Which of the following is an argument? If you don't water your plants, they will wilt. If you water them, they will be healthy. If you fertilize them, they will be healthier. I got eight hours of sleep and ate a healthy breakfast. Therefore, I am going to have a great day. Donuts are the best breakfast food. I had one this morning. Every time your phone rings, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine.


Answer 1

Answer: I got eight hours of sleep and ate a healthy breakfast. Therefore, I am going to have a great day.


An argument refers to a series of statements which are referred to as the premises which is used in determining the truth of the conclusion.

An argument is a set of statements, such that some of the statements provide support for another statement. With regards to the question, the argument is "I got eight hours of sleep and ate a healthy breakfast. Therefore, I am going to have a great day".

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