A boy spent 2/7 of his pocket money on transport and 1/5 on sweet. if he left with 20. what is the amount of money in the boys pocket​


Answer 1


x = 350

Step-by-step explanation:

x - starting amount

[tex]\frac{2}{7} x[/tex]  = after transport

[tex]\frac{1}{5} (\frac{2}{7} x)[/tex] = after sweets

[tex]\frac{1}{5} (\frac{2}{7} x)[/tex] = 20

[tex](\frac{2}{35} x)[/tex] = 20

2x = 700

x = 350

Related Questions

Help anyone can help me do this question,I will mark brainlest.​



8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

AM = MC = BM = (1/2) BC => AM , MC , BM = 5, => BC = 10apply pytago => (AC ^ 2) + (AB ^ 2) = (BC ^2)AB = [tex]\sqrt{BC ^2 - AC ^2}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{10 ^2 - 6 ^ 2}[/tex] = 8 (cm)



Step-by-step explanation:

So first let's write the information we got

Angle BAC = 90 degrees

Midpoint of BC = M

AC = 6cm

Am= 5cm

Also I found MC = BM, since it has a line that represents both lines are same

so to find it we have to Pythagoras theorem (A^2 + B^2 = C^2), well it is question we have the 'A value and C Value', also we need to find the value of B to find the length of MC and BM

A = 5

C = 6

so therefore to find B^2, we have to do the reverse, we don't add but subtract

C^2 - A^2 = B^2


Moving on to Calculation

6^2 - 5^2 = B^2

36 - 25 = B^2

B^2 = 9

B = √9

B = 3

MC and BM Length =  3 cm


Now, we know the length we again need to use Pythagoras theorem to solve this.

Since we know

A = 5

B = 3


A^2 + B^2 = C^2

5^2 + 3^2 = C^2

25 - 9 = C^2

C^2 = 16

C = √16

C = 4

The points A,B,C and D divide the line segment AD in the ratio 4:3:1 , respectively , and AD = 72cm . What is the length of BD?


Segment addition postulate states that given points X, and Z, on a line, a point Y, can be located between X, and Z, ony if we have;

XZ = XY + YZ

The length of the segment BD is 36  cm

The reason the above value is correct is as follows:


The ratio in which the points A, B, C, and D divide the line segment = 4:3:1

The length of segment AD = 72 cm


The length of BD


Calculate the length of BC and CD and add their values to get BD


Let the ratios be given unit proportions of the segment AD such that we have;

AB = 4 units

BC = 3 units

CD = 1 unit

By segment addition postulate, we have;

AD = AB + BC + CD

∴ AD = 4 units + 3 units + 1 unit = 8 units = 72 cm

∴ 1 unit = 72 cm/8 = 9 cm

1 unit = 9 cm

BD = BC + CD by segment addition postulate

BC = 3 units = 3 × 1 unit

∴ BC = 3 × 9 cm = 27 cm

BC = 27 cm

CD = 1 unit

∴ CD = 9 cm

∴ BD = 27 cm + 9 cm = 36 cm

The length of segment BD = 36 cm

Learn more about segment addition postulate here:


Choose which is a statistical question: What are
the ages of the students in this class? or How
many pennies equal 1 dollar? Explain.


The statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

What is a statistical question?

A statistical question is always aimed at data collection which can subsequently used for analysis and decision making. Statistical questions are asked in the course of research.

Among the two questions, the statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

Learn more about statistics:https://brainly.com/question/8058700


Find an equation of the line having the given slope and containing the given point m= - 8, (2,5) The equation of the line is y= (Simplify your answer. Type your answer in slope-intercept form. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression)​



Equation of line is y = -8x + 21

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope, m = -8

General equation of line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

At point (2, 5), y = 5 and x = 2:

[tex]{ \tt{5 = ( - 8 \times 2) + c}} \\ { \tt{c = 21}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{y = - 8x + 21}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \:† \: alone }}}}[/tex]

Klog earns $6.30 per hour. He worked 3.5 hours each day Monday through Friday plus 4 on Saturday. How much did he earn altogether?



Klog earned $135.45 altogether.

Step-by-step explanation:


Monday - Friday : 5 days / 3.5 hours

Saturday : 1 day / 4 hours

3.5 · 5 + 4

= 17.5 + 4

= 21.5


$6.30 per hours / 21.5 hours

6.30 · 21.5

= $135.45

Combine like terms in the given polynomial. Then, evaluate for x = 4, y = – 2.
xy – 2xy + 3x2 y — 4x y2 + 2xy2
3x2 y + 2xy2 – xy; – 56
C - xy – 2xy2 + 3x2y; – 56
Cx? y2 – 2; 62
– 2x y2 + 3x2y – xy; – 120

Need explanation please



- 2 x y^2+3 x^2 y -xy


Step-by-step explanation:

xy – 2xy + 3x^2 y — 4x y^2 + 2xy^2

Combine like terms

xy – 2xy + 3x^2 y — 4x y^2 + 2xy^2

- x y+3 x^2 y - 2 x y^2

Let x = 4 y = -2

-(4)(-2) +3(4)^2 (-2) -2(4)(-2)^2

Exponents first

-(4)(-2) +3(16) (-2) -2(4)(4)


+8 -96-32

Add and subtract


help me find x please




[tex]\left(\frac{\left(6\cdot \:\:\:sin\left(30\right)\right)}{sin\left(90\right)}\right)^2+x^2=36[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

If (5^(k-1))+(5^(k+1)) = m, what is 2*5^k in terms of m?

