A cricket ball of mass 800g has momentum of 20 kg m/sec . Calculate velocity of ball


Answer 1

Answer: 25 m/s


1. rearrange equation p = mv to find v

2. v = p/m - then convert 800 g into kg (= 0.8 kg)

3. plug in p and m - v = 20 / 0.8 = 25 m/s

Answer 2


V= 25m/s




V= ?

Convert 800g to kg

800/1000 = 0.8kg

Momentum=mass× Velocity

Momentum/Mass = Velocity

20/0.8 =25m/s

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[tex]{ \tt{nd {}^{10} }}[/tex]

Cuando una persona sube y baja una escalera, Cuanto vale su desplazamiento y cual es la medida de su trayectoria.



Primero, definimos el desplazamiento como la distancia entre la posición final y la posición inicial.

Así, si comenzamos abajo, luego subimos la escalera, y luego bajamos, la posición final y la posición inicial serán la misma

por lo que el desplazamiento es igual a cero.

La medida recorrida es el espacio total recorrido.

Es decir, si entre el principio y el final de la escalera hay una distancia D.

La persona que sube y baja, recorre esta distancia dos veces.

Entonces cuando una persona sube y baja la escalera, la medida de su trayectoria será 2*D.

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because all humans needs energy for human activities

Calculate the wave number for the infrared absorption of D35Cl when there is a transition from v=0 to v=1 (Unit: cm^-1, 4-digit accuracy). Use k=4.808 x 10^2 N/m for your calculations. Please refer to Math Reference.



wave number = 0.3348 * 10⁻⁸ cm⁻¹


Given data:

K = 4.808 * 10^2 N/m

Determine the wave number for the infrared absorption

considering vibrational Spectre

k' =  2n / λ ---- ( 1 )

λ = c / v ----- ( 2 )

v = √k / u  --- ( 3 )

where : k' = wave number, λ = wavelength, c = velocity of light, v = frequency,  k = force constant, u = reduced mass

u = 1.90415 for  D35Cl

Input equations 2 and 3 into equation 1 to get the final equation

K' = 2n/c * √k / u

   = ( 2 * 3.14 ) / 2.98 * 10^8  ] * (√ 4.808 * 10^2 / 1.90415 )

   = 33.486 * 10⁻⁸ m⁻¹  ≈ 0.3348 * 10⁻⁸ cm⁻¹

need help on these 2 an explanation of what formula’s to use would also be appreciated



17. .343 seconds: 18.a .357: 18.b 64.5N


17. Since there is no friction, we can apply Newton's equation:

[tex]f=ma[/tex][tex]85N=5kg*a[/tex][tex]17 m/s^2=a[/tex]

We can then use the kinematic equation:

[tex]d=v_{i} *t+\frac{1}{2} at^2[/tex][tex]25N=U_{k} *70N[/tex][tex]1m=0+\frac{1}{2}*17m/s^2*t^2[/tex]

Solve for t:

[tex]{\frac{1}{8.5}s^2} =t^2[/tex][tex]\sqrt{\frac{1}{8.5} }=t=.343 seconds[/tex]

18.a We can use the friction formula:

[tex]F_{k} =U_{k} *F_{N}[/tex][tex]25N=U_{k} *70N[/tex]

Solving for kinetic friction of block mass 7kg:


18.b We should add all forces that will counteract the rightward acceleration.

[tex]F_{a} =F_{x} -F_{N}[/tex][tex]Fr_{7kg} =25N : Fr_{2.5kg} =15.75N[/tex]

Use Newton's equation:

[tex]F=ma[/tex][tex]F_{a} =9.5kg*2.5m/s^2[/tex][tex]F_{a} =23.75N[/tex]

Solve for [tex]F_{x}[/tex]

[tex]F_{a} +F_{fr} =F_{x}[/tex]

[tex]23.75N+40.75N=F_{x} =64.5N[/tex]

Mike lives in the northern United States minnesota and nick lives in the southern United States Louisiana. When they both feel insulted by the same individual, nick will be more


Complete question is;

Mike lives in the northern United States (in Minnesota) and Nick lives in the southern United States (Louisiana). When they both feel insulted by the same individual, Nick will be more likely to have a(n) ________ cortisol response and show ________ levels of physical aggression.


