A fan spins at 6.0 rev/s. You turn it off, and it slows at 1.0 rev/s2. What is the angular displacement before it stops


Answer 1


Angular displacement before it stops = 18 rev



Speed of fan w(i) = 6 rev/s

Speed of fan (Slow) ∝ = 1 rev/s

Final speed of fan w(f) = 0 rev/s


Angular displacement before it stops


w(f)² = w(i) + 2∝θ

0² = 6² + 2(1)θ

0 = 36 + 2θ

2θ = -36

Angular displacement before it stops = -36 / 2

θ = -18

Angular displacement before it stops = 18 rev

Related Questions

) Efficiency of a lever is always less than hundred percent.​


Yes. Because it opposes the law of friction

I hope this helps.


Please mark me brainliest

If an electrical component with a resistance of 53 Q is connected to a 128-V source, how much current flows through the component?



the current that flows through the component is 2.42 A



resistance of the electrical component, r = 53 Ω

the voltage of the source, V = 128 V

The current that flows through the component is calculated using Ohm's Law as demonstrated below;

[tex]V = IR\\\\I = \frac{V}{R} = \frac{128 \ V}{53 \ ohms} = 2.42 \ A[/tex]

Therefore, the current that flows through the component is 2.42 A

convert 2.4 milimetres into metre​



Milimetres are before centimetres and centimetres are before metres

Answer: 2.4 millimeters = 0.0024 meters

Explanation: A millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter. By diving 2.4 by 1000, you get 0.0024.

A merry-go-round of radius R = 2.0 m has a moment of inertia I = 250 kg-m2
and is rotating at 10 rev/min. A 25-kilogram child at rest jumps onto the edge of the merry-go-round. What is the new angular speed of the merry-go-round?



dont be lose because the person who lose will win the match

What is the value of the charge that experiences a force of 2.4×10^-3N in an electric field of 6.8×10^-5N/C


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{\approx 35.29 C}[/tex]

Use the following formula:

E = F / C, where:

E = electric field (N/C)

F = force (N)

C = Charge (C)


6.8 × 10⁻⁵ = 2.4 × 10⁻³ / C

Isolate for C:

C = 2.4 × 10⁻³  / 6.8 × 10⁻⁵


≈ 35.29 C

boat carrying people more than its capacity is attributes of sinking why​


It will sink because of how much the max capacity a boat can have it will sink because it is over capacity that’s why it will sink.

Hope this helps :)


Upthrust on boat becomes lesser than Weight of boat


When there are more people than the capacity, The weight of the boat acting downwards increases. However, the upthrust acting on the submerged part of the boat is constant. Since Weight > Upthrust, there is a net force downwards, leading to sinking.

In the following image, atoms are represented by colored circles. Different colors represent different types of atoms. If
atoms are touching, they are bonded.
Which of the following boxes shows a mixture of different compounds?




There are all kinds of things floating around in B. The large dark blue and the smaller dark blue are one kind of compound.

The yellow by itself could be from column 18.

So could the smaller dark blue circle (be from column 18).

There are Big blue ones that have only 1 small blue one associated with it and others with one Big blue and two smaller light blues.

B is the answer to your question.

A 6.0-cm-diameter horizontal pipe gradually narrows to 4.0 cm. When water flows through this pipe at a certain rate, the gauge pressure in these two sections is 32.0 kPa and 24.0 kPa, respectively. What is the volume rate of flow?



a n c


An object moving along a horizontal track collides with and compresses a light spring (which obeys Hooke's Law) located at the end of the track. The spring constant is 52.1 N/m, the mass of the object 0.250 kg and the speed of the object is 1.70 m/s immediately before the collision.
(a) Determine the spring's maximum compression if the track is frictionless.
?? m
(b) If the track is not frictionless and has a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.120, determine the spring's maximum compression.


(a) As it gets compressed by a distance x, the spring does

W = - 1/2 (52.1 N/m) x ²

of work on the object (negative because the restoring force exerted by the spring points in the opposite direction to the object's displacement). By the work-energy theorem, this work is equal to the change in the object's kinetic energy. At maximum compression x, the object's kinetic energy is zero, so

W = ∆K

- 1/2 (52.1 N/m) x ² = 0 - 1/2 (0.250 kg) (1.70 m/s)²

==>   x0.118 m

(b) Taking friction into account, the only difference is that more work is done on the object.

