
Answer 1


1.Globalizatiion is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale

2.To ensure the monopoly of the spice trade


4. They changed cuisine and culture but resulted in major economic and environmental shifts.This is because many of new crops eg Maize were calorically rich and quickly became staple foods has led to a dramatic expansion and rapid economic growth.

6. This is the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas .

7.Atlantic Trade.It took place between the Atlantic Ocean between three continents ....S.America ..N.america and Africa (west)

8.This is a business owned collectively by its shareholders.

9.I don't have the assigned pages plz attatch them so I complete answering them .






Answer 2

Answer: 1 13 2 6 3 15 Explanation:

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Which of the following is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the statement, “Resources like time, money, and energy are scarce”?
Since time is endless, it cannot be a scarce resource.
Time and money are more important resources than energy.
If resources are scarce, everyone cannot have everything they want.
If resources are scarce, a person should always choose money because money can buy energy.


Answer: C (I think)

Can I have brainliest??
explanation : I took this test

write a paragraph explaining whether you think George Washington cut a cherry tree down Give evidence PLS HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST



The cherry tree myth is the most well-known and longest enduring legend about George Washington. In the original story, when Washington was six years old he received a hatchet as a gift and damaged his father’s cherry tree. When his father discovered what he had done, he became angry and confronted him. Young George bravely said, “I cannot tell a lie…I did cut it with my hatchet.” Washington’s father embraced him and rejoiced that his son’s honesty was worth more than a thousand trees.


George Washington could of possibly not cut a cherry tree. During the time when he lived, the 1700s, stories from people's imagination were everywhere. I believe this is because many people had free time. It also could if been a rumor that he did cut down a cherry tree that people believed as at this time many were very ignorant. George Washington may not have cut down a cherry tree.

*** now all you have to do is find evidence*****


Which of the following were important navigational instruments used at Prince Henry's School of Navigation? Select all that apply.



Compass is the answer

Answer:i think is compass, and astrology


HELP!!- How is the Fungus in southern Florida endangering some non-native palms an ecological issue?



The fungus may be endangering non-native palm trees, but that doesnt mean it wont spread to native ones. Even though the palms arent native to that area, they could spread to the native palm trees and start killing those as well. Also, the fungus could completely kill off the non-native population, or it could spread to where those palm trees are native. If it spreads to the palm tree's actual home, it could spell the end for that species of palm tree.

I hope this helps!

This is one of the correct possibilities

If the body temperature of a person is recorded as 37°C, what is the person’s body temperature in K? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.




the answer is d: 310


d . 310 ! hope this helps

In the US before 1800, which of the following characteristics was NOT a typical requirement for voters?
A. Voters must be white.
B. Voters must be female.
C. Voters must be property owners.
D. Voters must be male.


Answer: B


Women weren’t allowed to vote until the 1900s


B. Voters must be female.


Women did not have the right to vote during this time period until the 19th Amendment changed Americans' rights and granted all women the right to vote.

Why was Roger Williams important?



Hes important because he founded the state of Rhode Island


brainliest pls


He's important simply because he found the state of Rhode island.


he's brainliest.

Why was "City on a Hill" expressed by Winthrop important?



John winthrop’s “city on a hill” John Winthrop’s 1630 speech not only contributed an enduring metaphor to American culture, but it also illustrated the Puritans ’ sense of mission and world view.


Hope this helps

Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us", meaning, if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to se

Columbus would receive all of the following rewards for his discovery except:

control of all discovered lands
title of Admiral of the Ocean Seas
one-tenth of all discovered riches


control of all discover lands
control of land because the discovered land was reserved for spain and the rulers of england.

Consider this statement about the theme of this myth:

What appears to be a problem may actually be a benefit.

Click or tap ONE set of underlined sentences on page 1 or 2 that provides support for this theme.


It is true that when my lava flows… is the correct set of underlined sentences because it shows that lava appears to be a problem but it actually creates new paths
One reason that an author may choose to relate events in memoir form is to to tell significant stories from their life.

Why were King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain willing to finance Columbus?

-They were free to do so after recapturing Granada.
-They did not want Columbus to sail for England.
-The Portuguese were gaining an advantage over Spain.