- A hyper cortisol response

- higher levels of physical aggression


In study of hormones in the human body, it has been discovered that cortisol is a stress inducing hormone. Now, if they are in the summer when it is hot, it has been proven that's when the cortisol hormone circulates in a very large manner in the blood. This leads to frustration and as well possibly physical aggression.

Nick will be more likely to have a(n) hyper cortisol response and show higher levels of physical aggression.

What is cortisol?

Cortisol has been identified as a stress-inducing hormone in studies of hormones in the human body.

Mike lives in the northern United States (in Minnesota) and Nick lives in the southern United States (Louisiana).

When they both feel insulted by the same individual, Nick will be more likely to have a(n) hyper cortisol response and show higher levels of physical aggression.

Cushing syndrome is a condition characterized by elevated cortisol levels. This disorder is caused by your body producing too much cortisol.

Similar symptoms can occur after large doses of corticosteroids, thus this should be cleared out before testing for crushing syndrome.

Cortisol has been identified as a stress-inducing hormone in studies of hormones in the human body. Now, if they are in the summer when it is hot.

It has been proved that the cortisol hormone circulates in the blood in a very significant amount. This causes irritation and, in some cases, physical aggressiveness.

Hence nick will be more likely to have a(n) hyper cortisol response and show higher levels of physical aggression.

To learn more about cortisol refer to the link


Una carga positiva de 4 x 10-5 C, se encuentra a 0.05 m de otra carga positiva de 2 x 10-5 C. Calcular la fuerza que se ejerce entre las dos cargas



La fuerza que se ejerce entre las dos cargas es 2880 N.


La ley de Coulomb indica que los cuerpos cargados sufren una fuerza atractiva o repulsiva al acercarse. La fuerza es atractiva si las cargas son del signo opuesto y repulsión si son del mismo signo. El valor de la fuerza es proporcional al producto del valor de sus cargas e inversamente proporcional al cuadrado de la distancia que los separa. Esto se expresa matemáticamente como:

[tex]F=k*\frac{Q*q}{r^{2} }[/tex]


F es la fuerza eléctrica de atracción o repulsión. Se mide en Newtons (N). Q y q son los valores de las dos cargas puntuales. Se miden en culombios (C). r es el valor de la distancia que los separa. Se mide en metros (m). k es una constante de proporcionalidad llamada constante de la ley de Coulomb.

En este caso:

F= ?Q= 4*10⁻⁵ Cq= 2*10⁻⁵ Cr= 0.05 mk= 9*10⁹ [tex]\frac{N*m^{2} }{C^{2} }[/tex]


[tex]F=9*10^{9} \frac{N*m^{2} }{C^{2} }*\frac{4*10^{-5} C*2*10^{-5}C }{(0.05 m)^{2} }[/tex]

F= 2880 N

La fuerza que se ejerce entre las dos cargas es 2880 N.

how does washing your clothes affect the weather?



carbon dioxide is produced each year per household from washing and drying a load of washing every two days. These carbon dioxide negatively impact the environment and provoke climate change. Also, when washing clothes, around 90% of the energy goes into heating up the water

The next time you're doing laundry, consider what kind of clothing you're washing. Hot water can cause bright colors to run and fade, and can shrink certain types of fabric. Hot water can also damage certain synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, and vinyl. The heat breaks down the fibers and can ruin the fabric.

A tennis ball "A" is released from rest down a 10.0 m long inclined ramp with a uniform acceleration of 5.0 m/s2 . Another tennis ball "B" is initially located at the same height as ball "A" right above the lower edge of the ramp. Ball "B" is thrown upward with some initial speed at the same instant as the release of ball "A". A) What was the initial velocity of ball "B" so that "A" and "B" reach the bottom of the ramp at the same time?



