A bus travelled 160 km in 4 hours, another bus travelled 175 km in 5 hours, which bus moved faster? ​


Answer 1

[tex]\boxed{\sf Speed=\dfrac{Distance}{Time}}[/tex]

For 1st bus:-


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Speed=\dfrac{160}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Speed=40km/h[/tex]

For 2nd bus


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Speed=\dfrac{175}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Speed=35km/h[/tex]

Bus 1moved faster

Related Questions

What's the resultant of the 3 forces?​




We need to find the x-components of each of these vectors and then add them together, then we need to find the y-components of these vectors and then add them together. Let's get to that point first. That's hard enough for step 1, dontcha think?

The x-components are found by multiplying the magnitude of the vectors by the cosine of their respective angles, while the y components are found by multiplying the magnitude of the vectors by the sine of their respective angles.

Let's do the x-components for all the vectors first, so we get the x-component of the resultant vector:

[tex]F_{1x}=12 cos0[/tex] and


[tex]F_{2x}=9cos90[/tex] and


[tex]F_{3x}=15 cos126.87[/tex] and

[tex]F_{3x}=-9.0[/tex]  (the angle of 126.87 is found by subtracting the 53.13 from 180, since angles are to be measured from the positive axis in a counterclockwise fashion).

That means that the x-component of the resultant vector, R, is 3.0

Now for the y-components:

[tex]F_{1y}=12sin0[/tex] and


[tex]F_{2y}=9sin90[/tex] and


[tex]F_{3y}=15sin126.87[/tex] and


That means that the y-component of the resultant vector, R, is 21.

Put them together in this way to find the resultant magnitude:

[tex]R_{mag}=\sqrt{(3.0)^2+(21)^2}[/tex] which gives us

[tex]R_{mag}=21[/tex] and now for the angle. Since both the x and y components of the resultant vector are positive, our angle will be where the x and y values are both positive in the x/y coordinate plane, which is Q1.

The angle, then:

[tex]tan^{-1}(\frac{21}{3.0})=82[/tex] degrees, and since we are QI, we do not add anything to this angle to maintain its accuracy.

To sum up: The resultant vector has a magnitude of 21 N at 82°

determine the work done when a forklift truck lifts a box of mass 350 kg a height of 2 m.​



work done = mgh



The work done by the forklift truck as it lifts the box to the given height is 6860J.


Work is simply referred to as the displacement of an object when a push or pull force is applied to the object. It is the energy transferred from or to an object when force is applied to it along a displacement.

It is expressed as;

W = F × s

Where F is force and s is displacement

Given the data in the question;

Mass of box m = 350kgDisplacement s = 2mWork done W = ?

We substitute our given values into the expression above.

W = F × s

But F = Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity = mg

acceleration due to gravity ( g = 9.8m/s²)


W = mg × s

W = 350kg × 9.8m/s² × 2m

W = 6860kgm²/s²

W =  6860J

Therefore, the work done by the forklift truck as it lifts the box to the given height is 6860J.

Learn more about Work: https://brainly.com/question/9942439

Un tren se mueve en línea recta con velocidad media de 90 km/h. ¿que distancia recorre en el termino de de 5 horas?​



Distance = 450 kilometres


Given the following data;

Speed = 90 km/h

Time = 5 hours

To find the distance covered by the train;

Mathematically, the speed of an object or body is given by the formula;

[tex] Speed = \frac {distance}{time} [/tex]

Making distance the subject of formula, we have;

Distance = speed * time

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Distance = 90 * 5

Distance = 450 kilometres

a car travel the first 20km with a speed of 40km/h and the next 40km with a speed of 80km/h . find the average speed​



average speed is 60km/h


you sum up the speed attained in each distance covered and divide it by 2 to get your answer

Assume that the velocity of the soda bottle falling from a height of 0.8 m will be 4 m/s. Record this velocity for each mass in Table A, and use it in calculating the predicted kinetic energy of the soda bottle for the masses of 0.125 kg, 0.250 kg, 0.375 kg, and 0.500 kg using the equation: KE=1/2 mv^2 When solving for kinetic energy (KE), m is mass, and v is the speed (or velocity).


[tex]\large{\underbrace{\underline{\fcolorbox{White}{pink}{\bf{ANSWER♥︎}}}}}[/tex]kinetic energy is given as

KE = (0.5) m v²

given that : v = speed of the bottle in each case = 4 m/s when m = 0.125 kg

KE = (0.5) m v² = (0.5) (0.125) (4)² = 1 J

when m = 0.250 kg KE = (0.5) m v² = (0.5) (0.250) (4)² = 2 J

when m = 0.375 kg KE = (0.5) m v² = (0.5) (0.375) (4)² = 3 J

when m = 0.0.500 kg KE = (0.5) m v² = (0.5) (0.500) (4)² = 4 J

The thermal energy in a heat engine is used to move a piston. Which best describes why this is possible?

