A class was performing an experiment to discover the pH values of some common household substances. The results of three groups are shown in the table below.

Group 1 pH
Group 2 pH
Group 3 pH
Lemon juice
Baking soda
Milk of magnesia

Which statement best describes evidence that Group 3’s data are less valid than the data for the other two groups?
a. Group 3’s pH value for lemon juice is lower than the values of the other two groups.
b. Group 3’s pH value for vinegar is much higher than the values of the other two groups.
c. Group 3’s pH value for baking soda does not exactly match the values of the other two groups.
d. Group 3’s pH value for milk of magnesia is different from the value obtained by Group 2.


Answer 1


b. Group 3’s pH value for vinegar is much higher than the values of the other two groups.

hope it helps :)

mark brainliest!!!

Answer 2




Related Questions

READING TOOL Sequence of Events List in order the parts of a typical experiment that uses
scientific methodology. Use the headings in your text as a guide.



2. Background research

3.Create a hypothesis

4.Experiment to test the hypothesis

5.Analyse the data from the experiemnt


2. Learn about the topic and research on what you need for the experiment.

3.Form a hypothesis in which you want to be tested.

4. Do an experiment in which it tests your hypothesis.

5. Analyst the data from the experiment and draw conclusions and decide whether it tests your theory.

Which of the following terms is the life
cycle of a living cell?
A. g1
B. cell cycle
C. interphase
D. mitosis



cell cycle is the term of the life cycle of a living cell

Why ulva is not placed in kingdom plantae



Because Ulva is an algae. Algae belongs to kingdom Protista.


Ulva is a Macroalgae because it's not microscopic.

Macroalgae is not considered as a plant due to their structure. Macroalgae do not have specialized organs and tissues, and they are not vascularized. They also do not have the capacity to form a structure with flowers, leaves, roots or a stem.  

use numbers to arrange the events of a demographic transition in order in which they occur

is this correct?​


the order is 1,4,2 then 3.

(DTM) is defined by a country's death rate dropping quickly while its birth rate staying high. Because of this, a nation in Stage 2 will show an increase in its general population—not because the birth rate is rising, but because births outnumber deaths.

What are the different events of a demographic transition?

The demographic transition model was initially proposed in 1929 by demographer Warren Thompson. The four stages of the paradigm are pre-industrial, urbanizing and industrializing, mature and post-industrial.

Stage 1: Slow population growth is caused by high birth and mortality rates. Stage 2: While the birth rate stays high and the death rate declines, population growth accelerates. Stage 3: Population growth slows as the birth rate starts to decline.

Therefore,  1,4,2 and 3. It is correct events of a demographic transition in the order in which they occur.

Learn more about demographic transition here:



Convert 90 centuries to minutes using the method of dimensional analysis.


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

“[tex]\large\text{Convert 400 mm to m}[/tex]”

[tex]\large\text{Just simply divide 400 by 1,000 and you will have your result.}[/tex]


[tex]\mathsf{= \dfrac{400\div200}{1,000\div200}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{400\div 200 = \bf 2}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{1,000 \div 200 = \bf 5}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{= \bf \dfrac{2}{5}}\rightarrow\mathsf{\bf 0.4}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\huge\textsf{Therefore, your ANSWER is: \boxed{\bf \dfrac{2}{5} \ or \ 0.4}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Which of these statements expresses a scientific theory?
A. All the tissues that make up animals consist of cells.
B. The larger of two cells probably contains a nucleus.
C. Cells are the basic units of life.
D. A material that consists of cells came from a living organism.





The cells make up a living organism, that is, it is the basic functional unit of the living organism.




La respuesta correcta es: E) naranja.


La vitamina C está presente en los cítricos, como la naranja, el limón y el pomelo. La naranja es una fruta muy rica en vitamina C, de hecho, basta con una al día para cumplir con los requerimientos diarios de esta importantísima vitamina.

Si bien el consumo de vitamina C no cura enfermedades, se probó que tiene un papel fundamental a la hora de reforzar nuestro sistema inmunitario, que es aquel que nos protege de los diferentes microorganismos que nos pueden enfermar.

Además de su rol importante en fortalecer nuestras defensas inmunitarias, el consumo diario de cítricos contribuye a prevenir el cáncer de colon y a regenerar los cartílagos.

How fast does E. coli manifest symptoms A. 3 mins B. 3 hours C. 3 days D. 3 weeks



C. 3 days





2-5 days after exposure is when symptoms show

taken from the minnesota department of health

Which autoimmune disease results in the destruction of beta cells in the
type 1 diabetes

pernicious anemia

celiac disease

rheumatoid arthritis


Type 1 Diabetes would he the correct answer.