They did not want Columbus to sail for England.

hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

They did not want Columbus to sail for England

What were key characteristics of Athenian democracy?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Though all citizens were equal, only the wealthy and well-born were likely to serve as jurors or council members.

Paid juries of citizens heard legal cases and made decisions.

Power was in the hands of the people and all citizens were equal before the law.

Ten elected generals were responsible for carrying on the work of the Assembly and Council.



Answer:D Though all citizens were equal, only the wealthy and well-born were likely to serve as jurors or council members.


The Answer Is In

The Pic


What are two important characteristics about the Mughal Empire?


1)They respect human rights and values
2)The entire country have the right and duties.

They uphold morals and ideals, and The entire nation has rights and obligations are two important characteristics about the Mughal Empire.

What was India called during the Mughal period?

The Mughal Empire referred to its territory as "Hindustan." The nation was never referred to as being "Mughal" in the traditional sense. "Hindustan" expanded along with the empire. In addition, Baburnama and Ain-i-Akbari use the term "Hindustan" to refer to the entire Indian subcontinent.

Even though Turkish was the Mughals' native dialect, they utilized Persian so frequently in daily life that they became fluent in it and created some of the best Persian literature, including works of poetry by Babur, Humayun, DaraShukoh, and Zaib-un-Nisha, among others.

Thus, They uphold morals and ideals, and The entire nation has rights and obligations.

For more details about India called during the Mughal period, click here:


What was the Trail of Tears? Who was impacted?

Explain the significance of Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia. How did these cases relate to the Trail of Tears?

How did the Trail of Tears affect native populations at the time? How did the Trail of Tears affect native populations in the future?

Imagine you were designing a museum exhibit about the Trail of Tears. What is the most important thing you would want museum visitors to learn from the exhibit?




The trail of tears impacted the cherokes. The trail of tears is a path were the cherokes were forced to move out of thier homes. Many children and elderly was lost and died on that path and many cried about thier deaths.

The trail of tears affected native populations at the time heavily due to the fact that thousands died decrease the population by a numerous amount. Native populations in the future were affected because it caused the native to have an even smaller population because not only did many die it was children that died and so the new generation was gone and its hard enough to have another kid at an old age never the less with no technology like what we have now.

Imma let you answer the last personal question

I only know one if these answers but the trail of tears impacted the Cherokee Indians. They were forced to move out of their homes. Hope it helps :)

ok so
if mark had 7 pills and broke 30 of them how much would he have?





because if he has 7 pills and broke 30 of them there would be 0 cuz theres not 30 pills theres only 7 so he cant break 30

0 because he only has 7 pills

Why did the Inuit mostly eat meat?

A: The climate where they lived was too hot to grow plants.
B: The soil was frozen all year so there weren't many plants.
C: They didn't have irrigation systems for watering crops.
D: They didn't like the taste of corn, beans, and squash.


Answer: B. The soil was frozen all year so there weren't many plants.

Explanation: Inuits live very close to the Arctic, where the ground rarely thaws enough to allow plants (let alone crops) to grow, so their diet consists mostly of meat.

B. The soil was frozen all year so there weren’t many plants

Describe events that explain the border differences between these maps. Use information from the maps and the lesson in your response. Use complete sentences.

Besides land, what did the United States gain from expansion? Use information from the maps and the lesson in your response. Use complete sentences.


The US was able to gain profit economically because of the gold and silver mining, cattle became a large business as well, the railroad business had just begun and created a faster form of transportation.
The U.S was able to gain profit because of the gold and silver.

What were the major empires in between the 11th-16th centuries?



The development of such major Sudanic kingdoms and empires as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, the Hausa states, and Kanem-Bornu along the southern fringes of the Sahara had a number of important consequences for the history of western Africa as a whole

The precise term Sacrum Romanum Imperium dates only from 1254, though the term Holy Empire reaches back to 1157, and the term Roman Empire was used from 1034 to denote the lands under Conrad II’s rule. The term “Roman emperor” is older, dating from Otto II (died 983). This title, however, was not used by Otto II’s predecessors, from Charlemagne (or Charles I) to Otto I, who simply employed the phrase imperator augustus (“august emperor”) without any territorial adjunct. The first title that Charlemagne is known to have used, immediately after his coronation in 800, is “Charles, most serene Augustus, crowned by God, great and pacific emperor, governing the Roman empire.” This clumsy formula, however, was soon discarded.

Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, 10th century; in the treasury of Hofburg palace, Vienna.
Erich Lessing/Magnum
These questions about terms reveal some of the problems involved in the nature and early history of the empire. It can be regarded as a political institution, or approached from the point of view of political theory, or treated in the context of the history of Christendom as the secular counterpart of a world religion. The history of the empire is also not to be confused or identified with the history of its constituent kingdoms, Germany and Italy, though clearly they are interrelated. The constituent territories retained their identity; the emperors, in addition to the imperial crown, also wore the crowns of their kingdoms. Finally, whereas none of the earlier emperors from Otto I had assumed the imperial title until actually crowned by the pope in Rome, after Charles V none was emperor in this sense, though all laid claim to the imperial dignity as if they had been duly crowned as well as elected. Despite these anomalies and others, the empire, at least in the Middle Ages, was by common assent, along with the papacy, the most important institution of western Europe.

Theologians, lawyers, popes, ecclesiastics, rulers, rebels like Arnold of Brescia and Cola di Rienzo, literary figures like Dante and Petrarch, and the practical men, members of the high nobility, on whom the emperors relied for support, all saw the empire in a different light and had their own ideas of its origin, function, and justification. Among these heterogeneous and often incompatible views, three may be said to predominate: (1) the papal theory, according to which the empire was the secular arm of the church, set up by the papacy for its own purposes and therefore answerable to the pope and, in the last resort, to be disposed of by him; (2) the imperial, or Frankish, theory, which placed greater emphasis on conquest and hegemony as the source of the emperor’s power and authority and according to which he was responsible directly to God; and (3) the popular, or Roman, theory (the “people” at this stage being synonymous with the nobility and in this instance with the Roman nobility), according to which the empire, following the tradition of Roman law, was a delegation of powers by the Roman people. Of the three theories the last was the least important; it was evidently directed against the pope, whose constitutive role it implicitly denied, but it was also a specifically Italian reaction against the predominance in practice of Frankish and German elements.

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It is also important to distinguish between the universalist and localist conceptions of the empire, which have been the source of considerable controversy among historians. According to the former, the empire was a universal monarchy, a “commonwealth of the whole world, whose sublime unity transcended every minor distinction”; and the emperor “was entitled to the obedience of Christendom.” According to the latter, the emperor had no ambition for universal dominion; his policy was limited in the same way as that of every other ruler, and when he made more far-reaching claims his object was normally to ward off the attacks either of the pope or of the Byzantine emperor. According to this view, also, the origin of the empire is to be explained by specific local circumstances rather than by far-flung theories.

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Hope this helps !

Explain how scientific and technological innovations led to massive economic, cultural, social, and demographic changes. Write at least a paragraph please. I will mark brainliest for the best/correct answer.


La ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación han cobrando creciente relevancia en los últimos años y se han transformado en un determinante fundamental de las posibilidades para crecer y competir en el mercado mundial.Como sociedad siempre estamos buscando nuevas tendencias, buscando y dirigiéndonos hacia la evolución y la búsqueda de la solución de las cosas tanto en sectores primarios como secundarios, muchas veces los cambios no son positivos e incluso pueden llegar a hacer a la gente mediocre mediante cosas muy innecesarias que son llamativas pero muchas veces llegan a entorpecer a la mente humana y llevarla hasta los límites, nosotros como nuevas generaciones debemos aprender cómo saber aprovechar de una buena manera las cosas que tenemos puesto que al mal derroche que se le viene dando de generación a generación se va perdiendo.

New inventions and new technology help our big businesses grow and develop during the Industrial Revolution. Many of the new inventions were machines that made it easier and quicker to produce products. Inventions like the spinning jenny, the sewing machine, and the refrigerated railroad car are examples It brought many changes to people. Each and every class of people were affected by social and political changes, the majority of the population was joyous because a lot of new rights were given, and more freedom was with the people.
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