a break in which of the following would cause a secrion of bone to die


Answer 1


Osteonecrosis can be caused by disease or by severe trauma, such as a fracture or dislocation, that affects the blood supply to the bone. Osteonecrosis can also occur without trauma or disease.


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Juan has collected a cricket. Which question can a dichotomous key help him
A. Are crickets attracted to porch lights?
B. Which species of cricket is this?
O C. Which species of cricket is the most popular?
O D. How many times do crickets chirp per minute?


What species the cricket is

The question that can be answered by a  dichotomous key is the question; Which species of cricket is this?

What is a dichotomous key ?

The term term dichotomous key has to do with the identification of a species based on its characteristics.

The question that can be answered by a  dichotomous key is the question; Which species of cricket is this?

Learn more about dichotomous key:https://brainly.com/question/2235448


Hyperscience is...
1. Genetically modifying plants.
2. quickly producing new plant varieties.
3. growing plants using new technology.
4. responding to the horticulture market.





Why suspend the solution in warm water


can you specify so i can answer correctly? i’m not quite sure what you’re asking

anyone help me please I need help​



Dominant traits are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the dominant trait exists. Recessive traits are expressed only if both the connected alleles are recessive. If one of the alleles is dominant, then the associated characteristic is less likely to manifest.


what is the answer please help



never become laws



What is meant by the term Hormone?



hormone are cemical substance that act like molecule messanger in body.


hormones are the chemical substances that acts like messenger molecules in the Body


hope that it helped you and you liked my answer

which could describe the chemical reaction that is shown


Answer: dehydration of proteins.


What is a scientific inference? (1 point)
O an inconsistency or weakness in reasoning
a conclusion made from an observation
O an opposing idea to an argument
O a critique of a scientific idea


An inference has been defined as deductions based on the facts and evidence. The scientific inference is a conclusion made from observation. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a scientific inference?

The scientific inference is a term that describes the conclusion of the experiment based on the observations and the evidence that supports the facts and data of the hypothesis.

It is a deduction and conjecture that are reached after an experiment or a procedure is performed that provides the observatory data which can be analyzed.

A scientific inference provides an informed guess that interlinks and sets the relationships between the sciences. Though they may be guesses they are based on observed evidence.

Therefore, option b. the scientific inferences are guesses made from observations.

Learn more about scientific inferences here:



pls answer this for me guys





i guess it's C

three parts of stamen​



three parts of stamen are:



connective .

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated into protein.

B.Introns do not have any specific function,

C.Human genes have fewer introns than genes of other organisms.

D.Introns are not excised during post transcriptional modification



A. introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated into protein.


i hope it helps you

The DNA stands for deoxyribose nucleic acid, it has all the information required for the proper functioning of the human body.

The correct answer is B

The process of the formation of protein from the mRNA is called translation. it requires:-


The mRNA has the introns and the exons in it. Exons are the coding part of the DNA while the introns are the non-coding part and it does not have any specific functions.

Hence, the correct option is B that is Introns do not have any specific function.

For more information, refer to the link:-


Which circumstance can cause positive
population growth?
The immigration rate is lower than the death rate.
© B. The death rate is higher than the birthrate.
O C. The birthrate is higher than the death rate.
• D. The emigration rate is the same as the birthrate.

Answer is birthrate D





When the birthrate is higher than thedeathrate

Fill in the chart using the terms pseudoscience, science, and myths.



Science is based on observations and facts.

Pseudoscience and Myths are based on opinions, beliefs, or biases.

Let me know if this helps!


Based on observations and facts: Not based on reliable data or scientific procedures. Based on opinions, beliefs, or biases: Relies on human opinion and often lacks empirical basis.


Based on observations and facts: Relies on methodological research and empirical data. Based on opinions, beliefs, or biases: Draws conclusions using a scientific approach to gather facts.


Based on observations and facts: Possibly based on folklore, but not necessarily true. Based on opinions, beliefs, or biases: Often support erroneous ideas and may lack scientific basis.

Humans use science as a systematic approach to understanding the natural world. Its goal is to eliminate prejudice by using facts and observations to identify and describe underlying concepts and mechanisms. Pseudoscience lacks scientific rigor and relies on unproven claims driven by prejudices or beliefs, resulting in misunderstandings.