An actin-binding protein called cofilin binds preferentially to ADP-containing actin filaments rather than ATP-containing actin filaments. Based on this preference, which is true? Question 7 options: Cofilin binds to the plus ends of treadmilling actin filaments. Cofilin competes with profilin for binding to actin. Cofilin binds to older actin filaments. Cofilin binds to the plus ends of actin filaments.



Cofilin binds to older actin filaments


Microfilaments (also called actin filaments) are a class of protein filament common to all eukaryotic cells, which consist of two strands of subunits of the protein actin. Microfilaments form part of the cell's cytoskeleton and interact with the protein myosin in order to allow the movement of the cell. Within the cell, actin may show two different forms: monomeric G-actin and polymeric F-actin filaments. Microfilaments provide shape to the cell because these filaments can depolymerize (disassemble) and polymerize (assembly) quickly, thereby allowing the cell to change its shape. During the polymerization process, the ATP that is bound to G-actin is hydrolyzed to ADP, which is bound to F-actin. ATP-actin subunits are present at the barbed ends of the filaments, and cleavage of the ATP molecules produces highly stable filaments bound to ADP. In consequence, it is expected that cofilin binds preferentially to highly stable (older) filaments ADP-actin filaments instead of ATP-actin filaments.

predict what happen to the human and the plants if the transport system are affected​


I think we'll be scared and panicked and some people will die of overthinking

do fertilised eggs divide to form a foetus


For the first 12 hours after conception, the fertilized egg remains a single cell. ... During the first 8 or 9 days after conception, the cells that will eventually form the embryo continue to divide
Your welcomeee❤️⭐️

Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen when people come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you think might affect how quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?


I think the reservoir ( a human,animal or non living such as soil where the infectious agent normally lives)

secondly the mode of transmission,there are some modes of transmission that allow the pathogen to enter quickly and some that make the process slow.

and also crowding and the presence of co-infections.

i hope this helps

H20fall, how do I find out how much salt is in my pool?


A very peculiar question, kind sir

I supposed one can start by allowing his pool water to evaporate in the blazing summer heat in order to separate the solute (salt) from the solvent (water). After the separation, the obtained mass of salt can be measured on a scale in order to determine the concentration of salt that is present within thy swimming pool. This technique is the most classic of all, and is also the most expedient way to extract salt from water.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced by the pituitary gland when the brain detects lower than optimum levels of water in the body. In the kidneys, ADH promotes the uptake of water, creating more concentrated urine. ADH travels from the pituitary gland to the kidney through the ________ system.



circulatory system


ADH travels in the bloodstream to the kidneys

Which of the following is not used to hold liquids?
graduated cylinder
test tube



C. balance

This is because it is because a balance is an even distribution of weight hence balance is not used to hold the liquid instead a balance is used to weigh the liquid


c. balance


Complete the following statement using the choices below. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is ________. less than the pressure in the atmosphere greater than the intra-alveolar pressure greater than the pressure in the atmosphere equal to the pressure in the atmosphere



Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure in the lungs is greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.

All of the following are arguments used by global warming skeptics except
(A) climate models for global warming have continually been wrong
(B) the dire consequences of global warming have not come pass
(C) earth has natural temperature cycles it goes through
(D) an increase in temperatures would actually be good for the climate



the answer is b because the consewuences of global warming had not yet pass

Answer:  D

Explanation: No climate change deniers think that climate change is good for the the planet, they just deny that climate change exists

define the term gene mutation​



it is the change in one or more genes

what are the types of tropism​



Forms of tropism include phototropism (response to light), geotropism (response to gravity), chemotropism (response to particular substances), hydrotropism (response to water), thigmotropism (response to mechanical stimulation), traumatotropism (response to wound lesion), and galvanotropism, or electrotropism (response to electric current). 

Tropism is a response to certain stimuli. A positive tropism is moving towards the stimuli, while a negative tropism is moving away from a stimuli.

Positive Phototropism - Growing towards light

Negative Phototropism - Growing away from light

Positive Thigmotropism- Moving towards touch

Negative Thigmotropism- Moving away from touch

Positive Hydrotropism - Growing towards water

Negative Hydrotropism - Growing away from water

Positive Gravitropism - Growing towards ground

Negative Gravitropism - Growing upwards

1.11) Answer True or False.
A species will become extinct if all its individuals stop reproducing.



True . I think it's true. hope this helps

which of the following gases pollutes water when dissolved in water
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) nitrogen
(c) oxygen
(d) sulphur dioxide ​



Carbon dioxide or nitrogen

hopefully its carbon dioxide u can try

to check if it is. Sorry

what is combine? How does it makes harvesting easier​



Cereal crops are gathered in by the header at the front, which has a pair of sharp pincers called crop dividers at either end. Generally speaking, the wider the header, the faster and more efficiently a harvester can cut a field.





Which concept is illustrated in the flowchart below?