By Newton's second law, the net vertical force on the object is

F = n - mg = 0

where n is the magnitude of the normal force of the track pushing up on the object. Solving for n gives

n = mg = 2.45 N

and from this we get the magnitude of kinetic friction,

f = µn = 0.120 (2.45 N) = 0.294 N

Now as the spring gets compressed, the frictional force points in the same direction as the restoring force, so it also does negative work on the object:

W (friction) = - (0.294 N) x

W (spring) = - 1/2 (52.1 N/m) x ²

==>   W (total) = W (friction) + W (spring)

Solve for x :

- (0.294 N) x - 1/2 (52.1 N/m) x ² = 0 - 1/2 (0.250 kg) (1.70 m/s)²

==>   x0.112 m

For the 0.250 kg object moving along a horizontal track and collides with and compresses a light spring, with a spring constant of 52.1 N/m, we have:

a) The spring's maximum compression when the track is frictionless is 0.118 m.

b) The spring's maximum compression when the track is not frictionless, with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.120 is 0.112 m.


a) We can calculate the spring's compression when the object collides with it by energy conservation because the track is frictionless:

[tex] E_{i} = E_{f} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2}m_{o}v_{o}^{2} = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} [/tex]  (1)


[tex]m_{o}[/tex]: is the mass of the object = 0.250 kg

[tex]v_{o}[/tex]: is the velocity of the object = 1.70 m/s

k: is the spring constant = 52.1 N/m

x: is the distance of compression

After solving equation (1) for x, we have:

[tex] x = \sqrt{\frac{m_{o}v_{o}^{2}}{k}} = \sqrt{\frac{0.250 kg*(1.70 m/s)^{2}}{52.1 N/m}} = 0.118 m [/tex]

Hence, the spring's maximum compression is 0.118 m.

b) When the track is not frictionless, we can calculate the spring's compression by work definition:

[tex] W = \Delta E = E_{f} - E_{i} [/tex]

[tex] W = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} - \frac{1}{2}m_{o}v_{o}^{2} [/tex]   (2)

Work is also equal to:

[tex] W = F*d = F*x [/tex]     (3)


F: is the force

d: is the displacement = x (distance of spring's compression)  

The force acting on the object is given by the friction force:

[tex] F = -\mu N = -\mu m_{o}g [/tex]   (4)


N: is the normal force = m₀g

μ: is the coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.120

g: is the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

The minus sign is because the friction force is in the opposite direction of motion.

After entering equations (3) and (4) into (2), we have:

[tex]-\mu m_{o}gx = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} - \frac{1}{2}m_{o}v_{o}^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{2}kx^{2} - \frac{1}{2}m_{o}v_{o}^{2} + \mu m_{o}gx = 0[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2}52.1 N/m*x^{2} - \frac{1}{2}0.250 kg*(1.70)^{2} + 0.120*0.250 kg*9.81 m/s^{2}*x = 0 [/tex]        

Solving the above quadratic equation for x

[tex] x = 0.112 m [/tex]  

Therefore, the spring's compression is 0.112 m when the track is not frictionless.

Read more here:


I hope it helps you!  

Which of the following statements is correct about the magnitude of the static friction force between an object and a surface?

a. Static friction depends on the mass of the object.
b. Static friction depends on the shape of the object.
c. Static friction depends on what the object is made of but not what the surface is made of.
d. None of the above is correct.



Static friction depends on the mass of the object.


Friction is the force between two surfaces in contact. The force of friction between two surfaces in contact depends on;

1) nature of the object and the surface(how rough or smooth the surfaces are)

2)surface area of the object and the surface

3) mass of the object




μ= coefficient of static friction

m= mass of the object

g= acceleration due to gravity

Hence, as the mass of the object increases, the magnitude of static friction force between an object and a surface increases and vice versa.

Where would the normal force exerted on the rover when it rests on the surface of the planet be greater



Normal force exerted on the rover would be greater at a point on the surface of the planet where the weight of the rover is experienced to be greater.


Since weight is a vector quantity, it can vary with position. Weight is the amount of force the planet exerts on the rover centered towards the planet.