The basis of real science is actual data collected by experiment, observation, and application of the scientific process. Myths are important cultural myths that may not reflect scientific reality. While myths have their roots in tradition, they should not be confused with facts verified by science. Unlike pseudoscience and myths, which lack evidence-based scrutiny, science provides a solid framework for unbiased observation and testing.

Learn more about pseudoscience, here:



Bone is flexible in nature. true or false. ​


It's totally False,because bone is hard not flexible.

So,the answer will be: False

Which of the following is the best definition of pseudoscience?



a collection of beliefs or information that claims to be scientific as it is supposedly gathered by a scientific method,

How many hydrogen atoms are there in the molecule H2S04?
O A. 1
B. 3
C. 4.
O D. 2



two hydrogen atom


Sulfuric Acid, H2SO4 is a chemical compound made up of two hydrogen atom, one sulfer atom, and four oxygen atoms.

What is absorption?
A. getting rid of the parts of the food that the body couldn't
B. absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food
that was eaten
C. the breaking down of the food that has entered the body
D. putting food and drinks into your body





Absorbing nutrients into the blood stream from the food  that was eaten is called absorption.

Science is not a process, but just a body of facts that
accumulates overtime.





Science is more about gaining knowledge than it is about simply having knowledge. Science is a way of learning about the natural world that is based on evidence and logic. In other words, science is a process, not just a body of facts. Through the process of science, our knowledge of the world advances.

Page No. Date What is Cocoon 2 How is it produce​


Cocoon, a case produced in the larval stage of certain animals (e.g., butterflies, moths, leeches, earthworms, Turbellaria) for the resting pupal stage (see pupa) in the life cycle. Certain spiders spin a fibrous mass, or cocoon, to cover their eggs.

Explain how 2 polynucleotides can twist helically around each other to form a double helix of DNA?



The antiparallel arrangement of the two strands is what causes the twist. Because the strands run in opposite directions, they pull the sides of the molecule in opposite directions, causing the whole thing to twist around itself. Most naturally occurring DNA spirals clockwise.

The place where photosynthesis occurs is the:
A. mitochondrial membranes.
B. thylakoid membrane.
C. plasma membrane.
D. ribosone.
it's not chloroplast.





it's thylakoid membrane


Thylakoid membrane.


Hope this helps!

¿Qué opinas sobre la problemática del agua en el Perú y el mundo? Cómo ciudadano responsable ¿Qué acciones estas realizando para valorar este recurso?​


El agua es un elemento relativamente escaso y por lo tanto debe ser cuidadosamente utilizado. En América Latina la distribución de las precipitaciones hace que la disponibilidad de este recurso sea desigual dentro de la región, siendo por lo tanto especialmente importante cuidarlo a fin de evitar el agravamiento de la escasez de agua potable.

El agua es fundamental para la vida ya que este elemento cumple muchas funciones dentro de los sistemas biológicos las cuales incluyen, entre otras:es un sustrato imprescindible de muchas reacciones químicas que se producen dentro de la célulaayuda a la digestión de alimentosmantiene la temperatura corporal dentro del rango aceptable para la vida, etc.

El agua potable (apta para consumo) es también fundamental para evitar la aparición y propagación de enfermedades tales como diarrea, cólera, fiebre tifoidea, poliomielitis, etc.

De acuerdo al Informe Anual del Servicio de Aguas de Lima, aproximadamente el 93% de la población peruana posee servicio de agua potable.

América Latina posee aproximadamente el 25-30% de los recursos hídricos del planeta; sin embargo, su distribución dentro de la región es desigual, con áreas totalmente desertificadas y otras que actualmente sufren inundaciones periódicas.

Esta situación se encuentra agravada por las consecuencias del cambio climático, las cuales generan una mayor inestabilidad en la distribución y estacionalidad de las precipitaciones.

El cuidado de la cantidad y calidad del agua disponible es fundamental para mantener la biodiversidad de las especies alrededor del planeta y asegurar nuestra salud, como así también para garantizar la vida de las generaciones venideras.