The increase in thermal energy results in an increase in pressure.
The decrease in thermal energy results in an increase in pressure.
The increase in thermal energy results in a decrease in pressure.
The decrease in thermal energy results in a decrease in pressure.


The increase in entropy is directly related to the increase in temperature.

A rocket powered sled accelerates a jet pilot in training straight forward from rest to 270 km/h in 12.1 seconds. Find:
a) The average acceleration of the sled
b) The time it takes to reach the speed limit on the highway, 100 km/h
c) The distance travelled when it reaches the final speed (270 km/h)



6.198 m/s² 4.48 s 453.77 m


a)The average acceleration of the sled will be 6.198 m/sec

b)The amount of time required to travel at the highway's 100 km/h speed limit will be 4.48 sec.

c)The distances covered when the vehicle hits its top speed of 270 km/h will be 453.77 m.

What is acceleration?

The rate of velocity change concerning time is known as acceleration. According to Newton's second law, the eventual effect of all forces applied to a body is its acceleration.

The pace at which a body's velocity varies is represented by acceleration, which is a vector quantity.

[tex]\rm a = \frac{v-u}{t} \\\\[/tex]

The given data in the problem is given by ;

u is the initial speed of the rocket=  0 km/h

v is the final speed of the rocket=  270 km/h

t is the time interval= 12.1 seconds

a is the average acceleration of the ball=? m/sec²

to is the time it takes to reach the speed of 100 km/h

s is the distance traveled when it reaches the final speed


The average acceleration of the sled is found as;

a = (v-u)/t


a = 6.198 m/sec


The amount of time required to travel at the highway's 100 km/h speed limit;

From Newton's second equation of motion;

v =u+at

27.7 = 0 + 6.198t

t = 27.7 / 6.198

t = 4.48 sec


The distances covered when the vehicle hits its top speed of 270 km/h;




s=453.77 m

Hence the average acceleration of the sled, the amount of time required to travel at the highway's 100 km/h speed limit, and the amounts of time required to travel at the highway's 100 km/h speed limit will be  6.198 m/sec,4.48 sec and 453.77 m respectively.

To learn more about acceleration, refer to the link;



True or false: The maximum tensile force a solid, cylindrical wire can withstand increases as the thickness of the wire increases.







The tensile stress, σ, on a solid cylindrical wire is given by the following relationship;

[tex]\sigma = \dfrac{F_t}{A_o}[/tex]


[tex]F_t[/tex] = The tensile force

[tex]A_o[/tex] = The original cross sectional area of the cylindrical wire = π·R²

R = The radius of the wire


[tex]F_t[/tex] = σ × [tex]A_o[/tex] = σ × π × R²

Therefore, the tensile force is directly proportional to the square of the radius of the cylindrical wire, and as the radius of the wire increases, which is by increasing the thickness of the wire, the tensile force is largely increased

The correct option is; True.

¿Cuál de las siguientes no es un tipo de fuerza de roce


enertia es el answer de tu question

the resultant capacitance of four capacitorconnected in series is --------the smalest individual capacitance



This question is misleading since

1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + 1/C4

so it would have to be less than the smallest individual capacitance

Using your Periodic Table, which element below has the smallest atomic radius? A.) Sodium, B.) Chlorine, C.) Phosphorus, D.) Iron


Chlorine is the smallest because up right extreme of the periodic table

Give reasons for the following,
a. Pascal is a derived unit.
b. Mass is a fundamental quantity,
c. Unit of power is a derived unit,
d. Unit of length is a fundamental unit. ​



a) Pascal is a derived unit because it is derived from the unit of force and area

b)Mass is a fundamental quantity because it doesn't depends upon others physical quantity and made up of only one unit

c) unit of power is a derived unit because they are dependent quantities

D) unit of length is a fundamental unit because it cannot be expressed in terms of another quantity.

An object of 4 cm length is placed at a distance of 18 cm in front of a convex mirror of radius of curvature 30 cm. Find the position of the image ,its nature and size?​



The position is 8.18cm from the mirror.

Nature is b=virtual

Size is 1.82cm


Note that for a convex mirror, the image distance and the focal length are negative;


Object height H0 = 4cm

object distance u = 18cm

Radius of curvature R = 30cm

Since f = R/2

f = 30/2

f = -15cm

Recall that:

[tex]\frac{1}{f} =\frac{1}{u}+ \frac{1}{v}\\\frac{1}{-15}=\frac{1}{18}+\frac{1}{v} \\\frac{1}{v} =\frac{1}{-15} -\frac{1}{18}\\ \frac{1}{v} = \frac{-18-15}{270}\\\frac{1}{v} = \frac{-33}{270}\\v=\frac{-270}{33}\\v=-8.18cm[/tex]

Since the image distance is negative, this shows that the image is a virtual image.