Overproduction arrow pointing Struggle for survival arrow pointing Survival of the fittest arrow pointing Changes in traits of species

Dynamic equilibrium
Genetic manipulation
Material cycles
Natural selection



Natrual selection


your welcome girlies <333

The concept illustrated in the flowchart is Natural selection. The correct option is 4.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process by which species evolve over time as the prevalence of certain traits increases or decreases in a population.

Natural selection, the mechanism by which species evolve over time, is depicted in the flowchart.

Overproduction of offspring causes competition for limited resources, resulting in a struggle for survival.

Based on their inherited characteristics, some people are better equipped to survive and reproduce than others.

These people are said to be "fit," and they are more likely to pass on their positive traits to their children. These advantageous traits become more common in the population over time, causing changes in the species as a whole.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

For more details regarding natural selection, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

Kể tên các biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học. Cho ví dụ. Biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học có những ưu điểm gì?



means translate in English . if I can help I will.

A specimane collection helps a scientsist do research by:
A. Asembling a large number of sample comparisons
B.providing a way to afford even the most expensive equpment
C.creating a realistic depiction of an imaginary undersea world
D.summerizing the results of an other scientists investigations


Answer A:


Which of the following questions would be answerable by science as it is written?
Does broccolli taste better than brussel sprouts??
Is Disney world the happiest place on earth?
All bees are dying due to pesticides?
Are clorox wipes effective at killing bacteria?


the answer is “are clorox wipes effective at killing bacteria?”

Answer: Are clorox wipes effective at killing bacteria?

Explanation: You must determine which of the questions can be fufilled using the scientific method. The first two questions are primarily opinion based. The question on Bee's is a possible answer although, it has many unexplained variables, and becuase of this, it's difficult to create a hypothesis around.

After phosphates and nitrates have entered a water
system, identify the correct steps of Eutrophication.
I. Oxygen levels drop
II. Underwater plants die
III. Fish and invertebrates die
IV. Algae grows rapidly


After phosphates and nitrates enter a water system, the steps of eutrophication include the rapid growth of algae, death of underwater plant species, depletion of oxygen in the water, and the death of fishes and invertebrates. The correct option would be B.

Eutrophication refers to the excessive enrichment of water bodies by nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates thereby facilitating the rapid growth of some aquatic species with negative effects.

Once a water body becomes excessively enriched with phosphates and nitrates, the following is a sequence of events that follows:

Algal bloom: the nutrients facilitate the rapid growth of algaeThe bloom of algal species results in the death of underwater plants as a result of inadequate light.The death of the underwater plants and the accompanying microbial activities in decomposing them cause oxygen levels in the water to drop.Reduction in oxygen level causes fishes and other water invertebrates to die due to hypoxia

Therefore, the correct steps of eutrophication according to the illustration is IV, II, I, and III.

More on eutrophication can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/13232104

suggest TWO reasons why fewer birds and other small animals can survive in the areas left after trees have been cut down​



One is that they migrate to more fertile places.

Second, some animals may die because they can't stand the conditions of treelessness. But some animals can survive. because of adaptation


Removal of trees and other types of vegetation can reduce the availability of food, shelter and breeding habitat

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation also known as forest clearance is defined as the removal of forest or stands of trees from land that is converted to non-forest use in which forest land is converted into farms, ranches or urban may involve converting to use. The most concentrated deforestation occurs in tropical rainforests.

It occurs when humans remove or thin forests for timber or use land where trees stand for crops, grazing, extraction such as mining, oil, or gas, or as populations grow and people move. Development takes place in the form of migration.

Wildlife habitats are fragmented due to deforestation, where native species have to live on remaining habitat islands that are surrounded by disturbed land being used for agriculture and other uses.

Thus, removal of trees and other types of vegetation can reduce the availability of food, shelter and breeding habitat

Learn more about Deforestation, here:



Give the functions of the following parts of the respiratory system - Nostril - trachea - bronchiole - alveoli - pharynx - larynx - lungs  - ribs - diaphragm                                                                   



Respiratory System: The respiratory system's main job is to move fresh air into your body while removing waste gases.

Nostril: To warm air on inhalation and remove moisture on exhalation.

trachea: Serves as passage for air, moistens and warms it while it passes into the lungs, and protects the respiratory surface from an accumulation of foreign particles.

bronchiole: To deliver air to a diffuse network of around 300 million alveoli in the lungs.

alveoli: To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules to and from the bloodstream during breathing.

pharynx: Helps the respiratory system by allowing air to make its way to the respiratory tract.

larynx: Produces vocal sounds and prevents the passage of food and other foreign particles into the lower respiratory tracts.

lungs: To help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the blood.

ribs: To aid respiration and help protect the lungs.

diaphragm: Contracts and flattens when you inhale. Creates a vacuum effect that pulls air into the lungs, and relaxes when exhaling.

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