Such a force is the result of gravitational pull and is quantified as:

[tex]F=G\times \frac{M.m}{R^2}[/tex]

and [tex]M=\rho\times \frac{4\pi.r^3}{3}[/tex]


R = distance between the center of mass of the two bodies (here planet & rover)

G = universal gravitational constant

M = mass of the planet

m = mass of the rover

This gravitational pull varies from place to place on the planet because the planet may not be perfectly spherical so the distance R varies from place to place and also the density of the planet may not be uniform hence there is variation in weight.

Weight is basically a force that a mass on the surface of the planet experiences.

According to Newton's third law the there is an equal and opposite reaction force on the body (here rover) which is the normal force.

A car of mass 500 kg increases its velocity from 40 metre per second to 60 metre per second in 10 second find the distance travelled and amount of force applied ​



it is answer of u are question

3. You have a variable-voltage power supply and a capacitor in the form of two metal disks of radius 0.6 m, held a distance of 1 mm apart. What is the largest voltage you can apply to the capacitor without the air becoming highly conductive



The breakdown of air occurs at a maximum voltage of 3kV/mm.


The breakdown of air occurs at a maximum voltage of 3kV/mm.

At this level of voltage the air between the plates become highly ionised and breakdown occurs. Since, the distance held between the plates is 1mm , it can withstand a maximum voltage of 3 kV.

After this voltage the air will become conductive in nature and will form ions in the air between the plates and ultimately breakdown will take place with a flash.

An airplane increases its speed at the average rate of 15 m/s2. How much time does it take to increase its speed from 100 m/s to 160 m/s



4 s


Acceleration (a) = 15 m/s²Initial velocity (u) = 100 m/sFinal velocity (v) = 160 m/s

We are asked to calculate time taken (t).

By using the first equation of motion,

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] v = u + at

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] 160 = 100 + 15t

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] 160 - 100 = 15t

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] 60 = 15t

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] 60 ÷ 15 = t

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] 4 s = t

A wheel rotates about a fixed axis with an initial angular velocity of 13 rad/s. During a 8-s interval the angular velocity increases to 57 rad/s. Assume that the angular acceleration was constant during this time interval. How many revolutions does the wheel turn through during this time interval



The number of revolutions is 44.6.


We can find the revolutions of the wheel with the following equation:

[tex]\theta = \omega_{0}t + \frac{1}{2}\alpha t^{2}[/tex]


[tex]\omega_{0}[/tex]: is the initial angular velocity = 13 rad/s              

t: is the time = 8 s

α: is the angular acceleration

We can find the angular acceleration with the initial and final angular velocities:

[tex] \omega_{f} = \omega_{0} + \alpha t [/tex]


[tex] \omega_{f} [/tex]: is the final angular velocity = 57 rad/s

[tex] \alpha = \frac{\omega_{f} - \omega_{0}}{t} = \frac{57 rad/s - 13 rad/s}{8 s} = 5.5 rad/s^{2} [/tex]

Hence, the number of revolutions is:

[tex] \theta = \omega_{0}t + \frac{1}{2}\alpha t^{2} = 13 rad/s*8 s + \frac{1}{2}*5.5 rad/s^{2}*(8 s)^{2} = 280 rad*\frac{1 rev}{2\pi rad} = 44.6 rev [/tex]

Therefore, the number of revolutions is 44.6.


I hope it helps you!

Why are objects measured?​


In order to find out how long/wide/heavy/high/dense/deep/ massive/voluminous/reflective/opaque/ tansparent/warm/cold/hard/soft/ malleable/flexible/rigid/radioactive/old/ valuable/symmetrical/flat/regular/ irregular they are.

In a way that you can easily and conveniently describe to other people.

what is the time taken by moving body with acceleration 0.1m/s2 if the initial or finak velocities are 20m/s and 30m/s respectively?​



t= 100s


use v=v0+at

plug in givens and solve for t


t= 100s

A copper wire 1.0 meter long and with a mass of .0014 kilograms per meter vibrates in two segments when under a tension of 27 Newtons. What is the frequency of this mode of vibration



the frequency of this mode of vibration is 138.87 Hz



length of the copper wire, L = 1 m

mass per unit length of the copper wire, μ = 0.0014 kg/m

tension on the wire, T = 27 N

number of segments, n = 2

The frequency of this mode of vibration is calculated as;

[tex]F_n = \frac{n}{2L} \sqrt{\frac{T}{\mu} } \\\\F_2 = \frac{2}{2\times 1} \sqrt{\frac{27}{0.0014} }\\\\F_2 = 138.87 \ Hz[/tex]