To get the size:

[tex]\frac{H_1}{H_0}=\frac{v}{u}\\\frac{H_1}{4}=\frac{8.18}{18}\\18H_i=32.72\\H_i=\frac{32.72}{18}\\H_i= 1.82cm[/tex]

I’m steel, the solvent is And the solute is. .


iron is the solvent and carbon is the solute.

The direction equivalent to {40° W of S} is:
A. 40 ° E of S
B. 40° W of N
C. 40° E of N
D. 50° S of W
E. 50° E of N





Drag each label to the correct location on the image. Identify the particles and characteristics on this model of an atom.
Positively charged
Negatively charged



cant see picture



please add picture so i can help you


will mark brainliest. The speed of sound is 340 m/s where a tuning fork produces the second resonance position above a closed air column that is 49.8 cm in length. The frequency of the tuning fork is ___ Hz.



Frequency of the tuning fork[second resonance] = 512 Hz (Approx.)



Speed of sound = 340 m/s

Length of resonance position above a closed air column = 49.8 cm = 0.498 m


Frequency of the tuning fork


Frequency of the tuning fork[second resonance] = 3v / 4l

Frequency of the tuning fork[second resonance] = 3(340) / 4(0.498)

Frequency of the tuning fork[second resonance] = 512.04

Frequency of the tuning fork[second resonance] = 512 Hz (Approx.)


The frequency is 512 Hz.


speed, v = 340 m/s

length, L = 49.8 cm = 0.498 m

let the frequency is f.

[tex]f =\frac{3 v}{4 L}\\\\f = \frac{3 \times 340 }{4\times 0.498}\\\\f = 512 Hz[/tex]

Calculate the maximum absolute uncertainty for R if:

R = B - A
A = 32 +/- 2 seconds
B = 11 +/- 3 seconds

43 seconds

1 second

21 seconds

5 seconds

6 seconds



 ΔR = 5 s


The absolute uncertainty or error in an expression is

       ΔR = | [tex]\frac{dR}{dB}[/tex] | ΔB + | [tex]\frac{dR}{dA}[/tex] | ΔA

the absolute value guarantees to take the unfavorable case, that is, the maximum error.

We look for the derivatives

       [tex]\frac{dR}{dB}[/tex] = 1

       [tex]\frac{dR}{dA}[/tex] = -1

we substitute

       ΔR = 1 ΔB + 1 ΔA


of the data

       ΔB = 3 s

       ΔA = 2 s


       ΔR = 3 + 2

       ΔR = 5 s

A steel ball is released just below the surface of thick oil in a cylinder.
During the first few centimetres of travel, what is the acceleration of the ball?
A constant and equal to 10 m / s2
B constant but less than 10 m / s2
C decreasing
D increasing





I Hope it Helps

Example to measure the interval of time of a small stone dropped from 1m height.



The time required is 0.45 s.


Height, h = 1 m

initial velocity, u = m/s

Let the time is t.

Use second equation of motion

[tex]h = u t + 0.5 at^2\\\\1 = 0 +0.5 \times 9.8 \times t^2\\\\t = 0.45 s[/tex]

the pages of a book are numbered 1 to 300. Each leaf is 0.1 mm thick . If each cover is 0.25 mm thick. what is the thickness of the book​





There are 300 pages, so to find the number of pages we do 0.1mm*300 to get 30mm. There are two covers in the book (the front and the back). 0.25mm*2 = 0.5mm. To determine the total thickness of the book we do 30mm+0.5mm to get a total of 30.5mm

Your answer is 30.5mm.




there are 150 pages(one page has 2 sides so 300/2 = 150) and 2 covers

page's thickness is 0.1mm, cover's thickness is 0.25

so books thickness = 150*0.1+0.25*2 = 15.5mm

what will be the magnitude of work if a force of 25N pulls a stone through a distance of 5m in its direction?​



125 is your answer........

What is the volume of a cone with a height of 27 cm
and a radius of 13 cm? Round your answer to the
nearest tenth.
Use the button on your calculator to complete this
V =



Volume of cone = πr² × h/3


Radius (r) = 13 cmHeight (h) = 27 cm

→ Volume of cone = π(13)² × 27/3 cm³

→ Volume of cone = 169π × 9 cm³

→ Volume of cone = 1521π cm³

→ Volume of cone = 1521 × 22/7 cm³

→ Volume of cone = 33462/7 cm³

→ Volume of cone = 4780.28 cm³


4,778.4 is correct


4. A body in motion is said to be in equilibrium when it is
A moving with uniform velocity.
B at rest.
C accelerated by a force.
D moving in an indefinite path.​



A. moving with uniform velocity.


Was this hepfull




Equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced hence A being correct

An electron travelling at 7.72 x 107 m/s [E] enters a force field that reduces its velocity to 2.46 x 107 m/s [E]. The acceleration is constant. The displacement during the acceleration is 0.478 m [E]. Determine (a) the electron’s acceleration (b) the time interval over which the acceleration occurs.