4.8 m/s


For tennis ball "A", we are told that;

Initial velocity; u = 0 m/s

Distance; h = 10 m

Acceleration; a = 5 m/s²

Thus, using Newton's equation of motion, we can find time(t).

h = ut + ½at²

10 = 0 + ½(5)t²

10 = ½(5t²)

t² = 2 × 10/5

t² = 4

t = √4

t = 2 seconds

Now, this time would be the same for ball B since we are told that they reach the bottom at the same time.

Now, since ball B is thrown upwards, it means it is thrown against gravity. Thus;

h = -ut + ½gt²

10 = -2u + ½(9.8)(2²)

Where u is initial velocity of Ball B.


10 = -2u + 19.6

2u = 19.6 - 10

2u = 9.6

u = 9.6/2

u = 4.8 m/s

radiation is the main way of transferring heat in a vacuum b solid c gas d liquid​






hope it helps u

An upright image which reduced in size 10 times occurred in a mirror. If the radius of
curvature of the mirror is 2 m, bow far is the object from the mirror?​



-10/9 m


Radius of curvature, R=2 m

Focal length of mirror, f=R/2=2/2=1 m

Let height of object=h

Height of image, h'=h-10h=-9h

We have to find the distance of object from the mirror.

Magnification, m= [tex]\frac{h'}{h}=-\frac{v}{u}[/tex]


Image is upright and small in size it means the mirror is convex.

Focal length of convex mirror is negative.




Now, mirror formula





[tex]u=-\frac{10}{9} m[/tex]

Hence, the distance of object  from the mirror is -10/9 m

A train covers 450 km in 5 hr. between Station A and Station B.
What is the average speed of train in km/h and m/s.



90 km/h

50 m/s


Distance = 450 km

Time = 5hrs

Speed = Distance/Time

450/5 = 90 km/h

1 km = 1,000 m

1 hr = 60m = 60 x 60 = 3,600 sec

but since it's 5hrs = 60 x 300m = 18,000

90 x 1,000 = 90,000/18,000 = 50 m/s

Can someone please help me with this physics question? I'm desperate!

A track team is practicing for a 4 x 100 m relay race. The first runner, Linda, is running at a constant speed of 8.6 m/s. The next runner, Jenny, will be starting from rest at the 80 m mark. She has an acceleration of 1.0m/s^2. Ideally the two runners meet at the 100m mark to hand over the baton. At this point, Jenny is still accelerating.

a) How long does it take Jenny to run from the 80-m mark to the 100-m mark?

b)At what distance behind Jenny should Linda be when Jenny starts running? (Assume for simplicity that there is no distance between the two runners when the switch happens.)

c)What’s Jenny’s speed at the 100m mark?



a) 2·√10 seconds

b) Linda should be approximately 30.6 meters

c) Jenny's speed at the 100-m mark is approximately 6.325 m/s


The speed with which Linda is running = 8.6 m/s

The point Jenny starts = The 80-m mark

The acceleration of Jenny = 1.0 m/s²

a) The time it takes Jenny to run from the 80-m mark to the 100-m mark, t, is given as follows

Δs = u·t + (1/2)·a·t²

Δs = Distance = 100-m - 80-m = 20-m

u = The initial velocity of Jenny = 0

a = Jenny's acceleration = 1.0 m/s²

∴ 20 = 0×t + (1/2) × 1 × t² = t²/2

20 = t²/2

t = √(20 × 2) = 2·√10

The time it takes Jenny to run from the 80-m mark to the 100-m mark = 2·√10 seconds

b) The distance Linda runs in t = 2·√10 seconds, d = v × t

Given that Linda's velocity, v = 8.6 m/s, we have;

d = 8.0 × 2·√10 = 16·√10

The distance Linda runs in t = 2·√10 seconds = 16·√10 meters ≈ 50.6 meters

Therefore, Linda should be approximately (50.6 - 20) meters = 30.6 meters behind Jenny when Jenny starts running

