physical quantities with units​


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} \: \: \: \footnotesize{\boxed{\begin{array}{c|c}\boxed {\bf {quantity}} & \boxed {\bf {units}} \\ \\ \text{mass} & \sf{kilogram} \\ \text{ Time} &\sf{second} \\ \text{temperature}& \sf Kelvin \\ \text{current} &\sf ampere \\ \text{Amount ~of ~substance} & \sf mole \\ \text{luminous ~intensity } & \sf candela \\ \text{distance } & \sf metre \end {array}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

find the first principle derivative for 3/x with respect to x.​





Deriving is a lot like taking one away from the exponent. With that in mind, lets rewrite 3/x into 3x^-1. All we need to do is bring down the negative one then subtract one from the exponent. This gives us -3x^-2. We can convert it back to -3/x^2 .

In the photograph above, the technician is doing what?



I think d) installing. fuel filter..


[Option A]  I believe it is removing a fuel line.


A technician suspects that the EGR valve is closed. Which of the following would indicate a closed EGR valve?



C. rough idle

When vehicle wheels are about to lock, the ABS senses the impending lock up and prevents this from occurring. a) True b) False 2 Question 2 Electronic stability control reduces the risk of rollover crashes, such as are common with SUVs. a) True b) False 3 Question 3 _______________have the ability to control wheel lock on all four tires. a) Four-wheel anti-lock brakes b) Rear-wheel anti-lock brakes c) All anti-lock brakes d) None of the above



1. a) True

2. a) True

3. a) Four-wheel anti-lock brakes


1. True

When a wheel skids, there is less traction with the road and the vehicle is out of the driver's control

Breaks that have ABS are prevented from functioning fully in a situation where the contact between the tire and the road patch is broken and the tire is able to skid. Once the tire regains and maintains proper contact with the road surface such that the skidding has ceased, the full functionality of the brakes are restored, enabling the moving vehicle to stop faster and the steering to remain operational

2. True

A vehicle that has a standard Electronic Stability Control, ESC, is less likely to rollover. According to a University of Michigan Transport Research Institute study, SUVs equipped with an ESC are 73% less likely to have fatal rollover crashes

3. a) Four-wheel anti-lock brakes

The four-wheel anti-lock *four-wheel ABS) brakes works such that each wheel has a sensor through which if is detected that the wheel is about to lock, the ABS, ESC releases the break pad on the wheel such that the wheel keeps spinning

Calculate area moment of inertia for a circular cross-section with 3 mm diameter:

28 mm4

254 mm4

7 mm4

4 mm4

81 mm4

Calculate the minimum area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross-section with side lengths 6 cm and 4 cm.

52 cm4

72 cm4

32 cm4

24 cm4

2 cm4



Part 1

4 mm⁴

Part 2

32 cm³


Part 1

The diameter of the circular cross section, d = 3 mm

The area moment of inertia of a circle, [tex]I_C[/tex], is given as follows;

[tex]I_x = I_y = \dfrac{\pi \cdot d^4 }{64}[/tex]


d = The diameter of the circle

Therefore, the area moment of inertia of the given circular cross section, with d = 3 mm, is found as follows;

[tex]I_x = I_y = \dfrac{\pi \times (3 \, mm)^4 }{64} \approx 4 \, mm^4[/tex]

Part 2

The minimum area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross-section is given as follows;

[tex]I_x = \dfrac{1}{12} \cdot b \cdot h^3[/tex]

[tex]I_y = \dfrac{1}{12} \cdot h \cdot b^3[/tex]

The minimum moment of inertia, for the rectangular cross-section is given by placing, the height, h = The short side length and calculating for, Iₓ, and vice versa

Therefore, for the question, where, h = 4 cm, and b = 6 cm, we have;

[tex]I_x = \dfrac{1}{12} \times 6 \, cm \times (4 \, cm)^3 = 32 \, cm^4[/tex]

Which of the following best reflects a shield system?
a. A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground.
b. A structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-
C. A series of horizontal levels or steps between vertical surfaces.
d. A system of structures that are inclined away from an excavation.


C, because a narrow structure evacuation below surface ground isn’t the best and a structure holding forces and isn’t to do with the question at all and d doesn’t matter if there include away or not

This road sign means
no trucks
O trucks ahead
Osteep downhill ahead
O truck service below



B. Steep Downhill Ahead


C steep downhill


I looked at my course and found it.

Strands of materials A and B are placed under a tensile force of 10 Newtons. Material A deforms more than Material B.

True or false: This behavior may indicate that the bonds in Material B are stronger than the bonds in Material A.




the answer to this question is true
Other Questions
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