Acceleration of this electron: [tex]-5.60 \times 10^{15}\; \rm m \cdot s^{-2}[/tex].

Time taken: approximately [tex]9.39 \times 10^{-9}\; \rm s[/tex].


Let [tex]u[/tex] denote the velocity of this electron before the change.Let [tex]v[/tex] denote the velocity of this electron after the change.Let [tex]x[/tex] denote the displacement.Let [tex]a[/tex] denote the acceleration.Let [tex]t[/tex] denote the time taken.

Apply the SUVAT equation that does not involve time:

[tex]v^{2} - u^{2} = 2\, a \, x[/tex].


[tex]\begin{aligned}a &= \frac{v^{2} - u^{2}}{2\, x}\end{aligned}[/tex].

By this equation, the acceleration of this electron would be:

[tex]\begin{aligned}a &= \frac{v^{2} - u^{2}}{2\, x} \\ &= \frac{(7.72 \times 10^{7}\; \rm m \cdot s^{-1})^{2} - (2.46 \times 10^{7} \; \rm m \cdot s^{-1})^{2}}{2 \times 0.478\; \rm m} \\ &\approx -5.60 \times 10^{15}\; \rm m \cdot s^{-2}\end{aligned}[/tex].

The speed of this electron has changed from [tex]u = 7.72 \times 10^{7}\; \rm m\cdot s^{-1}[/tex] to [tex]v = 2.46 \times 10^{7}\; \rm m \cdot s^{-1}[/tex]. Calculate the time required to achieve this change at a rate of [tex]a \approx -5.60 \times 10^{15}\; \rm m\cdot s^{-2}[/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}t &= \frac{v - u}{a} \\ &\approx \frac{2.46\times 10^{7}\; \rm m \cdot s^{-1} - 7.72 \times 10^{7}\; \rm m\cdot s^{-1}}{-5.60 \times 10^{15}\; \rm m\cdot s^{-2}} \\ &\approx 9.39 \times 10^{-9}\; \rm s\end{aligned}[/tex].

The current in a light bulb is 2 A. How long does it take for a total charge of 4 C to pass a point in the wire





i think it will be clear from photo

Answer: The formula for current is charge/time

so here we have to change subject so we are asked to look for time  

Explanation: so it would be T=Q/I



hope this helpss

sinong personalidad ang bumuo ng pangkat militar na tinawag na black shirts na nagsagawa ng pagpupulong ng mga grupong sosyalista at komunista​



Answer to the following answer is as follows;


In the northwestern city of Milan, Mussolini formed his nationalist regime in 1919. He organised black-shirted street warriors into teams. His "Blackshirts" raped and expelled socialists and communists from municipal administrations.

The Blackshirts, originally known as the Squadrismo, were formed in 1919 by a group of dissatisfied former soldiers.

State two sources of EMF cell other than the chemical cell



A photodiode or solar cell may be considered as a source of emf, similar to a battery, resulting in an electrical voltage generated by charge separation driven by light rather than chemical reaction. Other devices that produce emf are fuel cells, thermocouples, and thermopiles.

What does the m stand for in the enthalpy equation?



Use the formula ∆H = m x s x ∆T to solve.


Once you have m, the mass of your reactants, s, the specific heat of your product, and ∆T, the temperature change from your reaction, you are prepared to find the enthalpy of reaction. Simply plug your values into the formula ∆H = m x s x ∆T and multiply to solve.

A basketball is held over head at a height of 2.4 m. The ball is lobbed to a teammate at 8 m/s at an angle of 40'. If the ball is caught at the same height it was tossed at, how far away is the teammate?​



since both the teammates are of the same height, their height won't matter. Because now the basketball won't cover any vertical distance.

We have to calculate its range the horizontal distance covered by it when tossed from one teammate to the other.

range can be calculated by the formula :-

[tex] \boxed{\mathfrak{range = \frac{ u {}^{2} \sin 2\theta }{g} }} [/tex]

u is the velocity during its take off and [tex]\theta[/tex] is the angle at which its thrown

Given that

u = 8m/ s [tex]\theta[/tex] = 40°

calculating range using the above formula

[tex] = \frac{ {8}^{2} \sin2(40) }{10} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{64 \times \sin(80) }{10} [/tex]

value of sin 80 = 0. 985

[tex] = \frac{64 \times 0.985}{10} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{63.027}{10} [/tex]

[tex] = 6.3027[/tex]


[tex] \mathfrak { \blue{the \: teammate \: is \: \red{\underline{6.3027 \: meters} }\: away } } [/tex]

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