Question 2 of 10
What did Lincoln hope to do about voting after the Civil War?
O A. Extend voting to Native Americans living in the West
B. Stop all Southern men from ever voting again
C. Introduce a bill in Congress on women's right to vote
D. Limit voting to a small portion of African Americans


Answer 1


I believe its D


I did some research

hope this helps

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self-proclaimed state IS


Answer: described as or proclaimed to be such by oneself, without endorsement by others.


helped to explore the interior of Canada except



I don't understand this question

The Supreme Court has unlimited original jurisdiction.
a. True
b. False




have a great dayyyyyy

how did Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women, and Dissenters react to the way they were treated in World War 1​



con miedo potter


What about other ethnicities? They were worried because there was lots of discrimination

President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 to



President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 because he, along with the U.S., wanted to defeat the communist troops who were there.

what is height of mount Everest?​


Mount Everest is 8848 meter tall.

Pick ONE of the three movements of Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution and explain how it had a profound impact on the development of modern sport and physical education. Please use examples to illustrate your arguments.



The industrial revolution brought along mass production of goods including sports equipment. Mass production brought down prices allowing the poorest to play. It also changed a torture device into a workout machine. the treadmill used to be a torture device for energy that Europe used. Now, Europe has non slave labor energy and every civilian can suffer the treadmill. Fast trains gave opportunities for non locals to play in places far away too making a much more diverse(geography wise) playing field. If a professional football game was happening and a very good and qualified player lives a little far away, thanks to trains he now has the opportunity to compete.


i dont think this needs one

What are the strongest three arguments that support Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the national anthem?



The current debate over kneeling or sitting in protest during the national anthem was ignited by Colin Kaepernick in 2016 and has escalated to become a nationally divisive issue. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first refused to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Aug. 26, 2016 to protest racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. Since that time, many other professional football players, [7] high school athletes, and [8] professional athletes in other sports [9] have refused to stand for the national anthem. These protests have generated controversy and sparked a public conversation about the protesters’ messages and how they’ve chosen to deliver them.

Colin Kaepernick (in number seven jersey) and teammate Eric Reid kneel during the national anthem on Sep. 1, 2016.

Source: Josh Levin, “Colin Kaepernick’s Protest Is Working,”

Which of the following describes an impact the Chinese had on Japan during
the postclassical era?
A. The Chinese introduced Shinto to Japan.
B. The Chinese introduced Christianity to Japan.
C. The Chinese introduced Islam to Japan.
D. The Chinese introduced Buddhism to Japan.


the answer is B : the chinese introduced buddhism to japan

nhà nước đầu tiên ở việt nam?



Văn Lang



Nhà nước Văn Lang


Don't suggest that I am antidemocratic or somehow un-American. I'm a true patriot—who believes that the best public policy is a product of what the ____________ of American citizens prefer.

a. best educated
b. majority
c. minority


B. majority

Don't suggest that I am antidemocratic or somehow un-American. I'm a true patriot—who believes that the best public policy is a product of what the majority of American citizens prefer.

Production possibilities curves are useful to businesses because they
O A. help make predictions about which products will be profitable.
O B. show how producing one product affects production of another.
O C. compare productivity between multiple companies.
O D. identify efficient production methods to increase productivity.



It's B. show how producing one product affects production of another.


The production possibilities curve not only shows what can be produced; it provides insight into how goods and services should be produced. It suggests that to obtain efficiency in production, factors of production should be allocated on the basis of comparative advantage.

Please help me with this ;c​



Roosevelt sent American troops to put down Cuba

what was Emperor Queen shi huang's contribution to the great wall of china?​



the Qin Dynasty, ordered that earlier fortifications between states be removed and a number of existing walls along the northern border be joined into a single system that would extend for more than 10,000 li (a li is about one-third of a mile

What were most new immigrants
vulnerable to when they arrived in New
York City?


Almost all of us have relatives who came from someplace other than the United States. People who came to America to live are called immigrants.

From the 1850s through the early 1900s, thousands of immigrants arrived in the United States and lived in New York City. They first came from Ireland and Germany and later from Italy, Eastern Europe, and China, among other places. Because most immigrants were poor when they arrived, they often lived on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where rents for the crowded apartment buildings, called tenements, were low.

The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is in a building that used to be a tenement and it tells the story of immigrants in the City. It was built in the 1860s and could house 20 families, four on each floor. Each apartment had only three rooms: a living or "front" room, a kitchen, and a tiny bedroom. Often seven or more people lived in each apartment. Not only was the tenement crowded, but also, until 1905, there were no bathrooms inside the building. Residents also did not have electric power until after 1918.

The Museum has re-created the apartments to look like they did when families lived there. This photograph shows what the Rogarshevksy family's kitchen looked like in 1918. Abraham and Fannie Rogarshevsky arrived with their four children from Russia in 1901. Later, they had two more children in the United States. While they lived in this tenement, a boarder (someone who pays for food and lodging in another person's home) lived with the family. That would have made nine people living in a three-room apartment!