c) Jenny's speed at the 100 m mark is given as follows;

v = u + a·t

t = 2·√10 seconds, a = 1.0 m/s², u = 0

∴ v = 0×t + 1.0×2·√10 = 2·√10 ≈ 6.325

Jenny's speed at the 100-m mark ≈ 6.325 m/s

Explain the term balance point as applies to the Wheatstone Bridge.​



Explanation: The Wheatstone bridge is the interconnection of four resistances forming a bridge. ... To find the value of unknown resistance the deflection on galvanometer made to zero by adjusting the variable resistor. This point is known as balance point of Wheatstone bridge

A rubber band slingshot is drawn back 0.15 m with a force of 28N and shoots 28 g stone the initial speed of the stone if the rubber band is released is



Initial speed of stone = 12.25 m/s



Change in distance = 0.15 m

Force applied = 28 N


Initial speed of stone


Using conservation of energy

(1/2)fs² = (1/2)(mv²)

fs² = (mv²)

(28)(0.15)² = (0.028)(v²)

v² = (28)(0.15)²/(0.028)

v = 12.25

Initial speed of stone = 12.25 m/s

Which group of people was most directly affected by the twenty sixth amendment


adults. 18years olds and older were affected because back then only 21 years olds and older could vote but the 26th amendment changed that
adults were the ones that were affected the most by the 26th amendment

You pull a 200 kg box straight up with a rope connected to a helicopter. If the
magnitude of the tension is 2000 N, what is the acceleration of the box?
1.748 m/s^2
4.055 m/s^2
5.112 m/s^2
2.308 m/s^2



Acceleration of the box = 0.2 m / s²



Mass of box = 200 kg

Magnitude of the tension = 2,000 N


Acceleration of the box


Ma = T - Mg

200(a) = 2,000 - (200)(9.8)

200(a) = 2,000 - 1960

200(a) = 40

a = 40 / 200

a = 0.2

Acceleration of the box = 0.2 m / s²


The acceleration  is 0.2 m/s^2.


Tension, T = 2000 N

mass, m = 200 kg

Let the acceleration is a.

So, by the use of Newton's second law

Net force = mass x acceleration

T - mg = ma

2000 - 200 x 9.8 = 200 x a

2000 - 1960 = 200 a

a = 0.2 m/s^2

If the mass of the Jupiter is 1.9*10 kg and radius is fbx loom what is acclerallon due to gravity on the supiter ?​



[tex]g=25.92\ m/s^2[/tex]


Given that,

The mass of the Jupiter,[tex]M=1.9\times 10^{27}\ kg[/tex]

The radius of Jupiter,[tex]r=69,911\ km=69911\times 10^3 km[/tex]

We need to find the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter. The formula is


Put all the values,

[tex]g=6.67\times 10^{-11}\times \dfrac{1.9\times 10^{27}}{(69911\times 10^3)^2}\\\\g=25.92\ m/s^2[/tex]

So, the value of acceleration due to gravity on the Jupiter is [tex]25.92\ m/s^2[/tex].

2. A cinder block is sitting on a platform 20 m high. It weighs 16kg. The block has
_ joules of potential energy.



3136 Joules



P.E = mgh.............. Equation 1

Where P.E = potential energy, m = mass of the cinder block, h = height of the platform, g = acceleration due to gravity.

From the question,

Given: m = 16 kg, h = 20 m

Constant: g = 9.8 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

P.E = 16(20)(9.8)

P.E = 3136 Joules

Hence the potential energy of the cinder block is 3136 Joules

A bullet from a gun at 30° to the horizontal remains in flight for 25s before touching the ground.Calculate the velocity of the projection.​


Answer: The velocity of the bullet will be more than half of its earlier velocity

Explanation: I did it on a test and it was right because i calculated 30 degrees within 25 seconds and it was half times the velocity

i hope this helps sorry if i got it wrong

Calculate the conductivity of the wire having length 10m , radius 20mm and resistance 2.4umor​