Therefore, the frequency of this mode of vibration is 138.87 Hz

A 1.40-kg block is on a frictionless, 30 ∘ inclined plane. The block is attached to a spring (k = 40.0 N/m ) that is fixed to a wall at the bottom of the incline. A light string attached to the block runs over a frictionless pulley to a 60.0-g suspended mass. The suspended mass is given an initial downward speed of 1.60 m/s .
How far does it drop before coming to rest? (Assume the spring is unlimited in how far it can stretch.)
Express your answer using two significant figures.





because the block is attached to the pulley of the string

A football quarterback runs 15.0 m straight down the playing field in 3.00 s. He is then hit and pushed 3.00 m straight backward in 1.71 s. He breaks the tackle and runs straight forward another 24.0 m in 5.20 s. Calculate his average velocity (in m/s) for the entire motion. (Assume the quarterback's initial direction is positive. Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer.)



Average Velocity = 3.63 m/s


First, we will calculate the total displacement of the quarterback, taking forward direction as positive:

Total Displacement = 15 m - 3 m + 24 m = 36 m

Now, we will calculate the total time taken for this displacement:

Total Time = 3 s + 1.71 s + 5.2 s = 9.91 s

Therefore, the average velocity will be:

[tex]Average\ Velocity = \frac{Total\ Displacement}{Total\ Time}\\\\Average\ Velocity = \frac{36\ m}{9.91\ s}[/tex]

Average Velocity = 3.63 m/s

Two pistons are connected to a fluid-filled reservoir. The first piston has an area of 3.002 cm2, and the second has an area of 315 cm2. If the first cylinder is pressed inward with a force of 50.0 N, what is the force that the fluid in the reservoir exerts on the second cylinder?​



The force on the second piston is 5246.5 N .


Area of first piston, a = 3.002 cm^2

Area of second piston, A = 315 cm^2

Force on first piston, f = 50 N

let the force of the second piston is F.

According to the Pascal's law

[tex]\frac{f}{a} = \frac{F}{A}\\\\\frac{50}{3.002}=\frac{F}{315}\\\\F = 5246.5 N[/tex]

A 0.500-kg block slides up a plane inclined at a 30° angle. If it slides 1.50 m before coming to rest while encountering a frictional force of 2 N, find (a) its acceleration, and (b) its initial velocity.


B it’s Intail velocity

A cylindrical container with a cross sectional area of 65.2 cm^2 holds a fluid of density 806 kg/m^3. At the bottom of the container the pressure is 116 kPa.
(a) What is the depth of the fluid?
(b) Find the pressure at the bottom of the container after an additional 2.05 X 10^-3 m^3 of this fluid is added to the container. Assume that no fluid spills out of the container.


The right answer is (b)

In a certain cyclotron a proton moves in a circle of radius 0.530 m. The magnitude of the magnetic field is 1.30 T. (a) What is the oscillator frequency



[tex]f=1.98\times 10^7\ Hz[/tex]


Given that,

The radius of circle, r = 0.53 m

The magnitude of the magnetic field, B = 1.3 T

We need to find the oscillator frequency. It is given by :

[tex]f=\dfrac{qB}{2\pi m}[/tex]

Put all the values,

[tex]f=\dfrac{1.6\times 10^{-19}\times 1.3}{2\pi \times 1.67\times 10^{-27}}\\\\f=1.98\times 10^7\ Hz[/tex]

So, the oscillator frequency is [tex]1.98\times 10^7\ Hz[/tex].

A small object A, electrically charged, creates an electric field. At a point P located 0.250 m directly north of A, the field has a value of 40.0 N/C directed to the south. If a second object B with the same charge as A is placed at 0.250m south of A (so that objects A and B and point P follow a straight line), what is the magnitude of the total electric field produced by the two objects at P?