The correct answer is: scams and crime.

changes in social hierarchy during the neolithic revolution and industrial revolution


The Neolithic revolution occurred around 10,000 B.C. in the modern-day Middle East. The place of the neolithic revolution was often referred to as Fertile Crescent.

The changes in the social hierarchy during this period include:

settlement into permanent villages, no nomadic movement relatively control of food supply, such as surplus production increase in population growth from 5-8 million to 60-70 million at some point. increase in agricultural populations   increase in farming societies to advanced social organization.

On the other hand, the industrial revolution starts around the 18th century which can be traced to  Great Britain.

The changes in the social hierarchy during this period include:

Mechanized farming,  increase in population growth, the ever-increasing demand for workers to migrate from farms to cities

Learn more here:

Most families were subjected to harsh and unsanitary living conditions in major cities
during the Nineteenth Century.
O True
O False



the answer is true


cities were expanding to fast and trash was abundant as well as immigrants were to poor to buy a house or apartment and made homes on the sidewalks

cuando y donde nacio anganamon





Could a diplomatic solution have been found that stopped short of war? If so, who bears the most fault for failing to find that solution?


okay but honestly who even cares what the answer is, we’re all going to die anyways

Can you guys help me pls



Choice B for both questions.

1. Fears about nuclear war and fallout

2. Building a bomb shelter to protect themselves from radiation.


Cold War scares.

Vì sao nhà quản lý luôn phải xây dựng các kế hoạch đảo ngược tình huống khi ra quyết định quản lý?


can u translate it pls


I dont know this language

What occurred during the Battle of Britain?
A. Germany forced Great Britain to surrender.
B. Germany occupied the city of London.
C. Great Britain held on through air attacks.
D. Great Britain turned back a land invasion.



C. Great Britain held on through air attacks


The thing is, when the Germans were going to invade London and the rest of Britain, They had to get across the English channel and to do that, they needed both air and naval superiority over the English channel. So, they set out with having air strikes on London. To defend against this, Britain unleashed the RAF (Royal Air Force) to push back German planes from London. Even though they were outnumbered, the RAF stood it's ground and Hitler had to postpone his invasion.

If a runner jogs 3 miles west and then jogs 8 miles
north, how far is the runner from her starting point
if she plans to run straight back? Remember to
simplify your answer.


This question would be a geometry question. As you can see from the picture attached below, the path taken by the runner forms a right triangle. The 3 miles West would equal the base of the triangle while the 8 miles North will be the side. This means that the hypotenuse (marked by x) is the straight path home that we need to find the value for. We can do this by using the Pythagorean Theorem, which is the following formula

[tex]a^{2} +b^{2} = c^{2}[/tex]

In this formula, the variables a and b are the sides of the triangle, while c is the hypotenuse. Now we can apply the values of the triangle below and solve for c.

[tex]3^{2} + 8^{2} = x^{2}[/tex]

9 + 64 = [tex]x^{2}[/tex]

73 = [tex]x^{2}[/tex]   ... apply square root on both sides

8.54 = x

Finally, we can see that the run straight back home would be 8.54 miles.

Which of the following did the report from the presidential committee on information not conclude


The available options are:

Persons should be able to locate information.

Persons should be able to use information.

Persons should be able to evaluate information.

Persons should be able to delete information.


Persons should be able to delete information.


From the available options, and considering the report from the presidential committee on information, one option that is not included is "Persons should be able to delete information."

This was based on the American Library Association Presidential Committee of Information Literacy report that was published in 1989 under the administration of President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Persons should be able to delete information."

The first clan tracing their rulers lineage back to sun goddess Amaterasu who created the first centralized government and constitution in Japan were called the:

A. Izanagi
B. Yayoi
C. Koan
D. Yamato



the answer is D



.first emperors to be truly historically verifiable lived later in the Yamato Period



Tumutukoy sa lokasyon batay sa mga katabing lugar.


Wait what do you need, please explain

The difference in income between the richest and poorest citizens is called



The wealth gap

Answer: wealth gap


In a county commissioner form of government, the state government has:



plz mark me as brainliest


In a county commission form of government, a body of elected commissioners serves both the executive and the legislative duties, meaning they enact local ordinances and administer them. They approve budgets, oversee spending and hire county employees.


Significant authority over the legislative


Which two items common in Europe did the conquistadores introduce to the people of Mesoamerica and South America?


Horses and Guns--the two items common in Europe were introduced by Conquistadors (soldiers and explorers of Portuguese and Spanish Empire) to the people of Mesoamerica and South America. Hope this helps :))


horse and guns


the two items common in europe was introduced by conquistadors to yhe people of Mesoamerica and south America

what is the difference between the electoral vote and the popular vote



When citizens cast their ballots for president in the popular vote, they elect a slate of electors. Electors then cast the votes that decide who becomes president of the United States. Usually, electoral votes align with the popular vote in an election.


When citizens cast their ballots for president in the popular vote, they elect a slate of electors. Electors then cast the votes that decide who becomes president of the United States. Usually, electoral votes align with the popular vote in an election.

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