If [tex]5^k^-^1+5^k^-^1=m[/tex], what is [tex]2*5^k[/tex] in terms of m?

A) 5m

B) 5m÷2

C) 5m÷13

D) 5m÷26




Step-by-step explanation:


Going to combine like terms on left:


Law of exponents applied:




Multiply 5 on both sides to obtain the requested:


Apply the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor of all three terms. {24c + 36d + 18} =24c+36d+18=24, c, plus, 36, d, plus, 18, equals



[tex]6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]{24c + 36d + 18}[/tex]


Apply distributive property

We have:

[tex]{24c + 36d + 18}[/tex]

Factor out 6 (to apply distributive property)

[tex]{24c + 36d + 18} = 6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

Hence, the equivalent is:

[tex]6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

Solve for the following. Type your answer using digits. A rectangle with a length ofx−4 and a width of 8 has a perimeter of 34. The value of x is .



length = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

length =x-4

width = 8

perimeter =2( x-4) + 2× 8 = 34

= 2x - 8 + 8 =34

= 2x =34

= x = 17


x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, then

2(x - 4) + 2(8) = 34 ← distribute parenthesis and simplify left side

2x - 8 + 16 = 34

2x + 8 = 34 ( subtract 8 from both sides )

2x = 26 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 13

Write (25x^2 + 30x + 12) in the form (ax + b)^2 + c.



25 x^2 + 30 x + 12




Figura geométrica


Formas alternativas

x (25 x + 30) + 12

(5 x + 3)^2 + 3

5 x (5 x + 6) + 12

Raíces complejas

x = -1/5 i (sqrt(3) + -3 i)

x = 1/5 i (sqrt(3) + 3 i)

Step-by-step explanation:

calculate the area of shaded​ region


Answer:528cm squared
please mark brainliest


528 cm squared

Step-by-step explanation:

A parallelogram (slanted shape at the bottom) is essentially the same area as a rectangle.

Therefore, both shapes have the same measurements.

Multiply the length and height of the rectangle to get its area: 22cm×12cm =264cm squared

Since the area of the rectangle corresponds geometrically to the area of the parallelogram, just multiply the area of the rectangle (264cm squared), by 2.

So 264×2, = 528cm squared

Ta da...

10.5125 rounded to the nearest cent plz help me ty <3


Answer: your answer should be 10.5130

Step-by-step explanation:

For a party Justin buys a pizza and cuts it into 24pieces.Marc eats 1/6 of portion of the pizza and claudine eats 1/4 of what remains after both of them have eaten, Sylvia eats 1/3 of the result.Justin gets to eat what is left over what fraction of the pizza did Justin not eat



Justin did not eat 7/12 of the pizza

Step-by-step explanation:

Marc eats 1/6 × 24 = 4, 24 - 4 = 20 left over

Claudine eats 1/4 × 20= 5, 20 - 5 = 15 left over

Sylvia eats 1/3 × 15 = 5, 15 - 5 = 10 left over

Justin eats 10.

24 - 10 = 14

Justin did not eat 14/24 = 7/12

Numeric Response 4. In an arithmetic series, the first term is -12 and the 15th term is 40. The sum of the first 15 terms is (Record your answer in the numerical-response section below.)

Your answer should be in.0000​


In any artihmetic sequence, consecutive terms differ by a fixed constant c. So given the first term a, the second term is a + c, the third terms is a + 2c, and so on, up to the n-th term a + (n - 1)c.

If the 15th term is 40, then

40 = -12 + (15 - 1) c   ==>   c = 52/14 = 26/7

We can then write the n-th term as

-12 + (n - 1) 26/7 = (26n - 110)/7

The sum of the first 15 terms is then

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{15}\frac{26n-110}7 = \frac{26}7\sum_{n=1}^{15}n - \frac{110}7\sum_{n=1}^{15}n = \boxed{210}[/tex]

Another way to compute the sum: let S denote the sum,

S = -12 - 58/7 - 32/7 + … + 228/7 + 254/7 + 40

Reverse the order of terms:

S* = 40 + 254/7 + 228/7 + … - 32/7 - 58/7 - 12

Notice that adding up terms in the same position gives the same result,

-12 + 40 = 28

-58/7 + 254/7 = 28

-32/7 + 228/7 = 28

so that

S + S* = 2S = 28 + 28 + 28 + … + 28 + 28 + 28

There are 15 terms in the sum, so

2S = 15×28   ==>   S = 15×28/2 = 210

1. 6/5 x 3/4
2. 2/3 x 8/5
3. 5/2 x 4/3



hope this might help you


1. 9/10

2. 16/15 or 1 1/15

3. 20/6 or 3 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply one fraction’s numerator by the other fractions numerator over multiplying one fraction’s denominator by the other fraction’s denominator.

a teacher had 23 pupils to her class. all but 7 of them went on an excursion trip and thus were away for the day. how many students remains in the class that day.