E_total = - 50 N / A


The electric field is a vector magnitude whereby

          E_total = Eₐ + E_b

where the bold letters indicate vectors, in this case the charges of the two objects A and B are the same and they are on the same line

         E_total = - E_a - E_b


the electric field for a point charge is

        E_a = [tex]k \ \frac{q_a}{r_a^2 }[/tex]

        qₐ= Eₐ rₐ² / k

indicates that Eₐ = 40.0 N / C

        qₐ = 40.0 0.250²/9 10⁹

        qₐ = 2.777 10⁻¹⁰ C

indicates that the charge of the two points is the same

        qₐ = q_b

      E_total = - k qₐ / rₐ² - k qₐ / (2 rₐ)²

      E_total = [tex]-k \ \frac{q_a}{r_a^2} \ ( 1 + \frac{1}{4} )[/tex]


we calculate

       E_total = - 40.0 (5/4)

       E_total = - 50 N / A

A 200-lb man carries a 10-lb can of paint up a helical staircase that encircles a silo with radius 30 ft. If the silo is 60 ft high and the man makes exactly two complete revolutions, how much work is done by the man against gravity in climbing to the top



17.07 kJ


The work done against gravity by the man W equals the potential energy change of the man and can of paint, ΔU

W = ΔU = mgΔy where m = mass of man and can of paint = 200 lb + 10 lb = 210 lb = 210 × 1 kg/2.205 lb, g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s² and Δy = height of silo = 60 ft = 60 × 1m/3.28 ft

Since W = mgΔy, we substitute the values of the variables into the equation.


W = mgΔy

W = 210 lb × 1 kg/2.205 lb × 9.8 m/s² × 60 ft × 1m/3.28 ft

W = 123480/7.2324 J

W = 17073.2 J

W = 17.0732 kJ

W ≅ 17.07 kJ

how can scientific method solve real world problems examples


The scientific method is nothing more than a process for discovering answers. While the name refers to “science,” this method of problem solving can be used for any type of problem

You are driving to the grocery store at 20 m/s. You are 150 m from an intersection when the traffic light turns red. Assume that your reaction time is 0.50 s and that your car brakes with constant acceleration.

a. How far are you from the intersection when you begin to apply the brakes?
b. What acceleration will bring you to rest right at the intersection?
c. How long does it take you to stop?


Hi there!


Use the formula d = st to solve:

d = 20 × 0.5 = 10m

150 - 10 = 140m away when brakes are applied


Use the following kinematic equation to solve:

vf² = vi² + 2ad

Plug in known values:

0 = 20² + 2(150)(a)


0 = 400 + 300a

-300a = 400

a = -4/3 (≈ -1.33) m/s² required


Use the following kinematic equation to solve:

vf = vi + at

0 = 20 - 4/3t


4/3t = 20

Multiply both sides by 3/4 for ease of solving:

t = 15 sec

why is it wrong to leave our light on​



you will get huge electricity bills ............

Suppose a power plant uses a Carnot engine to generate electricity, using the atmosphere at 300 K as the low-temperature reservoir. Suppose the power plant produces an amount of electric energy with the hot reservoir at 500 K during Day One and then produces the same amount of electric energy with the hot reservoir at 600 K during Day Two. The thermal pollution was:


Answer: hello your question lacks some vital information below is the complete question

Suppose a power plant uses a Carnot engine to generate electricity, using the atmosphere at 300 K as the low-temperature reservoir. Suppose the power plant produces 1 × 106 J of electricity with the hot reservoir at 500 K during Day One and then produces 1 × 106 J of electricity with the hot reservoir at 600 K during Day Two. The thermal pollution was


Total thermal pollution = 2.5 * 10^6 J


Low temperature reservoir = 300 K

hot reservoir temperature = 500 K

Electrical energy produced by plant ( W ) = 1 * 10^6 J

lets assume ; Q1 = energy absorbed , Q2 = energy emitted

W = Q1 - Q2  or  Q2 = Q1 - W  ( we will apply this as the formula for determining thermal pollution )

For day 1

T1 = 500k , T2 = 300k

applying Carnot engine formula

W / Q1 = 1 - T2/T1

∴ Q1 = 10^6 / ( 1 - (300/500)) = 2.5 * 10^6 J

thermal pollution ; Q2 = Q1 - W = ( 2.5 * 10^6 - 1 * 10^6 ) = 1.5 * 10^6 J

for Day 2

T1 = 600k,  T2 = 300k

Q1 = 10^6 / ( 1 - (300/600)) = 2 * 10^6 J

Thermal pollution; Q2 = Q1 - W  = 1 * 10^6 J

Therefore the Total thermal pollution =  1 * 10^6  + 1.5 * 10^6  = 2.5 * 10^6 J

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