We know


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Conductivity=10m\times 20m\times 2.4[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Conductivity=400\Omega m[/tex]

A wire, 20m long, is heated from a temperature of 5°C to 55°C. If the change in length is 0.020m, calculate the linear expansivity of the wire.​





you can see all steps in photo

Three capacitors 2uf, 5uf and 7uf are connected in series what is their equivalent capacitance



C eq = .96uF


A mother is pulling a sled at constant velocity by means of a rope at 37°. The tension on the rope is 120 N. Mass of children plus sled is 55 kg. The mother has a mass of 61 kg.
a) Draw FBD for the sled with the kids as one object
b) Draw FBD for the mother
c) Find the normal force on the sled and on the mother
d) Find the kinetic friction acting on the sled and the static friction acting on the mother
e) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction for the sled



Please find the complete solution in the attached file.


what is potential difference​





Potential difference is the difference in the amount of energy that charge carriers have between two points in a circuit. ... A potential difference of one Volt is equal to one Joule of energy being used by one Coulomb of charge when it flows between two points in a circuit

difference in the amount of energy

A basketball is shot by a player at a height of 2.0 m. The initial angle
was 53° above horizontal. At the highest point the ball was travelling 6
m/s. If he scored (the ball went through the rim that is 3.00 m above the
ground), what was the player’s horizontal distance from the basket?



The answer is "8.28 m".


[tex]\to u \cos 53^{\circ}=6 \ \text{therefore the horizontal velocity is constant alaways}\\\\\therefore[/tex]

[tex]u= \frac{6 \times 5}{3}= \frac{30}{3}= 10\ \frac{m}{s}\\\\[/tex]

In the projectfile when vertical displacement is 1 then 5 m comes at farther sides


[tex]S=ut-\frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\1=u\sin 53^{\circ}\times t-5t^2\\\\1=8t-5t^2\\\\5t^2-8t+1=0\\\\ t=\frac{8\pm \sqrt{64-20}}{10} \\\\=\frac{8\pm 2\sqrt{11}}{10} \\\\t_2=\frac{8+2\sqrt{11}}{10} \\\\[/tex]

[tex]Distance=u \cos 53^{\circ}\times t_2\\\\[/tex]

               [tex]=6 \times \frac{8\pm 2\sqrt{11}}{10} \\\\=\frac{24\pm 6\sqrt{11}}{5} \\\\= 8.28 \ m[/tex]

A pendulum, like a bobblehead, moves back and forth through a resting position. At what point on its path is the net force acting on the pendulum zero?
Group of answer choices

When the pendulum is displaced as far to the left as it can be.

When the pendulum is displaced as far to the right as it can be.

When the pendulum is at its resting position.

Never…there is always a net force acting on a pendulum



[tex]\\ \longrightarrow\:\bf \purple{\dfrac{1}{v} = \dfrac{1}{ - 100} + \:\dfrac{1}{20} }[/tex]

When 100.0 mL of ethyl alcohol is heated from 10.0 C to 35.0 C, about how much thermal energy
is absorbed by the ethyl alcohol? (Assume the density of ethyl alcohol to be 0.790 g/mL.)



Q = 194.34  J


Given that,

100.0 mL of ethyl alcohol is heated from 10.0 C to 35.0 C.

We need to find the amount of thermal energy  absorbed by the ethyl alcohol.

The density of ethyl alcohol is 0.790 g/mL.

The formula for heat absorbed is given by :

[tex]Q=mc\Delta T\\\\As, d=\dfrac{m}{V}\\\\So,\\Q=dVc\Delta T\\\\Q=0.79\times 100\times 2.46\\\\Q=194.34\ J[/tex]

So, 194.34  J of thermal energy is absorbed by the ethyl alcohol.

What's Alpha beta gamma emission??


Alpha radiation is the name for the emission of an alpha particle in fact an helium nuclei, beta radiation is the emission of electrons or positrons , and gamma radiation is the term used for the emission of energetic photons.
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