La ONU (Organización de Naciones Unidas) posee un programa cuyo objetivo principal es reforzar la coordinación entre diferentes países y así lograr el acceso generalizado de las poblaciones al agua potable, como así también lograr su uso responsable.

Algunos tips útiles relacionados al cuidado del agua son:Cerrar la canilla al lavar utensilios de cocinaEvitar la pérdida constante de agua en la grifería del hogarEvitar el uso excesivo de agua al ducharseCerrar la canilla al lavarse los dientes

Aprende más sobre este tema en:


Gangguan pada sistem pencernaan sering kali terjadi karena kebiasaan buruk, seperti pola makan yang tidak teratur dan sembarangan. Salah satu dampak dari kebiasaan buruk yaitu penyakit maag atau gastritis. Coba jelaskan oleh Anda mengapa dapat terjadi?​



i don't know answer of this question


Periode yang lama tanpa makanan cenderung menyebabkan refluks asam, gastritis, dan asam lambung. Jumlah cairan pencernaan yang berlebihan dapat mengikis lapisan usus Anda dan menyebabkan bisul

fundamental molecules produced in photosynthesis is

(a) glucose (b) amino acids (c) fatty acids (d) nucleotide​


glucose is the fundamental molecules produced in photosynthesis

plz mark me as brilliant answer

What is science DO NOT COPY AND PASTE!!!


Accorfing to me science is all about logic and imagination.First, imaginating and putting own views then finding reasons behind it and proving.........


Science is the study of both living and non-living things that are present in the huge diversity in this mysterious yet unique world.

Please help! Show work please!



7. 18m = 1800 cm = 18×10² cm

8. 23 dm = 0.23 hm

9. 5 cm = 50 mm

10. 5.3 hL = 530000 mL

11. 167 mm = 0.167 m

12. 1.589 daL = 158.9 dL

13. 35.45 mg = 0.0003545 hg

14. 43 dam = 4300 dm

15. 500 kg = 500000 g

16. 700mL = 0.0007 KL

17. 130 dag = 1.3 kg

18. 59.932 mm = 59.932 × 10 –⁵ km = 59.932 × 10^–5 km

* Note; 1 m —> 100 cm1 dm —> 0.001 hm1 cm —> 10 mm1 hL —> 100000 mL = 10⁵ mL1mm —> 0.001 m1 dal —> 100 dL1 mg —> 0.00001 hg = 10^–5 hg1 dam—> 100 dm1 kg —> 1000 g1 mL —> 0.000001 kL = 10^–61 dag —> 0.01 kg1 mm —> 0.00001 km = 10^–5 km

I hope I helped you^_^

Which phrase describes a feature of groundwater?



feeds rivers





Xerophytic plants have thick stem why.​



to store large masses of water for survival since they live in areas of little water.

Skin color in a certain species of fish is inherited via a gene with four different alleles. Each allele confers a unit of color darkness such that having allele S1 confers one unit of color, S2 has two units, S3 has three units, and S4 confers four units. A fish of this type has the genotype S1, S3, and its mate has the genotype S2S4. What proportion of their offspring would be expected to have five units of color



25% of the progeny with genotype S3S4 is expected to express 5 units of color


Available data:

Skin color in a certain species of fish is inherited via a gene with four different allelesallele S1 confers one unit of color, S2 has two units, S3 has three units, and S4 confers four units.


Parentals) S1 S3   x   S2S4

Gametes) S1   S3      S2     S4

Punnett square)       S1           S3

                      S2     S1S2      S2S3

                      S4     S1S4      S3S4

F1) 1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be S1S2, expressing 3 units of color ⇒ allele S1 provides one unit, allele S2 provides two units of color

    1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be S2S3, expressing 5 units of color ⇒ allele S2 provides two units, allele S3 provides three units of color

    1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be S1S4, expressing 5 units of color ⇒ allele S1 provides one unit, allele S4 provides four units of color

    1/4 = 25% of the progeny is expected to be S3S4, expressing 7 units of color ⇒ allele S3 provides three units, allele S4 provides four units of color

25% of the progeny with genotype S3S4 is expected to express 5 units of color

the difference between the cellular make-up of a living organism and an aluminum cari is the ___



The difference between the cellular make - up of a living organism and aluminum can is the ability to use energy .

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