Step-by-step explanation:

If the teacher had 23 but then 7 had to go away for a trip, then all you do is subtract 23 and 7:

23-7= 16

Thus, the teacher had 16 students that day after the 7 went away.

7 remained in the class that day

$108.75 for working 15 hours as a holiday helper wrapping gifts. At this rate, how much money will she earn if she works 18 hours the next week. Explain.




Step-by-step explanation:

$108.75/15 = 7.25

7.25 x 18 = $130.50

She will earn $130.50

Which expression represents the prime factorization of 243?

A ) 3×3×3×3×2
B ) 3×3×3×3×3
C ) 3×3×3×3×2×2
D ) 3×3×3×3×3×3


Answer: B) 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3


In factorization, the easiest way is to divide the term multiple times by the least factor each time until the answer is not divisible. Then, multiply all the factors and the remainder together to get the factorization of a term.


243 ÷ 3 = 81

81 ÷ 3 = 27

27 ÷ 3 = 9

9 ÷ 3 = 3

3 ÷ 3 = 1

Therefore, the prime factorization of 243 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions



Step-by-step explanation:

how could it not be??

I need help with VOCAB!!!Please help ASAP



SSS postulate

Step-by-step explanation:

its probab;py wrong im sorry


SSS Postulate

Step-by-step explanation:

Since both triangles have 3 congruent sides, then

The triangles are congruent by the SSS postulate

find the missing length for the following trapezoid​



15 is the answer I think.

Algebra 1 need help ASAP



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


10 - 3x < x + 30 ( subtract x from both sides )

10 - 4x < 30 ( subtract 10 from both sides )

- 4x < 20 ( divide both sides by - 4 and flip the sign )

x > - 5

A recipe for eight flapjacks needs 2oz of butter, 3oz of sugar, and 4 oz of rolled oats. How many flapjacks can I make if I have 14 oz of butter, 15 oz of sugar, and 16 oz of rolled oats?



Step-by-step explanation:

Eight flapjacks

2oz of butter

3oz of sugar

4 oz of rolled oats.

Each flapjack

Butter = 2/8 = 1/4 oz

Sugar = 3/8 oz

Rolled oats = 4/8 = 1/2 oz

How many flapjacks can I make if I have

14 oz of butter,

15 oz of sugar, and

16 oz of rolled oats?


= 14 oz ÷ 1/8 oz

= 14 × 8/1

= 112 flapjack


= 15 oz ÷ 3/8 oz

= 15 × 8/3

= 120/3

= 40 flapjacks

Rolled oats

16 oz ÷ 1/2 oz

= 16 × 2/1

= 32 flapjack


Considering the quantity of rolled oats available, the number of flapjacks that could be made is 32

Find the probability of “landing” in the shaded region of the figures below.





Step-by-step explanation:

The probability is the ratio of the areas of the 2 circles:

[tex]p=\dfrac{\pi*8^2}{\pi*25^2} =\dfrac{64}{625} =0.1024[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Probability = area of small circle / area of the large one

= 8^2 / 25^2

= 64/625

Please anyoneeeeeeee.....i am almost done just please help me


[tex]\boxed{\sf \overrightarrow{XV}\:and\:\overrightarrow{XY}}[/tex]

[tex]\Large{\underline{\sf Observations:-}}[/tex]


Question asks to find opposite rays .Here the given options are segments so this is wrong.


This is also given segments so its wrong


Question asks to find rays having endpoint x .means both started from one point and went different sides

So here Its v-x-y so its wrong.

 Which correlation best describes the data below.

no correlation

weak positive

strong positive

strong negative



strong positive

Step-by-step explanation:

both variables are moving in the same direction and is nearly a line

As x increases, y increases.  This has a strong positive correlation

If Malcolm selects two coins at random without replacement, what is the probability (as decimal) that he selects a nickel followed by a dime? Penny 8 Nickel 6 Dime 8 Quarter 7




Step-by-step explanation:



1st coin:  the probability for it to be a nickel is 6/29.

the 2nd coin, the probability for it to be a dime is 8/28.

total probability is 6/29 * 8/28 = 14/203.


Find the measure of one interior angle for the following regular polygon


To find the sum of the interior angles you use the formula (n-2)(180), where n is the number of sides. In this case, the number of sides is 12, so you get 1800 degrees. Then you divide by number of angles which is 12. So your answer is 150 degrees.

Simplify 2m^2 – 2m + 3m^2




Step-by-step explanation:

2m^2-2m + 3m^2



5m² - 2m

Step-by-step explanation:


2m² - 2m + 3m² ← collect like terms

= (2m² + 3m²) - 2m

= 5m² - 2m

What is equivalent to 1/6









There's a lot of things.

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